
Defines functions create_trihexagonal_tiling create_trunc_trihex_tiling create_4.6.4_30.6_tiling create_trunc_square_tiling create_trunc_hex_tiling create_2__.3__.12__tiling create_triangular_tiling create_tetrakis_tiling create_9.3.9.3_40_tiling create_rhombille_tiling create_square_tiling create_snub_trihex_tiling create_snub_square_tiling create_3. create_rhombitrihexagonal_tiling create_pythagorean_tiling create_el_tri_tiling create_hexagonal_tiling create_herringbone_tiling create_6.6_60.6.6_60_tiling create_3.3.3.3___tiling create_3.3_30.3.3_30_tiling create_4.4_30.4__30_tiling create_3.6_30.6__30_tiling create_18.18.3__tiling create_4.8_.4__.8__tiling create_12.12.4_60_tiling create_12.3_30.12.3_30_tiling create_8.4_45.8.4_45_tiling create_4.6_30.4.6_30.4.6_30_tiling create_2_53.2__233.2_53.2__233_tiling create_4.2_60.4.2__240_tiling create_3. create_3.3.8_15. create_3.3.8_15.4__60.8_15_tiling create_3.3.3.12_30.3.3.12_30_tiling create_pattern_polygon_tiling grid.pattern_polygon_tiling

Documented in grid.pattern_polygon_tiling

#' Polygon tiling patterned grobs
#' `grid.pattern_polygon_tiling()` draws a specified polygon tiling pattern onto the graphic device.
#'  `names_polygon_tiling` lists all supported types.
#' `grid.pattern_polygon_tiling()` supports 1, 2, or 3 `fill` colors with the first colors (weakly)
#'  covering a larger area.  Size of the pattern is controlled by `spacing`.
#'  We support the following polygon tiling `type`s:
#' \describe{
#' \item{`elongated_triangular`}{Creates an elongated triangular tiling made of squares and triangles.}
#' \item{`herringbone`}{Creates a herringbone tiling made of rectangles.}
#' \item{`hexagonal`}{Creates a hexagonal tiling made of hexagons.}
#' \item{`pythagorean`}{Creates a Pythagorean tiling made of squares of two different sizes.}
#' \item{`rhombille`}{Creates a rhombille tiling made of rhombi.}
#' \item{`rhombitrihexagonal`}{Creates a rhombitrihexagonal tiling made out of
#'                            dodecagons, hexagons, and squares.}
#' \item{`snub_square`}{Creates a snub square tiling made of squares and triangles.}
#' \item{`snub_trihexagonal`}{Creates a snub trihexagonal tiling made of hexagons and triangles.}
#' \item{`square`}{Creates a square tiling made of squares.}
#' \item{`tetrakis_square`}{Creates a tetrakis square tiling made of isosceles right triangles.}
#' \item{`triangular`}{Creates a triangular tiling made of equilateral triangles.}
#' \item{`trihexagonal`}{Creates a trihexagonal tiling made of hexagons and triangles.}
#' \item{`truncated_square`}{Creates a truncated square tiling made of octagons and squares.}
#' \item{`truncated_hexagonal`}{Creates a truncated hexagonal tiling made of dodecagons and triangles.}
#' \item{`truncated_trihexagonal`}{Creates a truncated trihexagonal tiling made of hexagons, squares, and triangles.}
#' \item{`2*.2**.2*.2**`}{Creates a polygon tiling made of rhombi.}
#' \item{`2**.3**.12*`}{Creates a polygon tiling made of rhombi, triangles, and twelve-pointed stars.}
#' \item{`**`}{Creates a polygon tiling made of triangles.}
#' \item{`3.3*.3.3**`}{Creates a regular (star) polygon tiling made of triangles and three-pointed stars.}
#' \item{`*.3.3.12*`}{Creates a regular (star) polygon tiling made of triangles and twelve-pointed stars.}
#' \item{`3.3.8*.*`}{Creates a regular (star) polygon tiling made of triangles, squares, and eight-pointed stars.}
#' \item{`3.3.8*.4**.8*`}{Creates a regular (star) polygon tiling made of triangles, four-pointed stars, and eight-pointed stars.}
#' \item{`*`}{Creates a regular (star) polygon tiling made of triangles, squares, hexagons, and twelve-pointed stars.}
#' \item{`*`}{Creates a regular (star) polygon tiling made of triangles, squares, octagons, and eight-pointed stars.}
#' \item{`3.6*.6**`}{Creates a regular (star) polygon tiling made of triangles and six-pointed stars.}
#' \item{`4.2*.4.2**`}{Creates a polygon tiling made of squares and rhombi.}
#' \item{`4.4*.4**`}{Creates a regular (star) polygon tiling made of squares and four-pointed stars.}
#' \item{`4.6.4*.6`}{Creates a regular (star) polygon tiling made of squares, hexagons, and four-pointed stars.}
#' \item{`4.6*.4.6*.4.6*`}{Creates a regular (star) polygon tiling made of squares and six-pointed stars.}
#' \item{`4.8*.4**.8*`}{Creates a polygon tiling of squares and eight-pointed stars.}
#' \item{`6.6*.6.6*`}{Creates a regular (star) polygon tiling made of hexagons and six-pointed stars.}
#' \item{`8.4*.8.4*`}{Creates a regular (star) polygon tiling made of octagons and four-pointed stars.}
#' \item{`*`}{Creates a regular (star) polygon tiling made of triangles, nonagons, and three-pointed stars.}
#' \item{`12.3*.12.3*`}{Creates a regular (star) polygon tiling made of dodecagons and three-pointed stars.}
#' \item{`12.12.4*`}{Creates a regular (star) polygon tiling made of dodecagons and four-pointed stars.}
#' \item{`18.18.3*`}{Creates a regular (star) polygon tiling made of eighteen-sided polygons and three-pointed stars.}
#' }
#' @inheritParams grid.pattern_circle
#' @param alpha Alpha (between 0 and 1) or `NA` (default, preserves colors' alpha value).
#'              Not supported for all polygon tiling `type`.
#' @param type Name of polygon tiling to draw.  See Details.
#' @return A grid grob object invisibly.  If `draw` is `TRUE` then also draws to the graphic device as a side effect.
#' @seealso The tiling vignette `vignette("tiling", package = "gridpattern")` for more
#'          information about these tilings as well as more
#'          examples of polygon tiling using the [grid.pattern_regular_polygon()] function.
#' @examples
#'  print(names_polygon_tiling)
#'  if (require("grid")) {
#'    x_hex <- 0.5 + 0.5 * cos(seq(2 * pi / 4, by = 2 * pi / 6, length.out = 6))
#'    y_hex <- 0.5 + 0.5 * sin(seq(2 * pi / 4, by = 2 * pi / 6, length.out = 6))
#'    gp1 <- gpar(fill = "yellow", col = "black")
#'    gp2 <- gpar(fill = c("yellow", "red"), col = "black")
#'    gp3 <- gpar(fill = c("yellow", "red", "blue"), col = "black")
#'    grid.pattern_polygon_tiling(x_hex, y_hex, type = "herringbone", gp = gp1)
#'    grid.newpage()
#'    grid.pattern_polygon_tiling(x_hex, y_hex, type = "hexagonal",
#'                                spacing = 0.2, gp = gp3)
#'    grid.newpage()
#'    grid.pattern_polygon_tiling(x_hex, y_hex, type = "pythagorean",
#'                                spacing = 0.2, gp = gp2)
#'    grid.newpage()
#'    grid.pattern_polygon_tiling(x_hex, y_hex, type = "snub_trihexagonal",
#'                                spacing = 0.2, gp = gp3)
#'    grid.newpage()
#'    grid.pattern_polygon_tiling(x_hex, y_hex, type = "rhombille",
#'                                spacing = 0.2, gp = gp3)
#'  }
#' @export
grid.pattern_polygon_tiling <- function(x = c(0, 0, 1, 1), y = c(1, 0, 0, 1), id = 1L, ...,
                                        colour = gp$col %||% "grey20",
                                        fill = gp$fill %||% "grey80",
                                        angle = 30, spacing = 0.05, xoffset = 0, yoffset = 0,
                                        type = "square",
                                        alpha = gp$alpha %||% NA_real_,
                                        linetype = gp$lty %||% 1,
                                        linewidth = size %||% gp$lwd %||% 1,
                                        size = NULL,
                                        default.units = "npc", name = NULL,
                                        gp = gpar(), draw = TRUE, vp = NULL) {
    if (missing(colour) && hasName(l <- list(...), "color")) colour <- l$color
    grid.pattern("polygon_tiling", x, y, id,
                 colour = colour, fill = fill, angle = angle,
                 spacing = spacing, xoffset = xoffset, yoffset = yoffset,
                 type = type,
                 alpha = alpha, linetype = linetype, linewidth = linewidth,
                 default.units = default.units, name = name, gp = gp , draw = draw, vp = vp)

