
##  Copyright (c) 2016, Flowminder Foundation, Forrest R. Stevens, Dana R.
##  Thomson
##  Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
##  a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
##  "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
##  without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
##  distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to
##  permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to
##  the following conditions:
##  The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
##  included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.

globalVariables(names = c("selected", "id", "grid_id", "stratum", "V1",
  "sample_ids", "psu_id", "valid", "pop", "urban"))

#' @title GridSample sampling algorithm
#' @description
#' The \code{gs_sample} algorithm creates primary sampling units (PSUs) for
#' multi-stage cluster household surveys based on gridded population data.
#' Typical complex survey design is supported with input of a raster of
#' population counts, a raster of urbanized areas, and a raster of study
#' strata. Each of these rasters need to be in an identical projection and have
#' an identical grid resolution. The algorithm first selects PSU seed cells
#' with a probability proportionate to population size according to strata,
#' rural-urban, and spatial parameters specified, then it optionally grows PSUs
#' around the seed cells until a minimum population threshold is met in each
#' PSU.
#' @details
#' A number of sampling features are optional. Oversampling in urban/rural
#' areas, oversampling to be spatially representative, and stratification are
#' not required. At a minimum, the user generates a simple random sample of
#' PSUs in a study area by inputting a \code{population_raster}, defining the
#' study area boundary as one stratum with \code{strata_raster}, defining the
#' output shapefile parameters \code{output_path} and \code{sample_name}, and
#' configuring the parameters \code{cfg_hh_per_stratum},
#' \code{cfg_hh_per_urban}, \code{cfg_hh_per_rural}, and
#' \code{cfg_pop_per_psu}.  See the "Stratification", "Urban/rural domains",
#' "Spatial sampling", and "PSU size and framework" sections for additional
#' information. Note that all datasets are re-projected into WGS84 before the
#' sampling process begins. A real-world example can be seen using the code
#' \code{vignette("Rwanda")}, a vignette that replicates the sample design of
#' the 2010 Rwanda DHS survey.
#' @section Stratification:
#' To stratify the sample, define geographic strata boundaries with
#' \code{strata_raster}, and specify the sample size per strata with
#' \code{cfg_hh_per_stratum}. For example, if a national survey will sample
#' 10,000 households from 5 provinces, then \code{cfg_hh_per_stratum = 2000}.
#' The parameter \code{cfg_hh_per_stratum} is the minimum sample size to
#' generate representative population statistics. In some surveys, strata
#' follow urban/rural boundaries within administrative units. If this is the
#' case, then \code{strata_raster} should include the boundaries of urban and
#' rural sampling areas within each administrative area, and
#' \code{cfg_hh_per_stratum} should reflect the correct sample size per stratum
#' - for example, a national sample of 10,000 households from each urban and
#' rural areas in 5 provinces would have \code{cfg_hh_per_stratum = 1000}.
#' @section Urban/rural domains:
#' If urban/rural populations are not part of the stratification scheme, then
#' they are often treated as a sub-domain. Sub-domains represent important
#' sub-populations for which representative statistics are generated from the
#' survey data, and thus each sub-domain (at the national-level) should meet
#' the minimum sample size specified for each stratum. If either the
#' urban/rural sub-domain does not include enough households to generate
#' population statistics with the desired precision, then extra PSUs are
#' oversampled in the smaller sub-domain. To implement this step with
#' \code{gs_sample}, set \code{cfg_sample_rururb = 1}. In practice, rural areas
#' are often more difficult and expensive to visit, and thus a greater number
#' of households might be sampled from rural PSUs than urban PSUs. This is why
#' the user may specify different numbers of households to be sampled from each
#' urban PSUs (\code{cfg_hh_per_urban}) and rural PSUs
#' (\code{cfg_hh_per_rural}); if the same number of households will be sampled
#' from all PSUs, then configure both of these parameters with the same value.
