#' Plotly or ggplot fold change plots
#' @param object A glmmSeq object created by
#' \code{\link[glmmSeq:glmmSeq]{glmmSeq::glmmSeq()}}.
#' @param x1var The name of the first (inner) x parameter
#' @param x2var The name of the second (outer) x parameter
#' @param x1Values Timepoints or categories in `x1var` used to calculate fold
#' change. If `NULL` the first two levels in `x1var` are used.
#' @param x2Values Categories in `x2var` to be compared on x and y axis.
#' @param pCutoff The significance cut-off for colour-coding
#' (default = 0.01)
#' @param labels Row names or indices to label on plot
#' @param useAdjusted whether to use adjusted p-values (must have q-values in
#' `object`). Default = FALSE
#' @param plotCutoff Which probes to include on plot by significance cut-off
#' (default = 1, for all markers)
#' @param graphics Graphics system to use: "ggplot" or "plotly"
#' @param fontSize Font size
#' @param labelFontSize Font size for labels
#' @param colours Vector of colours to use for significance groups
#' @param verbose Whether to print statistics
#' @param ... Other parameters to pass to plotly or ggplot
#' @return Returns a plot for fold change between x1Values in one x2Value
#' subset on x axis and fold change in the other x2Value on the y axis.
#' @importFrom plotly layout config plot_ly
#' @importFrom ggplot2 ggplot geom_point theme_minimal scale_color_manual labs
#' theme element_rect geom_vline unit
#' @keywords hplot
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data(PEAC_minimal_load)
#' disp <- apply(tpm, 1, function(x) {
#' (var(x, na.rm = TRUE)-mean(x, na.rm = TRUE))/(mean(x, na.rm = TRUE)**2)
#' })
#' glmmFit <- glmmSeq(~ Timepoint * EULAR_6m + (1 | PATID),
#' countdata = tpm[1:5, ],
#' metadata = metadata,
#' dispersion = disp,
#' verbose = FALSE)
#' fcPlot(object = glmmFit,
#' x1var = "Timepoint",
#' x2var = "EULAR_6m",
#' x2Values = c("Good", "Non-response"),
#' pCutoff = 0.05,
#' useAdjusted = FALSE,
#' plotCutoff = 1,
#' graphics = "plotly")
fcPlot <- function(object,
x1Values = NULL,
x2Values = NULL,
pCutoff = 0.01,
labels = c(),
useAdjusted = FALSE,
plotCutoff = 1,
graphics = "ggplot",
fontSize = 12,
labelFontSize = 4,
colours = c("grey", "goldenrod1", "red", "blue"),
verbose = FALSE,
# Extract the data
interactCol <- colnames(object@stats$pvals)
interactCol <- interactCol[grepl(":", interactCol)]
if (useAdjusted) {
stats <- object@stats$qvals
if (is.null(stats)) stop("Missing q-values", call. = FALSE)
} else {
stats <- object@stats$pvals
adj <- ifelse(useAdjusted, "q_", "P_")
modelData <- object@modelData
# Set up the plotting data
predData <- object@predict[, 1:nrow(modelData)]
if (ncol(stats) < 3) {
stop("Incorrect p-value table structure")
if (! all(labels %in% rownames(predData))) {
stop("Labels not found in rownames(object@predict)")
# Define the comparisons
if (is.null(x1Values)) {
x1Values <- levels(factor(modelData[, x1var]))[1:2]
if (is.null(x2Values)) {
x2Values <- levels(factor(modelData[, x2var]))[1:2]
if (! all(x1Values %in% levels(factor(modelData[, x1var]))) |
length(x1Values) != 2) {
stop("x1Values must be a vector of two levels in x1var")
if (! all(x2Values %in% levels(factor(modelData[, x2var]))) |
length(x2Values) != 2) {
stop("x2Values must be a vector of two levels in x2var")
xCols <- which(modelData[, x2var] == x2Values[1] &
modelData[, x1var] %in% x1Values)
yCols <- which(modelData[, x2var] == x2Values[2] &
modelData[, x1var] %in% x1Values)
plotData <- data.frame(
x = log2(predData[, xCols[2]]+1) - log2(predData[, xCols[1]]+1),
y = log2(predData[, yCols[2]]+1) - log2(predData[, yCols[1]]+1))
plotData$maxGroup <- ifelse(abs(plotData$x) > abs(plotData$y),
x2Values[1], x2Values[2])
# Set up the colour code
colLevels <- c('Not Significant', paste0(adj, x1var, ' < ', pCutoff),
paste0(adj, x1var, ":", x2var, " < ", pCutoff,
" (biggest FC in ", x2Values[2], ")"),
paste0(adj, x1var, ":", x2var, " < ", pCutoff,
" (biggest FC in ", x2Values[1], ")"))
plotData$col <- colLevels[1]
plotData$col[stats[, x1var] < pCutoff &
![, x1var])] <- colLevels[2]
plotData$col[stats[, interactCol] < pCutoff &
![, x2var])] <- colLevels[3]
plotData$col[plotData$col == colLevels[3] &
plotData$maxGroup == x2Values[1]] <- colLevels[4]
plotData$col[$col)] <- 'Not Significant'
plotData$col <- factor(plotData$col, levels = colLevels)
# Genes passing the cutoff
plotGenes <- apply(stats, 1, function(x) {
any(x < plotCutoff)
plotData <- plotData[plotGenes, ]
if (verbose) {
# Set up annotations for genes to be labelled
if (any(! labels %in% rownames(plotData))) {
paste(labels[! labels %in% rownames(plotData)], collapse = ", "),
"are not in the object or do not meet the plotting cutoff so",
"will not be included in labeling.")
