#' Google map
#' Generates a google map object
#' @import htmlwidgets
#' @import htmltools
#' @import shiny
#' @aliases googleway
#' @param key A valid Google Maps API key.
#' @param data data to be used on the map. Either a data.frame, or an \code{sf} object. See details
#' @param location \code{numeric} vector of latitude/longitude (in that order)
#' coordinates for the initial starting position of the map.
#' The map will automatically set the location and zoom if data is added through one
#' of the various \code{add_} functions. If null, the map will default to Melbourne, Australia.
#' @param zoom \code{integer} representing the zoom level of the map (0 is fully zoomed out)
#' @param min_zoom the maximum zoom level which will be displayed on the map
#' @param max_zoom the minimum zoom level which will be displayed on the map
#' @param map_bounds the visible bounds of the map, specified as a vector of four
#' values of the form (xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax) (i.e., the form of the bounding box
#' of `{sf}` objects).
#' @param width the width of the map
#' @param height the height of the map
#' @param padding the padding of the map
#' @param styles JSON string representation of a valid Google Maps styles Array.
#' See the Google documentation for details \url{}
#' @param search_box \code{boolean} indicating if a search box should be placed on the map
#' @param update_map_view logical indicating if the map should center on the searched location
#' @param zoom_control logical indicating if the zoom control should be displayed
#' @param map_type defines the type of map to display. One of 'roadmap', 'satellite', 'terrain' or 'hybrid'
#' @param map_type_control logical indicating if the map type control should be displayed
#' @param scale_control logical indicating if the scale control should be displayed
#' @param street_view_control logical indicating if the street view control should be displayed
#' @param rotate_control logical indicating if the rotate control should be displayed
#' @param fullscreen_control logical indicating if the full screen control should be displayed
#' @param libraries vector containing the libraries you want to load. See details
#' @param split_view string giving the name of a UI output element in which to place
#' a streetview representation of the map. Will only work in an interactive environment (shiny).
#' @param split_view_options list of options to pass to the split street view.
#' valid list elements are \code{heading} and \code{pitch}
#' see \link{google_mapOutput}
#' @param event_return_type the type of data to return to R from an interactive environment (shiny),
#' either an R list, or raw json string.
#' @param geolocation logical indicating if you want geolocation enabled
#' @details
#' In order to use Google Maps you need a valid Google Maps Web JavaScript API key.
#' See the Google Maps API documentation \url{}
#' The data argument is only needed if you call other functions to add layers to the map,
#' such as \code{add_markers()} or \code{add_polylines}. However, the data argument
#' can also be passed into those functions as well.
#' The data can either be a data.frame containing longitude and latitude columns
#' or an encoded polyline for plotting polylines and polygons, or an \code{sf} object.
#' The supported \code{sf} object types are
#' \itemize{
#' \item{POINT}
#' \item{MULTIPOINT}
#' \item{LINESTRING}
#' \item{POLYGON}
#' \item{GEOMETRY}
#' }
#' The libraries argument can be used to turn-off certain libraries from being called.
#' By default the map will load
#' \itemize{
#' \item{visualization - includes the HeatmapLayer for visualising heatmaps
#' \url{}}
#' \item{geometry - utility functions for computation of geometric data on the surface of
#' the earth, including plotting encoded polylines.
#' \url{}}
#' \item{places - enables searching for places.
