
Defines functions change_app_config_name ask_golem_creation_upon_config get_current_config guess_lines_to_config_file try_user_config_location guess_where_config

Documented in get_current_config

# This file contains everything related to the
# manipulation of the golem-config file

# We first need something to guess where the file
# is. 99.99% of the time it will be
# ./inst/golem-config.yml but if for some reason
# you're somewhere else, functions still need to
# work

#' @importFrom attempt attempt is_try_error
guess_where_config <- function(
  path = golem::pkg_path(),
  file = "inst/golem-config.yml"
) {
  # We'll try to guess where the path to the golem-config file is. Since the
  # user can now supply a user-defined golem-config there may be several cases
  # to consider:

  # 0. Firstly:
  # Read from default and possible user specified locations:
  ret_pth_def <- fs_path(path, file)
  ret_pth_usr <- try_user_config_location(pth = path)
  # Define booleans for different cases
  CONFIG_DFLT_EXISTS <- fs_file_exists(ret_pth_def)
  CONFIG_USER_EXISTS <- !is.null(ret_pth_usr) && (!identical(ret_pth_usr, ret_pth_def))

  # Case I.
  # The default config exists AND "R/app_config.R" does not provide any
  # information about a possible user config (this one should be correct in 99%
  # of the cases if no changes to the default param values are made).
  # => read config from "inst/golem-config.yml"

  # Case II.
  # The default config does not exists AND "R/app_config.R" provides information
  # about a possible user config (this one should be correct if the user changed
  # the location of the golem-config and properly deleted the (default) file in
  # the  default path "inst/golem-config.yml").
  # => read path to user-config from argument to the app_sys()-call inside
  # "R/app_config.R"

  # Case III.
  # The default config does exists AND "R/app_config.R" provides information
  # about a possible user config which is found! (this occurs if the user
  # changed the location/name of the golem-config, properly adjusted the
  # corresponding line in "R/app_config.R" but forgot to delete the (default)
  # config file in the default path "inst/golem-config.yml").
  # => Throw error and prompt user to check whether default config or user
  # config should be used.
    msg_err <- paste0(
      "It appears that two golem config files exist:\n",
      "- the default 'inst/golem-config.yml'\n",
      "- file read from an app_sys()-call in 'R/app_config.R'\n",
      "=> Resolve via either of the two options:\n",
      "1. KEEP USER-FILE: rename/delete default 'inst/golem-config.yml'\n",
      "2. KEEP DEFAULT: change 'app_sys(...)' to 'app_sys('golem-config.yml')'."

  # Case IV. All other "exotic" cases
  # IV.A Maybe for some reason we are in inst/
  ret_pth <- "golem-config.yml"
  if (fs_file_exists(ret_pth)) {
  # IV.B Try with pkg_path() and default filename in case function arguments
  # 'path' and 'file' are not working (though it's unusual to set values for
  # this arguments to something different from the defaults we still want to
  # cover this case)
  ret_pth <- attempt({
  if (!is_try_error(ret_pth) && fs_file_exists(ret_pth)) {

  # If all cases fail return NULL
try_user_config_location <- function(pth) {
  # I. try to retrieve from possible user change in app_config.R
  user_location_default <- file.path(
  if (
    )) {

  # II. if successful, read file and find line where new config is located
  tmp_guess_text <- readLines(
  tmp_guess_lines <- guess_lines_to_config_file(tmp_guess_text)
  ## -> early return if malformation i.e. no lines found that match app_sys(...)
  if (is.null(tmp_guess_lines)) {

  # III. Collapse character-text found into a single char from which to retrieve
  #      path! This is important if the path is a (complicated) multi-line path.
  tmp_guess_subtext <- paste0(tmp_guess_text[tmp_guess_lines], collapse = "")

  # IV. Identify quoted string that gives new config-path
  tmp_config_expr <- regexpr("\\((.|\n)*\\)$", tmp_guess_subtext)
  tmp_config_char <- regmatches(tmp_guess_subtext, tmp_config_expr)

  # V. Manually remove quotes/character-artefacts to form a proper path
  out_config_char <- regmatches(
    regexpr('\\".*\\"', tmp_config_char)
  out_config_char <- substring(out_config_char, 2, nchar(out_config_char) - 1)

