
Defines functions SVM SVM.formula createMultiClassSVM SVM.default print.Rcpp_SVMClient show.Rcpp_SVMClient show.MultiClassSVM summary.MultiClassSVM print.MultiClassSVM summary.Rcpp_SVMClient plot.MultiClassSVM plot.Rcpp_SVMClient predict.MultiClassSVM predict.Rcpp_SVMClient copy grid grid

Documented in plot.Rcpp_SVMClient predict.Rcpp_SVMClient print.Rcpp_SVMClient summary.Rcpp_SVMClient SVM SVM.default SVM.formula


#' @title Create SVM object
#' @rdname svm
#' @export
#' @description Create and train SVM model object.
#' @param x Training data without labels in one of the following formats:
#'  \code{data.frame}, \code{data.matrix}, \code{SparseM::matrix.csr}, \code{Matrix::Matrix},
#'  \code{slam::simple_triplet_matrix}
#' @param y Labels in one of the followinf formts: \code{factor}, \code{vector}.
#'  Recommended type is \code{factor}
#' @param data Can be passed instead of \code{x,} \code{y} pair with \code{formula} to mark the labels
#'  column, supported formats are:
#'  \code{data.frame}, \code{data.matrix}
#' @param formula Can be passed with \code{data}  instead of \code{x}, \code{y} pair,
#'  formula needs to point to lables column, for example: \code{target~.}
#' @param core Support Vector Machine library to use in traning, available are:
#'  \code{'libsvm'}, \code{'svmlight'}; default: \code{'libsvm'}
#' @param kernel Kernel type as string, available are: \code{'linear'}, \code{'poly'},
#' \code{'rbf'}, \code{'sigmoid'};
#' default: \code{'linear'}
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{linear}: \eqn{x'*w}
#' \item \code{poly}: \eqn{(gamma*x'*w + coef0)^{degree}}
#' \item \code{rbf}: \eqn{exp(-gamma*|x-w|^2)}
#' \item \code{sigmoid}: \eqn{tanh(gamma*x'*w + coef0)}
#' }
#' @param prep Preprocess method as string, available are: \code{'none'}, \code{'2e'};
#' default: \code{'none'}. For more information on \code{2eSVM} see:
#' \url{http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0957417414004138}
#' @param C Cost/complexity parameter, default: \code{1}
#' @param gamma Parameter for \code{poly}, \code{rbf} and \code{sigmoid} kernels,
#'  default: \code{1/n_features}
#' @param coef0 For \code{poly} and \code{sigmoid} kernels, default: \code{0}
#' @param degree For \code{poly} kernel, default: \code{3}
#' @param cache_size Cache memory size in MB, default: \code{100}
#' @param tol Tolerance of termination criterion, default: \code{1e-3}
#' @param max.iter Depending on library:
#' \itemize{
#'  \item libsvm: number of iterations after which the training porcess is killed
#'  (it can end earlier is desired tolerance is met), default: \code{1e6}
#'  \item svmlight: number of iterations after which if there is no progress traning is killed,
#'  default: \code{-1} (no limit)
#'  }
#' @param transductive.learning Option got SVM model to deduce missing labels from the dataset,
#'  default: \code{FALSE}
#'  NOTE: this feature is only available with svmlight library, missing labels are marked as
#'  \code{'TR'}, if none are found and transductive to \code{TRUE}, label \code{0} will be
#'  interpreted as missing
#' @param transductive.posratio Fraction of unlabeled examples to be classified into the positive class
#'  as float from \eqn{[0,1]}, default: the ratio of positive and negative examples in the training data
#' @param class.weights Named vector with weight fir each class, default: \code{NULL}
#' @param example.weights Vector of the same length as training data with weights for each traning example,
#'  default: \code{NULL} NOTE: this feature is only supported with svmlight library
#' @param class.type Multiclass algorithm type as string,
#' available are: \code{'one.versus.all', 'one.versus.one'}; default: \code{'one.versus.one'}
#' @param verbosity How verbose should the process be, as integer from \eqn{[1,6]}, default: \code{4}
#' @param svm.options enables to pass all svmlight command lines arguments for more advanced options,
#' for details see \url{http://svmlight.joachims.org/}
#' @param ... other arguments not used by this method.
#' @return SVM model object
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # train SVM from data in x and labels in y
#' svm <- SVM(x, y, core="libsvm", kernel="linear", C=1)
#' # train SVM using a dataset with both data and lables and a formula pointing to labels
#' formula <- target ~ .
#' svm <- SVM(formula, data, core="svmlight", kernel="rbf", gamma=1e3)
#' # train a model with 2eSVM algorithm
#' data(svm_breast_cancer_dataset)
#' ds <- svm.breastcancer.dataset
#' svm.2e <- SVM(x=ds[,-1], y=ds[,1], core="libsvm", kernel="linear", prep = "2e", C=10);
#' # more at \url{http://r.gmum.net/samples/svm.2e.html}
#' # train SVM on a multiclass data set
#' data(iris)
#' # with "one vs rest" strategy
#' svm.ova <- SVM(Species ~ ., data=iris, class.type="one.versus.all", verbosity=0)
#' # or with "one vs one" strategy
#' svm.ovo <- SVM(x=iris[,1:4], y=iris[,5], class.type="one.versus.one", verbosity=0)
#' # we can use svmlights sample weighting feature, suppose we have weights vector
#' # with a weight for every sample in the traning data
#' weighted.svm <- SVM(formula=y~., data=df, core="svmlight", kernel="rbf", C=1.0,
#'                     gamma=0.5, example.weights=weights)
#' # svmlight alows us to determine missing labels from a dataset
#' # suppose we have a labels y with missing labels marked as zeros
#' svm.transduction <- SVM(x, y, transductive.learning=TRUE, core="svmlight")
#' # for more in-depth examples visit \url{http://r.gmum.net/getting_started.html}
#' }
SVM <- function(x, ...) UseMethod("SVM")