labels <- labels[labels %in% rownames(plotData)]
if (length(labels) != 0) {
annot <- lapply(labels, function(i) {
row <- plotData[i, ]
x <- row$x
y <- row$y
z <- sqrt(x^2 + y^2)
list(x = x, y = y,
text = i, textangle = 0, ax = x/z*75, ay = -y/z*75,
font = list(color = "black", size = labelFontSize),
arrowcolor = "black", arrowwidth = 1, arrowhead = 0, arrowsize = 1.5,
xanchor = "auto", yanchor = "auto")
} else {annot <- list()}
# GGplot
if (graphics == "ggplot") {
plotData <- plotData[order(plotData$col), ]
p <- ggplot(data = plotData, aes_string(x = "x", y = "y", color = "col"),
...) +
geom_hline(yintercept = 0) + geom_vline(xintercept = 0)+
geom_point() +
theme_minimal() +
scale_color_manual(values = colours, breaks = colLevels, name = "") +
labs(x = bquote(paste("log"[2], "Fold Change ", .(x1Values[2]), " vs ",
.(x1Values[1]), " (", .(x2var), " = ",
.(x2Values[1]), ")")),
y = bquote(paste("log"[2], "Fold Change ", .(x1Values[2]), " vs ",
.(x1Values[1]), " (", .(x2var), " = ",
.(x2Values[2]), ")")),
title = "") +
theme(legend.position = c(0, 1),
text = element_text(size = fontSize),
axis.text = element_text(colour = "black", size=fontSize-1),
legend.background = element_rect(fill = NA, color = NA),
legend.justification = c(-0.1,1.1),
plot.margin = unit(c(7, 4, 4, 4), units = "mm")) +
annotate("text", x = unlist(lapply(annot, function(x) x$x)),
y = unlist(lapply(annot, function(x) x$y)), vjust = 1.3,
size = labelFontSize,
label = unlist(lapply(annot, function(x) x$text)))
# Plotly
}else if (graphics == "plotly") {
plotData <- plotData[order(plotData$col), ]
p <- plot_ly(data = plotData, x = ~x, y = ~y, type = 'scatter',
mode = 'markers', ...,
color = ~col, colors = colours,
marker = list(size = 8,
line = list(width = 0.75, color = 'white')),
text = rownames(plotData), hoverinfo = 'text') %>%
layout(annotations = annot,
xaxis = list(title = paste0("log<sub>2</sub>Fold change ",
x1Values[2], " vs ", x1Values[1],
" (", x2var, " = ", x2Values[1], ")"),
color = 'black'),
yaxis = list(title = paste0("log<sub>2</sub>Fold change ",
x1Values[2], " vs ", x1Values[1],
" (", x2var, " = ", x2Values[2], ")"),
color = 'black'),
font = list(size = fontSize),
legend = list(x = 0, y = 1, font = list(color = 'black'))) %>%
config(edits = list(annotationPosition = FALSE,
annotationTail = TRUE,
annotationText = TRUE),
toImageButtonOptions = list(format = "svg"))
} else stop("graphics must be 'ggplot' or 'plotly'")
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