### Plot loss ##################################################################
##' @title Plot of the Loss per Epoch after Training
##' @param x object of class "gnn_GNN"
##' @param kind character string indicating the type of plot
##' @param max.n.samples maximal number of samples to be plotted
##' @param type see ?plot
##' @param xlab see ?plot
##' @param ylab see ?plot
##' @param y2lab secondary y-axis label
##' @param labels see ?pairs
##' @param pair numeric(2) providing the indices of the pair being plotted (if
##' provided)
##' @param ... additional arguments passed to the underlying plot() or pairs()
##' @return plot of the specified kind by side-effect
##' @author Marius Hofert
##' @note - plot() is already a generic, no need to define this generic for
##' plot.gnn_GNN()
##' - Could also add training time, but not directly loss related
##' - For the naming of 'kind', see ?plot.ts
plot.gnn_GNN <- function(x, kind = c("scatter", "loss"), max.n.samples = NULL,
type = NULL, xlab = NULL, ylab = NULL, # for plot()
y2lab = NULL, # secondary y-axis label
labels = "X", pair = NULL, # for pairs()
kind <- match.arg(kind)
switch(kind, # currently only 'loss' available
"scatter" = {
## Check
if(!is.trained.gnn_GNN(x)) {
stop("'x' needs to be a trained object of class \"gnn_GNN\" if kind = \"scatter\"")
## Evaluate GNN on the saved prior
d <- tail(dim(x), n = 1) # output dimension
pair.given <- !is.null(pair)
max.n.samples <- if(d == 2 || pair.given) 5000 else 1000
data <- x[["prior"]][seq_len(min(nrow(x[["prior"]]), max.n.samples)),] # min{nrow(prior), max.n.samples}-many samples
sample <- ffGNN(x, data = data)
## Labels
len.labs <- length(labels)
stopifnot(len.labs == 1 || len.labs == d) # if d, then use 'labels' as is
if(len.labs == 1) {
labels <- as.expression(lapply(1:d, function(j)
substitute(l.[j.], list(l. =, j. = j))))
if(is.null(y2lab)) {
y2lab <- paste0("Sample size = ",nrow(sample))
## If d = 2 or 'pair' is provided, use plot(), otherwise pairs()
if(d == 2 || pair.given) {
if(pair.given) {
stopifnot(length(pair) == 2, 1 <= pair & pair <= d, pair[1] != pair[2])
} else {
pair <- c(1, 2)
## Define variables
if(is.null(type)) type <- "p"
if(is.null(xlab)) xlab <- labels[pair[1]]
if(is.null(ylab)) ylab <- labels[pair[2]]
## Plots
plot(sample[, pair], type = type, xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab, ...)
if(y2lab != "")
mtext(y2lab, side = 4, line = 0.5, adj = 0)
} else if(d > 2) { # pairs plot
pairs(sample, gap = 0, labels = labels, ...)
mtext(y2lab, side = 4, line = 1.1, adj = 0.1)
} else stop("Wrong 'd'")
"loss" = {
## Check
stop("'x' needs to be a trained object of class \"gnn_GNN\" if kind = \"loss\"")
## Define variables
if(is.null(type)) type <- "l"
if(is.null(xlab)) xlab <- "Epoch"
if(is.null(ylab)) ylab <- paste0("Loss (",x[["loss.type"]],")")
if(is.null(y2lab)) {
y2lab <- paste0("Training set size = ",x[["n.train"]],
", dimension = ",x[["dim"]][1],
", batch size = ",x[["batch.size"]])
## Plot
plot(x[["loss"]], type = type, xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab, ...)
if(y2lab != "") mtext(y2lab, side = 4, line = 0.5, adj = 0)
stop("Wrong 'kind'"))
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