## initialize and create a viewport prepare for drawing
perInit = function(info, newpage = FALSE, dbox = TRUE) {
## [[1]] is the all the grapical information that transfer into grid
## [[3]] is the persp call information
## [[2]] is the plot details eg: x, y, z, xlim, ylim, zlim, col ...
## create a list that store all information from the persp
## then pass the information to per for drawing.
## x is [[2]]; y is [[3]]; z is [[4]]
## xr is [[5]]; yr is [[6]]; zr is [[7]]
## col is [[14]]; border is [[15]]; box is [[19]]
## axes is [[20]], nTicks is [[21]]
## tickType is [[22]]
## xlab/ylab/zlab = [[23]]/[[24]]/[[25]]
## main is in plot[[1]][[4]][[2]][[2]]
## shade is 0.8, ltheta/lphi = [[16]]/[[17]]
## expand is [[13]], scale is [[12]]
out = list(x = info[[2]], y = info[[3]], z = info[[4]],
xr = info[[5]], yr = info[[6]], zr = info[[7]],
col = info[[14]],
border = info[[15]][1], ##only allows one color for border
dbox = info[[19]],
newpage = newpage,
phi = info[[9]], theta = info[[8]],
r = info[[10]], d = info[[11]],
axes = info[[20]], nTicks = info[[21]], tickType = info[[22]],
xlab = info[[23]], ylab = info[[24]], zlab = info[[25]],
## parameters in 'par' that need added to per
lwd = info$lwd, lty = info$lty, ## col.axis = info$col.axis,
## col.lab = info$col.lab,
cex.lab = info$cex.lab,
shade = info[[18]], ltheta = info[[16]], lphi = info[[17]],
expand = info[[13]], scale = info[[12]]
##main = plot[[1]][[4]][[2]][[2]]
if(out$newpage == TRUE)
## main call
C_persp = function(x)
par = currentPar(x[-(1:25)])
#information extraction
xc = yc = zc = xs = ys = zs = 0
x = perInit(x, newpage = FALSE)
xr = x$xr; yr = x$yr; zr = x$zr
xlab = x$xlab; ylab = x$ylab; zlab = x$zlab
col.axis = x$col.axis; col.lab = x$col.lab;
col = x$col; cex.lab = x$cex.lab
nTicks = x$nTicks; tickType = x$tickType
expand = x$expand ;scale = x$scale
ltheta = x$ltheta; lphi = x$lphi
main = x$main; axes = x$axes
dbox = x$dbox; shade = x$shade
r = x$r; d = x$d; phi = x$phi; theta = x$theta
font.lab = par$font.lab
font.axis = par$font.axis
cex.axis = par$cex.axis
family = par$family
xs = LimitCheck(xr)[1]
ys = LimitCheck(yr)[1]
zs = LimitCheck(zr)[1]
xc = LimitCheck(xr)[2]
yc = LimitCheck(yr)[2]
zc = LimitCheck(zr)[2]
if(scale == FALSE){
s = xs
if(s < ys) s = ys
if (s < zs) s = zs
xs = s
ys = s
zs = s
VT = diag(1, 4)
VT = VT %*% Translate(-xc, -yc, -zc)
VT = VT %*% Scale(1/xs, 1/ys, expand/zs)
VT = VT %*% XRotate(-90.0)
VT = VT %*% YRotate(-theta)
VT = VT %*% XRotate(phi)
VT = VT %*% Translate(0.0, 0.0, -r - d)
trans = VT %*% Perspective(d)
border = x$border[1];
if(is.null(x$lwd)) lwd = 1 else lwd = x$lwd
if(is.null(x$lty)) lty = 1 else lty = x$lty
if(any(!(is.numeric(xr) & is.numeric(yr) & is.numeric(zr)))) stop("invalid limits")
if(any(!(is.finite(xr) & is.finite(yr) & is.finite(zr)))) stop("invalid limits")
if(!scale) xs = ys = zs = max(xs, ys, zs)
colCheck = col2rgb(col, alpha = TRUE)[4,1] == 255
if(is.finite(ltheta) && is.finite(lphi) && is.finite(shade) && colCheck)
DoLighting = TRUE else DoLighting = FALSE
## check the first color act as Fixcols
if (DoLighting) Light = SetUpLight(ltheta, lphi)
# create a viewport inside a 'viewport'
depth = gotovp(FALSE)
lim = PerspWindow(xr, yr, zr, trans, 'r')
#vp = viewport(0.5, 0.5, 1, 1, default.units = 'npc',
# xscale = lim[1:2], yscale = lim[3:4])
if (dbox == TRUE) {
EdgeDone = rep(0, 12)
if(axes == TRUE){
depth = gotovp(TRUE)
PerspAxes(xr, yr, zr, ##x, y, z
xlab, ylab, zlab, ## xlab, xenc, ylab, yenc, zlab, zenc
nTicks, tickType, trans, ## nTicks, tickType, VT
lwd, lty, col.axis, cex.axis, col.lab, cex.lab,
font.lab, font.axis, family)
} else {
EdgeDone = rep(1, 12)
xr = yr = zr = c(0,0)
