
Defines functions unmask.SpatialPoints unmask.SpatialPixels unmask.DataFrameStack unmask.data.frame unmask setMask.SpatialPoints setMask.GridTopology setMask.SpatialGrid setMask.DataFrameStack setMask.default setMask print.mask getMask.SpatialPointsDataFrame getMask.SpatialPixelsDataFrame getMask.default getMask gsi.masking.polygon gsi.masking.nearest gsi.masking.cokriged image.mask constructMask

Documented in constructMask getMask getMask.default getMask.SpatialPixelsDataFrame getMask.SpatialPointsDataFrame image.mask print.mask setMask setMask.DataFrameStack setMask.default setMask.GridTopology setMask.SpatialGrid setMask.SpatialPoints unmask unmask.data.frame unmask.DataFrameStack unmask.SpatialPixels unmask.SpatialPoints

### Constructors for masks --------------
#' Constructs a mask for a grid
#' @param grid a grid, see details for more info
#' @param method which construction method? currently one of 'maxdist', 'sillprop' or 'point2polygon'
#' @param maxval for maxdist and sillprop methods, maximum reference value
#' @param x extra information for the grid construction, see details
#' @return a logical vector with as many elements as points in the grid, with TRUE for
#' those points within the mask, and FALSE for those outside the mask.
#' @details Method 'maxdist' defines the mask as all points within a maximum distance 
#' (must be given in \code{maxval}) from the reference data (given in \code{x}: this is expected 
#' to be the original complete data, with coordinates and variables). For method 'sillprop'
#' the mask is defined by those points which total kriging variance is below
#' a fixed proportion (given in \code{maxval}, default=0.99) of the total variogram
#' model sill (variogram model given in \code{x}, of class "variogramModelList"). 
#' In this method, the argument \code{grid} is expected to be the output of a cokriging
#' analysis. Finally, method 'point2poly' created the mask by taking the points internal
#' to a "SpatialPolygon" object (given in \code{x}).   
#' @export
#' @family masking functions
#' @examples
#' ## with data.frame
#' x = 1:23
#' y = 1:29
#' xy = expand.grid(x=x, y=y)
#' xyz.df = data.frame(xy, z = rnorm(29*23)*ifelse(abs(xy$x-xy$y)<3, 1, NA)+(xy$x+xy$y)/2)
#' mask.df = constructMask(grid = xy, method = "maxdist", maxval = 3, x=xyz.df)
#' image(mask.df)
#' oldpar = par(mfrow = c(1,1))
#' mask.df
#' xyz.df.masked = setMask(xyz.df, mask.df)
#' dim(xyz.df.masked)
#' summary(xyz.df.masked)
#' xyz.df.unmasked = unmask(xyz.df.masked)
#' dim(xyz.df.unmasked)
#' length(x)*length(y)
#' summary(xyz.df.unmasked)
#' ## with SpatialGrid
#' library(sp)
#' library(magrittr)
#' xy.sp = sp::SpatialPoints(coords = xy)
#' meandiff = function(x) mean(diff(x))
#' xy.gt = GridTopology(c(min(x),min(y)), c(meandiff(x), meandiff(y)), c(length(x),length(y)))
#' aux = sp::SpatialPixelsDataFrame(grid = xy.gt, data=xyz.df, points = xy.sp)
#' xyz.sgdf = as(aux, "SpatialGridDataFrame")
#' image_cokriged(xyz.sgdf, ivar="z")
#' ## reorder the data in the grid and plot again
#' par(mfrow=c(1,1))
#' ms = function(x) sortDataInGrid(x, grid=xy.gt)
#' mask.gt = constructMask(grid = xy.gt, method = "maxdist", maxval = 3, x=xyz.sgdf)
#' image(x,y,matrix(ms(xyz.sgdf@data$z), nrow=23, ncol=29))  
#' image(x,y,matrix(ms(mask.gt), nrow=23, ncol=29))  
#' image(mask.gt)
#' ## work with the mask and plot again
#' par(mfrow=c(1,1))
#' xyz.sgdf.masked = setMask(x = xyz.sgdf, mask = mask.gt)
#' getMask(xyz.sgdf.masked)
#' image(x,y,matrix(ms(xyz.sgdf@data$z), nrow=23, ncol=29))  
#' points(xyz.sgdf.masked@coords)
#' par(oldpar)
constructMask = function(grid, method="maxdist", maxval=NULL, x=NULL){
  methods = c("maxdist", "sillprop", "point2poly") 
  m = methods[pmatch(method, methods)] 
    grid0 = sp::coordinates(sp::SpatialGrid(grid))
  }else if(is(grid,"Spatial") & ("data" %in% slotNames(grid))){
    grid0 = data.frame(sp::coordinates(grid), grid@data)
    if(is.null(x)) x = grid0
  }else if(is(grid,"Spatial")){
    grid0 = sp::coordinates(grid)
  }else if(is.data.frame(grid)){
    grid0 = grid
    if(is.null(x)) x = grid0
  }else stop("constructMask: object 'grid' could not be interpreted")
    stop('constructMask: method should be one of c("maxdist", "sillprop", "point2poly")')
      stop("constructMask: maxdist method requires a maxval=maximum distance to location")
    if(is(x, "SpatialPointsDataFrame")){
      x = data.frame(sp::coordinates(x), x@data)
    x = try(as.data.frame(x))
    if(inherits(x,"try-error")) stop("constructMask: provided object x should be a data.frame or convertible to it for method 'maxdist'")
    out = gsi.masking.nearest(grid0, x, maxdist=maxval)
  }else if(m=="sillprop"){
      stop("constructMask: sillprop method requires a variogram model")
    if(inherits(x,"gstat")) x = x$model
    if(is(x,"gmSpatialModel")) x = x@model@structure
    if(is(x, "ModelStructuralFunctionSpecification")) as.variogramModel(x)
    maxval = ifelse(is.null(maxval), 0.99, maxval)
    out = gsi.masking.cokriged(out.ck=grid0, vgmodel=x, sillFraction=maxval)
  }else if(m=="point2polygon"){
    out = gsi.masking.polygon(grid0, x)
    stop("constructMask: method must be one of 'maxdist' or 'sillprop'")
  attr(out, "fullgrid") = grid
  class(out) = "mask"

