
Defines functions .setContrast .roundOdd .roundEven .padmatrix .unpadmatrix .getMeans .findOptimalThreshold .rotateAngle .rotateAngle2 .autoRotateImage2 .rotateMatrix .findSlope .s1 .s2 .s3 .s4 .edge .perimeter .area .circularity .getColorImage .drawRect .drawPeaks .imageSpot

# Helper methods for gitter

.setContrast <-function(im, contrast=10){
  c = (100.0 + contrast) / 100.0
  im = ((im-0.5)*c)+0.5
  im[im<0] = 0
  im[im>1] = 1

.roundOdd <- function(x){
  x = floor(x)
  if(x %% 2 == 0) x = x+1

.roundEven <- function(x){

#Adds a padding to some matrix mat such that the padding is equal to the value of the nearest cell
#  mat = matrix to which the padding is added
#  lvl = number of levels (rows/columns) of padding to be added
#	padding = type of padding on the matrix, zero will put zeros as borders, replicate will put the value of the nearest cell
.padmatrix <- function(mat, level, pad.val){
  pc = matrix(pad.val, nrow(mat), level)
  pr = matrix(pad.val, level, ncol(mat) + 2*level)
  t = cbind(pc, mat, pc)
  t = rbind(pr, t, pr)

.unpadmatrix <- function(mat, level){
  crem = c(1:level, ncol(mat):(ncol(mat)-level+1))
  rrem = c(1:level, nrow(mat):(nrow(mat)-level+1))
  return(mat[-rrem, -crem])

.getMeans <- function(im, low=0.25, high=0.75){
  r = nrow(im)
  c = ncol(im)
  d = im[ (low*r):(high*r) , (low*r):(high*r)]
  return( c(min(d), max(d)) )

# Global thresholding 
.findOptimalThreshold <- function(x, r=2, lim=c(0, 0.4), cap=0.2){
  x[x<lim[1]] = 0
  x[x>lim[2]] = 0
  t = round(mean(x), r)
  mu1 = mean(x[x>=t])
  mu2 = mean(x[x<t])
  cmu1 = mu1
  cmu2 = mu2
  i = 1
    if(i > 1){
      cmu1 = mean(x[x>=t])
      cmu2 = mean(x[x<t])
    if( (i > 1 & cmu1 == mu1 & cmu2 == mu2) | t > 1){
      loginfo('Optimal threshold t = %s', t)
        t = as.numeric(quantile(x, 0.90))
        loginfo('Optimal threshold too high, setting threshold to 90th percentile t = %s', t)
      mu1 = cmu1 
      mu2 = cmu2
      t = round( (mu1 + mu2)/2, r)
      loginfo('Iteration %s, threshold t = %s', i-1, t)
    i = i+1

# .centerOfMass <- function(spot){
#   area = sum(spot)
#   y = sum( rowSums(s) * 1:nrow(s) )/area
#   x = sum( colSums(s) * 1:ncol(s) )/area
#   return(c(x,y))
# }

# Rotation methods

.rotateAngle <- function(im.grey){
  im = imageData(resize(im.grey, w=500))
  # Resize image to square dimensions
  m = min(dim(im))
  im = im[1:m,1:m]
  # Radon transform
  rad = radon(im)$rData
  # Compute row-wise variance & only allow +- 50 degrees
  v = apply(rad, 1, var)
  v[50:150] = 0

.rotateAngle2 <- function(im.grey, degree.incr=0.2){
  im = imageData(resize(im.grey, h=500))
  m = min(dim(im))
  im = im[1:m,1:m]
  # Radon transform
  f = (1/degree.incr)
  samp = ( 180 * f ) + 1
  rad = radon(im, ThetaSamples=samp)$rData
  # Compute row-wise variance & only allow +- 50 degrees
  v = apply(rad, 1, var)
  v[ (50*f) : (150*f) ] = 0
  a = (which.max(v)-1)/f
  if(a > 90){
    a = a - degree.incr - 180
  } else{
    #a = a + degree.incr
  return( a )

.autoRotateImage2 <- function(im){
  ptm <- proc.time()
  is.color = length(dim(im)) == 3
  bw = im
    bw = im[,,1]
  a = .rotateAngle2(bw)
  #if(a > 90) a = a - 180
  loginfo('Rotate by %s degrees',  a )
  im.rot = t(EBImage::rotate(t(bw), a))
  el = proc.time() - ptm
  loginfo('Rotation took %s seconds', el[[3]])

# Autorotate
# .autoRotateImage <- function(im){
#   ptm <- proc.time()
#   is.color = length(dim(im)) == 3
#   bw = im
#   if(is.color)
#     bw = im[,,1]
#   bw = openingGreyScale(resize(bw, h=200), makeBrush(5, 'box'))
#   t = .findOptimalThreshold(as.vector(bw), lim=c(0,1), cap=1)
#   bw = (bw > t)+0
#   slope = .findSlope(bw)
#   rad = atan(slope)
#   deg = 360 - (rad*180/pi)
#   rad = deg * pi/180
#   loginfo('Rotate by %s degrees or %s radians',  deg, rad )
#   if(deg >= 360) deg = deg-360
#   if(deg < 360) deg = 360-deg
#   #im.rot = rotateMatrix(im, rad, is.color)
#   im.rot = rotate(im, deg)
#   el = proc.time() - ptm
#   loginfo('Rotation took %s seconds', el[[3]])
#   #writeJPEG(im.rot, '~/Desktop/rotated.jpg')
#   return(im.rot)
# }