#' \url{}}
#' \item{drawing - provides a graphical interface for users to draw polygons, rectangles,
#' circles and markers on the map. \url{}}
#' }
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' map_key <- "your_api_key"
#' google_map(key = map_key, data = tram_stops) %>%
#' add_markers() %>%
#' add_traffic()
#' ## style map using 'cobalt simplified' style
#' style <- '[{"featureType":"all","elementType":"all","stylers":[{"invert_lightness":true},
#' {"saturation":10},{"lightness":30},{"gamma":0.5},{"hue":"#435158"}]},
#' {"featureType":"road.arterial","elementType":"all","stylers":[{"visibility":"simplified"}]},
#' {"featureType":"transit.station","elementType":"labels.text","stylers":[{"visibility":"off"}]}]'
#' google_map(key = map_key, styles = style)
#' }
#' @seealso \link{google_mapOutput}
#' @export
google_map <- function(data = NULL,
key = get_api_key("map"),
location = NULL,
zoom = NULL,
min_zoom = NULL,
max_zoom = NULL,
map_bounds = c(-180, -90, 180, 90),
width = NULL,
height = NULL,
padding = 0,
styles = NULL,
search_box = FALSE,
update_map_view = TRUE,
zoom_control = TRUE,
map_type = c("roadmap","satellite","hybrid","terrain"),
map_type_control = TRUE,
scale_control = FALSE,
street_view_control = TRUE,
rotate_control = TRUE,
fullscreen_control = TRUE,
libraries = NULL,
split_view = NULL,
split_view_options = NULL,
geolocation = FALSE,
event_return_type = c("list", "json")) {
map_type <- match.arg(map_type)
event_return_type <- match.arg(event_return_type)
if( length(map_bounds) != 4) {
stop("map_bounds must be a vector of 4 values specifying xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax")
map_bounds <- unname(map_bounds) ## to remove the xmin/max labels added by 'sf::st_bbox()'
map_bounds <- list(
west = map_bounds[1]
, south = map_bounds[2]
, east = map_bounds[3]
, north = map_bounds[4]
split_view_options <- splitViewOptions(split_view_options)
libraries <- c("visualization", "geometry", "places", "drawing")
location <- c(0, 0) ## Melbourne, Australia
zoom <- 1
# forward options using x
x = list(
lat = location[1],
lng = location[2],
zoom = zoom,
min_zoom = min_zoom,
max_zoom = max_zoom,
mapBounds = map_bounds,
styles = styles,
search_box = search_box,
update_map_view = update_map_view,
zoomControl = zoom_control,
mapType = map_type,
mapTypeControl = map_type_control,
scaleControl = scale_control,
streetViewControl = street_view_control,
rotateControl = rotate_control,
fullscreenControl = fullscreen_control,
event_return_type = event_return_type,
split_view = split_view,
split_view_options = split_view_options,
geolocation = geolocation
data <- normaliseData(data)
# create widget
googlemap <- htmlwidgets::createWidget(
name = 'google_map',
x = structure(
google_map_data = data
package = 'googleway',
width = width,
height = height,
sizingPolicy = htmlwidgets::sizingPolicy(
defaultWidth = '100%',
defaultHeight = 800,
padding = padding,
browser.fill = FALSE
header <- paste0('<script src="',
key, '&libraries=', paste0(libraries, collapse = ","), '"></script>',
'<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>')
googlemap$dependencies <- c(
name = "googleway",
version = "9999",
src= ".",
head = header,
all_files = FALSE
#' google map view
#' @inheritParams google_map
#' @param map a googleway map object created from google_map()
#' @export
google_map_view <- function(map, location, zoom) {
invoke_method(map, "set_map_position", location, zoom)
splitViewOptions <- function(split_view_options) {
## add default values for spitViewOptions
## heading: 34
## pitch: 10
if(is.null(split_view_options)) split_view_options <- list()
split_view_options <- splitViewDefault(split_view_options, 'heading', 34)
split_view_options <- splitViewDefault(split_view_options, 'pitch', 10)
splitViewDefault <- function(lst, key, default) {
v <- lst[[key]]
lst[[key]] <- ifelse(is.null(v), default, v)
normaliseData <- function(data) UseMethod("normaliseData")
#' @export
normaliseData.sf <- function(data) googlePolylines::encode(data)
#' @export
normaliseData.default <- function(data) data
#' Clear search
#' clears the markers placed on the map after using the search box
#' @param map a googleway map object created from \code{google_map()}
#' @export
clear_search <- function(map){
invoke_method(map, 'clear_search')
#' Update style
#' Updates the map with the given styles
#' @note This function is intended for use with \link{google_map_update} in an
#' interactive shiny environment. You can set the styles of the original map
#' using the \code{styles} argument of \link{google_map}
#' @param map a googleway map object created from \code{google_map()}
#' @param styles JSON string representation of a valid Google Maps styles Array.
#' See the Google documentation for details \url{}
#' @export
update_style <- function(map, styles = NULL){
invoke_method(map, 'update_style', styles)
# Update Pano
# @param map
# @param pano
# @param lat
# @param lon
update_pano <- function(map, pano, lat, lon) {
## TODO( lat & lon can only be single values)
invoke_method(map, "update_pano", pano, lat, lon)
#' Shiny bindings for google_map
#' Output and render functions for using google_map within Shiny applications and interactive Rmd documents.
#' @param outputId output variable to read from
#' @param width,height Must be a valid CSS unit (like \code{'100\%'},
#' \code{'400px'}, \code{'auto'}) or a number, which will be coerced to a
#' string and have \code{'px'} appended.
