
Defines functions validateWaypoints validateTransitRoutingPreference validateTransitMode validateTrafficModel validateSize validateResultType validateRegion validateRankBy validateRadiusRankBy validateRadius validateRadar validatePriceRange checkPosix validatePlaceType validatePitch validatePageToken validateName validateLocationType validateLocationSearch validateHeading validateGeocodeLocation validateFov validateLanguage validateLocationBias validateLocationRectangle validateLocationCircle validateLocationPoint validateFindInput validateDepartureTime validateComponentsCountries validateComponents validateBounds validateAvoid validateArrivalDepartureTimes validateArrivalTime validateAlternatives find_lon_column find_lat_column longitude_column latitude_column check_multiple_locations check_location check_address check_for_columns urlCheck.default urlCheck.url urlCheck.character urlCheck numericCheck loadIntervalCheck logicalCheck isHexColour check_opacities check_hex_colours

# Check hex colours
# Checks for valid hexadecimal value
# @param df \code{data.frame}
# @param cols string of columns to check
check_hex_colours <- function(df, cols){
  for(myCol in cols){
    if(!all(grepl("^#(?:[0-9a-fA-F]{3}){1,2}$", df[, myCol])))
      stop(paste0("Incorrect colour specified in ", myCol, ". Make sure the colours in the column are valid hexadecimal HTML colours"))

# Check opacities
# Checks for valid opacity values
# @param df \code{data.frame}
# @param cols string of columns to check
check_opacities <- function(df, cols){

  for(myCol in cols){
    ## allow NAs through
    vals <- df[, myCol][!is.na(df[, myCol])]
    if(length(vals) > 0)
      if(any(vals < 0) | any(vals > 1))
        stop(paste0("opacity values for ", myCol, " must be between 0 and 1"))

isHexColour <- function(cols){
  hexPattern <- "^#(?:[0-9a-fA-F]{3}){1,2}$|^#(?:[0-9a-fA-F]{4}){1,2}$"
  all(grepl(hexPattern, cols))

# Logical Check
# Checks the argument is length 1 logical
# @param arg
logicalCheck <- function(arg){
    if(!is.logical(arg) | length(arg) != 1)
      stop(paste0(deparse(substitute(arg))," must be logical - TRUE or FALSE"))

loadIntervalCheck <- function(load_interval){
    if(load_interval < 0)
      stop("load_interval needs to be a positive number")

# Numeric Check
# Checks the argument is lenght 1 numeric
# @param arg
numericCheck <- function(arg){
    if(!is.numeric(arg) | length(arg) != 1)
      stop(paste0(deparse(substitute(arg)), " must be a single numeric value"))

### url check ------------------
urlCheck <- function(url) UseMethod("urlCheck")

#' @export
urlCheck.character <- function(url) {
  if(!isUrl(url)) stop("invalid url")

#' @export
urlCheck.url <- function(url) url

#' @export
urlCheck.default <- function(url) stopMessage(url)

# hexType <- function(cols){
#   rgb <- "^#(?:[0-9a-fA-F]{3}){1,2}$"
#   rgba <- "^#(?:[0-9a-fA-F]{4}){1,2}$"
# }

# Check for columns
# Checks for valid columns
# @param df \code{data.frame}
# @param cols string of columns
check_for_columns <- function(df, cols){

  ## check to see if the specified columns exist
  if(!all(cols %in% names(df)))
    stop(paste0("Could not find columns: "
                , paste0(cols[!cols %in% names(df)], collapse = ", ")
                , " in the data"))


check_address <- function(address){
  if(is.character(address) & length(address) == 1){
    address <- gsub(" ", "+", address)
    stop("address must be a string of length 1")

check_location <- function(loc, type){
  if(is.numeric(loc) & length(loc) == 2){
    loc <- paste0(loc, collapse = ",")
  }else if(is.character(loc) & length(loc) == 1){
    loc <- gsub(" ", "+", loc)
    stop(paste0(type, " must be either a numeric vector of lat/lon coordinates, or an address string"))

check_multiple_locations <- function(loc, type){
  loc <- sapply(1:length(loc), function(x) {
    check_location(loc[[x]], type)
  loc <- paste0(loc, collapse = "|")

# Latitude column
# calls the correct function to check for latitude column
# @param data \code{data.frame}
# @param lat string identifying the latitude column
# @param calling_function the function that called this function
latitude_column <- function(data, lat, calling_function){

    lat_col <- find_lat_column(names(data), calling_function)
    names(data)[names(data) == lat_col[1]] <- "lat"
    ## check the supplied latitude column exists
    check_for_columns(data, lat)
    # names(data)[names(data) == lat] <- "lat"