#' Image method for mask objects
#' Plot a mask of a 2D grid; see [constructMask()] for an example
#' @param x a mask
#' @param col a two-color vector for the color (oustide, inside) the mask
#' @param ... ignored
#' @return nothing
#' @export
image.mask <- function(x, col=c(NA,2), ...){
  grid = attr(x, "fullgrid")
    grid0 = sp::coordinates(sp::SpatialGrid(grid))
    o = order(-grid0[,2],+grid0[,1])
    grid0 = grid0[o,]
  }else if(is(grid,"SpatialGrid")){
    grid0 = sp::coordinates(grid)
    o = order(-grid0[,2],+grid0[,1])
    grid0 = grid0[o,]
  }else if(is(grid,"Spatial")){
    grid0 = sp::coordinates(grid)
  }else if(is.data.frame(grid)){
    grid0 = grid
  image_cokriged(cbind(grid0, mask=unclass(x)), ivar="mask", breaks = c(-0.0001, mean(unclass(x)), 1.0001),
                 col = col)

### masks all predictions which total variance larger than a certain trace sill fraction 
gsi.masking.cokriged = function(out.ck, vgmodel, sillFraction=0.99){
  idpreds = grep( "pred", colnames(out.ck))
  idvars = grep("var", colnames(out.ck))
  variables = sub(".var","",colnames(out.ck)[idvars])
  if(length(idvars)==0) stop("method 'sillprop' requires the output of a (co)kriging")
  maxvar = sum(sapply(variables, function(i) sum(vgmodel[[i]]$psill)))
  tracevar = rowSums(out.ck[,idvars])
  mask = tracevar<=(sillFraction*maxvar)