#' Class Rcpp_SVMClient.
#' Class \code{Rcpp_SVMClient} defines a SVM model class.
#' @rdname Rcpp_SVMClient-class
#' @exportClass Rcpp_SVMClient
setClass(Class = "Rcpp_SVMClient")

#' Class MultiClassSVM
#' Class \code{MultiClassSVM} defines a multiclass SVM model class.
#' @name MultiClassSVM-class
#' @exportClass MultiClassSVM
setClass(Class = "MultiClassSVM")

.createMultiClassSVM <- NULL

#' @export
summary.MultiClassSVM <- NULL

#' @export
plot.MultiClassSVM <- NULL

#' @export
predict.MultiClassSVM <- NULL

#' @export
print.MultiClassSVM <- NULL

#' @title Predict using SVM object
#' @rdname predict.svm
#' @description Returns predicted classes or distance to discriminative for provided test examples.
#' @export
#' @param object Trained SVM object
#' @param x_test Unlabeled data, in one of the following formats:
#'  \code{data.frame}, \code{data.matrix}, \code{SparseM::matrix.csr}, \code{Matrix::Matrix},
#'  \code{slam::simple_triplet_matrix}
#' @param decision.function Uf \code{TRUE} returns SVMs decision function
#' (distance of a point from discriminant) instead of predicted labels, default: \code{FALSE}
#' @param ... other arguments not used by this method.
#' @method predict Rcpp_SVMClient
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # firstly, SVM model needs to be trained
#' svm <- SVM(x, y, core="libsvm", kernel="linear", C=1)
#' # then we can use it to predict unknown samples
#' predcit(svm, x_test)
#' }
predict.Rcpp_SVMClient <- NULL

#' @title Plot SVM object
#' @rdname plot.svm
#' @description Plots trained svm data and models disciriminative
#' @export
#' @param x Trained SVM object
#' @param X Optional new data points to be predicted and plotted in one of the following formats:
#'  \code{data.frame}, \code{data.matrix}; default: \code{NULL}
#' @param mode Which plotting mode to use as string, available are:
#'  \itemize{
#'  \item \code{'normal'} - default mode, plots data in cols argument and a linear decision
#'    boundry in available
#'  \item \code{'pca'} - preforms PCA decomposition and draws data in a subspace of first 2 dimensions
#'  from the PCA
#'  \item \code{'contour'} - countour plot for non-linear kernels
#'  }
#' @param cols Data dimensions to be plotted as vector of length 2, default: \code{c(1,2)}
#' @param radius Radius of the plotted data points as float, default: \code{3}
#' @param radius.max Maximum radius of data points can be plotted, when model is trained
#'  with example weights as float, default: \code{10}
#' @param ... other arguments not used by this method.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # here we ause svm is a trained SVM model
#' plot(svm)
#' plot(svm, X=x, cols=c(1,3))
#' plot(svm, mode="pca", radius=5)
#' }
#' @method plot Rcpp_SVMClient
plot.Rcpp_SVMClient <- NULL

#' @title Summary of SVM object
#' @rdname summary.svm
#' @description Prints short summary of a trained model.
#' @export
#' @param object Trained SVM object
#' @param ... other arguments not used by this method.
#' @method summary Rcpp_SVMClient
summary.Rcpp_SVMClient <- NULL