#' @rdname grid.pattern_polygon_tiling
#' @export
names_polygon_tiling <- c("elongated_triangular",

create_pattern_polygon_tiling <- function(params, boundary_df, aspect_ratio, legend = FALSE) {
    type <- tolower(params$pattern_type)

    xyi <- boundary_df

    fill <- alpha(params$pattern_fill, params$pattern_alpha)
    col <- alpha(params$pattern_colour, params$pattern_alpha)
    lwd <- params$pattern_linewidth
    lty <- params$pattern_linetype
    stopifnot(length(fill) < 4L, max(lengths(list(col, lwd, lty))) == 1L)
    gp <- gpar(fill = fill, col = col, lwd = lwd, lty = lty)

    angle <- params$pattern_angle
    spacing <- params$pattern_spacing

    fn <- switch(type,
                 elongated_triangular = create_el_tri_tiling,
                 herringbone = create_herringbone_tiling,
                 hexagonal = create_hexagonal_tiling,
                 pythagorean = create_pythagorean_tiling,
                 snub_square = create_snub_square_tiling,
                 snub_trihexagonal = create_snub_trihex_tiling,
                 square = create_square_tiling,
                 rhombille = create_rhombille_tiling,
                 rhombitrihexagonal = create_rhombitrihexagonal_tiling,
                 tetrakis_square = create_tetrakis_tiling,
                 triangular = create_triangular_tiling,
                 trihexagonal = create_trihexagonal_tiling,
                 truncated_hexagonal = create_trunc_hex_tiling,
                 truncated_square = create_trunc_square_tiling,
                 truncated_trihexagonal = create_trunc_trihex_tiling,
                 `2*.2**.2*.2**` = create_2_53.2__233.2_53.2__233_tiling,
                 `2**.3**.12*` = create_2__.3__.12__tiling,
                 `**` = create_3.3.3.3___tiling,
                 `3.3*.3.3**` = create_3.3_30.3.3_30_tiling,
                 `*.3.3.12*` = create_3.3.3.12_30.3.3.12_30_tiling,
                 `*` = create_3.,
                 `3.3.8*.*` = create_3.3.8_15.,
                 `3.3.8*.4**.8*` = create_3.3.8_15.4__60.8_15_tiling,
                 `*` = create_3.,
                 `3.6*.6**` = create_3.6_30.6__30_tiling,
                 `4.2*.4.2**` = create_4.2_60.4.2__240_tiling,
                 `4.4*.4**` = create_4.4_30.4__30_tiling,
                 `4.6.4*.6` = create_4.6.4_30.6_tiling,
                 `4.6*.4.6*.4.6*` = create_4.6_30.4.6_30.4.6_30_tiling,
                 `4.8*.4**.8*` = create_4.8_.4__.8__tiling,
                 `6.6*.6.6*` = create_6.6_60.6.6_60_tiling,
                 `8.4*.8.4*` = create_8.4_45.8.4_45_tiling,
                 `*` = create_9.3.9.3_40_tiling,
                 `12.3*.12.3*` = create_12.3_30.12.3_30_tiling,
                 `12.12.4*` = create_12.12.4_60_tiling,
                 `18.18.3*` = create_18.18.3__tiling,
                 abort(paste("Don't know how to do tiling", type)))
    gTree(children = fn(xyi, gp, spacing, angle), name = "polygon_tiling")

create_3.3.3.12_30.3.3.12_30_tiling <- function(xyi, gp, spacing, angle) {
    n_col <- length(gp$fill)
    gp_star <- gp_dod <- gp_bg <- gp
    if (n_col == 2L) {
        gp_bg$fill <- gp_star$fill <- gp$fill[1L]
        gp_dod$fill <- gp$fill[2L]
    } else if (n_col == 3L) {
        gp_bg$fill <- gp$fill[3]
        gp_dod$fill <- gp$fill[2]
        gp_star$fill <- gp$fill[1]
    bg <- polygonGrob(xyi$x, xyi$y, xyi$id, default.units = "npc", gp = gp_bg,
                      name = "background_color")
    dodecagons <- patternGrob("regular_polygon", xyi$x, xyi$y, xyi$id,
                              grid = "hex_circle",
                              shape = "convex12", density = 1.034, rot = 15,
                              spacing = spacing, angle = angle, gp = gp_dod,
                              name = "dodecagons")
    scale <- star_scale(12, 60, external = TRUE)
    stars <- patternGrob("regular_polygon", xyi$x, xyi$y, xyi$id,
                         grid = "hex_circle",
                         shape = "star12", density = 1.034, rot = 15,
                         spacing = spacing, angle = angle, gp = gp_star,
                         scale = scale, name = "stars")
    gList(bg, dodecagons, stars)