# Depreciated, now using EBImage rotate
.rotateMatrix <- function(im, theta, is.color=F){
  bw = im
  if(is.color) bw = bw[,,1]
  y <- as.vector(row(bw))
  x <- as.vector(col(bw))
  N = ncol(bw)
  M = nrow(bw)
  xy <- cbind(x+1-N/2,y+1-M/2) %*% matrix(c( cos(theta), sin(theta), -sin(theta), cos(theta) ), 2, 2)
  f <- function(u, lower, upper) pmax(lower,pmin(round(u),upper))
  # New coordinates
  z = cbind(f(xy[,2] + M/2 - 1,1,M), f(xy[,1] + N/2 - 1,1,N))
    for(x in 1:3) im[,,x][] = im[,,x][z]
    im[] = im[z]

.findSlope <- function(bw){
  i <- which(bw==1)
  V <- var(cbind( col(bw)[i], row(bw)[i] ))
  u <- eigen(V)$vectors

# Circularity functions
# Shift the image in one direction
.s1 <- function(z) cbind(rep(0,nrow(z)), z[,-ncol(z)] )
.s2 <- function(z) cbind(z[,-1], rep(0,nrow(z)) )
.s3 <- function(z) rbind(rep(0,ncol(z)), z[-nrow(z),] )
.s4 <- function(z) rbind(z[-1,], rep(0,ncol(z)) )

.edge <- function(z) z & !(.s1(z)&.s2(z)&.s3(z)&.s4(z))

.perimeter <- function(z) {
  e <- .edge(z)
    # horizontal and vertical segments
    sum( e & .s1(e) ) + sum( e & .s2(e) ) + sum( e & .s3(e) ) + sum( e & .s4(e) ) + 
      # diagonal segments
      sqrt(2)*( sum(e & .s1(.s3(e))) + sum(e & .s1(.s4(e))) + sum(e & .s2(.s3(e))) + sum(e & .s2(.s4(e))) )
  ) / 2  # Each segment was counted twice, once for each end

.area <- function(z) sum(z)
.circularity <- function(z) 4*pi*.area(z) / .perimeter(z)^2

# Visualization functions

# Drawing on image
.getColorImage <- function(im.grey){
  im.grey = array(im.grey, dim=c(nrow(im.grey), ncol(im.grey), 3))

# .setRectRGB <- function(im, rect, channel, value){
#   im[rect[3]:rect[4],rect[1],color] = int
#   im[rect[3]:rect[4],rect[2],color] = int
#   im[rect[3],rect[1]:rect[2],color] = int
#   im[rect[4],rect[1]:rect[2],color] = int
# }

.drawRect <- function(rects, im, color='red', int = 1){
  col.rgb = col2rgb(color)[,1]/255
  if( class(im) == 'matrix')
    im = .getColorImage(im)
  for(i in 1:nrow(rects)){
    rect = as.numeric(rects[i,])
#     im[rect[3]:rect[4],rect[1],] = 0
#     im[rect[3]:rect[4],rect[2],] = 0
#     im[rect[3],rect[1]:rect[2],] = 0
#     im[rect[4],rect[1]:rect[2],] = 0
    im[rect[3]:rect[4],rect[1],1] = col.rgb[1]
    im[rect[3]:rect[4],rect[2],1] = col.rgb[1]
    im[rect[3],rect[1]:rect[2],1] = col.rgb[1]
    im[rect[4],rect[1]:rect[2],1] = col.rgb[1]

    im[rect[3]:rect[4],rect[1],2] = col.rgb[2]
    im[rect[3]:rect[4],rect[2],2] = col.rgb[2]
    im[rect[3],rect[1]:rect[2],2] = col.rgb[2]
    im[rect[4],rect[1]:rect[2],2] = col.rgb[2]
    im[rect[3]:rect[4],rect[1],3] = col.rgb[3]
    im[rect[3]:rect[4],rect[2],3] = col.rgb[3]
    im[rect[3],rect[1]:rect[2],3] = col.rgb[3]
    im[rect[4],rect[1]:rect[2],3] = col.rgb[3]

.drawPeaks <- function(peaks.c, peaks.r, im, channel=1){
  if(length(dim(im)) == 2) im = .getColorImage(im)
  im[,peaks.c,channel] = 1
  im[peaks.r,,channel] = 1
  im[,peaks.c,-channel] = 0
  im[peaks.r,,-channel] = 0

.imageSpot <- function(x, title='Spot'){
  x = t(x)
  #x = round(x[nrow(x):1,])
  graphics::image(x, col= gray(0:8 / 8), xaxt = "n", yaxt='n')

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gitter documentation built on May 2, 2019, 9:14 a.m.