
Defines functions checkModelPar checkPresence checkEvents.network.goldfish checkEvents.nodes.goldfish checkEvents checkGlobalAttribute checkDependentEvents checkNetwork checkNodes checkColumns assignCatToObject checkClasses findLastPresence forceUntilPresent forcePresence findPresence

################################# ###
# Goldfish package
# Christoph Stadtfeld and James Hollway
# Functions related to
# Check functions for
# 1. basic checks
# 2. data objects validity
# 3. compatibility between objects
################################# ###

### 0. find helpers
## Find composition changes events for one nodeset
findPresence <- function(nodes) {
  if (!is.null(attr(nodes, "dynamicAttributes")) &&
    "present" %in% attr(nodes, "dynamicAttributes")) {
    compositionChanges <- attr(nodes, "events")[
      which(attr(nodes, "dynamicAttributes") == "present")
    if (is.na(compositionChanges)) stop("Composition changes were mispecified.")
  } else {

forcePresence <- function(compositionChanges, events, nodes) {
  for (r in seq_len(nrow(events))) {
    time <- events[r, ]["time"]$time
    if ("node" %in% names(events)) {
      eventNodes <- events[r, ]$node
    } else {
      eventNodes <- c(events[r, ]$sender, events[r, ]$receiver)

    # find index of the node(s)
    if (all(is.character(eventNodes))) {
      eventNodes <- which(nodes$label %in% eventNodes)

    # check presence
    for (node in eventNodes) {
      presence <- findLastPresence(node, time, nodes, compositionChanges)
      if (presence == -1) presence <- nodes$present[node]
      if (!presence) {
        compositionChanges <- rbind(
            time = as.POSIXct(as.Date(time) - 1),
            node = nodes$label[node], replace = TRUE, stringsAsFactors = FALSE
  compositionChanges <- compositionChanges[order(compositionChanges$time), ]


forceUntilPresent <- function(events, compositionChanges, nodes) {
  for (r in seq_len(nrow(events))) {
    time <- events[r, ]["time"]$time
    if ("node" %in% names(events)) {
      eventNodes <- events[r, ]$node
    } else {
      eventNodes <- c(events[r, ]$sender, events[r, ]$receiver)

    # find index of the node(s)
    if (all(is.character(eventNodes))) {
      eventNodes <- which(nodes$label %in% eventNodes)

    # check presence
    for (node in eventNodes) {
      presence <- findLastPresence(node, time, nodes, compositionChanges)
      if (presence == -1) presence <- nodes$present[node]
      if (!presence) {
        if (all(is.character(compositionChanges$node))) {
          nextPres <- compositionChanges[
            compositionChanges$node == nodes[node, "label"] &
              compositionChanges$replace == TRUE,
          nextPres <- nextPres[nextPres > time]
          events[r, ]["time"]$time <- nextPres[1]
        } else {
          nextPres <- compositionChanges[
            compositionChanges$node == node &
              compositionChanges$replace == TRUE,
          nextPres <- nextPres[nextPres > time]
          events[r, ]["time"]$time <- nextPres[1]
  events <- events[order(events$time), ]

## find later specification of a node presence
# node should be the index
findLastPresence <- function(node, time, nodes, compositionChanges) {
  if (all(is.character(compositionChanges$node))) {
    node <- nodes[node, ]$label
  if (!is.numeric(time)) {
    time <- as.numeric(time, unit = "seconds")

  nodeEvents <- which(compositionChanges$node == node)
  times <- compositionChanges$time[nodeEvents]
  if (!all(is.numeric(times))) {
    times <- as.numeric(times, unit = "seconds")
  presences <- compositionChanges[compositionChanges$node == node, "replace"]

  times <- times - time
  times <- which(times <= 0)
  if (length(times) == 0) {
  } else {


#' check object is from a specific class
#' @param object to check class
#' @param classes character vector with the set of classes to check agains
#' @return logical vector, \code{TRUE} if object is from the specific class
#' @noRd
#' @examples checkClasses(c(1L, 2L), c("numeric", "integer", "character"))
checkClasses <- function(object, classes) {
  vapply(classes, function(x) methods::is(object, x), logical(1))