create_3.3.8_15.4__60.8_15_tiling <- function(xyi, gp, spacing, angle) {
    n_col <- length(gp$fill)
    gp_star8 <- gp_star4 <- gp_sq <- gp
    if (n_col == 2L) {
        gp_sq$fill <- gp_star4$fill <- gp$fill[1L]
        gp_star8$fill <- gp$fill[2L]
    } else if (n_col == 3L) {
        gp_sq$fill <- gp$fill[2]
        gp_star4$fill <- gp$fill[1]
        gp_star8$fill <- gp$fill[3]
    sq <- patternGrob("regular_polygon", xyi$x, xyi$y, xyi$id,
                      shape = "square", density = 1,
                      spacing = spacing, angle = angle, gp = gp_sq,
                      name = "background_color")
    scale <- star_scale(4, 60)
    star4 <- patternGrob("regular_polygon", xyi$x, xyi$y, xyi$id,
                            shape = "star4", density = 1.14, rot = 45,
                            spacing = spacing, xoffset = spacing / 2, yoffset = spacing / 2,
                            angle = angle, gp = gp_star4, name = "star4")
    scale <- star_scale(8, 15)
    star8 <- patternGrob("regular_polygon", xyi$x, xyi$y, xyi$id,
                         shape = "star8", density = 1.082, rot = 22.5,
                         spacing = spacing, angle = angle, gp = gp_star8,
                         scale = scale, name = "star8")
    gList(sq, star4, star8)
create_3.3.8_15. <- function(xyi, gp, spacing, angle) {
    n_col <- length(gp$fill)
    gp_star <- gp_oct <- gp_bg <- gp
    if (n_col == 2L) {
        gp_bg$fill <- gp_star$fill <- gp$fill[1L]
        gp_oct$fill <- gp$fill[2L]
    } else if (n_col == 3L) {
        gp_bg$fill <- gp$fill[3]
        gp_oct$fill <- gp$fill[1]
        gp_star$fill <- gp$fill[2]
    bg <- polygonGrob(xyi$x, xyi$y, xyi$id, default.units = "npc", gp = gp_bg,
                      name = "background_color")
    octagons <- patternGrob("regular_polygon", xyi$x, xyi$y, xyi$id,
                            shape = "convex8", density = 1.082, rot = 22.5,
                            spacing = spacing, angle = angle, gp = gp_oct,
                            name = "octagons")
    scale <- star_scale(8, 60, external = TRUE)
    stars <- patternGrob("regular_polygon", xyi$x, xyi$y, xyi$id,
                         shape = "star8", density = 1.082, rot = 22.5,
                         spacing = spacing, angle = angle, gp = gp_star,
                         scale = scale, name = "stars")
    gList(bg, octagons, stars)

create_3. <- function(xyi, gp, spacing, angle) {
    n_col <- length(gp$fill)
    gp_star <- gp_oct <- gp_bg <- gp
    if (n_col == 2L) {
        gp_bg$fill <- gp_star$fill <- gp$fill[2L]
        gp_oct$fill <- gp$fill[1L]
    } else if (n_col == 3L) {
        gp_bg$fill <- gp$fill[2]
        gp_oct$fill <- gp$fill[c(1,3)]
        gp_star$fill <- gp$fill[2]
    bg <- polygonGrob(xyi$x, xyi$y, xyi$id, default.units = "npc", gp = gp_bg,
                      name = "background_color")
    octagons <- patternGrob("regular_polygon", xyi$x, xyi$y, xyi$id,
                            shape = "convex8", density = 1.082, rot = 22.5,
                            spacing = spacing, angle = angle, gp = gp_oct,
                            name = "octagons")
    scale <- star_scale(8, 60, external = TRUE)
    stars <- patternGrob("regular_polygon", xyi$x, xyi$y, xyi$id,
                         shape = c("null", "star8"), density = 1.082, rot = 22.5,
                         spacing = spacing, angle = angle, gp = gp_star,
                         scale = scale, name = "stars")
    gList(bg, octagons, stars)
create_4.2_60.4.2__240_tiling <- function(xyi, gp, spacing, angle) {
    n_col <- length(gp$fill)
    gp_rh <- gp_sq1 <- gp_sq2 <- gp
    if (n_col == 2L) {
        gp_sq1$fill <- gp_sq2$fill <- gp$fill[1L]
        gp_rh$fill <- gp$fill[2L]
    } else if (n_col == 3L) {
        gp_sq2$fill <- gp$fill[3]
        gp_sq1$fill <- gp$fill[2]
        gp_rh$fill <- gp$fill[1]
    dens_sq <- 0.73
    squares.1 <- patternGrob("regular_polygon", xyi$x, xyi$y, xyi$id,
                             shape = "convex4", density = dens_sq, rot = 60,
                             spacing = spacing, angle = angle, gp = gp_sq1,
                             name = "squares.1")
    squares.2 <- patternGrob("regular_polygon", xyi$x, xyi$y, xyi$id,
                             shape = "convex4", density = dens_sq, rot = -60,
                             xoffset = 0.5 * spacing, yoffset = 0.5 * spacing,
                             spacing = spacing, angle = angle, gp = gp_sq2,
                             name = "squares.2")
    scale <- star_scale(2, 60)
    dens_rh <- 0.88
    rhombi.1 <- patternGrob("regular_polygon", xyi$x, xyi$y, xyi$id,
                         shape = "star2", density = dens_rh, rot = 45,
                         spacing = spacing, angle = angle, gp = gp_rh,
                         xoffset = 0.5 * spacing,
                         scale = scale, name = "rhombi.1")
    rhombi.2 <- patternGrob("regular_polygon", xyi$x, xyi$y, xyi$id,
                         shape = "star2", density = dens_rh, rot = -45,
                         spacing = spacing, angle = angle, gp = gp_rh,
                         yoffset = 0.5 * spacing,
                         scale = scale, name = "rhombi.2")
    gList(squares.1, squares.2, rhombi.1, rhombi.2)
create_2_53.2__233.2_53.2__233_tiling <- function(xyi, gp, spacing, angle) {
    n_col <- length(gp$fill)
    gp_rh1 <- gp_rh2 <- gp_rh3 <- gp_rh4 <- gp
    if (n_col == 2L) {
        gp_rh1$fill <- gp_rh2$fill <- gp$fill[1L]
        gp_rh3$fill <- gp_rh4$fill <- gp$fill[2L]
    } else if (n_col == 3L) {
        gp_rh1$fill <- gp$fill[2:3]
        gp_rh2$fill <- gp$fill[3:2]
        gp_rh3$fill <- gp$fill[1]
        gp_rh4$fill <- gp$fill[1]
    rhombi.1 <- patternGrob("regular_polygon", xyi$x, xyi$y, xyi$id,
                             shape = "star2", density = 1, scale = 0.5,
                             spacing = spacing, angle = angle, gp = gp_rh1,
                             name = "rhombi.1", type = "horizontal")
    rhombi.2 <- patternGrob("regular_polygon", xyi$x, xyi$y, xyi$id,
                             shape = "star2", density = 1, scale = 0.5,
                             xoffset = 0.5 * spacing,
                             spacing = spacing, angle = angle, gp = gp_rh2,
                             name = "rhombi.2", type = "horizontal")
    rhombi.3 <- patternGrob("regular_polygon", xyi$x, xyi$y, xyi$id,
                         shape = "star2", density = 1, scale = 0.5,
                         spacing = spacing, angle = angle, gp = gp_rh3,
                         xoffset = 0.25 * spacing, yoffset = 0.5 * spacing,
                         scale = scale, name = "rhombi.3")
    rhombi.4 <- patternGrob("regular_polygon", xyi$x, xyi$y, xyi$id,
                         shape = "star2", density = 1, scale = 0.5,
                         spacing = spacing, angle = angle, gp = gp_rh4,
                         xoffset = 0.75 * spacing, yoffset = 0.5 * spacing,
                         scale = scale, name = "rhombi.4")
    gList(rhombi.1, rhombi.2, rhombi.3, rhombi.4)

