
Defines functions granova.1w

Documented in granova.1w

granova.1w <- function(data, group = NULL, dg = 2, h.rng = 1.25, v.rng = .2, box = FALSE, jj = 1, kx = 1, px = 1,
   size.line = -2.5, top.dot = .15, trmean = FALSE, resid = FALSE,  
   dosqrs = TRUE, ident = FALSE, pt.lab = NULL, xlab = NULL, ylab = NULL, main = NULL, ...){
# Graphic corresponds to conventional one-way ANOVA, either vector or matrix input; plots grouped data from yy.
# If yy is matrix, columns are taken to be groups of equal size (so 'group' is NULL).
# If yy is a vector, 'group' must be a vector, perhaps a factor, indicating groups.
# Group data sets are initially reordered according to sizes of their means, low (left) to high (right).
# Argument 'dg' sets number of decimal points in output display (& can have fundamental importance).
# Arguments 'h.rng' and 'v.rng' control (resp.) the horizontal spread of groups and the vertical spread group points.
# Argument 'box' places a box around graph (default FALSE).
# Argument 'jj' sets horiz. jittering level of points; when pairs of ordered means are close to one another, try jj < 1.
# Arguments 'k' and 'p' (numeric) control relative sizes of 'cex' and 'cex.axis' respectively. 
# Argument 'size.line' is numeric; controls vertical location of group size and name labels, default = -2.5.
# Argument 'trmean = TRUE' (default FALSE) marks 20% trimmed means for each group, and prints out those values in the output window.
# Argument 'resid = TRUE' (default FALSE) gives marginal distribution of residuals (as a 'rug') on right side (wrt grand mean).
# Argument 'dosqrs = TRUE' (default) overlays blue & red boxes to represent within & between mean squares;
# sides correspond to twice the corresponding standard deviations, so areas of the squares correspond to (4 times) the mean squares.
# Argument 'dosqrs = TRUE' (default) ensures inclusion of the squares; but (say, # of groups = 2) the squares can be suppressed
# Argument 'ident' allows user to identify specific points on the plot
# Argument 'pt.lab' allows user to provide labels for points, else the rownames of xdata are used (if defined), or if not labels are 1:n.
# in which case the t-statistic replaces F (see below); also if # of groups = 2, the standardized effect size is printed.
# The F statistic is reflected by the RATIO of the areas of red box to the blue box;
# and if there are only two groups, the standardized effect is printed.
# Finally, a wide variety of numerical summary statistics are generated to complement graphic results; see grandsum & stats.
# Please address questions, or make suggestions for improvements, to: rmpruzek@yahoo.com or james.helmreich@marist.edu

yy <- data

#Setting graph to square
op <- par(no.readonly = TRUE)

mtdff <- is.data.frame(yy)
if(ln.yy){ yy <- as.matrix(yy)

#Testing input data type
mtx <- is.matrix(yy)
if(!mtx){yr <- yy
#If yy is matrix sans colnames, need to give them some
if(mtx & is.null(colnames(yy))) { #Note changes here;did not work before, and I thought LETTERS looked better (your thoughts?)
     cnms<-LETTERS[1:dmyy2]     #Note that numbers replaced by LETTERS if initial matrix yy does not have col. names
     colnames(yy)<-c(paste(" G",cnms)) }  #1:dim(yy)[2]))

if(mtx){ group <- rep(1:ncol(yy), each = nrow(yy)) 
         yr <- as.vector(yy)

#Basic stats by group; 'stats' is matrix with rows corresponding to groups, columns for effect size contrasts, means, variances & sd's
mvs <- function(x){c(mean(x),var(x),sd(x))}
stats <- matrix(unlist(tapply(yr,groupf,mvs)),byrow=T,ncol=3)

groupn <- as.numeric(groupf)
#yrm is a vector of same length as 'group' with the appropriate group mean in each cell
yrm <- stats[,1][groupn]

tabc <- table(groupf)
#mn.n is mean groupsize
mn.n <- mean(tabc)
tabc.dm <- tabc/mn.n
grandmean <- mean(yr)

#Stats now has 6 cols, first is group size, second group mean minus grandmean, 
#third is weighted (by group size) mean, then mean, var, sd.
stats <- cbind(tabc,stats[,1]-grandmean, tabc.dm * stats[,1],stats)
if(max(stats[,1] >= 20))pt.size <- .7

#Creating x, y ranges for graph
#Parameters h.rng, v.rng, jj for horizontal, vertical and jitter enabled.
stats.vc <- yrm - grandmean
rng.v <- range(yr)
rng.h <- h.rng*range(stats.vc)
rng.vv <- c(rng.v[1]-v.rng*diff(rng.v), rng.v[2] + v.rng * diff(rng.v))
rng.rt <- diff(rng.vv)/diff(rng.h)
rng.sts <- range(stats[, 2])
ammt <- (jj/200) * diff(rng.sts)
stats.vcj<-jitter(stats.vc, amount = ammt)
if(is.null(main))main <- paste('One-way ANOVA displaying',ngroups,'groups')
plot(stats.vcj, yr, pch = 16, cex = pt.size, xlab = "", ylab = "", xlim = rng.h, ylim = rng.vv, axes = F, main = main)
if(box)box(lwd = 1.5)