#' assign object to a category given the class
#' @param object a list of objects to assign categories
#' @param classes character vector with the classes to check against
#' @param category  character vector with the categories to assign
#' @return character vector with the assigned category to each object
#' @noRd
#' @examples
#' assignCatToObject(
#'   list(
#'     logical(2), numeric(4), integer(3),
#'     matrix(FALSE, 2, 2), matrix(0L, 1, 1), matrix(0, 2, 2)
#'   )
#' )
assignCatToObject <- function(
    classes = c("matrix", "Matrix", "numeric", "character", "logical"),
    category = c("network", "network", "attribute", "attribute", "attribute")) {
  stopifnot(length(classes) == length(category))
  objectClasses <- vapply(
    FUN = checkClasses,
    FUN.VALUE = logical(length(classes)),
    classes = classes
  manyClasses <- colSums(objectClasses)
  objectCat <- apply(objectClasses, 2, function(x) category[x])
  attributes(objectCat) <- list(
    noneClass = any(manyClasses == 0),
    manyClasses = manyClasses

#' Check columns
#' Check columns names and types of a data frame
#' @param inDataFrame data.frame where the columns are checked
#' @param mandatoryNames character vector. Names of columns that must exist.
#' @param incompatibleNames character vector. One of those should exist
#'  but not both at the same time.
#' @param optionalNames character vector. Names of columns that are optional.
#' @param classes names list of character vectors.
#'  For mandatory/incompatible/optional names of columns
#' specify the allowed classes of the column. \code{".allow"} tagged slot
#'  give the classes allowed for other columns.
#' @return raise an error when either missing columns, incompatible columns
#'  or type/class is not supported.
#' @noRd
#' @examples
#' checkColumns(data.frame(sender = "1", receiver = "2", time = 2),
#'   mandatoryNames = c("sender", "receiver", "time"),
#'   classes = list(
#'     sender = c("character", "numeric"),
#'     receiver = c("character", "numeric"),
#'     time = c("POSIXct", "numeric"),
#'     .allow = c("character", "numeric", "logical")
#'   )
#' )
checkColumns <- function(
    mandatoryNames = NULL,
    incompatibleNames = NULL,
    optionalNames = NULL,
    classes = NULL) {
  columnNames <- colnames(inDataFrame)
  if (!is.null(mandatoryNames) && !all(mandatoryNames %in% columnNames)) {
    stop("Missing columns ",
        mandatoryNames[which(!(mandatoryNames %in% columnNames))],
        collapse = ", "
      call. = FALSE
  if (!is.null(incompatibleNames) && !any(columnNames %in% incompatibleNames)) {
    stop("Missing column that should be either ",
      paste(incompatibleNames, collapse = " or "),
      call. = FALSE
  if (!is.null(incompatibleNames) &&
    sum(colnames(inDataFrame) %in% incompatibleNames) > 1) {
    stop("Incompatible columns",
          which((incompatibleNames %in% colnames(inDataFrame)))
        collapse = ", "
      call. = FALSE

  # # vector helper to define types
  colType <- columnNames
    !columnNames %in% c(mandatoryNames, incompatibleNames, optionalNames)
  ] <-

  checked <- Map(
    function(column, ct, name) {
      if (!any(checkClasses(column, classes[[ct]]))) {
        stop("The column ", dQuote(name), " expects values of type ",
          paste(classes[[ct]], collapse = ", "), ".",
          call. = FALSE
      } else {
    inDataFrame, colType, columnNames
  ) |>
    vapply(identity, logical(1))



## Nodesets

#' check nodes object requirements
#' A nodeset should be a \code{data.frame} object that contains:
#' \itemize{
#'   \item a column "label" a character/numeric vector
#'    (no NAs and no duplicates)
#'   \item (optional) a column "present" of logical values
#'   \item any other column of attributes containing characters or numerics
#'    or logical values
#'   \item And should have: one attribute "events" linked to a valid
#'    and compatible events list
#' }
#' @param nodes a data frame to check
#' @return TRUE if the data frame is correctly specified
#' @noRd
#' @examples checkNodes(data.frame(label = "1", present = TRUE, age = 10))
checkNodes <- function(nodes) {
  # dataframe type (note: having the class node.goldfish is not mandatory,
  # a simple dataframe can be enough for certain models)
  if (!is.data.frame(nodes)) stop("A nodeset should be a data frame.")
  # columns names and types
      inDataFrame = nodes,
      mandatoryNames = "label",
      optionalNames = "present",
      classes = list(
        label = "character", present = "logical",
        .allow = c("numeric", "character", "logical")
  # special case of labels
  if (anyNA(as.vector(nodes$label))) {
    stop("Labels column cannot have missing values.", call. = FALSE)
  if (anyDuplicated(as.vector(nodes$label))) {
    stop("Labels should not be redundant (duplicate values).", .call = FALSE)
  # events attribute
  if (!is.null(attr(nodes, "events")) && !is.character(attr(nodes, "events"))) {
      "The nodeset attribute ", dQuote("events"),
      " should be a character vector.",
      call. = FALSE