# Longitude column
# calls the correct function to check for longitude column
# @param data \code{data.frame}
# @param lon string identifying the longitude column
# @param calling_function the function that called this function
longitude_column <- function(data, lon, calling_function){
    lon_col <- find_lon_column(names(data), calling_function)
    names(data)[names(data) == lon_col[1]] <- "lng"
    check_for_columns(data, lon)
    # names(data)[names(data) == lon] <- "lng"

# Find Lat Column
# Tries to identify the latitude column
# @param names string of column names
# @param calling_function the function that called this function
# @param stopOnFailure logical
find_lat_column <- function(names, calling_function, stopOnFailure = TRUE) {

  lats = names[grep("^(lat|lats|latitude|latitudes|stop_lat|shape_pt_lat)$", names, ignore.case = TRUE)]

  if (length(lats) == 1) {
    # return(list(lat = lats))

  if (stopOnFailure) {
    stop(paste0("Couldn't infer latitude column for ", calling_function))

  # list(lat = NA)

# Find Lon Column
# Tries to identify the longitude column
# @param names string of column names
# @param calling_function the function that called this function
# @param stopOnFailure logical
find_lon_column <- function(names, calling_function, stopOnFailure = TRUE) {

  lons = names[grep("^(lon|lons|lng|lngs|long|longs|longitude|longitudes|stop_lon|shape_pt_lon)$", names, ignore.case = TRUE)]

  if (length(lons) == 1) {
    # return(list(lon = lons))

  if (stopOnFailure) {
    stop(paste0("Couldn't infer longitude columns for ", calling_function))

  #list(lon = NA)

validateAlternatives <- function(alternatives){
  if(is.null(alternatives)) return(NULL)



validateArrivalTime <- function(arrival_time){

  if(is.null(arrival_time)) return( NULL )



validateArrivalDepartureTimes <- function(arrival_time, departure_time){

  if(!is.null(arrival_time) & !is.null(departure_time)){
    warning("you have supplied both an arrival_time and a departure_time - only one is allowed. The arrival_time will be ignored")

validateAvoid <- function(avoid){
  if(is.null(avoid)) return(NULL)

  if(!all(tolower(avoid) %in% c("tolls","highways","ferries","indoor"))){
    stop("avoid can only include tolls, highways, ferries or indoor")
    if(length(avoid) > 1){
      avoid <- paste0(tolower(avoid), collapse = "|")
      avoid <- tolower(avoid)

validateBounds <- function(bounds){
  if(is.null(bounds)) return(NULL)

  if(!inherits(bounds, "list") | !all(sapply(bounds, inherits, "numeric")) | length(bounds) != 2)
    stop("bounds must be a list of length 2, each item being a vector of lat/lon coordinate pairs")

  if(!all(sapply(bounds, length) == 2))
    stop("each element of bounds must be length 2 - a pair of lat/lon coordinates")

  bounds <- paste0(lapply(bounds, function(x) paste0(x, collapse = ",")), collapse = "|")

validateComponents <- function(components){
  if(is.null(components)) return(NULL)

  if(!inherits(components, "data.frame") | !sum(names(components) %in% c("component","value")) == 2)
    stop("components must be a data.frame with two columns named 'component' and 'value'")

  ## error on misspelled components
  if(!any(as.character(components$component) %in% c("route","locality","administrative_area","postal_code","country")))
    stop("valid components are 'route', 'locality', 'postal_code', 'administrative_area' and 'country'")

  components = paste0(apply(components, 1, function(x) paste0(x, collapse = ":")), collapse = "|")
  components <- tolower(components)

validateComponentsCountries <- function(components){
  if(is.null(components)) return(NULL)

  if(length(components) > 5){
    stop("components only supports up to 5 countries")

  if(!all(nchar(components) == 2)){
    stop("components must be two characters and represent an ISO 3166-1 Alpha-2 country code")

    stop("components must be two characters and represent an ISO 3166-1 Alpha-2 country code")

  components <- paste0("country:", components, collapse = "|")

validateDepartureTime <- function(departure_time, mode){
  if(is.null(departure_time)) return(NULL)

  if (inherits(departure_time, "POSIXct")) {
    checkPosix( departure_time )

    if(mode == "driving" && ( departure_time + 60) < Sys.time() ){ ## allowing a buffer
      stop("departure_time for driving mode must not be in the past")

    return( as.integer(departure_time ) )