## draw the behind face first
## return the EdgeDone inorder to not drawing the same Edege two times.
depth = gotovp(TRUE)
EdgeDone = PerspBox(0, xr, yr, zr, EdgeDone, trans, 1, lwd)
depth = gotovp(FALSE)
DrawFacets(plot = x, z = x$z, x = x$x, y = x$y, ## basic
xs = 1/xs, ys = 1/ys, zs = expand/zs, ## Light
col = col, ## cols
ltheta = ltheta, lphi = lphi, Shade = shade,
Light = Light, trans = trans, DoLighting = DoLighting)
depth = gotovp(TRUE)
EdgeDone = PerspBox(1, xr, yr, zr, EdgeDone, trans, 'dotted', lwd)
####Shade function
LimitCheck = function ( lim ) {
## not finished yet...
s = 0.5 * abs(lim[2] - lim[1])
c = 0.5 * (lim[2] + lim[1])
c(s, c)
XRotate = function ( angle ) {
TT = diag(1, 4)
rad = angle * pi / 180
c = cos(rad)
s = sin(rad)
TT[2, 2] = c;
TT[3, 2] = -s;
TT[3, 3] = c;
TT[2, 3] = s;
YRotate = function ( angle ) {
TT = diag(1, 4)
rad = angle * pi / 180
c = cos(rad)
s = sin(rad)
TT[1, 1] = c;
TT[3, 1] = s;
TT[3, 3] = c;
TT[1, 3] = -s;
ZRotate = function ( angle ) {
TT = diag(1, 4)
rad = angle * pi / 180
c = cos(rad)
s = sin(rad)
TT[1, 1] = c;
TT[2, 1] = -s;
TT[2, 2] = c;
TT[1, 2] = s;
Translate = function(x, y, z)
TT = diag(1,4)
TT[4, 1] = x
TT[4, 2] = y
TT[4, 3] = z
Scale = function(x, y, z)
TT = diag(1,4)
TT[1, 1] = x
TT[2, 2] = y
TT[3, 3] = z
Perspective = function(d)
TT = diag(1,4)
TT[3, 4] = -1 / d
SetUpLight = function ( theta, phi ) {
u = c(0, -1, 0, 1)
VT = diag(1, 4)
VT = VT %*% XRotate(-phi)
VT = VT %*% ZRotate(theta)
Light = u %*% VT
FacetShade = function( u, v, Shade, Light ) {
nx = u[2] * v[3] - u[3] * v[2]
ny = u[3] * v[1] - u[1] * v[3]
nz = u[1] * v[2] - u[2] * v[1]
sum = sqrt(nx * nx + ny * ny + nz * nz)
if (is.finite(sum)){
if (sum == 0) sum = 1
}else{Shade = NA}
nx = nx/sum
ny = ny/sum
nz = nz/sum
sum = 0.5 * (nx * Light[1] + ny * Light[2] + nz * Light[3] + 1)
shadeCol = function( z, x, y, xs, ys, zs, col, ltheta, lphi, Shade, Light) {
u = v = 0
shade = 0
nx = nrow(z)
ny = ncol(z)
nx1 = nx - 1
ny1 = ny - 1
cols = 0
ncol = length(col)
indx = 0:(length(z))
Light = SetUpLight(ltheta, lphi)
for(k in 1:(nx1 * ny1)){
nv = 0
i = (indx[k]) %% nx1
j = (indx[k]) %/% nx1
icol = (i + j * nx1) %% ncol + 1
u[1] = xs * (x[i + 2] - x[i + 1])
u[2] = ys * (y[j + 1] - y[j + 2])
u[3] = zs * (z[(i + 1)+ j * nx + 1] - z[i + (j + 1) * nx + 1])
v[1] = xs * (x[i + 2] - x[i + 1])
v[2] = ys * (y[j + 2] - y[j + 1])
v[3] = zs * (z[(i + 1) + (j + 1) * nx + 1] - z[i + j * nx + 1])
icol = (i + j * nx1) %% ncol
shade[k] = FacetShade(u, v, Shade = Shade, Light = Light)
shadedCol = col2rgb(col[icol + 1], alpha = TRUE)
cols[k] = rgb(shade[k] * shadedCol[1],
shade[k] * shadedCol[2],
shade[k] * shadedCol[3],
maxColorValue = 255)
cols[k] = rgb(1,1,1,0)
list(cols = cols, shade = shade)
