
Defines functions model_path ga_model_shiny_load make_auth_dropdown shiny_ui make_model_template make_model_libraries make_date_range has_server_object ga_model_shiny_template_make template_type write_template_object create_app_from_template ga_model_shiny ga_model_shiny_template

Documented in ga_model_shiny ga_model_shiny_load ga_model_shiny_template

#' Get a Shiny template file
#' Gets a pre-created template from the googleAnalyticsR samples
#' @param name the template name
#' @param read_lines If TRUE will use `readLines()` to print out the template contents
#' @export
#' @family GA modelling functions
ga_model_shiny_template <- function(name = "list", read_lines = FALSE){
  if(name == "list"){
                                  package = "googleAnalyticsR"),
                      recursive = TRUE))
  f <- system.file("models","shiny_templates",name, 
                   package = "googleAnalyticsR")
    stop("Couldn't find template named ", name, call. = FALSE)

#' Create a Shiny app from a ga_model file
#' @param models The [ga_model] file location ("my_model.gamr") or a [ga_model] object - can pass in multiple as a list
#' @param template The template Shiny files for the Shiny app - passed to `shiny::runApp()`
#' @param header_boilerplate Whether to add header boilerplate to the template
#' @param auth_dropdown What type of account picker to include
#' @param web_json The client.id json file for Web
#' @param scopes The scope the API requests will be under
#' @param title The title of the Shiny app
#' @param local_folder If not empty, will not launch Shiny app but write code to the folder location you put here
#' @param deployed_url If deploying Shiny app to a server, put the URL of the deployed app here so the authentication will redirect to the correct place
#' @param date_range Most templates support a \{\{ date_range \}\} global input for the data import functions, set this to FALSE to remove it
#' @param ... Extra macro variables the template may support: a named list with the name being a template variable
#' @details 
#' As [ga_model] objects have standardised code, they can be used to build standard templated Shiny apps.  Templates are made using the [whisker.render][whisker::whisker.render] function
#' Some templates are included with the package, seen via `ga_model_shiny_template("list")`
#' Templates hold macro variables indicated via \code{ \{\{ macro_name \}\} } in the Shiny app template code. See `ga_model_shiny_template("basic_app", TRUE)` for an example showing a minimal viable app.  Templates can be files such as ui.R or app.R files; folders containing ui.R, app.R files; or ui.R with html files for advanced themes - see [Shiny HTML templates](https://shiny.rstudio.com/articles/templates.html). All additional files that may be in the folder are also copied over (such as global.R or www/ folders)
#' Templates contain code to allow multi-user login via Google OAuth2.
#' If your template is pointing at a file such as ui.R or app.R it will create an app.R Shiny object.  If your template is pointing at a directory it will check for the presence of ui.R within the folder.  In either case if the server.R is missing it will use the boilerplate version from `ga_model_shiny_template("boilerplate")`
#' By default the Shiny app is launched which in most cases will prompt authorisation for your Google Analytics.  You can instead write the app out using `local_folder` to a valid location for deployment later.
#' @section Template macro variables:
#' \itemize{
#'  \item{\code{\{\{\{ model_libraries \}\}\}} - Adds `library()` calls based on models$required_packages}
#'  \item{\code{\{\{\{ web_json \}\}\}} - Adds Google OAuth2 client for web applications}
#'  \item{\code{\{\{\{ scopes \}\}\}} - Adds Google OAuth2 scopes for the API calls}
#'  \item{\code{\{\{\{ deployed_url \}\}\}} - Adds `option(googleAuthR.redirect)` option for deployed Shiny apps}
#'  \item{\code{\{\{\{ model_load \}\}\}} - Adds [ga_model_load] calls loading all models in the list passed to this function's `models` argument.  It creates R objects called 'model1', 'model2' etc. in the Shiny app code}
#'  \item{\code{\{\{\{ model_list \}\}\}} - Adds a list of the model objects after model_load.  Useful for creating custom functions in themes that can loop over model objects}
#'  \item{\code{\{\{\{ shiny_title \}\}\}} - Adds the title to the Shiny app}
#'  \item{\code{\{\{\{ auth_ui \}\}\}} - Adds the correct dropdown Shiny module for picking a GA4 or Universal Analytics properties}
#'  \item{\code{\{\{\{ date_range \}\}\}} - Adds a `shiny::dateInput()` date selector with id "date_range" for use in model's data fetching functions}
#'  \item{\code{\{\{\{ model_ui \}\}\}} - Adds the models UI elements as configured in the [ga_model] object.  It uses the object loaded above via the model_load macro.  It looks like `model1$ui('model1')` in the code.}
#'  \item{\code{\{\{\{ auth_server \}\}\}} - Adds the authentication module's server side function}
#'  \item{\code{\{\{\{ auth_accounts \}\}\}} - Adds a call to [ga_account_list] for the appropriate GA account type (GA4 or Universal)}
#'  \item{\code{\{\{\{ model_server \}\}\}} - Adds the server side module for the models as configured in the [ga_model] configuration. It uses the object loaded above via the model_load macro.  It looks like `model1$server('model1')` in the code.}
