
Defines functions plot.gofCOP

Documented in plot.gofCOP

#' Plotting function for objects of class gofCOP
#' Plots an object of class gofCOP.
#' The plotting function is constructed around \code{\link{pirateplot}} from
#' the \code{yarrr} package. Please see respective package for more details on
#' the non-default specifications of the plotting function.
#' We recommend not to amend the arguments \code{xlim}, \code{data},
#' \code{formula}, \code{sortx}, \code{xaxt}, \code{ylim} and \code{ylab} from
#' \code{\link{pirateplot}}. The arguments were defined such that the resulting
#' plot displays the test results in a proper manner.
#' @method plot gofCOP
#' @param x An object of \code{class} gofCOP.
#' @param copula Specify for which copulae to plot the results. The possible
#' entry is a character vector of the copula names. Default is \code{NULL}
#' which plots all copulae in the object.
#' @param hybrid Specify for which combinations to plot the hybrid tests. The
#' possible entry is a numeric vector of the hybrid combinations. Default is
#' \code{NULL} which plots all possible combinations.
#' @param point.bg The background color of the plot. Defaults to \code{white}.
#' @param point.col The color of the dots. Defaults to \code{black}.
#' @param point.cex The size of the dots. Defaults to \code{0.7}.
#' @param jitter.val Jittering the dots left/right for better visibility of
#' results. Defaults to \code{0.1}.
#' @param pal Color palette of the plots. Defaults to \code{xmen}.
#' @param bean.b.o Specification of how opaque the bars are. Defaults to
#' \code{0.2}.
#' @param inf.method Type of inference bands. Defaults to Bayesian Highest
#' Density Intervals, \code{hdi}.
#' @param theme Theme of the plot. See \code{\link{pirateplot}} for more
#' details. Defaults to \code{2}.
#' @param ...  Further arguments to be passed to \code{\link{pirateplot}}.
#' @return None
#' @references Phillips, N. (2017). yarrr: A Companion to the e-Book "YaRrr!:
#' The Pirate's Guide to R". \emph{R package version 0.1.5.}
#' \url{https://CRAN.R-project.org/package=yarrr} \cr \cr
#' @export
plot.gofCOP <- function(x, copula = NULL, hybrid = NULL, point.bg = "white", 
                        point.col = "black", point.cex = .7, jitter.val = 0.1, 
                        pal = "xmen", bean.b.o = .2, inf.method = "hdi", 
                        theme = 2, ...) {
  if (inherits(x, "gofCOP") & dim(x[[1]]$res.tests)[1] == 1) {
"Plotting p-values is only supported for various tests. Please consider gof()."
  if (!is.element(inf.method, c("hdi", "iqr", "sd", "se"))) {
"Please consider for the argument 'inf.method' either 'hdi', 'iqr', 
'sd' or 'se'."
  # selection of copulae
  if (!is.null(copula)) {
    if (!all(is.element(copula, names(x)))) {
"Please select only copulae included in your object of class gofCOP."
    cops_max <- eval(formals(gofCvM)$copula)
    cops_out <- cops_max[!is.element(cops_max, copula)]
    for (i in seq_along(cops_out)) {
      eval(parse(text = paste("x$", cops_out[i], "= NULL", sep = "")))
  numb_tests <- sum(!grepl("hybrid", rownames(x[[1]]$res.tests)))
  if (is.null(hybrid)) {
    hybrid <- 1:numb_tests
  for (i in seq_along(hybrid)) {
    if (!is.numeric(hybrid[i])) {
"Please select for 'hybrid' a vector of integers defining which hybrid testing 
sizes are desired."
    } else {
      if (floor(hybrid[i]) != hybrid[i]) {
"Please select for 'hybrid' a vector of integers defining which hybrid testing 
sizes are desired."
      } else {
        if ((hybrid[i] < 1) | (hybrid[i] > numb_tests)) {
"The elements of the 'hybrid' argument should not be smaller than 1 or larger 
than the number of single tests."
  hybrid <- sort(unique(hybrid))
  cops <- pvalues <- hybrids <- c()
  for (j in seq_along(x)) {
    numb_tests <- sum(!grepl("hybrid", rownames(x[[j]]$res.tests)))
    cops_tmp <- rep(x[[j]]$copula, each = numb_tests)
    pvalues_tmp <- c(gofOutputHybrid(x, nsets = 1)[[j]]$res.tests[, 1])
    hybrids_tmp <- rep(c("hyb1"), numb_tests)
    hybs_tmp <- c(c("hyb1"), paste("hyb", 2:numb_tests, sep = ""))