## shade end...
PerspBox = function(front = 1, x, y, z, EdgeDone, VT, lty, lwd = lwd )
u0 = u1 = u2 = u3 = 0
v0 = v1 = v2 = v3 = 0
for (f in 1:6) {
p0 = Face[f, 1]
p1 = Face[f, 2]
p2 = Face[f, 3]
p3 = Face[f, 4]
u0[1] = x[Vertex[p0, 1]]
u0[2] = y[Vertex[p0, 2]]
u0[3] = z[Vertex[p0, 3]]
u0[4] = 1
u1[1] = x[Vertex[p1, 1]]
u1[2] = y[Vertex[p1, 2]]
u1[3] = z[Vertex[p1, 3]]
u1[4] = 1
u2[1] = x[Vertex[p2, 1]]
u2[2] = y[Vertex[p2, 2]]
u2[3] = z[Vertex[p2, 3]]
u2[4] = 1
u3[1] = x[Vertex[p3, 1]]
u3[2] = y[Vertex[p3, 2]]
u3[3] = z[Vertex[p3, 3]]
u3[4] = 1
v0 = TransVector(u0, VT)
v1 = TransVector(u1, VT)
v2 = TransVector(u2, VT)
v3 = TransVector(u3, VT)
v0 = v0/v0[4]
v1 = v1/v1[4]
v2 = v2/v2[4]
v3 = v3/v3[4]
d = v1 - v0
e = v2 - v1
nearby = (d[1]*e[2] - d[2]*e[1]) < 0
## draw the face line by line rather than polygon
if ((front && nearby) || (!front && !nearby)) {
if (!EdgeDone[Edge[f, 1]]){
grid.lines(c(v0[1], v1[1]), c(v0[2], v1[2]),
default.units = 'native',
gp = gpar(lty = lty, lwd = lwd),
name = grobname(paste0("persp-box-face-", f,
EdgeDone[Edge[f, 1]] = EdgeDone[Edge[f, 1]] + 1
if (!EdgeDone[Edge[f, 2]]){
grid.lines(c(v1[1], v2[1]), c(v1[2], v2[2]),
default.units = 'native',
gp = gpar(lty = lty, lwd = lwd),
name = grobname(paste0("persp-box-face-", f,
EdgeDone[Edge[f, 2]] = EdgeDone[Edge[f, 2]] + 1
if (!EdgeDone[Edge[f, 3]]){
grid.lines(c(v2[1], v3[1]), c(v2[2], v3[2]),
default.units = 'native',
gp = gpar(lty = lty, lwd = lwd),
name = grobname(paste0("persp-box-face-", f,
EdgeDone[Edge[f, 3]] = EdgeDone[Edge[f, 3]] + 1
if (!EdgeDone[Edge[f, 4]]){
grid.lines(c(v3[1], v0[1]), c(v3[2], v0[2]),
default.units = 'native',
gp = gpar(lty = lty, lwd = lwd),
name = grobname(paste0("persp-box-face-", f,
EdgeDone[Edge[f, 4]] = EdgeDone[Edge[f, 4]] + 1
dPolygon = function(x, y, z, col, trans){
## the total number of polygon that we need to draw
nx = length(x)
ny = length(y)
total = nx * ny
stops = (nx - 1) * (ny - 1)
## set the temp value for x,y,z prepare for subsetting
xTmp = rep(x, length(y))
yTmp = rep(y,each = nx)
zTmp = as.numeric(z)
## the drawing order is along x-axis, and then along y-axis
## then create a vector like a 4Xn matrix,
## i.e the first column contain all the first points for every polygons
## the second column contain all the second points for every polygons and so on
pBreak = c(1:total, 1 + 1:total, 1 + nx + 1:total, nx + 1:total)
xBreak = xTmp[pBreak]
yBreak = yTmp[pBreak]
zBreak = zTmp[pBreak]
## draw the box if required
## the vectors now has four paths, every paths contain the information of every points of every polygon
## now we need to change the order of this vector, so that the first four index should be the order for drawing
## the first points, not the first four points for the first four polygon
## points subsetting
plot.index = rep(
c(1, 1 + total,
1 + 2 * total,
1 + 3 * total ),
total) + rep(0:(total - 1), each = 4)