#' @title Print SVM object
#' @rdname print.svm
#' @description Prints short summary of a trained model.
#' @export
#' @param x Trained SVM object
#' @param ... other arguments not used by this method.
#' @method print Rcpp_SVMClient
print.Rcpp_SVMClient <- NULL

#' @title Caret model representation for SVM with radial kernel
#' @description Supply as parameter "method" in the caret::train function
#' @format List of caret specific values
#' @examples 
#' \dontrun{
#' model <- train(Class ~ ., data = training,
#' method = caret.gmumSvmRadial,
#' preProc = c("center", "scale"),
#' tuneLength = 8,             
#' trControl = fitControl,
#' tuneGrid = expand.grid(C=10^(c(-4:4)), gamma=10^(c(-4:4))),
#' core = "libsvm", # gmum.R parameter - pick library
#' verbosity = 0 # no outputs
#' )
#' }
#' @export
caret.gmumSvmRadial <- NULL

#' @title Caret model representation for SVM with linear kernel
#' @description Supply as parameter "method" in the caret::train function
#' @format List of caret specific values
#' @examples 
#' \dontrun{
#' model <- train(Class ~ ., data = training,
#' method = caret.gmumSvmLinear,
#' preProc = c("center", "scale"),
#' tuneLength = 8,             
#' trControl = fitControl,
#' tuneGrid = expand.grid(C=10^(c(-4:4)), gamma=10^(c(-4:4))),
#' core = "libsvm", # gmum.R parameter - pick library
#' verbosity = 0 # no outputs
#' )
#' }
#' @export
caret.gmumSvmLinear <- NULL

#' @title Caret model representation for SVM with linear kernel
#' @description Supply as parameter "method" in the caret::poly function
#' @format List of caret specific values
#' @examples 
#' \dontrun{
#' model <- train(Class ~ ., data = training,
#' method = caret.gmumSvmPoly,
#' preProc = c("center", "scale"),
#' tuneLength = 8,             
#' trControl = fitControl,
#' tuneGrid = expand.grid(C=10^(c(-4:4)), gamma=10^(c(-4:4))),
#' core = "libsvm", # gmum.R parameter - pick library
#' verbosity = 0 # no outputs
#' )
#' }
#' @export
caret.gmumSvmPoly <- NULL

#' @export 
#' @rdname svm
SVM.formula <- NULL

#' @export
#' @rdname svm
SVM.default <- NULL

loadModule('svm_wrapper', TRUE)

SVM.formula <- function(formula, data, ...) {
  call <- match.call(expand.dots = TRUE)
  if (!inherits(formula, "formula"))
    stop("Please provide valid formula for this method.")
  if (inherits(data, "Matrix") ||
      inherits(data, "simple_triplet_matrix") ||
      inherits(data, "matrix.csr"))
    stop("Please provide dense data for this method")
  labels <- all.vars(update(formula, . ~ 0))
  y <- data[, labels]
  # better way?
  if (formula[3] == ".()") {
    x <- data[, colnames(data) != labels]
  else {
    columns <- all.vars(update(formula, 0 ~ .))
    x <- data[, columns]
  if (is.data.frame(x))
    x <- data.matrix(x)
  ret <- SVM.default(x, y, ...)
  assign("call", call, ret) 

.createMultiClassSVM <- function(x, y, class.type, ...) {
  force(x) # Force non-lazy evaluation of arguments. This is just for devtools testthat to work, it has some strange issues.
  call <- match.call(expand.dots = TRUE)
  ys <- as.factor(y)
  tys <- table(ys)
  lev <- levels(ys)
  pick <- rbind(c(1),c(2))
  if (class.type == 'one.versus.all') {
    ymat <- matrix(-1, nrow = nrow(x), ncol = length(tys))
    ymat[cbind(seq(along = ys), sapply(ys, function(x)
      which(x == lev)))] <- 1
    # Result: ymat - dummy matrix where ymat[, i] is matrix for problem i
  } else if (class.type == 'one.versus.one') {
    ## Classification: one against one
    nclass <- length(tys)
    m <- (nclass - 1)
    minus <- nclass + 1 - sequence(m:1)
    plus <- rep(1:m, m:1)
    pick <- rbind(plus, minus)
    xsplit <- split(data.frame(x), ys)
    ymat <- list()
    xlist <- list()
    for (k in 1:ncol(pick)) {
      ymat[[k]] <-
        c(rep(1, nrow(xsplit[[pick[1, k]]])), rep(-1, nrow(xsplit[[pick[2, k]]])))
      xlist[[k]] <-
        rbind(xsplit[[pick[1, k]]], xsplit[[pick[2, k]]])
    # Result: ymat[[i]] - classes for problem i
    # Result: xlist[[i]] - dataset for problem i
    stop("Incorrect class.type")
  # Get number of subproblems
  if (is.matrix(ymat)) {
    J <- 1:ncol(ymat)
  }else if (is.list(ymat)) {
    J <- 1:length(ymat)
  models <- list()