    for (i in seq_len(numb_tests)[-1]) {
      current.comb <- gofOutputHybrid(x, nsets = i)[[j]]$res.tests[
        -c(1:numb_tests), 1]
      cops_tmp <- c(cops_tmp, rep(x[[j]]$copula, each = length(current.comb)))
      pvalues_tmp <- c(pvalues_tmp, current.comb)
      hybrids_tmp <- c(hybrids_tmp, rep(hybs_tmp[i], 
                                        length(current.comb) * 
    cops <- c(cops, cops_tmp)
    pvalues <- c(pvalues, pvalues_tmp)
    hybrids <- c(hybrids, hybrids_tmp)
  toplot <- as.data.frame(cbind(cops, pvalues, hybrids))
  toplot[, 2] <- as.numeric(as.character(toplot[, 2]))
  colnames(toplot) <- c("copulae", "pvalues", "hybrids")
  # selection of hybrids
  desired_hybs <- paste("hyb", hybrid, sep = "")
  toplot <- toplot[is.element(toplot$hybrids, desired_hybs), ]
  cops <- as.character(unique(toplot$copulae))
  # binary data case with iqr
  if (inf.method == "iqr") {
    for (i in seq_along(cops)) {
      for (j in seq_along(hybrid)) {
        index <- which((toplot$copulae == cops[i]) & 
                         (!is.na(toplot$pvalues)) & 
                         (as.character(toplot$hybrids) == 
                            paste("hyb", as.character(hybrid[j]), sep = "")))
        if ((length(setdiff(toplot[index, 2], c(0, 1))) == 0) & 
            (length(index) > 0)) {
          toplot[index[1], 2] <- toplot[index[1], 2] + 0.000000000000001
  # sd/se case
  if (is.element(inf.method, c("sd", "se"))) {
    cnt <- c()
    for (i in seq_along(cops)) {
      for (j in seq_along(hybrid)) {
        index <- which((as.character(toplot$hybrids) == 
                          paste("hyb", as.character(hybrid[j]), sep = "")) & 
                         (!is.na(toplot$pvalues)) & 
                         (toplot$copulae == cops[i]))
        cur <- toplot[index, ]
        if (nrow(cur) == 1) {
          toplot <- toplot[-which(as.character(toplot$hybrids) == 
                                    paste("hyb", as.character(hybrid[j]), 
                                          sep = "")), ]
          cnt <- c(cnt, j)
    cnt <- sort(unique(cnt))
    if (length(cnt) == 1) {
paste(paste("'hyb", as.character(hybrid[cnt]), "'", sep = ""), 
"is removed from plotting as the chosen 'inf.method' is not applicable.")
    if (length(cnt) > 1) {
paste("The hybrids", paste(as.character(hybrid[cnt]), collapse = ","), 
"are removed from plotting as the chosen 'inf.method' is not applicable.")
    if (length(cnt) > 0) {
      hybrid <- hybrid[-cnt]
  # arguments given in the ellipsis
  args <- list(...)
  # base arguments which are not to be touched by the user
  tabu_args <- c("formula", "data", "sortx", "ylim", "xaxt", "xlim", "ylab")
  if (any(is.element(names(args), tabu_args))) {
"Please do not alter the arguments 'formula', 'data', 'sortx', 'ylim', 'xaxt', 
'xlim' or 'ylab'."
  if ((length(x) > 2) & (length(hybrid) > 2)) {
    adj <- 0.75
  } else {
    adj <- 0.5
    formula = pvalues ~ copulae + hybrids, data = toplot, theme = theme, 
    sortx = "sequentiell", ylim = c(0, 1), xaxt = "n", 
    xlim = c(adj, ((length(x) + 1) * (length(hybrid)) - adj)),
    ylab = "p-value", point.bg = point.bg, point.col = point.col, 
    point.cex = point.cex, jitter.val = jitter.val, pal = pal, 
    bean.b.o = bean.b.o, inf.method = inf.method, ...
  # vertical lines and axis
  if (length(hybrid) > 1) {
    abline(v = seq(length(x) + 1, (length(x) + 1) * (length(hybrid) - 1), 
                   (length(x) + 1)), lty = 3)
  axis(side = 1, at = 1:((length(x) + 1) * length(hybrid) - 1), 
       labels = c(rep(c(strtrim(names(x), 8), NA), (length(hybrid) - 1)), 
                  strtrim(names(x), 8)), las = 2)
  # hyb texts
  ats <- cumsum(c((length(x) + 1) / 2, rep(length(x) + 1, 
                                           length(hybrid) - 1)))
  if (is.element("hyb1", desired_hybs)) {
    desired_hybs[which(desired_hybs == "hyb1")] = "singleTests"
  for (i in 1:length(hybrid)) {
    mtext(text = desired_hybs[i], side = 3, at = ats[i])

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gofCopula documentation built on April 22, 2021, 5:10 p.m.