## sequence for 'problem's polygons index, e.g
## along x-axis, there are n-1 polygons, n is the number of points in x direction
## we don't want to draw the nth polygon, hence we deleted those polygon
dp = rep((4 * seq(nx,total,nx)), each = 4) - (3:0)
## final subsetting
xCoor = xBreak[plot.index][-dp][1 : (4 * stops)]
yCoor = yBreak[plot.index][-dp][1 : (4 * stops)]
zCoor = zBreak[plot.index][-dp][1 : (4 * stops)]
## vectorize the cols
colRep = rep_len(col, length(xCoor))
## use the first corner of every polygon to determind the order for drawing = 4* 1:(length(xCoor)/4)
xc = xCoor[]
yc = yCoor[]
## method for using the zdepth for changing the drawing order for every polygon
orderTemp = cbind(xc, yc, 0, 1) %*% trans
zdepth = orderTemp[, 4]
## the zdepth of a set of 4 points of each polygon
a = order(zdepth, decreasing = TRUE)
oo = rep(1:4, length(a)) + rep(a - 1, each = 4) * 4
xyCoor = trans3d(xCoor[oo],
zCoor[oo], trans)
colRep = colRep[a]
## record the total number of polygon
pMax = length(xyCoor$x) / 4
pout = list(xyCoor = xyCoor, pMax = pMax,
colRep = colRep, polygonOrder = a)
DrawFacets = function(plot, z, x, y, xs, ys, zs,
col, ltheta, lphi, Shade,
Light, trans, DoLighting)
pout = dPolygon(x, y, z, col, trans)
xyCoor = pout$xyCoor
pMax = pout$pMax; colRep = pout$colRep
polygonOrder = pout$polygonOrder
polygons = cbind(xyCoor$x, xyCoor$y) = rep(1:pMax, each = 4)
col = plot$col
if (DoLighting == TRUE) {
col[] = rgb(1, 1, 1)
if(is.finite(Shade) && Shade <= 0 ) Shade = 1
shadding = shadeCol(z, x, y, ## x, y, z
xs, ys, zs, ## xs, ys, zs
col, ## col, ncol
ltheta, lphi, Shade, Light = Light) ## ltheta, lphi, Shade(not shade)
shadedCol = shadding[[1]]
## clean if any NA's Z-value
shade = shadding[[2]][polygonOrder]
misshade = !is.finite(shade)
misindex = rep(misshade, each = 4)
polygonOrder = polygonOrder[!misshade]
polygons = polygons[!misindex,] =[!misindex]
cols = shadedCol[polygonOrder]
} else {
cols = rep_len(col, length(polygons[,1]))[polygonOrder]
xrange = range(polygons[,1], na.rm = TRUE)
yrange = range(polygons[,2], na.rm = TRUE)
grid.polygon(polygons[,1], polygons[,2], id =,
default.units = 'native',
gp = gpar(col = plot$border, fill = cols,
lty = plot$lty, lwd = plot$lwd),
name = grobname("persp-surface"))
TransVector = function(u, T) {
u %*% T
lowest = function (y1, y2, y3, y4) {
(y1 <= y2) && (y1 <= y3) && (y1 <= y4)
labelAngle = function(x1, y1, x2, y2){
dx = abs(x2 - x1)
if ( x2 > x1 ) {
dy = y2 - y1
} else {
dy = y1 - y2
if (dx == 0) {
if( dy > 0 ) {
angle = 90
} else {
angle = 270
} else {
angle = 180/pi * atan2(dy, dx)
PerspAxis = function(x, y, z, axis, axisType,
nTicks, tickType, label,
VT, lwd = 1, lty,
col.axis = 1, cex.axis = 1,
col.lab = 1, cex.lab = 1,
font.lab, font.axis, family){
## don't know how to use numeric on the switch...
axisType = as.character(axisType)
tickType = as.character(tickType)
u1 = u2 = u3 = c(0.,0.,0.,0.)