  # Fit one model after another
  for (j in J) {
    x.model <- NULL
    y.model <- NULL
    if (class.type == "one.versus.all") {
      x.model <- x
      y.model <- ymat[,j]
    }else if (class.type == "one.versus.one") {
      # Note: it could be improved, but not so easily in R (all is copy)
      x.model <- xlist[[j]]
      y.model <- ymat[[j]]
    p <- as.list(match.call(expand.dots = TRUE))
    p$x <- x.model
    p$y <- as.factor(y.model)
    # class weights
    w <- p$class.weights
    if (!is.null(w) && class.type == "one.versus.one") {
      weight.pos <- w[lev[pick[1][j]]]
      weight.neg <- w[lev[pick[2][j]]]
      p$class.weights <- c("1" = weight.pos, "-1" = weight.neg)
    models[[j]] <- do.call(SVM, p[2:length(p)])
    assign("call", call, models[[j]])
  core <- as.list(call)$core
  kernel <- as.list(call)$kernel
  prep <- as.list(call)$prep
  if (is.null(core))
    core <- "libsvm"
  if (is.null(kernel))
    kernel <- "linear"
  if (is.null(prep))
    prep <- "none"
  obj <- list(
    models = models,
    class.type = class.type,
    .X = x, # getter also private
    .Y = y, # getter also private
    .pick = pick, # getter also private
    .levels = lev,
    call = call,
    core = core,
    kernel = kernel,
    preprocessing = prep
  class(obj) <- "MultiClassSVM"

SVM.default <-
           core         = "libsvm",
           kernel      = "linear",
           prep        = "none",
           transductive.learning = FALSE,
           transductive.posratio = -1.,
           C           = 1,
           gamma       = if (is.vector(x))
             1 / ncol(x),
           coef0       = 0,
           degree      = 3,
           class.weights    = NULL,
           example.weights    = NULL,
           cache_size  = 100,
           tol         = 1e-3,
           max.iter    = -1,
           verbosity   = 4,
           class.type = 'one.versus.all',
           svm.options = '',
           ...) {
    # First check if we have binary or multiclass case
    if (!is.vector(y) && !is.factor(y)) {
      stop("y is of a wrong class, please provide vector or factor")
    levels <- NULL
    if (is.factor(y)) {
      levels <- levels(y)
      # Standarizing, easier for library
      y <- as.factor(y)
      levels <- levels(y)
      warning("It is recommended to pass y as factor")
    # We don't support transductive multiclass, because it is bazinga
    if ((length(levels) > 2 && !transductive.learning)) {
      params <- as.list(match.call(expand.dots = TRUE))
      #skipping first param which is function itself
      params$class.weights <- class.weights
      params$class.type <- class.type
      return(do.call(.createMultiClassSVM, as.list(params[2:length(params)])))
    else if (length(levels) > 3 &&
             transductive.learning) {
      # 3 or more classes + TR class
      stop("Multiclass transductive learning is not supported!")
    if (core != "svmlight" && transductive.learning)
      core <- "svmlight"
    call <- match.call(expand.dots = TRUE)

    # check for errors
    if (core != "libsvm" && core != "svmlight") {
      stop(sprintf("bad core: %s, available are: libsvm, svmlight", core))
    if (kernel != "linear" &&
        kernel != "poly" && kernel != "rbf" && kernel != "sigmoid") {
      stop("bad kernel: %s")
    if (prep != "2e" &&
        prep != "none") {
      stop(sprintf("bad preprocess: %s", prep))
    if (verbosity < 0 ||
        verbosity > 6) {
      stop("Wrong verbosity level, should be from 0 to 6")
    if (C == 0 &&
        core == "libsvm") {
      # libsvm does not handle C=0, svmlight does
      warning("libsvm doesn't support C=0, switching to svmlight")
      core <- "svmlight"
    else if (C < 0) {
      stop(sprintf("C parameter can't be negative: %f", C))
    if (gamma <= 0) {
      stop(sprintf("gamma parameter must be positive: %f", gamma))
    if (degree < 1 ||
        degree %% 1 != 0) {
      stop(sprintf("degree parameter must be positive integer: %.2f", degree))
    if (verbosity < 0 ||
        verbosity > 6) {
      stop("Wrong verbosity level, should be from 0 to 6")
    if ((transductive.posratio < 0 &&
         transductive.posratio != -1) || transductive.posratio > 1) {
      stop("Please pass transductive.posratio in range [0,1]")
    # check data
    if (nrow(x) != length(y)) {
      stop("x and y have different lengths")
    if (inherits(x, "Matrix")) {
      x <- as(x, "matrix.csr")
    else if (inherits(x, "simple_triplet_matrix")) {
      ind <- order(data$i, data$j)
      x <- new(
        ra = x$v[ind],
        ja = x$j[ind],
        ia = as.integer(cumsum(c(
          1, tabulate(x$i[ind])
        dimension = c(x$nrow, data$ncol)
    else if (inherits(x, "matrix.csr")) {
    else if (is.data.frame(x)) {
      x <- data.matrix(x)
    else if (!is.matrix(x)) {
        "data is of a wrong class, please provide supported format:
        matrix or data.frame for dense;
        Matrix, simple_triplet_matrix or matrix.csr for sparse"
    sparse <- inherits(x, "matrix.csr")
    if (sparse) {
      if (is.null(y)) {
        stop("Please provide label vector y for sparse matrix classification")

