
Defines functions optim_iter_message optim_start_message check_convergence gp_optim

Documented in gp_optim

#' Optimize hyperparameters of a GP model
#' This function can be used to optimize the hyperparameters of the model to the maximum
#' marginal likelihood (or maximum marginal posterior if priors are used), using Nelder-Mead
#' algorithm.
#' @param gp The gp model object to be fitted.
#' @param x n-by-d matrix of input values (n is the number of observations and d the input
#'  dimension). Can also be a vector of length n if the model has only a single input.
#' @param y Vector of n output (target) values.
#' @param tol Relative change in the objective function value (marginal log posterior) after 
#' which the optimization is terminated. This will be passed to the function stats::optim 
#' as a convergence criterion.
#' @param tol_param After the optimizer (Nelder-Mead) has terminated, the found hyperparameter
#' values will be checked for convergence within tolerance tol_param. More precisely, if we perturb
#' any of the hyperparameters by the amount tol_param or -tol_param, then the resulting
#' log posterior must be smaller than the value with the found hyperparameter values. If not,
#' then the optimizer will automatically attempt a restart (see argument restarts). Note:
#' tol_param will be applied for the logarithms of the parameters (e.g. log length-scale), not
#' for the native parameter values.
#' @param maxiter Maximum number of iterations.
#' @param restarts Number of possible restarts during optimization. The Nelder-Mead 
#' iteration can sometimes terminate prematurely before a local optimum is found, and
#' this argument can be used to specify how many times the optimization is allowed to
#' restart from where it left when Nelder-Mead terminated. By setting restarts > 0, 
#' one can often find local optimum without having to call gp_optim several times.
#' Note: usually there is no need to allow more than a few (say 1-3) restarts; 
#' if the optimization does not converge with a few restarts, then one usually 
#' must try to reduce argument tol in order to achieve convergence. If this does not help
#' either, then the optimization problem is usually ill-conditioned somehow.
#' @param verbose If TRUE, then some information about the progress of the optimization is
#'  printed to the console.
#' @param warnings Whether to print out some potential warnings (such as maximum number of
#' iterations reached) during the optimization.
#' @param ... Further arguments to be passed to \code{\link{gp_fit}} that are needed
#' in the fitting process, for example \code{trials} in the case of binomial likelihood.
#' @return An updated GP model object.
#' @section References:
#' Rasmussen, C. E. and Williams, C. K. I. (2006). Gaussian processes for machine learning. MIT Press.
#' @examples
#' # Generate some toy data
#' set.seed(1242)
#' n <- 50
#' x <- matrix(rnorm(n * 3), nrow = n)
#' f <- sin(x[, 1]) + 0.5 * x[, 2]^2 + x[, 3]
#' y <- f + 0.5 * rnorm(n)
#' x <- data.frame(x1 = x[, 1], x2 = x[, 2], x3 = x[, 3])
#' # Basic usage
#' cf <- cf_sexp()
#' lik <- lik_gaussian()
#' gp <- gp_init(cf, lik)
#' gp <- gp_optim(gp, x, y)
#' @export
gp_optim <- function(
    tol = 1e-4,
    tol_param = 1e-1,
    maxiter = 500,
    restarts = 1,
    verbose = TRUE,
    warnings = TRUE,
) {
  iter <- 0
  energy <- function(param) {
    gp <- set_param(gp, param)
    gp <- gp_fit(gp, x, y, ...)
    optim_iter_message(gp, iter, verbose)
    iter <<- iter + 1

  optim_start_message(gp, verbose)
  param0 <- get_param(gp)
  n <- length(y)
  control <- list(
    reltol = tol, 
    fnscale = n, 
    maxit = maxiter,
    warn.1d.NelderMead = warnings
  optim_results <- stats::optim(param0, energy, method = "Nelder-Mead", control = control)
  if (optim_results$convergence == 1 && warnings) {
    warning("Maximum number of iterations reached, optimization may not have converged.")
  param_opt <- optim_results$par
  e_opt <- optim_results$value
  gp <- set_param(gp, param_opt)
  gp <- gp_fit(gp, x, y, ...)

  if (warnings) {
    check_results <- check_convergence(energy, e_opt, param_opt, delta = tol_param, verbose = verbose)
    if (!check_results$converged) {
      if (restarts > 0) {
        if (verbose)
          cat("Parameters not yet converged, restarting...\n\n")
          gp_optim(gp, x, y, tol = tol, tol_param = tol_param, 
                   maxiter = maxiter, restarts = restarts - 1,
                   verbose = verbose, warnings = warnings, ...)
      } else {
    } else {
      if (verbose) {


check_convergence <- function(
    delta = 1e-1, 
    tol = 1e-2, 
    verbose = FALSE
) {

  if (verbose) {
    cat("Assessing convergence...\n")
  converged <- TRUE
  msg <- "Optimization converged."
  for (k in seq_along(param_opt)) {
    dparam <- rep(0, length(param_opt))
    dparam[k] <- delta
    loss1 <- lossfun(param_opt + dparam)
    loss2 <- lossfun(param_opt - dparam)
    loss_diff <- loss_opt - min(loss1, loss2)
    if (loss_diff > tol) {
      converged <- FALSE
      msg <- sprintf(paste(
        "Not all hyperparameters have reached convergence within tolerance tol_param = %f.",
        "Try increasing the number of restarts, or reducing tol."
      ), delta)
  return(list(converged=converged, msg=msg))

optim_start_message <- function(gp, verbose = TRUE) {
  if (!verbose) {
  nam <- names(get_param(gp))
  items <- sapply(seq_along(nam), function(i) paste0(sprintf("p%d: log ", i), nam[i]))
  cat("Optimizing parameters\n")
  cat(paste(unname(items), collapse = "\n"))

  symbols <- sapply(seq_along(nam), function(i) sprintf("p%d", i))
  row_items <- c(sprintf("%8s", symbols), sprintf("%10s", "Energy"), sprintf("%9s\n", "Iteration"))
  cat(paste0(row_items, collapse = " "))

optim_iter_message <- function(gp, iter, verbose = TRUE) {
  if (!verbose) {
  row_items <- c(sprintf("%8.2f", get_param(gp)), sprintf("%10.2f", gp_energy(gp)), sprintf("%9d", iter))
  cat(paste0(row_items, collapse = " "), "\n")

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