create_4.6_30.4.6_30.4.6_30_tiling <- function(xyi, gp, spacing, angle) {
    n_col <- length(gp$fill)
    gp_star <- gp_bg <- gp
    gp_bg$fill <- gp$fill[1L]
    if (n_col > 1L)
        gp_star$fill <- rev(gp$fill[-1L])
    bg <- polygonGrob(xyi$x, xyi$y, xyi$id, default.units = "npc", gp = gp_bg,
                      name = "background_color")
    scale <- star_scale(6, 30)
    stars <- patternGrob("regular_polygon", xyi$x, xyi$y, xyi$id,
                        shape = "star6", density = 1, grid = "hex",
                        spacing = spacing, angle = angle, gp = gp_star,
                        scale = scale, name = "stars")
    gList(bg, stars)
create_8.4_45.8.4_45_tiling <- function(xyi, gp, spacing, angle) {
    n_col <- length(gp$fill)
    gp_oct <- gp_bg <- gp
    gp_bg$fill <- gp$fill[n_col]
    if (n_col == 2L) {
        gp_oct$fill <- gp$fill[-n_col]
    } else if (n_col == 3L) {
        gp_oct$fill <- rep(gp$fill[-n_col], each = 2)
    bg <- polygonGrob(xyi$x, xyi$y, xyi$id, default.units = "npc", gp = gp_bg,
                      name = "background_color")
    subtype <- if (n_col > 2) "2134" else NULL
    octs <- patternGrob("regular_polygon", xyi$x, xyi$y, xyi$id,
                        shape = c("convex8", "null"), density = 1.41,
                        spacing = spacing, angle = angle, gp = gp_oct,
                        type = "square_tiling", subtype = subtype,
                        scale = scale, name = "octagons")
    gList(bg, octs)

create_12.3_30.12.3_30_tiling <- function(xyi, gp, spacing, angle) {
    n_col <- length(gp$fill)
    gp_dod <- gp_bg <- gp
    gp_bg$fill <- gp$fill[n_col]
    if (n_col > 1L)
        gp_dod$fill <- gp$fill[-n_col]
    bg <- polygonGrob(xyi$x, xyi$y, xyi$id, default.units = "npc", gp = gp_bg,
                      name = "background_color")
    dodecagons <- patternGrob("regular_polygon", xyi$x, xyi$y, xyi$id,
                        shape = "convex12", density = 1,
                        spacing = spacing, angle = angle, gp = gp_dod,
                        scale = scale, name = "dodecagons")
    gList(bg, dodecagons)
create_12.12.4_60_tiling <- function(xyi, gp, spacing, angle) {
    n_col <- length(gp$fill)
    gp_dod <- gp_bg <- gp
    gp_bg$fill <- gp$fill[n_col]
    if (n_col > 1L)
        gp_dod$fill <- gp$fill[-n_col]
    bg <- polygonGrob(xyi$x, xyi$y, xyi$id, default.units = "npc", gp = gp_bg,
                      name = "background_color")
    dodecagons <- patternGrob("regular_polygon", xyi$x, xyi$y, xyi$id,
                        shape = "convex12", density = 1.035, rot = 15,
                        spacing = spacing, angle = angle, gp = gp_dod,
                        scale = scale, name = "dodecagons")
    gList(bg, dodecagons)
create_4.8_.4__.8__tiling <- function(xyi, gp, spacing, angle) {
    n_col <- length(gp$fill)
    gp_dod <- gp_bg <- gp
    gp_bg$fill <- gp$fill[n_col]
    if (n_col > 1L)
        gp_dod$fill <- gp$fill[1:2]
    bg <- polygonGrob(xyi$x, xyi$y, xyi$id, default.units = "npc", gp = gp_bg,
                      name = "background_color")
    scale <- star_scale(8, 90, external = TRUE)
    polygons <- patternGrob("regular_polygon", xyi$x, xyi$y, xyi$id,
                        shape = c("star8", "convex4"), density = c(1.53, 1.2),
                        rot = c(22.5, 0),
                        spacing = spacing, angle = angle, gp = gp_dod,
                        scale = scale, name = "polygons")
    gList(bg, polygons)
create_18.18.3__tiling <- function(xyi, gp, spacing, angle) {
    n_col <- length(gp$fill)
    gp_dod <- gp_bg <- gp
    gp_bg$fill <- gp$fill[n_col]
    if (n_col > 1L)
        gp_dod$fill <- rev(gp$fill[-n_col])
    bg <- polygonGrob(xyi$x, xyi$y, xyi$id, default.units = "npc", gp = gp_bg,
                      name = "background_color")
    eighteen <- patternGrob("regular_polygon", xyi$x, xyi$y, xyi$id,
                        shape = "convex18", density = 1, grid = "hex_circle",
                        spacing = spacing, angle = angle, gp = gp_dod,
                        scale = scale, name = "eighteen-sided")
    gList(bg, eighteen)
create_3.6_30.6__30_tiling <- function(xyi, gp, spacing, angle) {
    n_col <- length(gp$fill)
    gp_star <- gp_bg <- gp
    if (n_col == 2L) {
        gp_bg$fill <- gp$fill[2L]
        gp_star$fill <- rev(gp$fill[1L])
    } else if (n_col == 3L) {
        gp_bg$fill <- gp$fill[2L]
        gp_star$fill <- gp$fill[c(3, 1)]
    bg <- polygonGrob(xyi$x, xyi$y, xyi$id, default.units = "npc", gp = gp_bg,
                      name = "background_color")
    scale <- star_scale(6, 30)
    stars <- patternGrob("regular_polygon", xyi$x, xyi$y, xyi$id,
                        shape = "star6", density = 1.30, rot = -22.0,
                        spacing = spacing, angle = angle, gp = gp_star,
                        scale = scale, grid = "hex", name = "stars")
    gList(bg, stars)
create_4.4_30.4__30_tiling <- function(xyi, gp, spacing, angle) {
    n_col <- length(gp$fill)
    gp_star <- gp_bg <- gp
    if (n_col == 2L) {
        gp_star$fill <- gp$fill[1]
        gp_bg$fill <- gp$fill[2]
    } else if (n_col == 3L) {
        gp_star$fill <- gp$fill[2:3]
        gp_bg$fill <- gp$fill[1]
    bg <- polygonGrob(xyi$x, xyi$y, xyi$id, default.units = "npc", gp = gp_bg,
                      name = "background_color")
    scale <- star_scale(4, 30)
    stars <- patternGrob("regular_polygon", xyi$x, xyi$y, xyi$id,
                         shape = "star4", density = 1.60, rot = -9.5,
                         spacing = spacing, angle = angle, gp = gp_star,
                         scale = scale, name = "stars")
    gList(bg, stars)