tickLength = .03
'1' = {min = x[1]; max = x[2]; range = x},
'2' = {min = y[1]; max = y[2]; range = y},
'3' = {min = z[1]; max = z[2]; range = z}
d_frac = 0.1 * (max - min)
nint = nTicks - 1
if(!nint)nint = nint + 1
i = nint
ticks = axisTicks(c(min, max), FALSE, nint = nint)
min = ticks[1]
max = ticks[length(ticks)]
nint = length(ticks) - 1
## but maybe not this one... haven't test yet...
while((min < range[1] - d_frac || range[2] + d_frac < max) && i < 20) {
nint = i + 1
ticks = axisTicks(c(min, max), FALSE)
range = range(ticks)
nint = length(ticks) - 1
## axp seems working...
axp = 0
axp[1] = min
axp[2] = max
axp[3] = nint
# Do the following calculations for both ticktypes
# Vertex is a 8*3 matrix; i.e. the vertex of a box
# AxisStart is a vector of length 8
# axis is a output
# u1, u2 are the vectors in 3-d
# the range of x,y,z
switch (axisType,
'1' = {
u1[1] = min
u1[2] = y[Vertex[AxisStart[axis], 2]]
u1[3] = z[Vertex[AxisStart[axis], 3]]
'2' = {
u1[1] = x[Vertex[AxisStart[axis], 1]]
u1[2] = min
u1[3] = z[Vertex[AxisStart[axis], 3]]
'3' = {
u1[1] = x[Vertex[AxisStart[axis], 1]]
u1[2] = y[Vertex[AxisStart[axis], 2]]
u1[3] = min
u1[1] = u1[1] + tickLength*(x[2]-x[1])*TickVector[axis, 1]
u1[2] = u1[2] + tickLength*(y[2]-y[1])*TickVector[axis, 2]
u1[3] = u1[3] + tickLength*(z[2]-z[1])*TickVector[axis, 3]
u1[4] = 1
##axisType, 1 = 'draw x-axis'
## 2 = 'draw y-axis'
## 3 = 'draw z-axis'
switch (axisType,
'1' = {
u2[1] = max
u2[2] = u1[2]
u2[3] = u1[3]
'2' = {
u2[1] = u1[1]
u2[2] = max
u2[3] = u1[3]
'3' = {
u2[1] = u1[1]
u2[2] = u1[2]
u2[3] = max
u2[4] = 1
'1' = {
u3[1] = u1[1] + tickLength*(x[2]-x[1])*TickVector[axis, 1]
u3[2] = u1[2] + tickLength*(y[2]-y[1])*TickVector[axis, 2]
u3[3] = u1[3] + tickLength*(z[2]-z[1])*TickVector[axis, 3]
'2' = {
u3[1] = u1[1] + 2.5*tickLength*(x[2]-x[1])*TickVector[axis, 1]
u3[2] = u1[2] + 2.5*tickLength*(y[2]-y[1])*TickVector[axis, 2]
u3[3] = u1[3] + 2.5*tickLength*(z[2]-z[1])*TickVector[axis, 3]
## u3 is the the labels at the center of each axes
'1' = {
u3[1] = (min + max)/2
'2' = {
u3[2] = (min + max)/2
'3' = {
u3[3] = (min + max)/2
u3[4] = 1
## transform the 3-d into 2-d
v1 = TransVector(u1, VT)
v2 = TransVector(u2, VT)
v3 = TransVector(u3, VT)
v1 = v1/v1[4]
v2 = v2/v2[4]
v3 = v3/v3[4]
## label at center of each axes
srt = labelAngle(v1[1], v1[2], v2[1], v2[2])
#text(v3[1], v3[2], label, 0.5, srt = srt)
labname <- switch(axisType,
'1' = "x",
'2' = "y",
'3' = "z")
grid.text(label = label, x = v3[1], y = v3[2],
just = "centre", rot = srt,
default.units = "native", #vp = 'clipoff',
gp = gpar(col = col.lab, lwd = lwd, cex = cex.lab,
font = font.lab, fontfamily = family),
name = grobname(paste0("persp-", labname, "lab")))
## tickType is not working.. when = '2'
'1' = {
arrow = arrow(angle = 10, length = unit(0.1, "in"),
ends = "last", type = "open")