#' Note, the number of PSUs that will be generated in each stratum is
#' \code{cfg_hh_per_stratum} divided by some number between
#' \code{cfg_hh_per_urban} and \code{cfg_hh_per_rural}.
#' @section Spatial sampling:
#' To select a sample that is both representative of the population
#' and of space, set \code{cfg_sample_spatial = 1} and specify
#' \code{cfg_sample_spatial_scale}, the spatial scale at which the sample
#' should be representative. The spatial scale should be meaningful; for
#' example, it will facilitate small area estimates with limited statistical
#' error for administrative units that are smaller than the stratification
#' units. Determining an appropriate spatial scale might take trial and error.
#' If the study area has large regions of sparse population, a typical
#' non-spatially representative sample will follow the population distribution
#' and have large areas without a PSU. In this case, the user might need to
#' increase the spatial resolution \code{cfg_sample_spatial_scale} of the
#' sample, or force the algorithm to generate more PSUs in each stratum by
#' increasing \code{cfg_hh_per_stratum} and/or reducing \code{cfg_hh_per_urban}
#' and \code{cfg_hh_per_rural}.
#' @section PSU size and fieldwork:
#' Four additional parameters can be configured to deal with idiosyncrasies of
#' gridded population data and improve feasibility of fieldwork. The user can
#' set a maximum geographic size of PSU in kilometres squared,
#' \code{cfg_max_psu_size}. We recommend choosing a size that can feasibly be
#' visited by a field team on foot during one day. The user might also specify
#' which cells are included in the sample frame with
#' \code{cfg_min_pop_per_cell}. Selection of a sensible value is highly
#' dependent on the gridded population dataset being used, and the scale of the
#' input data (e.g. 200m X 200m grid cells). The cell size of the output raster
#' can be specified with \code{cfg_desired_cell_size}. Gridded population
#' datasets generated from old population figures or old covariates may be
#' inaccurate at a very local scale (e.g. 100m X 100m cells), but will
#' generally increase in accuracy as cells are aggregated (e.g. 300m X 300m
#' cells). Finally, the PSU growth portion of the algorithm can be switched off
#' by setting \code{cfg_psu_growth = FALSE} resulting in a sample of single
#' grid cells (and their centroids).
#' @import raster rgdal geosphere rgeos maptools spatstat.utils
#' @importFrom utils flush.console
#' @importFrom data.table data.table setkey
#' @importFrom spatstat dirichlet
#' @importFrom methods as
#' @param population_raster Raster* layer. Input gridded population dataset to
#'    use as sample frame. Values should be number of people in each pixel as a
#'    whole number or decimal value.
#' @param strata_raster Raster* layer. Raster that defines the stratum numeric
#'    ID of each pixel. Generally created by rasterizing a shapefile of polygons
#'    that define strata.
#' @param urban_raster Raster* layer. Raster of urbanized areas where a cell
#'    value of 1 indicates urban cells and 0 indicates rural cells.
#' @param cfg_hh_per_stratum numeric. Target household sample size per stratum.
#'    In a non-stratified sample, this is the total sample size of households.
#'    In a stratified sample, this is the household sample size per stratum.
#' @param cfg_hh_per_urban numeric. Number of households expected to be
#'    selected per urban PSU during survey fieldwork.
#' @param cfg_hh_per_rural numeric. Number of households expected to be
#'    selected per rural PSU during survey fieldwork.
#' @param cfg_pop_per_psu numeric. Minimum population per PSU (e.g. 500
#'    persons).
#' @param cfg_sample_rururb logical. A flag to oversample rural/urban areas if
#'    one domain does not meet the target sample size per stratum. Default is
#'    \code{FALSE}.
#' @param cfg_sample_spatial logical. A flag to oversample in space ensuring
#'    that at least one PSU is selected within each "coarse grid" cell with cell
#'    size defined by the user. Default is \code{FALSE}.
#' @param cfg_sample_spatial_scale If \code{cfg_sample_spatial == TRUE}, this
#'    defines the length in kilometres of the side of the cell (e.g. 20 for
#'    20km X 20km) of each coarse grid cell where the algorithm will ensure at
#'    least one PSU is located in each coarse grid cell.