    # Binary classification or 2 classes + unlabeled (for transductive learning)
    if ((length(levels) != 2 && !transductive.learning) ||
        (length(levels) != 3 && transductive.learning)) {
      stop("Please pass correct (binary) number of classes or 3 for transductive")
    # Decide what label is used for unlabeled examples
    unlabeled.level = "TR"
    if (transductive.learning) {
      if (!("TR" %in% levels || "0" %in% levels)) {
        stop("Please include TR or 0 factor in levels for transductive learning")
      if ("TR" %in% levels && "0" %in% levels) {
        stop("Couldn't deduce which label to use for transductive learning")
      if ("TR" %in% levels) {
        unlabeled.level <- "TR"
        unlabeled.level <- "0"
    # This ugly block of code ensures -1, 1 and 0 classes.
    # Contribution to simplifying this are welcome :)
    if (transductive.learning) {
      # Erasing TR from levels. We will never return it
      levels <- levels[levels != unlabeled.level]
      indexes.unlabeled <- y == unlabeled.level
      z <- y[!indexes.unlabeled]
      z <- as.integer(factor(z, levels = levels))
      z[z == 1] = -1
      z[z == 2] = 1
      y <- as.integer(y)
      y[indexes.unlabeled] <- 0
      y[!indexes.unlabeled] <- z
      y <- as.integer(y) # Standarization, omits 0!
      y[y == 1] <- -1 # Standarize it further!
      y[y == 2] <- 1
    config <- new(SVMConfiguration)
    config$y <- data.matrix(y)
    config$use_transductive_learning <- transductive.learning
    config$transductive_posratio <- transductive.posratio
    # sparse
    if (sparse) {
      config$sparse <- 1
      #x@ia - rowptr
      #x@ja - colind
      #x@ra - values
      config$set_sparse_data(x@ia, x@ja, x@ra, nrow(x), ncol(x), TRUE)
    else {
      config$sparse <- 0
      config$x <- x
    config$C <- C
    config$gamma <- gamma
    config$coef0 <- coef0
    config$degree <- degree
    config$eps <- tol
    config$cache_size <- cache_size
    config$max_iter <- max.iter
    config$svm_options <- svm.options
    if (!is.null(class.weights) && !is.logical(class.weights)) {
      if (is.null(names(class.weights)) && class.weights != 'auto') {
        stop("Please provide class.weights as named (by classes) list or vector or 'auto'")
      if (is.character(class.weights) && class.weights == "auto") {
        # sklearns heuristic automatic class weighting
        counts <- hist(y, breaks = 2, plot = FALSE)$counts
        inv_freq <- 1 / counts
        weights <- inv_freq / mean(inv_freq)
      else {
        # Maps name -> index that is feed into SVM
        # Note: factor is transformed such that class -> index in levels of factor
        class.labels.indexes <-
          sapply(names(class.weights), function(cls) {
            which(levels == cls)[1]
        # Standarize for all libraries (so if passed list("2"=1, "1"=3) it is reversed)
        class.weights <- class.weights[order(class.labels.indexes)]
        # We always pass numeric, so it will work if it is the case
        if (!is.numeric(y)) {
          stop("[DEV] breaking change, please fix")
    if (!is.null(example.weights) && !is.logical(example.weights)) {
      config$use_example_weights <- 1
      config$example_weights <- example.weights
    # default for now
    shrinking   = TRUE
    probability = FALSE
    if (shrinking) {
      config$shrinking <- 1
    } else {
      config$shrinking <- 0
    if (probability) {
      config$probability <- 1
    } else {
      config$probability <- 0
    client <- new(SVMClient, config)
    # R object often have fields that don't change accessible through $ notation
    assign("call", call, client)
    assign(".levels", levels, client)
    assign("core", client$.getCore(), client)
    assign("kernel", client$.getKernel(), client)
    assign("preprocessing", client$.getPreprocess(), client)
    assign("degree", client$.getDegree(), client)
    assign("gamma", client$.getGamma(), client)
    assign("C", client$.getC(), client)
    assign("alpha", client$.getAlpha(), client)
    assign("bias", client$.getBias(), client)
    if(client$kernel == "linear") {
      assign("w", client$.getW(), client)
    assign("SV", client$.getSV(), client)
    assign("numberSV", client$.getNumberSV(), client)
    assign("numberClasses", client$.getNumberClass(), client)
    assign("iterations", client$.getIterations(), client)
    assign("isShrinking", client$.isShrinking(), client)
    assign("isProbability", client$.isProbability(), client)
    assign("areExamplesWeighted", client$.areExamplesWeighted(), client)
    assign("exampleWeights", client$.getExampleWeights(), client)
    assign("classWeights", client$.getClassWeights(), client)
    assign(".staticFields", c("call", "core", "kernel", "preprocessing", "degree", "gamma", "C", "alpha", "bias", "w", "SV", 
                              "numberSV", "numberClasses", "iterations", "isShrinking", "isProbability", "areExamplesWeighted", 
                              "exampleWeights", "classWeights"), client)