create_3.3_30.3.3_30_tiling <- function(xyi, gp, spacing, angle) {
    n_col <- length(gp$fill)
    gp_star <- gp_bg <- gp
    if (n_col == 2L) {
        gp_star$fill <- gp$fill[1L]
        gp_bg$fill <- gp$fill[2L]
    } else if (n_col == 3L) {
        gp_star$fill <- gp$fill[c(3L, 1L)]
        gp_bg$fill <- gp$fill[2L]
    bg <- polygonGrob(xyi$x, xyi$y, xyi$id, default.units = "npc", gp = gp_bg,
                      name = "background_color")
    scale <- star_scale(3, 30)
    stars <- patternGrob("regular_polygon", xyi$x, xyi$y, xyi$id,
                        shape = "star3", density = 1.57,
                        grid = "hex_circle", rot = 30,
                        spacing = spacing, angle = angle, gp = gp_star,
                        scale = scale, name = "stars")
    gList(bg, stars)
create_3.3.3.3___tiling <- function(xyi, gp, spacing, angle) {
    n_col <- length(gp$fill)
    gp_tri <- gp_bg <- gp
    if (n_col == 2L) {
        gp_tri$fill <- gp$fill[1L]
        gp_bg$fill <- gp$fill[2L]
    } else if (n_col == 3L) {
        gp_tri$fill <- gp$fill[c(3L, 1L)]
        gp_bg$fill <- gp$fill[2L]
    bg <- polygonGrob(xyi$x, xyi$y, xyi$id, default.units = "npc", gp = gp_bg,
                      name = "background_color")
    triangles <- patternGrob("regular_polygon", xyi$x, xyi$y, xyi$id,
                        shape = "convex3", density = 1.33,
                        grid = "hex_circle", rot = 30,
                        spacing = spacing, angle = angle, gp = gp_tri,
                        scale = scale, name = "triangles")
    gList(bg, triangles)
create_6.6_60.6.6_60_tiling <- function(xyi, gp, spacing, angle) {
    n_col <- length(gp$fill)
    gp_star <- gp_bg <- gp
    if (n_col == 2L) {
        gp_star$fill <- gp$fill[1L]
        gp_bg$fill <- gp$fill[2L]
    } else if (n_col == 3L) {
        gp_star$fill <- gp$fill[c(3L, 1L)]
        gp_bg$fill <- gp$fill[2L]
    bg <- polygonGrob(xyi$x, xyi$y, xyi$id, default.units = "npc", gp = gp_bg,
                      name = "background_color")
    scale <- star_scale(6, 120, external = TRUE)
    stars <- patternGrob("regular_polygon", xyi$x, xyi$y, xyi$id,
                        shape = "star6", density = 1,
                        grid = "hex_circle", rot = 30,
                        spacing = spacing, angle = angle, gp = gp_star,
                        scale = scale, name = "stars")
    gList(bg, stars)

create_herringbone_tiling <- function(xyi, gp, spacing, angle) {
    n_col <- length(gp$fill)
    fill2 <- gp$fill[1L]
    if (n_col > 1L)
        gp$fill <- gp$fill[-1L]
    grob <- patternGrob("weave", xyi$x, xyi$y, xyi$id,
                        type = "twill", subtype = "2/2(1)",
                        density = 1, fill2 = fill2,
                        spacing = spacing, angle = angle + 45, gp = gp,
                        name = "rectangles")

create_hexagonal_tiling <- function(xyi, gp, spacing, angle) {
    n_col <- length(gp$fill)
    if (n_col == 2L)
        gp$fill <- rev(gp$fill)
    grob <- patternGrob("regular_polygon", xyi$x, xyi$y, xyi$id,
                        shape = "convex6", density = 1, grid = "hex",
                        spacing = spacing, angle = angle, gp = gp,
                        name = "hexagons")

create_el_tri_tiling <- function(xyi, gp, spacing, angle) {
    n_col <- length(gp$fill)
    gp_bg <- gp
    if (n_col == 2L) {
        gp_bg$fill <- gp$fill[2L]
        gp$fill <- rep(c(gp$fill[1L], gp$fill[2L]), each = 2)
    } else if (n_col == 3L) {
        gp_bg$fill <- gp$fill[1L]
        gp$fill <- c(gp$fill[2L], gp$fill[3L], gp$fill[1L], gp$fill[1L])
    bg <- polygonGrob(xyi$x, xyi$y, xyi$id, default.units = "npc", gp = gp_bg,
                      name = "background_color")
    grob <- patternGrob("regular_polygon", xyi$x, xyi$y, xyi$id,
                        shape = rep(c("convex4", "convex3"), each = 2),
                        density = rep(c(1.41, 1.15), each = 2),
                        grid = "elongated_triangle",
                        type = "square_tiling", subtype = "3412",
                        rot = rep(c(45, 0), each = 2),
                        spacing = spacing, gp = gp, angle = angle,
                        name = "squares_and_triangles")
    gList(bg, grob)