#'  \item{\code{\{\{\{ model1 \}\}\}} - Alternative to `model_load`, this will load the model file location instead, which you can pass to `ga_model_load()`} in the template.  model1 is the first model passed, model2 the second, etc.
#'  \item{\code{\{\{\{ your_argument \}\}\}} - You can pass in your own custom variables to the template via the `...` argument of this function if they are named the same as the template macro variable}
#' }
#' @export
#' @importFrom assertthat is.readable is.writeable
#' @importFrom whisker whisker.render
#' @examples
#' # see Shiny templates included with the package
#' ga_model_shiny_template("list")
#' # see an example of an ui.R template with macros
#' ga_model_shiny_template("basic/ui.R", read_lines = TRUE)
#' # see an example of an app.R template with macros
#' ga_model_shiny_template("basic_app/app.R", read_lines = TRUE)
#' \dontrun{
#' # a universal analytics model using default template "basic"
#' ga_model_shiny(
#'   ga_model_example("decomp_ga.gamr"), 
#'   auth_dropdown = "universal")
#' # a template from a directory holding an app.R file
#' ga_model_shiny(
#'   ga_model_example("decomp_ga.gamr"), 
#'   auth_dropdown = "universal",
#'   template = ga_model_shiny_template("basic_app"))
#' # a template from only an ui.R file that will import boilerplate server.R
#' ga_model_shiny(
#'   ga_model_example("decomp_ga.gamr"), 
#'   auth_dropdown = "universal",
#'   template = ga_model_shiny_template("basic/ui.R"))
#' # a template from a custom html based theme
#' ga_model_shiny(
#'   ga_model_example("decomp_ga.gamr"), 
#'   auth_dropdown = "universal",
#'   template = ga_model_shiny_template("html_based"))
#' # a template using library(argonDash)
#' ga_model_shiny(
#'   ga_model_example("ga-effect.gamr"), 
#'   title = "Argon Demo",
#'   auth_dropdown = "universal",
#'   template = ga_model_shiny_template("argonDash") )
#' # multiple models
#' m3 <- ga_model_example("time-normalised.gamr")
#' m4 <- ga_model_example("ga-effect.gamr")
#' # launch in gentelella template
#' ga_model_shiny(list(m4, m3), auth_dropdown = "universal",
#'               template = ga_model_shiny_template("gentelella"))
#' # you can make custom ui embedded within the template file
#' # use \{\{\{ model_list \}\}\} to work with the models in the ui.R
#' # below adds custom macro 'theme' and a custom ui in box tabs
#' ga_model_shiny(list(m4, m3), auth_dropdown = "universal", 
#'                template = ga_model_shiny_template("shinythemes"), 
#'                theme = "yeti")
#' # shinydashboard's custom ui functions put a model in each side tab      
#' ga_model_shiny(list(m4, m3), auth_dropdown = "universal", 
#'                template = ga_model_shiny_template("shinydashboard"), 
#'                skin = "green")
#' # send in lots of theme variables to bslib in shiny > 1.6.0
#' ga_model_shiny(list(m4, m3), auth_dropdown = "universal",
#'                template = ga_model_shiny_template("basic_bslib"), 
#'                bg = "white", fg = "red", primary = "grey")
#' # write out an app to a local folder
#' ga_model_shiny(list(m4, m3), auth_dropdown = "universal",
#'                template = ga_model_shiny_template("basic_bslib"), 
#'                bg = "white", fg = "red", primary = "grey",
#'                local_folder = "deploy_shiny")
#' }
#' @family GA modelling functions
ga_model_shiny <- function(
  template = ga_model_shiny_template("basic"),
  header_boilerplate = TRUE,
  title = "ga_model_shiny",
  auth_dropdown = c("ga4","universal","none"),
  web_json = Sys.getenv("GAR_CLIENT_WEB_JSON"),
  date_range = TRUE,
  scopes = "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/analytics.readonly",
  deployed_url = "",
  local_folder = "",
  auth_dropdown <- match.arg(auth_dropdown)
  # make a deployment folder
    # for apps we don't need to make an app folder
    if(grepl("^app", template_type(template))){
      # a useful Dockerfile
                to = file.path(local_folder, "Dockerfile"),
                overwrite = TRUE)
    } else {
      # a useful Dockerfile
                to = file.path(local_folder, "Dockerfile"),
                overwrite = TRUE)
      # this is in the root, to aid deployment
                to = file.path(local_folder, "app.R"),
                overwrite = TRUE)
      # the rest of the app is copied to local_folder/app/
      local_folder <- file.path(local_folder, "app")
      dir.create(local_folder, showWarnings = FALSE)
    # copy web_json file over
              to = file.path(local_folder, basename(web_json)),
              overwrite = TRUE)
    web_json <- basename(web_json)
      myMessage("If deploying this app online remember to set the 'deployed_url' to the URL of the final Shiny app location and set the same URL in the GCP console web client settings", 
                level = 3)
    models <- list(models)
  model_locations <- lapply(models, model_path, local_path = local_folder)
  # model1, model2, etc.
  names(model_locations) <- paste0("model", seq_along(models))
  model_template <- make_model_template(
    date_range = date_range)
  txt <- ga_model_shiny_template_make(
    header_boilerplate = header_boilerplate)
  values <- c(list(...),
              web_json = web_json,
              scopes = scopes,
              deployed_url = deployed_url,
              shiny_title = title)
  myMessage("passed template values:\n", 
            paste(names(values),"=",values, collapse = "\n"),
            level = 2)
  render <- lapply(txt, whisker.render, data = values)