  # V. return full path to new config file including pkg-path and 'inst'
  return(fs_path(pth, "inst", out_config_char))
guess_lines_to_config_file <- function(guess_text) {
  # I. Check if the path is a one-liner i.e. try to match `app_sys(...)` string
  tmp_guess_lines <- which(grepl("app_sys\\((.|\n)*\\)$", guess_text))
  if (identical(integer(0), tmp_guess_lines)) {
    # II. If that is not the case, identify lines that contain the path info
    tmp_guess_multi_liner <- which(grepl("app_sys\\(", guess_text))
    if (identical(integer(0), tmp_guess_multi_liner)) {
      # Early return NULL if file does not contain the `app_sys()` command;
      # alternatively, there could be an error thrown here if `app_sys()` must
      # be present inside any `R/app_config.R`; think about this later
    tmp_guess_lines <- tmp_guess_multi_liner
    tmp_check_lines <- seq(
      from = tmp_guess_lines + 1,
      to = length(guess_text)
    # Find the closing brace `)` of app_sys(...) - identified code portion must
    # contain information on the path.
    tmp_end_line <- NULL
    for (i in tmp_check_lines) {
      if (grepl(".*\\)", guess_text[i])) {
        tmp_end_line <- i
    # Return value is a sequence of line numbers where to elicit the config-path
    tmp_guess_lines <- seq(from = tmp_guess_lines, to = tmp_end_line)
#' Return path to the `{golem}` config-file
#' This function tries to find the path to the `{golem}` config-file currently
#' used. If the config-file is not found, the user is asked if they want to set parts
#' of the `{golem}` skeleton. This includes default versions of "R/app_config"
#' and "inst/golem-config.yml" (assuming that the user tries to convert the
#' directory to a `{golem}` based shiny App).
#' In most cases this function simply returns the path to the default
#' golem-config file located under "inst/golem-config.yml". That config comes
#' in `yml`-format, see the [Engineering Production-Grade Shiny Apps](https://engineering-shiny.org/golem.html?q=config#golem-config)
#' for further details on its format and how to set options therein.
#' Advanced app developers may benefit from having an additional user
#' config-file. This is achieved by copying the file to the new location and
#' setting a new path pointing to this file. The path is altered inside the
#' `app_sys()`-call of the file "R/app_config.R" to point to the (relative to
#' `inst/`) location of the user-config i.e. change
#' ```
#' # Modify this if your config file is somewhere else
#' file = app_sys("golem-config.yml")
#' ```
#' to
#' ```
#' # Modify this if your config file is somewhere else
#' file = app_sys("configs/user-golem-config.yml")
#' ```
#' __NOTE__
#' + the path to the config is changed relative to __*inst/*__ from
#' __*inst/golem-config.yml*__ to __*inst/configs/user-golem-config.yml*__
#' + if both, the default config __*and*__ user config files exists (and the
#' path is set correctly for the latter), an error is thrown due to ambiguity:
#' in this case simply rename/delete the default config or change the entry in
#' "R/app_config.R" back to `app_sys("golem-config.yml")` to point to the
#' default location
#' @param path character string giving the path to start looking for the config;
#'    the usual value is the `{golem}`-package top-level directory but a user
#'    supplied config is now supported (see __Details__ for how to use this
#'    feature).
#' @export
#' @return character string giving the path to the `{golem}` config-file
get_current_config <- function(path = getwd()) {
  # We check whether we can guess where the config file is
  path_conf <- guess_where_config(path)

  # We default to inst/ if this doesn't exist
  if (is.null(path_conf)) {
    path_conf <- fs_path(

  if (!fs_file_exists(path_conf)) {
    if (rlang_is_interactive()) {
      ask <- ask_golem_creation_upon_config(path_conf)
      # Return early if the user doesn't allow
      if (!ask) {
        path = golem_sys("shinyexample/inst/golem-config.yml"),
        new_path = fs_path(
        path = golem_sys("shinyexample/R/app_config.R"),
        new_path = fs_path(
        golem::pkg_name(path = path)
      # TODO This should also create the dev folder
    } else {
          "The %s file doesn't exist.",


ask_golem_creation_upon_config <- function(pth) {
  msg <- paste0(
    "The %s file doesn't exist.",
    "\nIt's possible that you might not be in a {golem} based project.\n",
    "Do you want to create the {golem} files?"
  yesno(sprintf(msg, basename(pth)))

# This function changes the name of the
# package in app_config when you need to
# set the {golem} name
change_app_config_name <- function(
  path = get_golem_wd()
) {
  pth <- fs_path(path, "R", "app_config.R")
  app_config <- readLines(pth)

  where_system.file <- grep("system.file", app_config)

  ] <- sprintf(
    '  system.file(..., package = "%s")',
  write(app_config, pth)

Try the golem package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

golem documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 7:54 p.m.