create_pythagorean_tiling <- function(xyi, gp, spacing, angle) {
    n_col <- length(gp$fill)
    gp_bg <- gp
    gp_bg$fill <- gp$fill[n_col]
    bg <- polygonGrob(xyi$x, xyi$y, xyi$id, default.units = "npc", gp = gp_bg,
                      name = "background_color")
    if (n_col == 2L)
        gp$fill <- gp$fill[1L]
    else if (n_col == 3L)
        gp$fill <- gp$fill[2:1]
    grob <- patternGrob("regular_polygon", xyi$x, xyi$y, xyi$id,
                        shape = "convex4", density = 1.222, rot = 15,
                        spacing = spacing, angle = angle - 60, gp = gp,
                        name = "squares_larger")
    gList(bg, grob)

create_rhombitrihexagonal_tiling <- function(xyi, gp, spacing, angle) {
    n_col <- length(gp$fill)
    gp_bg <- gp
    gp_sq <- gp_bg
    gp_dd <- gp_bg
    gp_bg$fill <- gp$fill[n_col]
    if (n_col == 2L) {
        gp_sq$fill <- gp$fill[1L]
        gp_dd$fill <- gp$fill[1L]
    else if (n_col == 3L) {
        gp_bg$fill <- gp$fill[2L]
        gp_sq$fill <- gp$fill[3L]
        gp_dd$fill <- gp$fill[1L]
    # hexagons
    bg <- polygonGrob(xyi$x, xyi$y, xyi$id, default.units = "npc", gp = gp_bg,
                      name = "background_color")
    # squares
    stripe1 <- patternGrob("stripe", xyi$x, xyi$y, xyi$id,
                           angle = angle,
                           grid = "hex_circle", density = 0.25,
                           spacing = spacing,
                           gp = gp_sq, name = "square_stripes.1")
    stripe2 <- patternGrob("stripe", xyi$x, xyi$y, xyi$id,
                           angle = angle + 60,
                           grid = "hex_circle", density = 0.25,
                           spacing = spacing,
                           gp = gp_sq, name = "square_stripes.2")
    stripe3 <- patternGrob("stripe", xyi$x, xyi$y, xyi$id,
                           angle = angle - 60,
                           grid = "hex_circle", density = 0.25,
                           spacing = spacing,
                           gp = gp_sq, name = "square_stripes.3")
    # dodecagons
    grob <- patternGrob("regular_polygon", xyi$x, xyi$y, xyi$id,
                        shape = "convex12", density = 0.82, rot = 15,
                        grid = "hex_circle",
                        spacing = spacing, angle = angle, gp = gp_dd,
                        name = "dodecagons")
    gList(bg, stripe1, stripe2, stripe3, grob)

create_3. <- function(xyi, gp, spacing, angle) {
    n_col <- length(gp$fill)
    gp_bg <- gp_sq <- gp_dd <- gp
    if (n_col == 2L) {
        gp_bg$fill <- gp$fill[1L]
        gp_sq$fill <- gp_dd$fill <- gp$fill[2L]
    else if (n_col == 3L) {
        gp_bg$fill <- gp$fill[1L]
        gp_dd$fill <- gp$fill[2L]
        gp_sq$fill <- gp$fill[3L]
    # hexagons
    bg <- polygonGrob(xyi$x, xyi$y, xyi$id, default.units = "npc", gp = gp_bg,
                      name = "background_color")
    # squares
    stripe1 <- patternGrob("stripe", xyi$x, xyi$y, xyi$id,
                           angle = angle,
                           grid = "hex_circle", density = 0.25,
                           spacing = spacing,
                           gp = gp_sq, name = "square_stripes.1")
    stripe2 <- patternGrob("stripe", xyi$x, xyi$y, xyi$id,
                           angle = angle + 60,
                           grid = "hex_circle", density = 0.25,
                           spacing = spacing,
                           gp = gp_sq, name = "square_stripes.2")
    stripe3 <- patternGrob("stripe", xyi$x, xyi$y, xyi$id,
                           angle = angle - 60,
                           grid = "hex_circle", density = 0.25,
                           spacing = spacing,
                           gp = gp_sq, name = "square_stripes.3")
    # triangles
    grob <- patternGrob("regular_polygon", xyi$x, xyi$y, xyi$id,
                        shape = "convex12", density = 0.82, rot = 15,
                        grid = "hex_circle",
                        spacing = spacing, angle = angle, gp = gp_dd,
                        name = "dodecagons")
    # twelve-pointed stars
    scale <- star_scale(12, 30)
    stars <- patternGrob("regular_polygon", xyi$x, xyi$y, xyi$id,
                        shape = "star12", density = 0.82, rot = 15,
                        grid = "hex_circle", scale = scale,
                        spacing = spacing, angle = angle, gp = gp_bg,
                        name = "stars")
    gList(bg, stripe1, stripe2, stripe3, grob, stars)

create_snub_square_tiling <- function(xyi, gp, spacing, angle) {
    scale_star <- star_scale(4, 90 + 60, external = TRUE)
    n_col <- length(gp$fill)
    gp_sq <- gp_sq2 <- gp_tri <- gp
    if (n_col == 2) {
        gp_sq2$fill <- gp_sq$fill <- gp$fill[1L]
        gp_tri$fill <- gp$fill[2L]
    } else if (n_col == 3) {
        gp_tri$fill <- gp$fill[1L]
        gp_sq$fill <- gp$fill[2L]
        gp_sq2$fill <- gp$fill[3L]
    sq1 <- polygonGrob(xyi$x, xyi$y, xyi$id, default.units = "npc",
                       gp = gp_sq, name = "squares.1")
    tri <- patternGrob("regular_polygon", xyi$x, xyi$y, xyi$id,
                       shape = "star4", scale = scale_star,
                       angle = angle, rot = 15, spacing = spacing,
                       density = 1.41, gp = gp_tri, name = "triangles")
    sq2 <- patternGrob("regular_polygon", xyi$x, xyi$y, xyi$id,
                       shape = "convex4", scale = scale_star,
                       angle = angle, rot = 60, spacing = spacing,
                       density = scale_star * 1.41, gp = gp_sq2, name = "squares.2")
    gList(sq1, tri, sq2)