gsi.masking.nearest = function(grid, x, maxdist){
  if(!requireNamespace("FNN", quietly = TRUE)) stop("constructMask: method='maxdist' requires package 'KNN' installed")
  x = as.matrix(x)
  coordnames = intersect(colnames(grid), colnames(x))
  varnames = setdiff(colnames(x), coordnames)
  aux = matrix(NA, nrow=nrow(grid), ncol = length(varnames))
  colnames(aux) = varnames
  expanded.grid <- cbind(grid, aux)
  aux3 = FNN::get.knnx(expanded.grid[,coordnames], x[,coordnames], k=1, algo="kd_tree")
  expanded.grid[aux3$nn.index, varnames] = x[,varnames]
  expanded.grid = cbind(expanded.grid,0)
  colnames(expanded.grid)[ncol(expanded.grid)] = "Mask"
  expanded.grid[complete.cases(expanded.grid),ncol(expanded.grid)] = 1
                         expanded.grid[,coordnames], k=1, algo="kd_tree")$nn.dist<=maxdist,
                ncol(expanded.grid)] = 1
  return( as.logical(expanded.grid[,"Mask"]) )

gsi.masking.polygon = function(grid, poly){
  requireNamespace("sp", quietly = TRUE)
  poly = try(as(poly, "SpatialPolygons"))
    stop("object 'poly' cannot be coerced to SpatialPolygons")
  FUN = function(i){
    poly = poly@polygons[[i]]@Polygons[[1]]@coords
    quins = point.in.polygon(grid[,1], grid[,2], poly[,1], poly[,2]) ==1
  erg = sapply(1:length(poly@polygons), FUN)

#### getters and setters for masks ---------

#' Get the mask info out of a spatial data object
#' Retrieve the mask information from an object (if present). See [constructMask()]
#' for examples.
#' @param x a masked object 
#' @return The retrieved mask information from `x`, an object of class "mask" 
#' @export
#' @family masking functions
getMask = function(x) UseMethod(generic = "getMask", x)

#' @describeIn getMask Get the mask info out of a spatial data object
#' @method getMask default
#' @export
getMask.default = function(x) attr(x, "mask")

#' @describeIn getMask Get the mask info out of a SpatialPixelsDataFrame data object
#' @method getMask SpatialPixelsDataFrame
#' @export
#' @importClassesFrom sp SpatialPixelsDataFrame
getMask.SpatialPixelsDataFrame <- function(x){
  coords = sp::coordinates(sp::SpatialGrid(sp::getGridTopology(x)))
  mask = rep(FALSE, nrow(coords))
  mask[x@grid.index] = TRUE
  attr(mask, "fullgrid") = getGridTopology(x)
  class(mask) = "mask" 

#' @describeIn getMask Get the mask info out of a SpatialPixels object
#' @method getMask SpatialPixels
#' @export
#' @importClassesFrom sp SpatialPixels
getMask.SpatialPixels <- getMask.SpatialPixelsDataFrame

#' @describeIn getMask Get the mask info out of a SpatialPointsDataFrame data object
#' @method getMask SpatialPointsDataFrame
#' @export
getMask.SpatialPointsDataFrame = function(x) attr(x@data, "mask")

#' Print method for mask objects
#' Print method for mask objects. See [constructMask()] for examples.
#' If you want to see the whole content of the mask, then use `unclass(...)`
#' @param x mask to print
#' @param ... ignored
#' @return the summary of number of nodes inside/outside the mask
#' @export
#' @family masking functions
print.mask <- function(x,...){
  print("mask active")

#' Set a mask on an object
#' Set a mask on an object See [constructMask()] for examples on how to construct masks.
#' @param x an object to mask (for set) or masked (for get)
#' @param ... extra arguments for generic compatibility
#' @return The object `x` appropriately masked (for the setter methods). 
#' @export
#' @family masking functions
setMask <- function(x,...) UseMethod("setMask", x)

#' @describeIn setMask Set a mask on an object
#' @export
#' @method setMask default
#' @param mask the mask to impose on `x`
#' @param coordinates for some of the methods, it is important to specify the names or indices
#' of the columns containing the geographic coordinates (only `setMask.data.frame`) or else
#' to specify the matrix of spatial coordinates (all `setMask` methods including it)
setMask.default <- function(x, mask, coordinates = 1:2, ...){
  x = as.data.frame(x)
  if(inherits(mask,"mask")) attributes(mask) = NULL
  if(is.null(dim(coordinates) )){
    fullgrid = x[,coordinates]
    fullgrid = coordinates
  outdata = x[mask,,drop=FALSE]
  attr(mask, "fullgrid") = fullgrid
  attr(outdata, "mask") = mask