    write_template_object(render, local_folder)
    # copy over any dependencies in template folder
    file.copy(list.files(template, full.names = TRUE), 
              local_folder, recursive = TRUE, overwrite = FALSE)   
  tmp_dir <- tempdir()
    # copy over any dependencies in template folder
    file.copy(list.files(template, full.names = TRUE), 
              tmp_dir, recursive = TRUE, overwrite = FALSE)    

  write_template_object(render, tmp_dir)
  myMessage("Launching Shiny app from", tmp_dir, level = 3)
  shiny_obj <- create_app_from_template(render, tmp_dir)

create_app_from_template <- function(output, location){
  if(!is.null(output$app) && nzchar(output$app)){
    myMessage("Detected Shiny app.R for location:", location, level = 3)
    app <- source(file.path(location, "app.R"), chdir = TRUE)
  # a shiny app in location with ui.R and server.R
  ui     <- source(file.path(location, "ui.R"), chdir = TRUE)
  server <- source(file.path(location, "server.R"), chdir = TRUE)

                              login_ui = googleAuthR::silent_auth), 

write_template_object <- function(output, destination_folder){

  if(!is.null(output$app) && nzchar(output$app)){
    loc <- file.path(destination_folder, "app.R")
    myMessage("Writing Shiny app.R to", loc, level = 2)
    writeLines(output$app, loc)
  if(!is.null(output$ui) && nzchar(output$ui)){
    loc <- file.path(destination_folder, "ui.R")
    myMessage("Writing Shiny ui.R to", loc, level = 2)
    writeLines(output$ui, loc)
  if(!is.null(output$server) && nzchar(output$server)){
    loc <- file.path(destination_folder, "server.R")
    myMessage("Writing Shiny server.R to", loc, level = 2)
    writeLines(output$server, loc)

# returns app or ui_server or ui suffix _folder/_file
template_type <- function(template){
  the_type <- NULL
  if(!dir.exists(template) && !file.exists(template)){
    stop("Couldn't detect if template was a file or directory: ", template, 
         call. = FALSE)
    # its a directory holding at least ui.R or app.R
    dir_files <- list.files(template, recursive = TRUE)
    if(!"ui.R" %in% dir_files && !"app.R" %in% dir_files){
      stop("Template folder must include ui.R or app.R file", call. = FALSE)
    if("app.R" %in% dir_files){
      the_type <- "app_folder"
    } else {
      # it has its own server.R so overwrite default
      if("server.R" %in% dir_files){
        the_type <- "ui_server_folder"
      the_type <- "ui_folder"
    myMessage("Template type:", the_type, level = 2)
  # its a file
  # we assume all ui.R files do not include server objects
  if(basename(template) == "ui.R"){
    the_type <- "ui_file"
  } else {
    the_type <- "app_file"
  myMessage("Template type:", the_type, level = 2)