## Networks

#' check network object requirements
#' A network should be a matrix. And should have:
#' \itemize{
#'   \item one attribute "events" linked to a valid and compatible events list
#'   \item one attribute "nodes" linked to one valid and compatible
#'    \code{nodeset}
#'   \item one attribute "directed" linked to a logical compatible with
#'    the matrix form
#'   \item one optional attribute "nodes2" linked to one valid and compatible
#'    \code{nodeset}
#' }
#' @param matrix object with the network as a adjacency matrix
#' @param nodes data frame with nodes information
#' @param nodesName character vector with the names of the nodes data frames
#' @param nodes2 data frame with the second mode nodes information
#' @return TRUE if the object fulfill requirements for network
#' @noRd
#' @examples
#' checkNetwork(
#'   matrix = structure(
#'     matrix(0, 2, 3),
#'     dimnames = list(sprintf("A%d", 1:2), sprintf("B%d", 1:3)),
#'     directed = TRUE,
#'     class = c("network.goldfish", "matrix", "array"),
#'     nodes = c("n1", "n2")
#'   ),
#'   nodes = data.frame(label = sprintf("A%d", 1:2)), nodesName = c("n1", "n2"),
#'   nodes2 = data.frame(label = sprintf("B%d", 1:3))
#' )
checkNetwork <- function(matrix, nodes, nodesName, nodes2 = NULL) {
  # matrix type: It's done in defineNetwork
  # if (!any(checkClasses(matrix, c("matrix", "Matrix"))))
  #   stop("A network should be a matrix.", call. = FALSE)
  # network class (here this class is mandatory)
  if (!inherits(matrix, "network.goldfish")) {
      "A network should be of the class network.goldfish.",
      " Please use the function \"defineNetwork\"."
  # events, nodes, directed attributes
  if (!is.null(attr(matrix, "events")) &&
        !is.character(attr(matrix, "events"))) { # styler: off
    stop("The network attribute \"events\" should be a character vector.")
  if (is.null(attr(matrix, "nodes"))) {
      "The network attribute \"nodes\" should contain",
      " the name of one or two nodesets."
  if (!is.character(attr(matrix, "nodes")) &&
        !length(attr(matrix, "nodes")) %in% c(1, 2)) { # styler: off
      "The network attribute \"nodes\" should contain",
      "the name of one or two nodesets."
  if (!is.logical(attr(matrix, "directed"))) {
    stop("The network attribute \"directed\" should be a boolean.")
  if (any(attr(matrix, "nodes") != nodesName)) {
    stop("The nodesets associated to this network were mispecified.")
  # validity of nodes
  isTwoMode <- !is.null(nodes2)
  if (!(inherits(nodes, "nodes.goldfish") &&
    isTwoMode && !inherits(nodes2, "nodes.goldfish"))) {
        if (isTwoMode) checkNodes(nodes2)
      error = function(e) {
        e$message <- paste("Invalid nodeset(s): ", e$message)

  # compatibility between nodes and matrix
  if (!isTwoMode && !all(dim(matrix) == nrow(nodes))) {
    stop("The matrix dimensions are not coherent with the nodeset size.")

  if (isTwoMode && any(dim(matrix)[1] != nrow(nodes) &&
    dim(matrix)[2] != nrow(nodes2))) {
    stop("The matrix dimensions are not coherent with the nodesets sizes.")

  # labels when present agree
  if (!is.null(dimnames(matrix))) {
    dimNames <- dimnames(matrix)
    rowIn <- dimNames[[1]] %in% nodes$label
    if (!all(rowIn)) {
        "Some row node labels are not in nodes data frame: ",
        paste(dimNames[[1]][!rowIn], collapse = ", ")

    colIn <- dimNames[[2]] %in% if (!isTwoMode) nodes$label else nodes2$label
    if (!all(colIn)) {
        "Some column node labels are not in nodes",
        ifelse(isTwoMode, "2", ""), " data frame: ",
        paste(dimNames[[2]][!colIn], collapse = ", ")

    if (!all(dimNames[[1]] == nodes$label) ||
      !all(dimNames[[2]] == if (!isTwoMode) nodes$label else nodes2$label)) {
        "The order of nodes in either row or columns is",
        "not the same as in \"nodes\"",
        ifelse(isTwoMode, "and \"nodes2\"", ""), " data frame",
        ifelse(isTwoMode, "s", "")
  } else {
      dQuote("matrix"), " object doesn't have a \"dimnames\" attribute. ",
      "The order of rows and columns is assumed to be the same as in \"nodes\"",
      ifelse(isTwoMode, "and \"nodes2\"", ""), " data frame",
      ifelse(isTwoMode, "s", ""),
      call. = FALSE