#' @param expr An expression that generates a google_map
#' @param env The environment in which to evaluate \code{expr}.
#' @param quoted Is \code{expr} a quoted expression (with \code{quote()})? This
#' is useful if you want to save an expression in a variable.
#' @name google_map-shiny
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' library(shiny)
#' library(googleway)
#' ui <- fluidPage(google_mapOutput("map"))
#' server <- function(input, output, session){
#' api_key <- "your_api_key"
#' output$map <- renderGoogle_map({
#' google_map(key = api_key)
#' })
#' }
#' shinyApp(ui, server)
#' ## using split view
#' library(shinydashboard)
#' library(googleway)
#' ui <- dashboardPage(
#' dashboardHeader(),
#' dashboardSidebar(),
#' dashboardBody(
#' box(width = 6,
#' google_mapOutput(outputId = "map")
#' ),
#' box(width = 6,
#' google_mapOutput(outputId = "pano")
#' )
#' )
#' )
#' server <- function(input, output) {
#' #set_key("your_api_key")
#' output$map <- renderGoogle_map({
#' google_map(location = c(-37.817386, 144.967463),
#' zoom = 10,
#' split_view = "pano")
#' })
#' }
#' shinyApp(ui, server)
#' }
#' @export
google_mapOutput <- function(outputId, width = '100%', height = '400px'){
package = 'googleway')
#' @rdname google_map-shiny
#' @export
renderGoogle_map <- function(expr, env = parent.frame(), quoted = FALSE) {
if (!quoted) { expr <- substitute(expr) } # force quoted
htmlwidgets::shinyRenderWidget(expr, google_mapOutput, env, quoted = TRUE)
# Get Map Data
# extracts teh data attribute from the map
# @param map a google_map object
get_map_data = function(map){
attr(map$x, "google_map_data", exact = TRUE)
#' Map Styles
#' Various styles for a \code{google_map()} map.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' map_key <- "your_map_key"
#' google_map(key = map_key, style = map_styles()$silver)
#' }
#' @note you can generate your own map styles at \url{}
#' @return list of styles
#' @export
map_styles <- function(){
standard <- '[]'
silver <- '[{"elementType": "geometry","stylers": [{"color": "#f5f5f5"}]},{"elementType": "labels.icon","stylers": [{"visibility": "off"}]},{"elementType": "labels.text.fill","stylers": [{"color": "#616161"}]},{"elementType": "labels.text.stroke","stylers": [{"color": "#f5f5f5"}]},{"featureType": "administrative.land_parcel","elementType": "labels.text.fill","stylers": [{"color": "#bdbdbd"}]},{"featureType": "poi","elementType": "geometry","stylers": [{"color": "#eeeeee"}]},{"featureType": "poi","elementType": "labels.text.fill","stylers": [{"color": "#757575"}]},{"featureType": "poi.park","elementType": "geometry","stylers": [{"color": "#e5e5e5"}]},{"featureType": "poi.park","elementType": "labels.text.fill","stylers": [{"color": "#9e9e9e"}]},{"featureType": "road","elementType": "geometry","stylers": [{"color": "#ffffff"}]},{"featureType": "road.arterial","elementType": "labels.text.fill","stylers": [{"color": "#757575"}]},{"featureType": "road.highway","elementType": "geometry","stylers": [{"color": "#dadada"}]},{"featureType": "road.highway","elementType": "labels.text.fill","stylers": [{"color": "#616161"}]},{"featureType": "road.local","elementType": "labels.text.fill","stylers": [{"color": "#9e9e9e"}]},{"featureType": "transit.line","elementType": "geometry","stylers": [{"color": "#e5e5e5"}]},{"featureType": "transit.station","elementType": "geometry","stylers": [{"color": "#eeeeee"}]},{"featureType": "water","elementType": "geometry","stylers": [{"color": "#c9c9c9"}]},{"featureType": "water","elementType": "labels.text.fill","stylers": [{"color": "#9e9e9e"}]}]'