#Reordering the stats matrix by the mean of each group

#Labels vertical dotted lines through groups with group sizes, names
mtext(side = 3,text = paste(as.character(statsro[,1])), at = statsro[,2], las = 2, 
        line = size.line, cex.axis = .85*px, cex = .7*kx, col = 'darkred')

mtext(side = 3,text = paste(rownames(statsro)), at = statsro[,2], las = 2, 
        line = size.line+.9, cex.axis = .85*px, cex = .7*kx, col = 'black')
mtext(side = 3, text = " Group Sizes:", adj=0, line = size.line, cex=.65*kx, col = 'darkred')
mtext(side = 3, text = "|", at = statsro[,2], las=1, adj = 0, line = size.line-.9, cex.axis = .85*px, cex = .7*kx)

#Adds green dot and horizontal green dashed line for grandmean
points(0, grandmean, pch = 16, cex = 1.7*kx,col=3) 

#Bottom axis values for contrast coefficients
axis(side = 1, at = round(statsro[,2],2), las = 2, cex.axis=.6*px)
axis(side = 1, at = 0, line=.75, cex.axis=.75*px)

#Leftside axis has grandmean value and max min plotted; Bob: might reset digits to dg instead of dg-1
axis(side = 2, at = round(grandmean, dg-1), cex=.55*kx)
axis(side = 2, at = round(range(yr), dg-1), cex=.55*kx)

#Rightside axis is labeled with group means
axis(side = 4, at = round(stats[,4],dg-1), las=2, cex.axis = .7*px)

#Horizontal and vertical lines at each group mean; line through group means
for(i in 1:ngroups)lines(rep(stats[i,2],2),c(rng.vv[1]- .1* diff(range(yr)), max(yr)+top.dot*diff(range(yr))),lty=3,lwd=1,col=grey(.8))

#Red filled triangles at group means

#Calculation of squares etc.

#Rug plot of residuals

#sdw is standard deviation within, ie of residuals.

#This interval based on pooled standard error within.

F.stat <- MS.b/MS.w

#x and y labels
else{title(xlab = "Contrast coefficients based on group means and sizes",cex=.4*kx)}
else{title(ylab = "Dependent variable (response)",cex=.5*kx,line=3.7)}

legend(x="bottomleft", legend = c("Group Means","Grand Mean"), 
        col = c(2,3), pch = c(17,16), cex = .8*kx, bty = "n")

if(dosqrs){legend(x = "bottomright", legend = c("MS-within", 
        "MS-between", paste("F-statistic = ", round(F.stat,2))), 
        col = c(4,2,1), pch = c(0,0,-1), cex = .8*kx, bty = "n")
}else{legend(x = "bottomright", legend = c(paste("F-statistic = ", round(F.stat,2))), 
        col = 1, pch = -1, cex = .8*kx, bty = "n")
p.F <- 1 - pf(F.stat, df.b,df.w)

#Trimmed means marked and outputted if 'trmean = TRUE'
trmd.mn<-tapply(yr,list(groupf), mean, tr=.2)
if(trmean){points(statsro[,2], trmd.mn[order(stats[, 4])], pch=4, cex=1.8, col='darkgreen') 
          legend(x = "bottom", legend = "20% trimmed means", col = 'darkgreen', pch = 4, cex = .8*kx, bty = "n")  

gsum<-array(c(grandmean, df.b, df.w, MS.b, MS.w, F.stat, p.F, round(r.xy.sqd,3)))
dimnames(gsum)<-list(c('Grandmean', 'df.bet', 'df.with', 'MS.bet', 'MS.with', 'F.stat', 'F.prob', 'SS.bet/SS.tot'))

dimnames(stats.out)[2]<-list(c('Size','Contrast Coef',
"Wt'd Mean",'Mean', "Trim'd Mean" , 'Var.','St. Dev.'))
out<-list(grandsum = round(gsum, dg), stats = round(stats.out, dg))

         if(is.null(pt.lab) & !mtx & !is.null(rownames(yy))){pt.lab<-rownames(yy)}
         if(is.null(pt.lab) & !mtx & is.null(rownames(yy))){pt.lab<-1:length(yy)}
         if(is.null(pt.lab) & mtx){pt.lab<-paste(rep(1:dim(yy)[1],dim(yy)[2]),",", rep(1:dim(yy)[2],ea = dim(yy)[1]), sep="")}
         identify(stats.vcj,yr,labels = pt.lab, ...)


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granova documentation built on March 31, 2023, 7:29 p.m.