## Dependent events lists
# Dependent events should be a valid eventlist for either a nodeset
#   or a network with
# with one or two associated nodesets
# And should have:
# - one attribute "nodes" linked to one or two valid and compatible nodeset(s)

checkDependentEvents <- function(events, eventsName, nodes, nodes2,
                                 defaultNetwork, environment) {
  # check whether there's a column increment/replace or not (optional)
  updateColumn <- any(c("increment", "replace") %in% names(events))

  # check content
  if ("node" %in% names(events)) {
          object = nodes, events = events, eventsName = eventsName,
          updateColumn = updateColumn,
          environment = environment
      error = function(e) {
        stop("These events were assumed to be monadic events.", e$message)
  } else if (all(c("sender", "receiver") %in% names(events))) {
          object = defaultNetwork, events = events, eventsName = eventsName,
          updateColumn = updateColumn, environment = environment,
          nodes = nodes, nodes2 = nodes2
      error = function(e) {
        stop("These events were assumed to be dyadic events.", e$message)
  } else {
      "Invalid event list: missing one column node or two columns",
      "sender and receiver."


## Global attributes
# A gobal attribute should be a data.frame that contains:
# - a column "time" with numerics or POSIX times
# - a column "replace" of numerics or characters or booleans

checkGlobalAttribute <- function(global) {
  # check type
  if (!is.data.frame(global)) stop("A global attribute should be a data frame.")

  # check content
      mandatoryNames = c("time", "replace"),
      classes = list(
        time = c("POSIXlt", "POSIXct", "POSIXt", "numeric"),
        replace = c("logical", "numeric", "character")


## Events lists
# An events list should be a dataframe that contains:
# - a column "time" of numerics or POSIX times
# - a column "node" with labels (characters) or ids (numerics)
#   IF it's associated to a nodeset
# - 2 columns "sender" and "receiver" with labels (characters) or ids (numerics)
#   IF it's associated to a network
# - a column "replace" OR "increment" of characters or numerics or booleans

checkEvents <- function(
    object, events, eventsName,
    updateColumn = TRUE, environment = environment(), ...) {
  UseMethod("checkEvents", object)

## Nodesets and Events
# When adding an event to a nodeset:
# - events should be a valid events list for a nodeset
# - attribute should exist and be compatible
# - nodes labels/indexes should be correct
# if no attribute is specified, check for the one indicated in the
# nodeset attribute "dynamicAttributes". If there's nothing, it means
# that these events are not related to attributes.

checkEvents.nodes.goldfish <- function(
    object, events, eventsName,
    updateColumn = TRUE, environment = environment(),
    attribute = NULL, ...) {
  # check attributes
  if (!is.data.frame(events)) stop("An event list should be a data frame.")
  if (!is.null(attribute)) {
    if (!(is.character(attribute) && length(attribute) == 1)) {
      stop("An attribute should be a character object.")
    if (is.null(attr(object, "dynamicAttributes")) ||
      !(attribute %in% attr(object, "dynamicAttributes"))) {
      stop("The dynamic attributes for this nodeset were mispecified.")
    if (!eventsName %in%
      attr(object, "events")[
        which(attr(object, "dynamicAttributes") == attribute)
      ]) {
        "The events related to the dynamic attributes of this nodeset",
        " were mispecified."
  } else if (!is.null(attr(object, "events")) &&
    eventsName %in% attr(object, "events")) {
    if (is.null(attr(object, "dynamicAttributes")) ||
      is.na(attr(object, "dynamicAttributes")[
        which(attr(object, "events") == eventsName)
      ])) {
        "The events related to the dynamic attributes of this nodeset",
        "were mispecified."
    attribute <- attr(object, "dynamicAttributes")[
      which(attr(object, "events") == eventsName)

  # check classes and names of columns in events data.frame
  classesToCheck <- list(
    time = c("POSIXlt", "POSIXct", "POSIXt", "numeric"),
    node = c("integer", "character"),
    increment = "numeric",
    replace = c("logical", "numeric", "character")
  errorMessage <- function(e) {
    e$message <- paste("Invalid events list: ", e$message)
  if (!(attribute == "present")) {
    if (updateColumn) {
          mandatoryNames = c("time", "node"),
          incompatibleNames = c("increment", "replace"),
          classes = classesToCheck
        error = errorMessage
    } else {
          mandatoryNames = c("time", "node"),
          classes = classesToCheck
        error = errorMessage
  } else if (attribute == "present") {
    classesToCheck["replace"] <- "logical"
        mandatoryNames = c("time", "node", "replace"),
        classes = classesToCheck
      error = errorMessage

  if (is.unsorted(events$time)) {
    stop("Invalid events list: Events should be ordered by time.")