#' @describeIn setMask Set a mask on a data.frame object
#' @method setMask data.frame
#' @export
setMask.data.frame <- setMask.default

#' @describeIn setMask Set a mask on a DataFrameStack object
#' @method setMask DataFrameStack
#' @export
setMask.DataFrameStack <- function(x, mask, coordinates=attr(x, "coordinates"), ...){
  if(inherits(mask,"mask")) attributes(mask) = NULL
  cc = coordinates
  x = x[mask,,drop=FALSE]
  attr(mask, "fullgrid") = cc
  attr(x, "mask") = mask

#' @describeIn setMask Set a mask on a SpatialGrid object
#' @method setMask SpatialGrid
#' @export
#' @importClassesFrom sp SpatialGrid
setMask.SpatialGrid <- function(x, mask, ...){
  cc = sp::coordinates(x)
  r = order(+cc[,2],+cc[,1])
  o = 1:nrow(cc)
  r = o[r]
  if(inherits(mask,"mask")) attributes(mask) = NULL
  maskaux = mask[o]
  cc = cc[maskaux,, drop=FALSE]
  cc = sp::SpatialPoints(coords = cc, proj4string = sp::CRS(sp::proj4string(x)), 
                         bbox = sp::bbox(x))
  if("data" %in% slotNames(x)){
    dt = x@data
    dt = dt[maskaux,, drop=FALSE]
    erg = sp::SpatialPixelsDataFrame(points=cc, data = dt, 
                                     grid = sp::getGridTopology(x), 
                                     proj4string =sp::CRS(sp::proj4string(x)))
    erg = sp::SpatialPixels(points = cc, 
                            grid = sp::getGridTopology(x), 
                            proj4string = sp::CRS(sp::proj4string(x) ) )

#' @describeIn setMask Set a mask on a GridTopology object
#' @method setMask GridTopology
#' @export
#' @importClassesFrom sp GridTopology
setMask.GridTopology <- function(x, mask, ...){
  setMask(sp::SpatialGrid(x), mask, ...)

#' @describeIn setMask Set a mask on a SpatialPoints object
#' @method setMask SpatialPoints
#' @export
#' @importClassesFrom sp SpatialPoints
setMask.SpatialPoints <- function(x, mask, ...){
  cc = sp::coordinates(x)
  if(inherits(mask,"mask")) attributes(mask) = NULL
  cc = cc[mask,,drop=FALSE]
  if("data" %in% slotNames(x)){
    dt = x@data
    dt = dt[mask,,drop=FALSE]
    attr(mask, "fullgrid") = sp::coordinates(x)
    attr(dt, "mask") = mask
    erg = sp::SpatialPointsDataFrame(coords = cc, data = dt, bbox = sp::bbox(x), 
                                 proj4string = sp::CRS(sp::proj4string(x)) )
    erg = sp::SpatialPoints(coords = cc, bbox = sp::bbox(x), 
                        proj4string = sp::CRS(sp::proj4string(x)) )

#### unmasking function ---------

#' @describeIn unmask.data.frame Unmask a masked object
#' @param ... arguments for generic functionality
#' @export
unmask <- function(x,...) UseMethod("unmask", x)

#' Unmask a masked object
#' Unmask a masked object, i.e. recover the original grid and extend potential
#' data containers associated to it with NAs. See examples in [constructMask()]
#' @param x a masked object
#' @param mask the mask; typically has good defaults
#' @param fullgrid the full grid; typically has good defaults
#' @param forceCheck if `fullgrid` is provided, should the coordinates provided 
#' in `x` and in `fullgrid` be cross-checked to ensure that they are given in 
#' compatible orders? See [sortDataInGrid()] and [setGridOrder()] for controlling
#' the ordering of vectors and grids.
#' @family masking functions
#' @method unmask data.frame
#' @return The original grid data and extend potential
#' data containers associated to it with NAs. See examples in [constructMask()].
#' The nature of the output depends on the nature of `x`:
#' a "data.frame" produced a "data.frame";
#' a "unmask.DataFrameStack" produces a "unmask.DataFrameStack"; 
#' a "SpatialPoints" produces a "SpatialPoints"; and finally
#' a "SpatialPixels" produces either a "SpatialPixels" or a "SpatialGrid" (if it is full).
#' Note that only in the case that `is(x,"SpatialPixels")=TRUE` is `mask` required,
#' for the other methods all arguments have reasonable defaults.
#' @export
unmask.data.frame <- function(x, mask=attr(x,"mask"), fullgrid = attr(mask, "fullgrid"), 
                              forceCheck=is(fullgrid, "GridTopology"), ...){
  if(is(fullgrid, "GridTopology")) fullgrid = sp::SpatialGrid(fullgrid)
  if(is(fullgrid, "Spatial")) fullgrid = data.frame(sp::coordinates(fullgrid))
  out = data.frame(matrix(NA, ncol=ncol(x)-ncol(fullgrid), nrow=length(mask)))
  out = cbind(fullgrid, out)
  colnames(out) = colnames(x)
  out[mask, colnames(x)] = x