# turn templates files into txt for server.R and ui.R for launching
ga_model_shiny_template_make <- function(template, header_boilerplate = TRUE){
  the_type <- template_type(template)
  # as an example
  output <- list(
    app = NULL,
    ui = NULL,
    server = NULL
  hdr_txt <- ""
      "Adding ga_model_shiny_template('header_boilerplate.R') to Shiny code",
      level = 2)
    # add the header boiler plate
    hdr_txt <- ga_model_shiny_template("boilerplate/header_boilerplate.R", 
                                       read_lines = TRUE)
  # default
  server_txt <- ga_model_shiny_template("boilerplate/server_boilerplate.R",
                                        read_lines = TRUE)
  if(the_type == "app_folder"){
    # does it have a server object? write it out as app.R
    app_txt <- readLines(file.path(template, "app.R"))
    output$app <- has_server_object(
                              read_lines = TRUE))
  } else if(the_type == "ui_folder"){
    ui_txt <- readLines(file.path(template, "ui.R"))
    output$server <- server_txt
    output$ui <- c(hdr_txt, ui_txt)
  } else if(the_type == "ui_server_folder"){
    ui_txt <- readLines(file.path(template, "ui.R"))
    server_txt <- readLines(file.path(template, "server.R"))
    output$ui <- c(hdr_txt, ui_txt)    
    output$server <- server_txt
  } else if(the_type == "ui_file"){
    ui_txt <- readLines(template)
    output$ui <- c(hdr_txt, ui_txt)
    output$server <- server_txt
  } else if(the_type == "app_file"){
    ui_txt <- readLines(template)
    output$app <- has_server_object(
                              read_lines = TRUE))
  } else {
    stop("Unrecognised type of template file.", call. = FALSE)


has_server_object <- function(txt, default){
  # does it have a server object? 
  if(any(grepl("^server", txt))){

make_date_range <- function(date_range){
  if(!date_range) return("br()")
  list(date_range = 
         'dateRangeInput("date_range", "Date Range", 
          start = Sys.Date() - 400, end = Sys.Date() - 1)')

make_model_libraries <- function(models){
  the_libs <- unique(unlist(lapply(models, function(x) x$required_packages)))
    model_libraries = paste(sprintf("library(%s)", the_libs), collapse = "\n")

make_model_template <- function(model_locations, date_range){
  # add dependency on global input$date_range?
    model_server <- paste(
      sprintf("%s$server('%s', view_id = view_id)", 
              names(model_locations), names(model_locations)), 
      collapse = "\n")
  } else {
    model_server <- paste(
      sprintf("%s$server('%s', view_id = view_id, 
                         date_range = reactive(input$date_range))", 
              names(model_locations), names(model_locations)), 
      collapse = "\n")
  # models in a list that can be used in theme templates
  model_list <- paste("list(", 
                            collapse = ",", sep = ","),
    model_load = paste(
      sprintf("%s <- ga_model_shiny_load('%s')", 
              names(model_locations), model_locations), 
      collapse = "\n"),
    model_ui = shiny_ui(names(model_locations)),
    model_server = model_server,
    model_list = model_list

#' How to generate the model objects HTML
#' This is the default way to create model UIs generated from the model name e.g. 'model1', 'model2' etc.
#' @param model_n The id of the model within Shiny.  This is usually `'modelN'` when N is the index of the model in the list
#' @details 
#' `ga_model_shiny_ui()` generates the UI for loading the model.  At minimum it needs to load `model1$ui('model1')` which is the default.  You may want to add some logic to make menu items for some templates, which this function helps facilitate.
#' @examples 
#' ga_model_shiny_ui("model1")
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
shiny_ui <- function(model_n){
    sprintf("%s$ui('%s')", model_n, model_n), 
    collapse = ",\n")

make_auth_dropdown <- function(type){
         none = NULL,
         universal = list(
           auth_ui = "authDropdownUI('auth_menu', inColumns = TRUE)",
           auth_server = "callModule(authDropdown, 'auth_menu', ga.table = al)",
           auth_accounts = "al <- reactive({req(token);ga_account_list()})"),
         ga4 = list(
           auth_ui = "accountPickerUI('auth_menu', inColumns = TRUE)",
           auth_server = "accountPicker('auth_menu', ga_table = al, id_only = TRUE)",
           auth_accounts = "al <- reactive({req(token);ga_account_list('ga4')})"

#' Load one model into a Shiny template
#' @param model_n The templated name of a model e.g. 'model1'
#' @param ... Other arguments passed from shiny server
#' @export
#' @family GA modelling functions
ga_model_shiny_load <- function(model_n, ...){
  model <- tryCatch(
    error = function(err){
      myMessage("Error loading model from ", normalizePath(model_n), level = 3)
    modelUi <- function(...) NULL
    modelServer <- function(...) NULL
  } else {
    modelUi <- model$shiny_module$ui
    modelServer <- model$shiny_module$server
    ui = modelUi,
    server = modelServer,
    model = model

model_path <- function(m, local_path){
  tmpdir <- tempdir()
    tmpdir <- local_path
    tmp_model <- tempfile(fileext = ".gamr", tmpdir = tmpdir)
    ga_model_save(m, filename = tmp_model)
    model_location <- tmp_model
  } else {
    model_location <- m
    # relative file path so its all self-contained in folder
  # absolute path for local use

Try the googleAnalyticsR package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

googleAnalyticsR documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 8:15 p.m.