## drawing the tick..
grid.lines(x = c(v1[1], v2[1]), y = c(v1[2], v2[2]),
default.units = "native", arrow = arrow,
## vp = 'clipoff',
gp = gpar(col = 1, lwd = lwd , lty = lty ),
name = grobname(paste0("persp-",
labname, "-axis-arrow")))
## '2' seems working
'2' = {
at = axisTicks(range, FALSE, axp, nint = nint)
lab = format(at, trim = TRUE)
for(i in 1:length(at)){
'1' = {
u1[1] = at[i]
u1[2] = y[Vertex[AxisStart[axis], 2]]
u1[3] = z[Vertex[AxisStart[axis], 3]]
'2' = {
u1[1] = x[Vertex[AxisStart[axis], 1]]
u1[2] = at[i]
u1[3] = z[Vertex[AxisStart[axis], 3]]
'3' = {
u1[1] = x[Vertex[AxisStart[axis], 1]]
u1[2] = y[Vertex[AxisStart[axis], 2]]
u1[3] = at[i]
tickLength = 0.03
u1[4] = 1
u2[1] = u1[1] + tickLength*(x[2]-x[1])*TickVector[axis, 1]
u2[2] = u1[2] + tickLength*(y[2]-y[1])*TickVector[axis, 2]
u2[3] = u1[3] + tickLength*(z[2]-z[1])*TickVector[axis, 3]
u2[4] = 1
u3[1] = u2[1] + tickLength*(x[2]-x[1])*TickVector[axis, 1]
u3[2] = u2[2] + tickLength*(y[2]-y[1])*TickVector[axis, 2]
u3[3] = u2[3] + tickLength*(z[2]-z[1])*TickVector[axis, 3]
u3[4] = 1
v1 = TransVector(u1, VT)
v2 = TransVector(u2, VT)
v3 = TransVector(u3, VT)
v1 = v1/v1[4]
v2 = v2/v2[4]
v3 = v3/v3[4]
## Draw tick line
grid.lines(x = c(v1[1], v2[1]), y = c(v1[2], v2[2]),
default.units = "native", ##vp = 'clipoff',
gp = gpar(col = col.axis, lwd = lwd, lty = lty),
name = grobname(paste0("persp-", labname,
## Draw tick label
grid.text(label = lab[i], x = v3[1], y = v3[2],
just = "centre",
default.units = "native", #vp = 'clipoff',
gp = gpar(col = col.axis, adj = 1, pos = 0.5,
cex = cex.axis, font = font.axis,
fontfamily = family),
name = grobname(paste0("persp-", labname,
PerspAxes = function(x, y, z,
nTicks, tickType, VT,
## parameters in par
lwd = 1, lty = 1,
col.axis = 1, cex.axis = 1,
col.lab = 1, cex.lab = 1,
font.lab, font.axis, family)
xAxis = yAxis = zAxis = 0 ## -Wall
u0 = u1 = u2 = u3 = 0
u0[1] = x[1]; u0[2] = y[1]; u0[3] = z[1]; u0[4] = 1
u1[1] = x[2]; u1[2] = y[1]; u1[3] = z[1]; u1[4] = 1
u2[1] = x[1]; u2[2] = y[2]; u2[3] = z[1]; u2[4] = 1
u3[1] = x[2]; u3[2] = y[2]; u3[3] = z[1]; u3[4] = 1
v0 = TransVector(u0, VT)
v1 = TransVector(u1, VT)
v2 = TransVector(u2, VT)
v3 = TransVector(u3, VT)
v0 = v0/v0[4]
v1 = v1/v1[4]
v2 = v2/v2[4]
v3 = v3/v3[4]
if (lowest(v0[2], v1[2], v2[2], v3[2])) {
xAxis = 1
yAxis = 2
} else if (lowest(v1[2], v0[2], v2[2], v3[2])) {
xAxis = 1
yAxis = 4
} else if (lowest(v2[2], v1[2], v0[2], v3[2])) {
xAxis = 3
yAxis = 2
} else if (lowest(v3[2], v1[2], v2[2], v0[2])) {
xAxis = 3
yAxis = 4
} else
warning("Axis orientation not calculated")