#' @describeIn unmask.data.frame Unmask a masked object
#' @method unmask DataFrameStack 
#' @export
unmask.DataFrameStack <- function(x, mask=attr(x,"mask"), fullgrid = attr(mask, "fullgrid"), 
                                  forceCheck=is(fullgrid, "GridTopology"), ...){
  if(is(fullgrid, "GridTopology")) fullgrid = sp::SpatialGrid(fullgrid)
  if(is(fullgrid, "Spatial")) fullgrid = data.frame(sp::coordinates(fullgrid))
  out = data.frame(matrix(NA, ncol=ncol(x), nrow=length(mask)))
  colnames(out) = colnames(x)
  out[mask,] = x
  odimnames = attr(x, "Dimnames")
  rwn <- rownames(fullgrid)
  if(is.null(rwn)) rwn = 1:nrow(fullgrid)
  odimnames = list(rwn, odimnames[[2]], odimnames[[3]])
  names(odimnames) = names(attr(x, "Dimnames"))
  rownames(out) <- rwn
  attr(out, "Dimnames") = odimnames
  attr(out, "stackDim") = attr(x, "stackDim") 
  attr(out, "fullgrid") = fullgrid
  class(out) = class(x)  

#' @describeIn unmask.data.frame Unmask a masked object
#' @method unmask SpatialPixels
#' @export
#' @importClassesFrom sp SpatialPixels
unmask.SpatialPixels <- function(x, mask=NULL, fullgrid =attr(mask, "fullgrid"), 
                                 forceCheck=FALSE, ...){
  # store grid topology of the original data
  gtin = sp::getGridTopology(x)
  # extract/construct a grid topology of the fullgrid
    fullgrid = gtin  #... the same as the topology of x if fullgrid absent
  }else if(is.data.frame(fullgrid)){ # or construct a grid if coordinates are provided as data.frame or SpatialPoints(DataFrame)
    fullgrid = sp::SpatialPixels(points=fullgrid, proj4string = sp::CRS(sp::proj4string(x)) ) 
  }else if(is(fullgrid, "SpatialPoints")){
    fullgrid = sp::SpatialPixels(points=sp::coordinates(fullgrid), proj4string = sp::CRS(sp::proj4string(x)) )
  if(is(fullgrid, "SpatialGrid")) fullgrid = sp::getGridTopology(fullgrid)
  # compute number of points
  npoints <- try( prod(fullgrid@cells.dim))
  if(inherits(npoints,"try-error")) stop("unmask.SpatialPixels: provided fullgrid could not be intepreted as a grid")
  # construct mask
    mask = rep(FALSE, npoints)
  if("data" %in% slotNames(x)){
    # deal with SpatialPixelsDataFrame
    dt = x@data
    X = as.data.frame(matrix(NA, ncol=ncol(dt), nrow=npoints))
    colnames(X) = colnames(dt)
    X[mask,] = dt
    erg = sp::SpatialGridDataFrame(grid=fullgrid, data=X, 
                                   proj4string = sp::CRS(sp::proj4string(x)))
    # deal with SpatialPixels
    erg = sp::SpatialGrid(grid=fullgrid, proj4string = sp::CRS(sp::proj4string(x)))

