
Defines functions `unpack_matrix_cols` `get_obs_data_for_smooth` `nested_rug_values` `nested_partial_residuals`

#' Partial residuals in nested form
#' Computes partial residuals for smooth terms, formats them in long/tidy
#' format, then nests the `partial_residual` column such that the result
#' is a nested data frame with one row per smooth.
#' @param object a fitted GAM model
#' @param terms a vector of terms to include partial residuals for. Passed to
#'   argument `terms` of [mgcv::predict.gam()]].
#' @param data optional data frame
#' @return A nested tibble (data frame) with one row per smooth term. Contains
#'   two columns:
#'   * `smooth` - a label indicating the smooth term
#'   * `partial_residual` - a list column containing a tibble (data frame) with
#'     1 column `partial_residual` containing the requested partial residuals
#'     for the indicated smooth.
#' @keywords internal
#' @importFrom tidyr pivot_longer nest
#' @importFrom tidyselect everything
#' @importFrom dplyr %>% mutate rowwise
`nested_partial_residuals` <- function(object, terms = NULL, data = NULL) {
  # compute partial residuals
  p_resids <- compute_partial_residuals(object,
    terms = terms,
    data = data

  # it not supplied data then recover it from the model object
  if (is.null(data)) {
    data <- model.frame(object)

  ## tidy partial residuals to long format
  p_resids <- pivot_longer(p_resids, everything(),
    names_to = ".smooth",
    values_to = "partial_residual"

  # nest this long format so we 1 row per smooth, and partial_residual is now
  # a list column
  p_resids <- nest(p_resids, partial_residual = c("partial_residual"))

  # ====> Might be making this too complicated !?
  # row-wise (so per smooth), bind on the data used to create the partial
  # residuals. Need to pull out the variables from the label in the `$smooth`
  # column for each row and use that to index into `data`
  # ====> Am envisaging a situation where we have smooths with more than one
  # covariate, or a smooth with a variable appearing in more than one smooth
  # so we can't simply gather up the `data` and `p_resids` separately and
  # expect them to have the same length when gathered
  # This is now done in separate function that we reuse elsewhere
  # and it filters out the data for the correct level of a by variable

  p_resids <- p_resids %>%
    rowwise() %>%
      partial_residual =
          object, data,
          extra = .data$partial_residual
    ) %>%


#' Values for rug plot in nested form
#' Extracts original data for smooth terms, formats them in long/tidy
#' format, then nests the data column(s) such that the result
#' is a nested data frame with one row per smooth.
#' @param object a fitted GAM model
#' @param terms a vector of terms to include original data for. Passed to
#'   argument `terms` of [mgcv::predict.gam()]].
#' @param data optional data frame
#' @return A nested tibble (data frame) with one row per smooth term.
#' @keywords internal
#' @importFrom tibble tibble
#' @importFrom dplyr %>% rowwise mutate ungroup
`nested_rug_values` <- function(object, terms = NULL, data = NULL) {
  # if not supplied data then recover it from the model object
  if (is.null(data)) {
    data <- object$model # don't need -> model.frame(object)

  # if no terms, extract all smooth labels
  if (is.null(terms)) {
    terms <- smooths(object)

  rug_vals <- tibble(.smooth = terms) |>
    rowwise() |>
      rug_data =
        list(get_obs_data_for_smooth(.data$.smooth, object, data))
    ) |>


#' @importFrom dplyr select bind_cols filter %>%
#' @importFrom tidyselect all_of
#' @importFrom tibble as_tibble
#' @noRd
#' @keywords internal
`get_obs_data_for_smooth` <- function(smooth, model, data, extra = NULL) {
  sm <- get_smooth(model, smooth)
  sm_var <- smooth_variable(sm)
  # ====> FIXME <==== what about continuous by?
  # we don't need the by variable in that case. Must check this in that
  # situation - seems OK as long as we don't filter
  by_var <- by_variable(sm)
  if (by_var == "NA") {
    by_var <- NULL
  by_lev <- by_level(sm)

  # retain only those columns we want
  df <- data %>%
    select(all_of(c(sm_var, by_var))) %>%

  # handle matrix covariates, which will get stacked by as.numeric
  df <- unpack_matrix_cols(df) %>% as_tibble()

  # do this first so we bind on all the data, then filter
  if (!is.null(extra)) {
    df <- bind_cols(extra, df)

  # if we have a by variable, filter out only those rows that pertain to
  # this smooth. Only for factor by smooths
  if (is_factor_by_smooth(sm)) {
    df <- df %>%
      filter(.data[[by_var]] == by_lev) %>%

  # return

#' @importFrom dplyr bind_cols
`unpack_matrix_cols` <- function(x) {
  # what data types are we working with
  dcs <- data_class(x)

  # do something if we have matrix columns
  if (any(mcols <- dcs == "matrix")) {
    # assume that any matrix columns are of the same number of cols
    nc <- ncol(x[mcols][[1L]])
    out <- lapply(x[mcols], as.vector)
    other <- lapply(x[!mcols], function(y, nc) rep(y, times = nc), nc = nc)
    out <- bind_cols(out, other)
    # put order back as it was
    out <- out[names(x)]
  } else {


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