retro <- '[{"elementType": "geometry","stylers": [{"color": "#ebe3cd"}]},{"elementType": "labels.text.fill","stylers": [{"color": "#523735"}]},{"elementType": "labels.text.stroke","stylers": [{"color": "#f5f1e6"}]},{"featureType": "administrative","elementType": "geometry.stroke","stylers": [{"color": "#c9b2a6"}]},{"featureType": "administrative.land_parcel","elementType": "geometry.stroke","stylers": [{"color": "#dcd2be"}]},{"featureType": "administrative.land_parcel","elementType": "labels.text.fill","stylers": [{"color": "#ae9e90"}]},{"featureType": "landscape.natural","elementType": "geometry","stylers": [{"color": "#dfd2ae"}]},{"featureType": "poi","elementType": "geometry","stylers": [{"color": "#dfd2ae"}]},{"featureType": "poi","elementType": "labels.text.fill","stylers": [{"color": "#93817c"}]},{"featureType": "poi.park","elementType": "geometry.fill","stylers": [{"color": "#a5b076"}]},{"featureType": "poi.park","elementType": "labels.text.fill","stylers": [{"color": "#447530"}]},{"featureType": "road","elementType": "geometry","stylers": [{"color": "#f5f1e6"}]},{"featureType": "road.arterial","elementType": "geometry","stylers": [{"color": "#fdfcf8"}]},{"featureType": "road.highway","elementType": "geometry","stylers": [{"color": "#f8c967"}]},{"featureType": "road.highway","elementType": "geometry.stroke","stylers": [{"color": "#e9bc62"}]},{"featureType": "road.highway.controlled_access","elementType": "geometry","stylers": [{"color": "#e98d58"}]},{"featureType": "road.highway.controlled_access","elementType": "geometry.stroke","stylers": [{"color": "#db8555"}]},{"featureType": "road.local","elementType": "labels.text.fill","stylers": [{"color": "#806b63"}]},{"featureType": "transit.line","elementType": "geometry","stylers": [{"color": "#dfd2ae"}]},{"featureType": "transit.line","elementType": "labels.text.fill","stylers": [{"color": "#8f7d77"}]},{"featureType": "transit.line","elementType": "labels.text.stroke","stylers": [{"color": "#ebe3cd"}]},{"featureType": "transit.station","elementType": "geometry","stylers": [{"color": "#dfd2ae"}]},{"featureType": "water","elementType": "geometry.fill","stylers": [{"color": "#b9d3c2"}]},{"featureType": "water","elementType": "labels.text.fill","stylers": [{"color": "#92998d"}]}]'
dark <- '[{"elementType": "geometry","stylers": [{"color": "#212121"}]},{"elementType": "labels.icon","stylers": [{"visibility": "off"}]},{"elementType": "labels.text.fill","stylers": [{"color": "#757575"}]},{"elementType": "labels.text.stroke","stylers": [{"color": "#212121"}]},{"featureType": "administrative","elementType": "geometry","stylers": [{"color": "#757575"}]},{"featureType": "","elementType": "labels.text.fill","stylers": [{"color": "#9e9e9e"}]},{"featureType": "administrative.land_parcel","stylers": [{"visibility": "off"}]},{"featureType": "administrative.locality","elementType": "labels.text.fill","stylers": [{"color": "#bdbdbd"}]},{"featureType": "poi","elementType": "labels.text.fill","stylers": [{"color": "#757575"}]},{"featureType": "poi.park","elementType": "geometry","stylers": [{"color": "#181818"}]},{"featureType": "poi.park","elementType": "labels.text.fill","stylers": [{"color": "#616161"}]},{"featureType": "poi.park","elementType": "labels.text.stroke","stylers": [{"color": "#1b1b1b"}]},{"featureType": "road","elementType": "geometry.fill","stylers": [{"color": "#2c2c2c"}]},{"featureType": "road","elementType": "labels.text.fill","stylers": [{"color": "#8a8a8a"}]},{"featureType": "road.arterial","elementType": "geometry","stylers": [{"color": "#373737"}]},{"featureType": "road.highway","elementType": "geometry","stylers": [{"color": "#3c3c3c"}]},{"featureType": "road.highway.controlled_access","elementType": "geometry","stylers": [{"color": "#4e4e4e"}]},{"featureType": "road.local","elementType": "labels.text.fill","stylers": [{"color": "#616161"}]},{"featureType": "transit","elementType": "labels.text.fill","stylers": [{"color": "#757575"}]},{"featureType": "water","elementType": "geometry","stylers": [{"color": "#000000"}]},{"featureType": "water","elementType": "labels.text.fill","stylers": [{"color": "#3d3d3d"}]}]'