  } else if ( inherits(departure_time, "character") ) {
    if( departure_time != "now") {
      stop("when using a string for departure_time you may only use 'now'")
  return( departure_time )

validateFindInput <- function( input, inputtype ) {
  ## if phonenumber , "+" needs to be encoded to %2B
  if( inputtype == "phonenumber") {
    input <- gsub("\\+","%2B",input)
  return( input )

validateLocationPoint <- function( point ) {
  if(is.null(point)) return(NULL)
  point <- validateGeocodeLocation( point )

validateLocationCircle <- function( circle ) {
  if(is.null(circle)) return(NULL)
  if( is.null( circle[['radius']] ) || is.null( circle[['point']] ) ) {
    stop("circle list must include radius and point elements")
    paste0("circle:", circle[['radius']],"@", paste0(circle[['point']], collapse = ",") )

validateLocationRectangle <- function( rectangle ) {
  if(is.null(rectangle)) return(NULL)
  if( is.null( rectangle[['sw']] ) || is.null( rectangle[['ne']] ) ) {
    stop("rectangle list must include sw and ne elements")

  sw <- paste0(rectangle[['sw']], collapse = ",")
  ne <- paste0(rectangle[['ne']], collapse = ",")
    paste0("rectangle:",sw, "|", ne)

validateLocationBias <- function( point, circle, rectangle ) {
  if( !is.null(point) ) {
    return( point )
  if (!is.null( circle )) {
    return( circle )
  if (!is.null( rectangle )) {
    return ( rectangle )
  return( NULL )

validateLanguage <- function(language){
  if(is.null(language)) return(NULL)

  if(!inherits(language, "character") | length(language) > 1){
    stop("language must be a single string")

validateFov <- function(fov){

  if(length(fov) != 1)
    stop("fov must be a single value")

  if(!is.numeric(fov) | fov < 0 | fov > 120)
    stop("fov must be a numeric value between 0 and 120 (inclusive)")


validateGeocodeLocation <- function(location){

  if(is.null(location)) return(NULL)
  ## checks the location is a numeric vector (of lat/lon coordinates)

    stop("location must be a vector of a pair of latitude and longitude coordinates")

  if(!length(location) == 2)
    stop("location must be a vector of a pair of latitude and longitude coordinates")

  location <- paste0(location, collapse = ",")


validateHeading <- function(heading){
  if(is.null(heading)) return(NULL)

  if(length(heading) != 1)
    stop("heading must be a single value")

  if(!is.numeric(heading) | heading < 0 | heading > 360){
    stop("heading must be a numeric value between 0 and 360 (inclusive)")


validateLocationSearch <- function(location, search_string, radius, rankby, keyword, name, place_type){
  if(is.null(location)) return(NULL)

  ## if using rankby="distance"
  if(!is.null(rankby)) {
    if(rankby == "distance") {
      if(!is.null(radius)) {
        stop("If using rankby, radius must not be specified")

  if(!is.null(radius) && !is.null(rankby)) {
    stop("rankby must not be included if radius is specified")

  ## radius must be included if using a location search
  if(is.null(search_string) && is.null(radius) & is.null(rankby))
    stop("you must specify a radius if only using a 'location' search")

  ## if rankby == distance, then one of keyword, name or place_type must be specified
    if(rankby == "distance" &
       is.null(keyword) & is.null(name) & is.null(place_type))
      stop("you have specified rankby to be 'distance', so you must provide one of 'keyword','name' or 'place_type'")


validateLocationType <- function(location_type){
  if(is.null(location_type)) return(NULL)

  if(length(setdiff(location_type, c("rooftop","range_interpolated", "geometric_center", "approximate"))) > 0)
    stop("invlalid values for location_type")

  if(length(location_type) > 1){
    location_type <- paste0(toupper(location_type), collapse = "|")
    location_type <- toupper(location_type)

validateName <- function(name, search_string){
  if(is.null(name)) return(NULL)

  ## warning if name used with search_string
  if(!is.null(search_string) & !is.null(name))
    warning("The 'name' argument is ignored when using a 'search_string'")

  if(length(name) > 1)
    name <- paste0(name, collapse = "|")


validatePageToken <- function(page_token){
  if(is.null(page_token)) return(NULL)

  ## page token is single string
  if(!is.character(page_token) | length(page_token) != 1)
    stop("page_token must be a string of length 1")


validatePitch <- function(pitch){

  if(length(pitch) != 1)
    stop("pitch must be a single value")

  if(!is.numeric(pitch) | pitch < -90 | pitch > 90){
    stop("pitch must be between -90 and 90 (inclusive)")


# validatePlaceInput <- function( inputtype ) {
#   if ( !( intputtype == "textxquery" || inputtype == "phonenumber") ) {
#     stop("inputtype must be one of textquery or phonenumber")
#   }
#   return( inputtype )
# }

validatePlaceType <- function(place_type){
  if(is.null(place_type)) return(NULL)

  if(length(place_type) > 1 | !is.character(place_type))
    stop("place_type must be a string vector of length 1")


checkPosix <- function(time){
  if(!inherits(time, "POSIXct"))
    stop("times must be a POSIXct object")

validatePriceRange <- function(price_range){
  if(is.null(price_range)) return(NULL)