#' @describeIn unmask.data.frame Unmask a masked object
#' @method unmask SpatialPoints
#' @importClassesFrom sp SpatialPoints
#' @export
unmask.SpatialPoints <- function(x, mask=attr(x@data,"mask"), 
                                 fullgrid = attr(mask, "fullgrid"), 
                                 forceCheck=FALSE, ...){
  # stop("unmask.SpatialPoints: not yet implemented")
  if(is(fullgrid, "GridTopology")){
    # stop("unmask.SpatialPoints: not yet implemented for fullgrid GridTopology")
  }else if(is(fullgrid, "SpatialGrid")){
    # stop("unmask.SpatialPoints: not yet implemented for fullgrid SpatialGrid")
  }else if(is(fullgrid, "SpatialPoints")){
    dt.x = cbind(sp::coordinates(x))
    if("data" %in% slotNames(x)) dt.x = cbind(dt.x, x@data)
    dt.f = data.frame(sp::coordinates(fullgrid))
    erg = unmask(dt.x, mask=mask, fullgrid=dt.f, forceCheck = forceCheck | is(fullgrid, "SpatialPixels"))
    res = sp::SpatialPoints(coords =erg[,1:ncol(dt.f)], 
                            bbox = sp::bbox(fullgrid), 
                            proj4string = sp::CRS(sp::proj4string(x)))
    if("data" %in% slotNames(x)) res = sp::SpatialPointsDataFrame(coords = res, data=erg[, -(1:ncol(dt.f)), drop=F])  
  warning("unmask.SpatialPoints: strange fullgrid provided; attempting a patch")
  unmask(as.data.frame(x), mask=mask, fullgrid=fullgrid, forceCheck=forceCheck)