night <- '[{"elementType": "geometry","stylers": [{"color": "#242f3e"}]},{"elementType": "labels.text.fill","stylers": [{"color": "#746855"}]},{"elementType": "labels.text.stroke","stylers": [{"color": "#242f3e"}]},{"featureType": "administrative.locality","elementType": "labels.text.fill","stylers": [{"color": "#d59563"}]},{"featureType": "poi","elementType": "labels.text.fill","stylers": [{"color": "#d59563"}]},{"featureType": "poi.park","elementType": "geometry","stylers": [{"color": "#263c3f"}]},{"featureType": "poi.park","elementType": "labels.text.fill","stylers": [{"color": "#6b9a76"}]},{"featureType": "road","elementType": "geometry","stylers": [{"color": "#38414e"}]},{"featureType": "road","elementType": "geometry.stroke","stylers": [{"color": "#212a37"}]},{"featureType": "road","elementType": "labels.text.fill","stylers": [{"color": "#9ca5b3"}]},{"featureType": "road.highway","elementType": "geometry","stylers": [{"color": "#746855"}]},{"featureType": "road.highway","elementType": "geometry.stroke","stylers": [{"color": "#1f2835"}]},{"featureType": "road.highway","elementType": "labels.text.fill","stylers": [{"color": "#f3d19c"}]},{"featureType": "transit","elementType": "geometry","stylers": [{"color": "#2f3948"}]},{"featureType": "transit.station","elementType": "labels.text.fill","stylers": [{"color": "#d59563"}]},{"featureType": "water","elementType": "geometry","stylers": [{"color": "#17263c"}]},{"featureType": "water","elementType": "labels.text.fill","stylers": [{"color": "#515c6d"}]},{"featureType": "water","elementType": "labels.text.stroke","stylers": [{"color": "#17263c"}]}]'
aubergine <- '[{"elementType": "geometry","stylers": [{"color": "#1d2c4d"}]},{"elementType": "labels.text.fill","stylers": [{"color": "#8ec3b9"}]},{"elementType": "labels.text.stroke","stylers": [{"color": "#1a3646"}]},{"featureType": "","elementType": "geometry.stroke","stylers": [{"color": "#4b6878"}]},{"featureType": "administrative.land_parcel","elementType": "labels.text.fill","stylers": [{"color": "#64779e"}]},{"featureType": "administrative.province","elementType": "geometry.stroke","stylers": [{"color": "#4b6878"}]},{"featureType": "landscape.man_made","elementType": "geometry.stroke","stylers": [{"color": "#334e87"}]},{"featureType": "landscape.natural","elementType": "geometry","stylers": [{"color": "#023e58"}]},{"featureType": "poi","elementType": "geometry","stylers": [{"color": "#283d6a"}]},{"featureType": "poi","elementType": "labels.text.fill","stylers": [{"color": "#6f9ba5"}]},{"featureType": "poi","elementType": "labels.text.stroke","stylers": [{"color": "#1d2c4d"}]},{"featureType": "poi.park","elementType": "geometry.fill","stylers": [{"color": "#023e58"}]},{"featureType": "poi.park","elementType": "labels.text.fill","stylers": [{"color": "#3C7680"}]},{"featureType": "road","elementType": "geometry","stylers": [{"color": "#304a7d"}]},{"featureType": "road","elementType": "labels.text.fill","stylers": [{"color": "#98a5be"}]},{"featureType": "road","elementType": "labels.text.stroke","stylers": [{"color": "#1d2c4d"}]},{"featureType": "road.highway","elementType": "geometry","stylers": [{"color": "#2c6675"}]},{"featureType": "road.highway","elementType": "geometry.stroke","stylers": [{"color": "#255763"}]},{"featureType": "road.highway","elementType": "labels.text.fill","stylers": [{"color": "#b0d5ce"}]},{"featureType": "road.highway","elementType": "labels.text.stroke","stylers": [{"color": "#023e58"}]},{"featureType": "transit","elementType": "labels.text.fill","stylers": [{"color": "#98a5be"}]},{"featureType": "transit","elementType": "labels.text.stroke","stylers": [{"color": "#1d2c4d"}]},{"featureType": "transit.line","elementType": "geometry.fill","stylers": [{"color": "#283d6a"}]},{"featureType": "transit.station","elementType": "geometry","stylers": [{"color": "#3a4762"}]},{"featureType": "water","elementType": "geometry","stylers": [{"color": "#0e1626"}]},{"featureType": "water","elementType": "labels.text.fill","stylers": [{"color": "#4e6d70"}]}]'
return(list(standard = standard,
silver = silver,
retro = retro,
dark = dark,
night = night,
aubergine = aubergine))
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