create_snub_trihex_tiling <- function(xyi, gp, spacing, angle) {
    scale_star <- star_scale(6, 60 + 60, external = TRUE)
    n_col <- length(gp$fill)
    gp_tri1 <- gp_tri2 <- gp_hex <- gp
    if (n_col == 2) {
        gp_tri1$fill <- gp_tri2$fill <- gp$fill[1L]
        gp_hex$fill <- gp$fill[2L]
    } else if (n_col == 3) {
        gp_tri2$fill <- gp$fill[1L]
        gp_hex$fill <- gp$fill[2L]
        gp_tri1$fill <- gp$fill[3L]
    tri1 <- polygonGrob(xyi$x, xyi$y, xyi$id, default.units = "npc",
                        gp = gp_tri1, name = "triangles.1")
    tri2 <- patternGrob("regular_polygon", xyi$x, xyi$y, xyi$id,
                        shape = "star6", scale = scale_star,
                        grid = "hex_circle",
                        angle = angle, rot = 19, spacing = spacing,
                        density = 1.305, gp = gp_tri2, name = "triangles.2")
    hex <- patternGrob("regular_polygon", xyi$x, xyi$y, xyi$id,
                       shape = "convex6", grid = "hex_circle",
                       angle = angle, rot = 49, spacing = spacing,
                       density = scale_star * 1.305, gp = gp_hex, name = "hexagons")
    gList(tri1, tri2, hex)

create_square_tiling <- function(xyi, gp, spacing, angle) {
    grob <- patternGrob("regular_polygon", xyi$x, xyi$y, xyi$id,
                        shape = "square", density = 1,
                        spacing = spacing, angle = angle, gp = gp,
                        name = "squares")
create_rhombille_tiling <- function(xyi, gp, spacing, angle) {
    n_col <- length(gp$fill)
    gp_rh1 <- gp_rh2 <- gp_rh3 <- gp
    if (n_col == 2) {
        gp_rh1$fill <- gp_rh2$fill <- gp$fill[1L]
        gp_rh3$fill <- gp$fill[2L]
    } else if (n_col == 3) {
        gp_rh1$fill <- gp$fill[1L]
        gp_rh2$fill <- gp$fill[2L]
        gp_rh3$fill <- gp$fill[3L]
    rh1 <- patternGrob("regular_polygon", xyi$x, xyi$y, xyi$id,
                       shape = "rhombille_rhombus", grid = "hex",
                       angle = angle, rot = -120, spacing = spacing, density = 1,
                       gp = gp_rh1, name = "rhombi.1")
    rh2 <- patternGrob("regular_polygon", xyi$x, xyi$y, xyi$id,
                       shape = "rhombille_rhombus", grid = "hex",
                       angle = angle, rot = 120, spacing = spacing, density = 1,
                       gp = gp_rh2, name = "rhombi.2")
    rh3 <- patternGrob("regular_polygon", xyi$x, xyi$y, xyi$id,
                       shape = "rhombille_rhombus", grid = "hex",
                       angle = angle, rot = 0, spacing = spacing, density = 1,
                       gp = gp_rh3, name = "rhombi.3")
    gList(rh1, rh2, rh3)
create_9.3.9.3_40_tiling <- function(xyi, gp, spacing, angle) {
    n_col <- length(gp$fill)
    gp_non <- gp_tri <- gp_star3 <- gp
    if (n_col == 2) {
        gp_non$fill <- gp$fill[1L]
        gp_star3$fill <- gp_tri$fill <- gp$fill[2L]
    } else if (n_col == 3) {
        gp_non$fill <- gp$fill[1L]
        gp_star3$fill <- gp$fill[2L]
        gp_tri$fill <- gp$fill[3L]
    bg <- polygonGrob(xyi$x, xyi$y, xyi$id, default.units = "npc", gp = gp_star3,
                      name = "background_color")
    stripe <- patternGrob("stripe", xyi$x, xyi$y, xyi$id,
                          grid = "hex_circle", yoffset = 0.24 * spacing,
                          angle = angle, spacing = spacing, density = 0.35,
                          gp = gp_tri, name = "stripes")
    non <- patternGrob("regular_polygon", xyi$x, xyi$y, xyi$id,
                       shape = "convex9", grid = "hex_circle",
                       angle = angle, rot = 0, spacing = spacing, density = 1.01,
                       gp = gp_non, name = "nonagons")
    gList(bg, stripe, non)
create_tetrakis_tiling <- function(xyi, gp, spacing, angle) {
    n_col <- length(gp$fill)
    gp_tri1 <- gp_tri2 <- gp_tri3 <- gp
    if (n_col == 2) {
        gp_tri1$fill <- gp$fill[1L]
        gp_tri2$fill <- gp_tri3$fill <- gp$fill[2L]
    } else if (n_col == 3) {
        gp_tri1$fill <- gp$fill[1L]
        gp_tri2$fill <- gp$fill[2L]
        gp_tri3$fill <- gp$fill[3L]
    tri1.a <- patternGrob("regular_polygon", xyi$x, xyi$y, xyi$id,
                        shape = "tetrakis_left",
                        angle = angle, rot = 0,
                        spacing = spacing, density = 1,
                        gp = gp_tri1, name = "triangles.1.a")
    tri1.b <- patternGrob("regular_polygon", xyi$x, xyi$y, xyi$id,
                        shape = "tetrakis_left",
                        angle = angle, rot = 90,
                        spacing = spacing, density = 1,
                        gp = gp_tri1, name = "triangles.1.b")
    tri1.c <- patternGrob("regular_polygon", xyi$x, xyi$y, xyi$id,
                        shape = "tetrakis_left",
                        angle = angle, rot = 180,
                        spacing = spacing, density = 1,
                        gp = gp_tri1, name = "triangles.1.c")
    tri1.d <- patternGrob("regular_polygon", xyi$x, xyi$y, xyi$id,
                        shape = "tetrakis_left",
                        angle = angle, rot = 270,
                        spacing = spacing, density = 1,
                        gp = gp_tri1, name = "triangles.1.d")
    tri2.a <- patternGrob("regular_polygon", xyi$x, xyi$y, xyi$id,
                        shape = "tetrakis_right",
                        angle = angle, rot = 0,
                        spacing = spacing, density = 1,
                        gp = gp_tri2, name = "triangles.2.a")
    tri2.b <- patternGrob("regular_polygon", xyi$x, xyi$y, xyi$id,
                        shape = "tetrakis_right",
                        angle = angle, rot = 180,
                        spacing = spacing, density = 1,
                        gp = gp_tri2, name = "triangles.2.b")
    tri3.a <- patternGrob("regular_polygon", xyi$x, xyi$y, xyi$id,
                        shape = "tetrakis_right",
                        angle = angle, rot = 90,
                        spacing = spacing, density = 1,
                        gp = gp_tri3, name = "triangles.3.a")
    tri3.b <- patternGrob("regular_polygon", xyi$x, xyi$y, xyi$id,
                        shape = "tetrakis_right",
                        angle = angle, rot = 270,
                        spacing = spacing, density = 1,
                        gp = gp_tri3, name = "triangles.3.b")
    gList(tri1.a, tri1.b, tri1.c, tri1.d, tri2.a, tri2.b, tri3.a, tri3.b)

