Man pages for glmmTMB
Generalized Linear Mixed Models using Template Model Builder

bootmer_methodssupport methods for parametric bootstrapping
checkDepPackageVersionCheck for version mismatch in dependent binary packages
confint.glmmTMBCalculate confidence intervals
diagnosediagnose model problems
dot-adjustXAdjust a model matrix When not rank deficient, do nothing....
dot-checkRankXCheck for identifiability of fixed effects matrices X, Xzi,...
dot-collectDuplicatescollapse duplicated observations
downstream_methodsDownstream methods
dtruncated_nbinom2truncated distributions
epil2Seizure Counts for Epileptics - Extended
family_paramsRetrieve family-specific parameters
findReTrmClasseslist of specials - taken from enum.R
fitTMBOptimize TMB models and package results, modularly
fixefExtract fixed-effects estimates
formatVCFormat the 'VarCorr' Matrix of Random Effects
formfunsexpand double-bar RE notation by splitting
formula.glmmTMBExtract the formula of a glmmTMB object
getCapabilitiesList model options that glmmTMB knows about
get_cortranslate vector of correlation parameters to correlation...
getGrpVarGet Grouping Variable
getME.glmmTMBExtract or Get Generalize Components from a Fitted Mixed...
getReStrucCalculate random effect structure Calculates number of random...
getXReTrmsCreate X and random effect terms from formula
glmmTMBFit Models with TMB
glmmTMBControlControl parameters for glmmTMB optimization
glmmTMB_methodsMethods for extracting developer-level information from...
gt_loadconditionally update glmmTMB object fitted with an old TMB...
mkTMBStrucExtract info from formulas, reTrms, etc., format for TMB
nbinom2Family functions for glmmTMB
numFactorFactor with numeric interpretable levels.
omp_checkCheck OpenMP status
OwlsBegging by Owl Nestlings
print.VarCorr.glmmTMBPrinting The Variance and Correlation Parameters of a...
priorsuse of priors in glmmTMB
profile.glmmTMBCompute likelihood profiles for a fitted model
ranef.glmmTMBExtract Random Effects
reexportsObjects exported from other packages
reinstallingReinstalling binary dependencies
residuals.glmmTMBCompute residuals for a glmmTMB object
RHSFormextract right-hand side of a formula
SalamandersRepeated counts of salamanders in streams
sigma.glmmTMBExtract residual standard deviation or dispersion parameter
simulate.glmmTMBSimulate from a glmmTMB fitted model
simulate_newSimulate from covariate/metadata in the absence of a real...
splitFormSplit formula containing special random effect terms
startParamsChange starting parameters, either by residual method or by...
sub_specialsSubstitute safe chars (+) for specials (for use in...
VarCorr.glmmTMBExtract variance and correlation components
vcov.glmmTMBCalculate Variance-Covariance Matrix for a Fitted glmmTMB...
weights.glmmTMBExtract weights from a glmmTMB object
glmmTMB documentation built on June 22, 2024, 6:56 p.m.