  # check presence of nodes
  compositionChanges <- findPresence(object)
  if (!is.null(compositionChanges) && attribute != "present") {
        get(compositionChanges, envir = environment)

  # check attributes compatibility
  if (!is.null(attribute)) {
    if (is.null(object[[attribute]])) {
        "The attribute ", dQuote(attribute),
        " doesn't exist in the nodeset."

    classAttr <- class(object[[attribute]])
    eventUpdate <- if (!is.null(events$replace)) {
    } else {
    classEven <- class(eventUpdate)
    if (!all(checkClasses(object[[attribute]], classEven)) &&
      !all(checkClasses(eventUpdate, classAttr))) {
        "The type of the attribute ", dQuote(attribute),
        " is incompatible with the associated event list.",
        "\n\tattribute class: ", paste(classAttr, collapse = ", "),
        "\n\tevent (increment/replace) class: ",
        paste(classEven, collapse = ", ")
  # if (all(events$node %in% object$label) && is.integer(events$node) &&
  #     (min(events$node) < 1 || max(events$node) > dim(object)[1]))
  #   stop(
  #     "Nodes indexes for the attribute ", dQuote(attribute), " are incorrect."
  #   )
  if (!all(events$node %in% object$label)) {
      "Nodes labels for the attribute ", dQuote(attribute), " are incorrect."


## Networks and Events
# When adding event to a network:
# - events should be valid event lists for a network
# - nodes labels/indexes should be correct
# If the network is not specified, less checks are possible !!!

checkEvents.network.goldfish <- function(
    object, events, eventsName,
    updateColumn = TRUE, environment = environment(),
    nodes, nodes2 = NULL, ...) {
  # get data frames of presence events over the nodes sets
  isTwoMode <- !is.null(nodes2)
  nodesName <- c(
    as.character(substitute(nodes, environment)),
    as.character(substitute(nodes2, environment))
  compositionChanges <- findPresence(nodes)
  if (!is.null(compositionChanges)) {
    compositionChanges <- get(compositionChanges, envir = environment)
  if (isTwoMode) {
    compositionChanges2 <- findPresence(nodes2)
    if (!is.null(compositionChanges2)) {
      compositionChanges2 <- get(compositionChanges2, envir = environment)

  if (!is.data.frame(events)) stop("An event list should be a data frame.")
  # check nodeset type
  if (!inherits(nodes, "nodes.goldfish") ||
    (isTwoMode && !inherits(nodes2, "nodes.goldfish"))) {
        if (isTwoMode) checkNodes(nodes2)
      error = function(e) {
        e$message <- paste("Invalid nodeset(s): ", e$message)

  classesToCheck <- list(
    time = c("POSIXlt", "POSIXct", "POSIXt", "numeric"),
    sender = c("integer", "character"),
    receiver = c("integer", "character"),
    increment = "numeric",
    replace = c("logical", "numeric", "character")
  if (updateColumn) {
        mandatoryNames = c("time", "sender", "receiver"),
        incompatibleNames = c("increment", "replace"),
        classes = classesToCheck
  } else {
        mandatoryNames = c("time", "sender", "receiver"),
        classes = classesToCheck

  if (is.unsorted(events$time)) stop("Events should be ordered by time.")

  # self-directed event
  if (any(events[, "sender"] == events[, "receiver"])) {
    warning("At least one self-directed event in data.")

  # other checks
  # if (is.null(attr(object, "events")) ||
  #   !any(eventsName %in% attr(object, "events")))
  #   warning(
  #     "The events associated to this network were mispecified.",
  #     "\nNetwork events attached: ",
  #     paste(attr(object, "events"), collapse = ", "),
  #     "\nevents being checked: ", paste(eventsName, collapse = "")
  #   )
  if (is.null(attr(object, "nodes")) ||
    !all(nodesName %in% attr(object, "nodes"))) {
    stop("The nodeset(s) associated to this network were mispecified.")