print.Rcpp_SVMClient <- function(x, ...) {

show.Rcpp_SVMClient <- function(object) {

show.MultiClassSVM <- function(object) {

setMethod("show", "Rcpp_SVMClient", show.Rcpp_SVMClient)
setMethod("show", "MultiClassSVM", show.MultiClassSVM)

summary.MultiClassSVM <- function(object, ...) {
      "Support Vector Machine, multiclass.type: %s, core: %s, preprocess: %s",
  print(sprintf("%d classes",
  object <- object$models[[1]]
  print(sprintf("Parameters: kernel: %s, C: %f", object$kernel, object$C))
  if (object$kernel == "rbf") {
    print(sprintf("Kernel parameters: gamma: %f",
  else if (object$kernel == "poly") {
        "Kernel parameters: gamma: %f, degree: %d, coef0: %f",
  else if (object$kernel == "sigmoid") {
      "Kernel parameters: gamma: %f, coef0: %f",

print.MultiClassSVM <- function(x, ...) {

summary.Rcpp_SVMClient <- function(object, ...) {
      "Support Vector Machine, core: %s, preprocess: %s",
  print(sprintf("Parameters: kernel: %s, C: %f", object$kernel, object$C))
  if (object$kernel == "rbf") {
    print(sprintf("Kernel parameters: gamma: %f",
  else if (object$kernel == "poly") {
        "Kernel parameters: gamma: %f, degree: %d, coef0: %f",
  else if (object$kernel == "sigmoid") {
      "Kernel parameters: gamma: %f, coef0: %f",
      "%d classes with %d support vectors",

plot.MultiClassSVM <- function(x, ...) {
  plot.Rcpp_SVMClient(x, ...)

