
Defines functions granova.contr

Documented in granova.contr

granova.contr <- function(data, contrasts, ylab = "Outcome (response)", xlab = NULL, jj = 1) {

# Plots responses by contrasts.
# 'data' must be vector of scores for all equal size groups.
# 'con' must be matrix of column contrasts with dimensions (number of groups) x (number of contrasts)
# [generally n X n-1].  The number of rows = number 'cells' or groups.
# Basic lm (regression) results are provided; orthogonal contrasts are ideal (but not essential).
# 'jj' controls jitter.


resp <- data
con  <- contrasts
ngrp <- nrow(con)

	if(dim(resp)[2] > 1){resp <- stack(as.data.frame(data))[,1]}}
npg <- length(resp)/ngrp

con.tstr <- svd(con, nv=0, nu=0)$d
if(min(con.tstr) < sqrt(.Machine$double.eps)){
    stop('Contrasts matrix is singular; it must be non-singular')}

# The following two functions are used below.

#Generates a 'standardized contrast vector'; positive & abs(negative) values sum to 1
#cont assumed to consist of contrast(s) vector/matrix w/ mean zero; otherwise stops
    std.contr <- function(cont, tol = sqrt(.Machine$double.eps)^0.6) {
        if (!is.matrix(cont)) {
            cont <- as.matrix(cont)
        if (sum(abs(colMeans(cont))) > tol) {
            stop("Input vector/matrix must have mean zero (for each column)")
        if (ncol(cont) == 1) {
            cont <- matrix(cont, ncol = 1)
        dg <- apply(abs(cont), 2, sum)
        if (length(dg) == 1) {
            dg <- as.matrix(dg)
        s.cont <- round(2 * cont %*% diag(1/dg), 3)

#Generates indicator matrix w/ 1 entry per row, acc. index in vector xx
indic <- function(xx) {
        mm <- matrix(0, length(xx), length(unique(xx)))
        indx <- ifelse(xx == col(mm), 1, 0)
vn <- rep(1:ngrp, ea = npg)
    N <- length(resp)
    xind <- indic(vn)
    if (!is.matrix(con)) {
        con <- as.matrix(con)
Xcon <- xind %*% con
Xcons <- std.contr(Xcon)
ncx <- ncol(Xcons)

dimnames(Xcon)[2] <- list((unclass(dimnames(con))[2])[[1]])

#Change to 4x4 plotting, and return to original at end.
op <- par(no.readonly = TRUE)
par(mfrow = c(2, 2))

# NB different scalings of columns of Xcon.s feasible  AND WORTH CONSIDERING
    Xconss <- Xcons * npg
    rgx <- range(Xconss)
    rgy <- range(resp)
    rgxd <- abs(diff(rgx))
    rgyd <- abs(diff(rgx))
    rgx <- rgx + c(-0.1 * rgxd, 0.1 * rgxd)
    rgy <- rgy + c(-0.1 * rgyd, 0.1 * rgyd)

#Note: initialization of mns.cgps, will really be defined in for loop below.

for (i in 1:ncx) {
	        plot(jitter(Xconss[, i][Xconss[, i] != 0], jj), resp[Xconss[, 
            i] != 0], xlim = rgx, ylim = rgy, xlab = xlab[i], 
            ylab = "", pch = 16, cex = 1)
        title(ylab = ylab)
        title(main = paste("Coefficients vs. Response, Contrast", 
        mnrsp <- mean(resp)
        abline(h = mnrsp, lty = 3, lwd = 0.7, col = "dark red")
        mns.cgps.i <- c(mean(resp[Xconss[, i] < 0]), mean(resp[Xconss[, 
            i] > 0]))
        mns.cgps[i, ] <- mns.cgps.i
        segments(mean(Xconss[, i][Xconss[, i] < 0]), mean(resp[Xconss[, 
            i] < 0]), mean(Xconss[, i][Xconss[, i] > 0]), mean(resp[Xconss[, 
            i] > 0]), lwd = 2, lty = 6, col = 4)
        points(mean(Xconss[, i][Xconss[, i] < 0]), mean(resp[Xconss[, 
            i] < 0]), pch = 1, cex = 2, col = 4)
        points(mean(Xconss[, i][Xconss[, i] > 0]), mean(resp[Xconss[, 
            i] > 0]), pch = 1, cex = 2, col = 4)
        #if (i == 4 || i == 8 || i == 12 || i == 16 || i == 20) {
        #    print("Examine contrast plots & consider printing")
        #   # pause() is next three lines, taken from DAAG
        #if (interactive()){ 
        #readline("Pause. Press <Enter> to continue...")


datagps <- matrix(resp, ncol = ngrp)
    cM <- colMeans(datagps)
    plot(jitter(vn, amount = jj/3), resp, xlab = "Group Indicator", 
        ylab = ylab, pch = 16, col = 1, axes = F)
    lines(x = 1:ngrp, y = cM, lwd = 2, lty = 6, col = 4)
    points(x = 1:ngrp, y = cM, col = 4, pch = 1, cex = 2)
    abline(h = mnrsp, lty = 3, col = 4)
    axis(side = 1, at = c(1:ngrp))
    axis(side = 2, at = NULL)
    title(paste("Responses for all groups, each n=", npg))

datlm <- lm(resp ~ contrst)

#Xcon reset to con, but now w/ 'standardized' scaling
 Xcon <- std.contr(con)
    dimnames(Xcon)[2] <- list((unclass(dimnames(con))[2])[[1]])
    st.devs <- apply(datagps, 2, sd)
    st.dev.pooled <- (mean(st.devs^2))^0.5
    dataSummry <- round(rbind(colMeans(datagps), st.devs), 2)
    dimnames(dataSummry) <- list(c("Means", "S.D.s"), NULL)
    dif.cs <- mns.cgps[, 2] - mns.cgps[, 1]
    st.effect.size <- dif.cs/st.dev.pooled
    mns.cgps <- cbind(mns.cgps, dif.cs, st.effect.size)
    dimnames(mns.cgps) <- list(dmm, c("neg", "pos", "diff", "stEftSze"))
    out <- list(summary(datlm), round(mns.cgps, 2), Xcon, dataSummry, 
    names(out) <- c("summary.lm", "means.pos.neg.coeff", "contrasts", 
        "group.means.sds", "data")


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granova documentation built on March 31, 2023, 7:29 p.m.