  # check presence of nodes
  if (!is.null(compositionChanges)) {
      checkPresence(events, nodes, compositionChanges, onlyReceiver = FALSE)
  if (isTwoMode && !is.null(compositionChanges2)) {
      checkPresence(events, nodes2, compositionChanges2, onlyReceiver = TRUE)

  # check attributes compatibility
  if (!isTwoMode) nodes2 <- nodes
  # if (!all(events$sender %in% nodes$label) && is.integer(events$sender)
  #     && (min(events$sender) < 1 || max(events$sender) > dim(nodes)[1]))
  #   stop("Nodes indexes in the sender column are incorrect.")
  # if (!all(events$receiver %in% nodes2$label) && is.integer(events$receiver)
  #     && (min(events$receiver) < 1 || max(events$receiver) > dim(nodes2)[1]))
  #   stop("Nodes indexes in the receiver column are incorrect.")
  if (!all(events$sender %in% nodes$label)) {
    stop("Nodes labels for the sender column are incorrect.")
  if (!all(events$receiver %in% nodes2$label)) {
    stop("Nodes labels for the receiver column are incorrect.")

  eventUpdate <- if (!is.null(events$replace)) {
  } else {
  if (!all(checkClasses(eventUpdate, mode(object)))) {
      "The class of the associated event list is incompatible",
      " with the mode of the 'network.goldfish' object.",
      "\n\tevent (increment/replace) class: ",
      paste(class(eventUpdate), collapse = ", "),
      "\n\tmode network: ", paste(mode(object), collapse = ", ")


## Presence of nodes in events
# Once we have all the data objects, we can check whether events times are
# coherent
# with the nodes presence specified in the nodeset(s)
# this function doesn't check anything else than presence coherence!
checkPresence <- function(
    events, nodes, compositionChanges, onlyReceiver = FALSE) {
  for (r in seq_len(nrow(events))) {
    # find time and nodes for this event
    time <- events[r, ]["time"]$time
    if ("node" %in% names(events)) {
      eventNodes <- events[r, ]$node
    } else {
      eventNodes <- c(events[r, ]$sender, events[r, ]$receiver)

    # find index of the node(s)
    if (all(is.character(eventNodes))) {
      eventNodes <- which(nodes$label %in% eventNodes)

    # check presence if it's a node event
    if (length(eventNodes) == 1) {
      node <- eventNodes
      presence <- findLastPresence(node, time, nodes, compositionChanges)
      if (presence == -1) presence <- nodes$present[node]
      if (!presence) {
          "Error in the events timestamps: the node ",
          nodes$label[node], " is not present at time ", time

    # check presence if it's a network event
    if (length(eventNodes) == 2) {
      if (!onlyReceiver) {
        node <- eventNodes[1]
        presence <- findLastPresence(node, time, nodes, compositionChanges)
        if (presence == -1) presence <- nodes$present[node]
        if (!presence) {
            "Error in the events timestamps: the node ", nodes$label[node],
            " is not present at time ", time
      node <- eventNodes[2]
      presence <- findLastPresence(node, time, nodes, compositionChanges)
      if (presence == -1) presence <- nodes$present[node]
      if (!presence) {
          "Error in the events timestamps: the node ", nodes$label[node],
          " is not present at time ", time

#' check if model and subModel parameters are conformable
#' @param model character string defining the model type
#' @param subModel character string defining the subModel type
#' @param modelList character string vector defining allowed options
#' @param subModelList list with character string vectors defining allowed
#'    subModel options by each model
#' @return invisible TRUE if model and subModel check conditions
#' @examples
#' checkModelPar(
#'   c("DyNAM", "REM"), "Rate", c("DyNAM", "REM"),
#'   list(
#'     DyNAM = c("choice", "rate", "choice_coordination"),
#'     REM = c("choice")
#'   )
#' )
#' @noRd

checkModelPar <- function(model, subModel, modelList, subModelList) {
    inherits(model, "character"), length(model) == 1,
    inherits(subModel, "character"), length(subModel) == 1

  if (!model %in% modelList) {
    stop("model: '", model, "' is not between the available options")

  if (!subModel %in% subModelList[[model]]) {
      "model: '", model, "' doesn't allow subModel: '",
      subModel, "' available options '",
      paste(subModelList[[model]], collapse = ", "), "'"


Try the goldfish package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

goldfish documentation built on Sept. 14, 2024, 9:08 a.m.