plot.Rcpp_SVMClient <-
  function(x, X = NULL, mode = "normal", cols = c(1,2), radius = 3, radius.max =
             10, ...) {
    #0. Some initial preparing
    if (mode != "pca" && mode != "normal" && mode != "contour") {
      stop("Wrong mode!")
    if (class(x) == "MultiClassSVM") {
      obj <- x$models[[1]]
      obj <- x
    #   NOTE: Added SparseM to dependencies
    #   TODO: Do we need e1071?
    if (obj$.isSparse()) {
      if (!requireNamespace("e1071", quietly = TRUE)) {
        stop("For sparse support install e1071 package")
    #1. Get X and Y
    if (is.null(X)) {
      new_data <- FALSE
      if (class(x) == "MultiClassSVM") {
        X <- x$.X
        true_target <- as.factor(x$.Y)
        true_target <- as.factor(x$.getY())
        if (obj$.isSparse()) {
          X <- Matrix::t(obj$.getSparseX())
          X <- obj$.getX()
      t <- predict(x, X)
      new_data <- TRUE
      t <- predict(x, X)
      true_target <- NULL
    labels <- levels(as.factor(t))
    #2. Do some checking
    if (ncol(X) > 2 && mode != "pca") {
        "Only 2 dimension plotting is supported for multiclass. Plotting using cols parameter"
    if (ncol(X) > 2 && mode == "contour") {
      stop("Contour mode is supported only for 2 dimensional data")
    if (ncol(X) == 1) {
      stop("Plotting is not supported for 1 dimensional data")
    #3. Prepare df. This is ugly copy so that we can do whatever we want
    if (obj$.isSparse()) {
      df <- data.frame(SparseM::as.matrix(X[,cols]))
      df <- data.frame(X[,cols])
    colnames(df) <- c("X1", "X2") # This is even worse
    df['prediction'] <- as.factor(t)
    if (!new_data) {
      if (length(levels(true_target)) > length(x$.levels)) {
        levels(true_target) <- c(x$.levels, "0")
      else {
        levels(true_target) <- x$.levels
      df['label'] <- true_target
    #4. Prepare data for plotting
    if (obj$.areExamplesWeighted()) {
      df['sizes'] <- obj$.getExampleWeights()
      scale_size <-
        scale_size_continuous(range = c(radius,radius.max))
    }else {
      df['sizes'] <- radius
      scale_size <- scale_size_identity()
    #5. Support parameters
    kernel <- obj$.getKernel()
    if (mode == "pca") {
      mx <- colMeans(X)
      pca_data <- prcomp(X, scale = FALSE)
      # Transform data
      df$X1 <- pca_data$x[,1]
      df$X2 <- pca_data$x[,2]
    w <- NULL
    if (kernel == "linear" && class(x) != "MultiClassSVM") {
      # W will be used only for binary model
      if (mode == "pca") {
        w <- c(obj$.getW())
        w <- (w - mx) %*% pca_data$rotation
      }else if (ncol(X) == 2) {
        w <- c(obj$.getW())
    points <- NULL
    #6. PLOT
    if (ncol(X) == 2 && mode == "contour") {
      x_col <- df$X1
      y_col <- df$X2
      x_max <- max(x_col)
      x_min <- min(x_col)
      y_max <- max(y_col)
      y_min <- min(y_col)
      x_margin <- (x_max - x_min) / 10
      y_margin <- (y_max - y_min) / 10
      x_max <- x_max + x_margin
      x_min <- x_min - x_margin
      y_max <- y_max + y_margin
      y_min <- y_min - y_margin
      x_axis <- seq(from = x_min, to = x_max, length.out = 300)
      y_axis <- seq(from = y_min, to = y_max, length.out = 300)
      grid <- data.frame(x_axis,y_axis)
      grid <- expand.grid(x = x_axis,y = y_axis)
      prediction <- predict(x, grid)
      grid['prediction'] <- prediction
      if (new_data)
        points <-
        geom_point(data = df, aes(X1, X2, size = sizes, colour = prediction))
        points <-
        geom_point(data = df, aes(
          X1, X2, size = sizes, colour = prediction, shape = label
      pl <- ggplot() +
        geom_tile(data = grid, aes(
          x = x,y = y, fill = prediction, alpha = .5
        )) +
        scale_fill_brewer(palette = "Set1") +
        scale_alpha_identity() +
        points +
        scale_colour_brewer(palette = "Set1") +
      if (ncol(X) > 2 && mode != "pca")
        warning("Only limited plotting is currently supported for multidimensional data")
      if (new_data)
        points <-
          geom_point(data = df, aes(X1, X2, size = sizes, colour = prediction))
        points <-
          geom_point(data = df, aes(
            X1, X2, size = sizes, colour = prediction, shape = label
      pl <- ggplot() +
        points +
        scale_colour_brewer(palette = "Set1") +
    # Add line
    if (!is.null(w) &&
        ncol(X) && mode != "pca" && mode != "contour") {
      s <- -w[1] / w[2]
      int <- -obj$.getBias() / w[2]
      pl <- pl + geom_abline(slope = s, intercept = int)

predict.MultiClassSVM <- function(object, x, ...) {
  # Sums votes
  prediction.row.oao <- function(r) {
    object$.levels[which.max(sapply(1:length(object$.levels), function(cl) {
      sum(r == cl)
  # Argmax of decision function
  prediction.row.oaa <- function(r) {
  ymat <- c()
  for (i in 1:length(object$models)) {
    model <- object$models[[i]]
    if (object$class.type == "one.versus.one") {
      pick <- as.integer(object$.pick[,i])
      pick <- pick[c(2,1)] # Reverse order
      # Predict
      prediction <- predict(model, x)
      # Replace labels
      votes <- pick[as.integer(prediction)]
      ymat <- cbind(ymat, votes)
      # Predict
      prediction <- predict(model, x, decision.function = TRUE)
      ymat <- cbind(ymat, prediction)
  if (object$class.type == "one.versus.one") {
    ymat.preds <- apply(ymat, 1, prediction.row.oao)
  }else if (object$class.type == "one.versus.all") {
    ymat.preds <- apply(ymat, 1, prediction.row.oaa)
    stop("Unrecognized class.type")
  return(factor(ymat.preds, levels = object$.levels))

