### Constructor for a goodness-of-fit test #####################################
##' @title Constructor of a Two-Sample Goodness-of-Fit Test
##' @param x (n, d)-matrix of samples (or a vector which is interpreted as a
##' one-column matrix)
##' @param y (m, d)-matrix of samples (or a vector which is interpreted as a
##' one-column matrix)
##' @param B number of bootstrap replications for determining the p-value
##' @param method statistic to be used for the test (a string that
##' specifies the maximum mean discrepancy (MMD) or the
##' Cramer--von Mises (CvM) statistic)
##' @param ... additional arguments passed to the underlying test statistic
##' @return object of class "htest"
##' @author Marius Hofert
##' @note To find print.htest, do:
##' methods("print")
##' getAnywhere("print.htest")
gof2sample <- function(x, y, B = 1000, method = c("MMD", "CvM"), progress = TRUE, ...)
## Basics
if(!is.matrix(x)) x <- cbind(x)
if(!is.matrix(y)) y <- cbind(y)
dim.x <- dim(x)
dim.y <- dim(y)
stopifnot(dim.x[2] == dim.y[2], dim.x[1] >= 1, dim.y[1] >= 1, B >= 1, is.logical(progress))
method <- match.arg(method)
div <- ifelse(B <= 100, ceiling(B/10), ceiling(sqrt(B)))
## Compute the test statistic and corresponding string
"MMD" = {
stat <- MMD(x, y = y, ...)
strng <- "Maximum Mean Discrepancy (MMD)"
"CvM" = {
stat <- CvM(x, y = y)
strng <- "Cramer-von Mises (CvM)"
stop("Wrong 'method'"))
## Bootstrap
xy <- rbind(x, y) # concatenate for this bootstrap
n <- nrow(xy)
stat. <- sapply(seq_len(B), function(b) {
## Create bootstrap samples
xy. <- xy[sample(1:n, size = n, replace = TRUE),] # create (large) bootstrap sample
x. <- xy.[1:dim.x[1],] # bootstrap sample
y. <- xy.[(dim.x[1]+1):n,] # bootstrap sample
## Compute test statistic
res. <- switch(method,
"MMD" = {
MMD(x., y = y., ...)
"CvM" = {
CvM(x., y = y.)
stop("Wrong 'method'"))
## Progress and return
if(progress && (b %% div) == 0)
cat(sprintf("%3d%% done\n", ceiling(b/B * 100)))
## Compute result
res <- list(
"p.value" = (sum(stat >= stat.) + 0.5) / (B + 1),
"statistic" = c("statistic" = stat), # name again here as otherwise not printed by print.htest
"method" = strng,
"B" = B, # not known to standard "htest" object (so not printed by default)
"" = paste0(c(deparse(substitute(x)),", ",deparse(substitute(y)))), # single string
"data.dim" = c("x" = list(dim.x), "y" = list(dim.y))) # not known to standard "htest" object (so not printed by default)
## Return
structure(res, class = c("htest2", "htest")) # give it also "htest2" so that we can have a better print method
### Methods ####################################################################
##' @title Print Method for Objects of Class "htest2"
##' @param x object of class "htest2"
##' @param digits see print.htest()
##' @param prefix see print.htest()
##' @param ... not used; for compatibility with 'print' generic
##' @return x (invisibly)
##' @author Marius Hofert
print.htest2 <- function(x, digits = getOption("digits"), prefix = "\t", ...)
## Version 1 (re-using print method of htest):
## x.htest <- structure(x, class = "htest") # remove "htest2"
## out.htest <- capture.output(print(x.htest)) # print as "htest" object and capture output
## if(out.htest[length(out.htest)] == "")
## out.htest <- head(out.htest, n = -1) # remove last empty line
## cat("\n")
## cat(out.htest, sep = "\n") # print htest output
## cat(paste0("B = ",x$B,"\n"))
## cat(paste0("dimensions: (",x$data.dim$x[1],", ",x$data.dim$x[2],"), ",
## "(",x$data.dim$y[1],", ",x$data.dim$y[2],")\n"))
## Version 2 (new print method; see also getAnywhere("print.htest")):
cat(strwrap(x$method, prefix = prefix), sep = "\n")
cat(paste0("statistic = ",format(x$statistic, digits = max(1L, digits - 2L)),
", p-value = ",format.pval(x$p.value, digits = max(1L, digits - 3L)),"\n"))
cat(paste0("B = ",x$B,"\n"))
cat("data: ", x$, "\n", sep = "")
cat(paste0("dimensions: (",x$data.dim$x[1],", ",x$data.dim$x[2],"), ",
"(",x$data.dim$y[1],", ",x$data.dim$y[2],")\n"))
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