## drawing x and y axes
PerspAxis(x, y, z, xAxis, '1', nTicks, tickType, xlab, VT,
lwd = lwd, lty = lty,
col.axis = col.axis, cex.axis = cex.axis,
col.lab = col.lab, cex.lab = cex.lab,
font.lab, font.axis, family)
PerspAxis(x, y, z, yAxis, '2', nTicks, tickType, ylab, VT,
lwd = lwd, lty = lty,
col.axis = col.axis, cex.axis = cex.axis,
col.lab = col.lab, cex.lab = cex.lab,
font.lab, font.axis, family)
## Figure out which Z axis to draw
if (lowest(v0[1], v1[1], v2[1], v3[1])) {
zAxis = 5
}else if (lowest(v1[1], v0[1], v2[1], v3[1])) {
zAxis = 6
}else if (lowest(v2[1], v1[1], v0[1], v3[1])) {
zAxis = 7
}else if (lowest(v3[1], v1[1], v2[1], v0[1])) {
zAxis = 8
warning("Axis orientation not calculated")
## drawing the z-axis
PerspAxis(x, y, z, zAxis, '3', nTicks, tickType, zlab, VT,
lwd = lwd, lty = lty,
col.axis = col.axis, cex.axis = cex.axis,
col.lab = col.lab, cex.lab = cex.lab,
font.lab, font.axis, family)
PerspWindow = function(xlim, ylim, zlim, VT, style)
xmax = xmin = ymax = ymin = u = 0
u[4] = 1
for (i in 1:2) {
u[1] = xlim[i]
for (j in 1:2) {
u[2] = ylim[j]
for (k in 1:2) {
u[3] = zlim[k]
v = TransVector(u, VT)
xx = v[1] / v[4]
yy = v[2] / v[4]
if (xx > xmax) xmax = xx
if (xx < xmin) xmin = xx
if (yy > ymax) ymax = yy
if (yy < ymin) ymin = yy
pin1 = convertX(unit(1.0, 'npc'), 'inches', valueOnly = TRUE)
pin2 = convertY(unit(1.0, 'npc'), 'inches', valueOnly = TRUE)
xdelta = abs(xmax - xmin)
ydelta = abs(ymax - ymin)
xscale = pin1 / xdelta
yscale = pin2 / ydelta
scale = if(xscale < yscale) xscale else yscale
xadd = .5 * (pin1 / scale - xdelta);
yadd = .5 * (pin2 / scale - ydelta);
## GScale in C
xrange = GScale(xmin - xadd, xmax + xadd, style)
yrange = GScale(ymin - yadd, ymax + yadd, style)
c(xrange, yrange)
GScale = function(min, max, style)
'r' = {temp = 0.04 * (max - min)
min = min - temp
max = max + temp
'i' = {}
c(min, max)
## global variables.
TickVector = matrix(ncol = 3, byrow = TRUE, data = c(
0, -1, -1,
-1, 0, -1,
0, 1, -1,
1, 0, -1,
-1, -1, 0,
1, -1, 0,
-1, 1, 0,
1, 1, 0 ))
Vertex = matrix(ncol = 3, byrow = TRUE, data = c(
1, 1, 1, #xlim[1], ylim[1], zlim[1]
1, 1, 2, #xlim[1], ylim[1], zlim[2]
1, 2, 1,
1, 2, 2,
2, 1, 1,
2, 1, 2,
2, 2, 1,
2, 2, 2 ))
Face = matrix (ncol = 4, byrow = TRUE, data = c(
1, 2, 6, 5,
3, 7, 8, 4,
1, 3, 4, 2,
5, 6, 8, 7,
1, 5, 7, 3,
2, 4, 8, 6 ))
Edge = matrix (ncol = 4, byrow = TRUE, data = c(
0, 1, 2, 3,
4, 5, 6, 7,
8, 7, 9, 0,
2,10, 5,11,
3,11, 4, 8,
9, 6,10, 1)) + 1
AxisStart = c(1, 1, 3, 5, 1, 5, 3, 7)
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