predict.Rcpp_SVMClient <-
  function(object, x_test, decision.function = FALSE, ...) {
    if (!is(x_test, "data.frame") &&
        !is(x_test, "matrix") &&
        !is(x_test,"numeric") &&
        !is(x_test,"matrix.csr")) {
      stop("Wrong target class, please provide data.frame, matrix or numeric vector")
    if (!object$.isSparse()) {
      if (!is(x_test, "matrix") &&
          !is(x_test, "data.frame") &&
          !is.vector(x_test)) {
        stop("Please provide matrix or data.frame")
      if (!is(x_test, "matrix")) {
        if (is.vector(x_test)) {
          x_test <- t(as.matrix(x_test))
        else {
          x_test <- data.matrix(x_test)
    else {
      if (!is(x_test, "matrix.csr")) {
        stop("Please provide sparse matrix")
      object$.sparse_predict(x_test@ia, x_test@ja, x_test@ra, nrow(x_test), ncol(x_test))
    if (decision.function) {
      prediction <- object$.getPrediction()
      if (any(prediction == 0) ||
          length(unique(prediction)) > length(object$.levels)) {
        stop("Failed prediction, returned too many unique labels from library.")
      if (!is.null(object$.levels)) {
        # This line works because we do as.numeric() which transforms into 1 and 2
        # And we expect SVM to return same labels as passed
        if (length(object$.levels) == 2) {
          # Binary case
          prediction <-
            factor(object$.levels[(prediction + 1) / 2 + 1], levels = object$.levels)
          prediction <-
            factor(object$.levels[prediction], levels = object$.levels)

# Add (very basic) support for caret

copy <- function(x)

gmum.r.svm.radial.params = c("C", "gamma")
gmum.r.svm.radial.params.classes = c("double", "double")

gmum.r.svm.linear.params = c("C")
gmum.r.svm.linear.params.classes = c("double")

gmum.r.svm.poly.params = c("C", "gamma", "degree", "coef0")
gmum.r.svm.poly.params.classes = c("double", "double", "double", "double")

caret.gmumSvmRadial <- list(
  label = "gmum.r.svmRadial",
  library = c("gmum.r"),
  type = "Classification",
  parameters = data.frame(
    parameter = gmum.r.svm.radial.params,
    class = gmum.r.svm.radial.params.classes,
    label = gmum.r.svm.radial.params
  grid = function(x, y, len = NULL) {
    # We pass tuning grid manually.
    expand.grid(C = 10 ^ (-7:11),
                gamma = 10 ^ (-10:10))
  fit = function(x, y, wts, param, lev, last, classProbs, ...) {
    ## First fti the pls model, generate the training set scores,
    ## then attach what is needed to the random forest object to
    ## be used late
    x.df = as.data.frame(x)
    x.df$y = as.numeric(y)
    param$kernel = 'linear'
    if (is.null(param$gamma)) {
      param$gamma = 1
      param$kernel = 'rbf'
    if (is.null(param$degree)) {
      param$degree = 3
      param$kernel = 'poly'
    if (is.null(param$coef0)) {
      param$coef0 = 0
    sv <- gmum.r::SVM(
      x = x,
      y = y,
      C = param$C,
      gamma = param$gamma,
      degree = param$degree,
      coef0 = param$coef0,
      probability = classProbs,
      kernel = param$kernel,
  predict = function(modelFit, newdata, submodels = NULL) {
    as.factor(predict(modelFit, newdata))
  prob = function(modelFit, newdata, submodels = NULL) {
    predict(modelFit, newdata)
  varImp = NULL,
  levels = function(x) {
  sort = function(x)

caret.gmumSvmLinear.loc <- copy(caret.gmumSvmRadial)
caret.gmumSvmPoly.loc <- copy(caret.gmumSvmRadial)

caret.gmumSvmLinear.loc$parameters <-
  data.frame(parameter = gmum.r.svm.linear.params,
             class = gmum.r.svm.linear.params.classes,
             label = gmum.r.svm.linear.params)

caret.gmumSvmLinear.loc$grid <- function(x, y, len = NULL) {
  expand.grid(C = 10 ^ (-7:11))

caret.gmumSvmPoly.loc$grid <- function(x, y, len = NULL) {
    C = 10 ^ (-7:11), gamma = 10 ^ (-10:10), coef0 = c(0,1,10), degree = c(2,3,4)

caret.gmumSvmPoly.loc$parameters <-
  data.frame(parameter = gmum.r.svm.poly.params,
             class = gmum.r.svm.poly.params.classes,
             label = gmum.r.svm.poly.params)

caret.gmumSvmPoly <- caret.gmumSvmPoly.loc
caret.gmumSvmLinear <- caret.gmumSvmLinear.loc

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gmum.r documentation built on May 29, 2017, 3:52 p.m.