create_triangular_tiling <- function(xyi, gp, spacing, angle) {
    n_col <- length(gp$fill)
    gp_bg <- gp
    gp_bg$fill <- gp$fill[1]
    bg <- polygonGrob(xyi$x, xyi$y, xyi$id, default.units = "npc", gp = gp_bg,
                      name = "background_color")
    if (n_col == 2L)
        gp$fill <- gp$fill[2L]
    else if (n_col == 3L)
        gp$fill <- gp$fill[3:2]
    grob <- patternGrob("regular_polygon", xyi$x, xyi$y, xyi$id,
                        shape = "convex3", density = 1, grid = "hex", rot = 180,
                        spacing = spacing, angle = angle, gp = gp,
                        name = "triangles")
    gList(bg, grob)

create_2__.3__.12__tiling <- function(xyi, gp, spacing, angle) {
    n_col <- length(gp$fill)
    gp_bg <- gp
    gp_bg$fill <- gp$fill[1]
    bg <- polygonGrob(xyi$x, xyi$y, xyi$id, default.units = "npc", gp = gp_bg,
                      name = "background_color")
    if (n_col > 1L)
        gp$fill <- rev(gp$fill[-1L])
    scale <- star_scale(12, 60, external = TRUE)
    grob <- patternGrob("regular_polygon", xyi$x, xyi$y, xyi$id,
                        shape = "star12", density = 1.034, rot = 15,
                        grid = "hex_circle", scale = scale,
                        spacing = spacing, angle = angle, gp = gp,
                        name = "dodecagons")
    gList(bg, grob)
create_trunc_hex_tiling <- function(xyi, gp, spacing, angle) {
    n_col <- length(gp$fill)
    gp_bg <- gp
    gp_bg$fill <- gp$fill[n_col]
    bg <- polygonGrob(xyi$x, xyi$y, xyi$id, default.units = "npc", gp = gp_bg,
                      name = "background_color")
    if (n_col == 2L)
        gp$fill <- gp$fill[1L]
    else if (n_col == 3L)
        gp$fill <- gp$fill[2:1]

    grob <- patternGrob("regular_polygon", xyi$x, xyi$y, xyi$id,
                        shape = "convex12", density = 1.034, rot = 15,
                        grid = "hex_circle",
                        spacing = spacing, angle = angle, gp = gp,
                        name = "dodecagons")
    gList(bg, grob)

create_trunc_square_tiling <- function(xyi, gp, spacing, angle) {
    n_col <- length(gp$fill)
    gp_bg <- gp
    gp_bg$fill <- gp$fill[n_col]
    bg <- polygonGrob(xyi$x, xyi$y, xyi$id, default.units = "npc", gp = gp_bg,
                      name = "background_color")
    if (n_col == 2L)
        gp$fill <- gp$fill[1L]
    else if (n_col == 3L)
        gp$fill <- gp$fill[1:2]

    grob <- patternGrob("regular_polygon", xyi$x, xyi$y, xyi$id,
                        shape = "convex8", density = 1.082, rot = 22.5,
                        spacing = spacing, angle = angle, gp = gp,
                        name = "octagons")
    gList(bg, grob)

create_4.6.4_30.6_tiling <- function(xyi, gp, spacing, angle) {
    n_col <- length(gp$fill)
    gp_bg <- gp
    gp_bg$fill <- gp$fill[1L]
    bg <- polygonGrob(xyi$x, xyi$y, xyi$id, default.units = "npc", gp = gp_bg,
                      name = "background_color")
    if (n_col == 2L)
        gp$fill <- gp$fill[2L]
    else if (n_col == 3L)
        gp$fill <- gp$fill[2:3]

    scale <- star_scale(4, 120, external = TRUE)
    grob <- patternGrob("regular_polygon", xyi$x, xyi$y, xyi$id,
                        shape = c("star4", "convex4"), density = c(1.2, 0.8),
                        spacing = spacing, angle = angle, gp = gp,
                        name = "stars_and_squares", scale = scale)
    gList(bg, grob)

create_trunc_trihex_tiling <- function(xyi, gp, spacing, angle) {
    n_col <- length(gp$fill)
    gp_bg <- gp
    gp_sq <- gp_bg
    gp_hx <- gp_bg
    gp_bg$fill <- gp$fill[n_col]
    if (n_col == 2L) {
        gp_bg$fill <- gp$fill[1L]
        gp_sq$fill <- gp$fill[2L]
        gp_hx$fill <- gp$fill[1L]
    else if (n_col == 3L) {
        gp_sq$fill <- gp$fill[2L]
        gp_hx$fill <- gp$fill[1L]
    # triangles
    bg <- polygonGrob(xyi$x, xyi$y, xyi$id, default.units = "npc", gp = gp_bg,
                      name = "background_color")
    # squares
    stripe1 <- patternGrob("stripe", xyi$x, xyi$y, xyi$id,
                           angle = angle,
                           grid = "hex_circle", density = 0.42,
                           spacing = spacing,
                           gp = gp_sq, name = "square_stripes.1")
    stripe2 <- patternGrob("stripe", xyi$x, xyi$y, xyi$id,
                           angle = angle + 60,
                           grid = "hex_circle", density = 0.42,
                           spacing = spacing,
                           gp = gp_sq, name = "square_stripes.2")
    stripe3 <- patternGrob("stripe", xyi$x, xyi$y, xyi$id,
                           angle = angle - 60,
                           grid = "hex_circle", density = 0.42,
                           spacing = spacing,
                           gp = gp_sq, name = "square_stripes.3")
    # hexagons
    grob <- patternGrob("regular_polygon", xyi$x, xyi$y, xyi$id,
                        shape = "convex6", density = 0.75,
                        grid = "hex_circle",
                        spacing = spacing, angle = angle, gp = gp_hx,
                        name = "hexagons")
    gList(bg, stripe1, stripe2, stripe3, grob)

create_trihexagonal_tiling <- function(xyi, gp, spacing, angle) {
    n_col <- length(gp$fill)
    gp_bg <- gp
    gp_bg$fill <- gp$fill[n_col]
    bg <- polygonGrob(xyi$x, xyi$y, xyi$id, default.units = "npc", gp = gp_bg,
                      name = "background_color")
    if (n_col == 2L)
        gp$fill <- gp$fill[1L]
    else if (n_col == 3L)
        gp$fill <- gp$fill[2:1]
    grob <- patternGrob("regular_polygon", xyi$x, xyi$y, xyi$id,
                        shape = "convex6", density = 1, rot = 30,
                        grid = "hex_circle",
                        spacing = spacing, angle = angle, gp = gp,
                        name = "hexagons")
    gList(bg, grob)

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gridpattern documentation built on Oct. 26, 2023, 1:07 a.m.