  ## price range is between 0 and 4
  if(!is.numeric(price_range) | (is.numeric(price_range) & length(price_range) != 2))
    stop("price_range must be a numeric vector of length 2")

  if(!price_range[1] %in% 0:4 | !price_range[2] %in% 0:4)
    stop("price_range must be between 0 and 4 inclusive")


validateRadar <- function(radar){
  ## if radar search, must provide location, key, radius
  ## if radar search, one of keyword, name or type
  # if(isTRUE(radar)){
  #   if(!is.null(search_string))
  #     warning("the search_string in a radar search will be ignored")
  #   if(is.null(keyword) & is.null(name) & is.null(place_type))
  #     stop("when using a radar search, one of keyword, name or place_type must be provided")
  #   if(is.null(location))
  #     stop("when using a radar search, location must be provided")
  #   if(is.null(radius))
  #     stop("when using a radar search, radius must be provided")
  # }
  # return(radar)
  if( is.null( radar) ) {
  message("The radar argument is now deprecated")

validateRadius <- function(radius){
  if(is.null(radius)) return(NULL)

  if(length(radius) != 1 | is.list(radius))
    stop("radius must be numeric vector of length 1")

    stop("radius must be numeric between 0 and 50000")

  if(radius > 50000 | radius < 0)
    stop("radius must be numeric between 0 and 50000")


validateRadiusRankBy <- function(rankby, radius, location){

  ## radius must not be included if rankby=distance
  if(!is.null(rankby) & !is.null(location)){
    if(!is.null(radius) & rankby == "distance"){
      warning("radius is ignored when rankby == 'distance'")
      radius <- NULL

validateRankBy <- function(rankby, location, search_string){
  if(is.null(rankby)) return(NULL)

  ## rankby has correct arguments
    if(!rankby %in% c("prominence","distance"))
      stop("rankby must be one of either prominence or distance")

  ## warning if rankby used with search_string
    warning("The 'rankby' argument is ignored when using a 'search_string'")


validateRegion <- function(region){
  if(is.null(region)) return(NULL)

  if(!inherits(region, "character") | length(region) > 1)
    stop("region must be a two-character string")


validateResultType <- function(result_type){
  if(is.null(result_type)) return(NULL)

  if(!inherits(result_type, "character") )
    stop("result_type must be a vector of strings")

  if(length(result_type) > 1){
    result_type <- paste0(tolower(result_type), collapse = "|")
    result_type <- tolower(result_type)


validateSize <- function(size){

  if(!is.numeric(size) | length(size) != 2)
    stop("size must be a numeric vector of length 2, giving the width and height (in pixles) of the image")

  size <- paste0(size, collapse = "x")


validateTrafficModel <- function(traffic_model){
  if(is.null(traffic_model)) return(NULL)

  ## allow an underscore to pass
  traffic_model <- match.arg(gsub("_", " ", traffic_model), choices = c("best guess", "pessimistic","optimistic"))
  traffic_model <- gsub(" ", "_", traffic_model)


## transit_mode is only valid where mode = transit
validateTransitMode <- function(transit_mode, mode) {

  if(!is.null(transit_mode) & mode != "transit") {

    warning("You have specified a transit_mode, but are not using mode = 'transit'. Therefore this argument will be ignored")
  }else if(!is.null(transit_mode) & mode == "transit"){
    transit_mode <- match.arg(transit_mode, choices = c("bus","subway","train","tram","rail"))


## transit_routing_preference only valid where mode == transit
validateTransitRoutingPreference <- function(transit_routing_preference, mode) {
  if(!is.null(transit_routing_preference) & mode != "transit"){
    warning("You have specified a transit_routing_preference, but are not using mode = 'transit'. Therefore this argument will be ignored")
  }else if(!is.null(transit_routing_preference) & mode == "transit"){
    transit_routing_preference <- match.arg(transit_routing_preference, choices = c("less_walking","fewer_transfers"))
    transit_routing_preference <- paste0(transit_routing_preference, collapse = "|")

validateWaypoints <- function(waypoints, optimise_waypoints, mode){
  if(is.null(waypoints)) return(NULL)

  if(!mode %in% c("driving", "walking","bicycling"))
    stop("waypoints are only valid for driving, walking or bicycling modes")

  if(!inherits(waypoints, "list"))
    stop("waypoints must be a list")

  if(!all(names(waypoints) %in% c("stop", "via")))
    stop("waypoint list elements must be named either 'via' or 'stop'")

  ## check if waypoints should be optimised, and thefore only use 'stop' as a valid waypoint
  if(optimise_waypoints == TRUE){
    if(any(names(waypoints) %in% c("via")))
      stop("waypoints can only be optimised for stopovers. Each waypoint in the list must be named as stop")

  return(constructWaypoints(waypoints, optimise_waypoints))

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googleway documentation built on Aug. 22, 2023, 9:13 a.m.