# ### tests -----------
# if(!exists("do.test")) do.test=FALSE
# if(do.test){
#   ## case data.frame ---
#   # create setting
#   x = 1:23
#   y = 1:29
#   xy = expand.grid(x=x, y=y)
#   xyz.df = data.frame(xy, z = rnorm(29*23)*ifelse(abs(xy$x-xy$y)<3, 1, NA)+(xy$x+xy$y)/2)
#   # image(x,y,matrix(xyz.df$z, nrow=23, ncol=29))  
#   # mask
#   mask.df = constructMask(grid = xy, method = "maxdist", maxval = 3, x=xyz.df)
#   image(mask.df)
#   par(mfrow=c(1,1))
#   image(x,y,matrix(xyz.df$z, nrow=23, ncol=29))  
#   xyz.df.masked = setMask(x = xyz.df, mask = mask.df)
#   points(xyz.df.masked[,1:2])
#   # "interpolate"
#   xyz.df.masked$z <- with(xyz.df.masked, ifelse(is.na(z), (x+y)/2, z) )
#   # unmask
#   xyz.df.unmasked = unmask(xyz.df.masked, mask=mask.df)
#   image(x,y,matrix(xyz.df.unmasked$z, nrow=23, ncol=29))  
#   ## case SpatialPoints ---
#   # create setting
#   xy.sp = SpatialPoints(coords = xy)
#   xyz.spdf = SpatialPointsDataFrame(coords = xy.sp, data=xyz.df)
#   image_cokriged(xyz.spdf, ivar="z")  
#   par(mfrow=c(1,1))
#   # mask
#   mask.sp = constructMask(grid = xy.sp, method = "maxdist", maxval = 3, x=xyz.spdf)
#   image(x,y,matrix(xyz.spdf@data$z, nrow=23, ncol=29))  
#   image(x,y,matrix(mask.sp, nrow=23, ncol=29))  
#   image(mask.sp)
#   par(mfrow=c(1,1))
#   xyz.sp.masked = setMask(x = xyz.spdf, mask = mask.sp)
#   image(x,y,matrix(xyz.spdf@data$z, nrow=23, ncol=29))  
#   points(xyz.sp.masked@coords)
#   # "interpolate"
#   xyz.sp.masked@data$z <- with(xyz.sp.masked@data, ifelse(is.na(z), (x+y)/2, z) )
#   xyz.sp.masked@data <- data.frame(z=xyz.sp.masked@data$z)
#   # unmask
#   xyz.sp.unmasked = unmask(xyz.sp.masked, mask=mask.sp)
#   image(x,y,matrix(xyz.sp.unmasked@data$z, nrow=23, ncol=29)) 
#   image_cokriged(xyz.sp.unmasked, ivar="z")
#   par(mfrow=c(1,1))
#   ## case SpatialGrid ---
#   # create setting
#   meandiff = function(x) mean(diff(x))
#   xy.gt = GridTopology(c(min(x),min(y)), c(meandiff(x), meandiff(y)), c(length(x),length(y)))
#   xyz.sgdf = SpatialPixelsDataFrame(grid = xy.gt, data=xyz.df, points = xy.sp) %>% as("SpatialGridDataFrame")
#   image_cokriged(xyz.spdf, ivar="z")  
#   par(mfrow=c(1,1))
#   # mask
#   ms = function(x) sortDataInGrid(x, grid=xy.gt)
#   mask.gt = constructMask(grid = xy.gt, method = "maxdist", maxval = 3, x=xyz.sgdf)
#   image(x,y,matrix(ms(xyz.sgdf@data$z), nrow=23, ncol=29))  
#   image(x,y,matrix(ms(mask.gt), nrow=23, ncol=29))  
#   image(mask.gt)
#   par(mfrow=c(1,1))
#   xyz.sgdf.masked = setMask(x = xyz.sgdf, mask = mask.gt)
#   image(x,y,matrix(ms(xyz.sgdf@data$z), nrow=23, ncol=29))  
#   points(xyz.sgdf.masked@coords)
#   # "interpolate"
#   z <- with(xyz.sgdf.masked@data, ifelse(is.na(z), (x+y)/2, z) )
#   xyz.sgdf.masked = SpatialPixelsDataFrame(points = xyz.sgdf.masked@coords, 
#                                            data = data.frame(z=z),grid =xy.gt )
#   # image(xyz.sgdf.masked)  
#   # unmask
#   xyz.sp.unmasked = unmask(xyz.sgdf.masked, mask=mask.gt)
#   image(x,y,as.matrix(xyz.sgdf.masked)[,(29:1)])  # logic, but useless
#   image_cokriged(xyz.sp.unmasked, ivar="z")
#   dev.off()
#   ## case GridTopology ---
#   # check 
#   xyz.sg.masked = setMask(x = xy.gt, mask = mask.gt)
#   par(mfrow=c(1,1))
#   plot(xyz.sg.masked)
#   plot(sp::coordinates(xyz.sg.masked))
#   points(sp::coordinates(xyz.sp.masked), pch=4, col=2)
#   ## case DataFrameStack ---
#   xyz.dfs = lapply(1:5, function(i) data.frame(z = rnorm(29*23)*ifelse(abs(xy$x-xy$y)<3, 1, NA)+(xy$x+xy$y)/2) )
#   names(xyz.dfs) = LETTERS[1:5]
#   xyz.dfs = DataFrameStack(xyz.dfs, stackDimName = "sim")
#   # image(x,y,matrix(xyz.df$z, nrow=23, ncol=29))  
#   # mask
#   mask.dfs = constructMask(grid = xy, method = "maxdist", maxval = 3, x=cbind(xy,getStackElement(xyz.dfs,1)))
#   image(mask.dfs)
#   par(mfrow=c(1,1))
#   image(x,y, matrix(unlist(getStackElement(xyz.dfs,3)), nrow=23, ncol=29))  
#   xyz.dfs.masked = setMask(x = xyz.dfs, mask = mask.dfs, coordinates = xy)
#   xy.dfs.masked = xyz.dfs.masked %>% attr("mask") %>% attr("fullgrid") %>% setMask(mask = mask.dfs)
#   xy.dfs.masked %>% points
#   # "interpolate"
#   for(i in dimnames(xyz.dfs.masked)[[stackDim(xyz.dfs.masked)]]){
#     newz = with(data.frame(xy.dfs.masked, getStackElement(xyz.dfs.masked,i)), ifelse(is.na(z), (x+y)/2, z) )
#     xyz.dfs.masked %<>%  setStackElement(i, newz) 
#   }
#   # unmask
#   xyz.dfs.unmasked = unmask(xyz.dfs.masked, mask=mask.dfs)
#   image(x,y,matrix(as.matrix(getStackElement(xyz.dfs.unmasked,4)), nrow=23, ncol=29))  
# }

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gmGeostats documentation built on April 18, 2023, 5:08 p.m.