#' @param cfg_desired_cell_size numeric. Desired length of the side of the cell
#'    in 100m  (e.g. 4 for 400m X 400m) for output raster of PSUs. Defaults to
#'    NA, which yields an output raster at the same resolution as
#'    population_raster.
#' @param cfg_max_psu_size numeric. Maximum allowed geographic size of a given
#'    PSU in kilometres squared (e.g. 5 for PSUs smaller than 5km X 5km).
#'    Defaults to infinity.
#' @param cfg_min_pop_per_cell numeric. Minimum population in a raster cell
#'    required for it to be considered for sampling. Cells with less than this
#'    value will be excluded from the sample. Defaults to 0, therefore including
#'    all cells.
#' @param cfg_psu_growth logical. Determines whether to grow PSUs until either
#'    there are no available cells or each PSU covers a population defined by
#'    \code{cfg_pop_per_psu}.
#' @param cfg_random_number numeric. The random number seed to reproduce a
#'    previous gridded population sample.
#' @param output_path character. Output path and folder name.
#' @param sample_name character. Name of output PSU shapefile.
#' @return Shapefile of household survey primary sampling unit (PSU) boundaries
#' @examples
#' require(raster)
#' poprast <- raster(ncols = 100, nrows = 100, xmx = 10, xmn = 9, ymn = 9, ymx = 10,
#'    crs = CRS("+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84 +no_defs +ellps=WGS84 +towgs84=0,0,0"),
#'    vals = runif(10000, 0, 100))
#' stratarast <- raster(ncols = 100, nrows = 100, xmx = 10, xmn = 9, ymn = 9, ymx = 10,
#'    crs = CRS("+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84 +no_defs +ellps=WGS84 +towgs84=0,0,0"),
#'    vals = c(rep(1, times = 5000), rep(2, times = 5000)))
#' urbanrast <- poprast > 25
#' example_1 <- gs_sample(
#'     population_raster = poprast,
#'     strata_raster = stratarast,
#'     urban_raster = urbanrast,
#'     cfg_hh_per_stratum = 800,
#'     cfg_hh_per_urban = 20,
#'     cfg_hh_per_rural = 20,
#'     cfg_pop_per_psu = 500,
#'     cfg_sample_rururb = TRUE,
#'     cfg_sample_spatial = FALSE,
#'     cfg_sample_spatial_scale = 100,
#'     cfg_desired_cell_size = NA,
#'     cfg_max_psu_size = 5,
#'     cfg_min_pop_per_cell = 0.01,
#'     output_path = tempdir(),
#'     sample_name="Example"
#' )
#' plot(example_1)
#' #### Example two is the identical, except PSUs aren't grown,
#' #### so the shapefile returned includes a single grid cell for each PSU.
#' example_2 <- gs_sample(
#'    population_raster = poprast,
#'    strata_raster = stratarast,
#'    urban_raster = urbanrast,
#'    cfg_hh_per_stratum = 800,
#'    cfg_hh_per_urban = 20,
#'    cfg_hh_per_rural = 20,
#'    cfg_pop_per_psu = 500,
#'    cfg_sample_rururb = TRUE,
#'    cfg_sample_spatial = FALSE,
#'    cfg_sample_spatial_scale = 100,
#'    cfg_desired_cell_size = NA,
#'    cfg_max_psu_size = 5,
#'    cfg_min_pop_per_cell = 0.01,
#'    cfg_psu_growth = FALSE,
#'    output_path = tempdir(),
#'    sample_name="Example_without_growth"
#' )
#' plot(example_2)
#' @export
gs_sample <- function(population_raster,
                      cfg_sample_rururb = FALSE,
                      cfg_sample_spatial = FALSE,
                      cfg_sample_spatial_scale = NA,
                      cfg_desired_cell_size = NA,
                      cfg_max_psu_size = Inf,
                      cfg_min_pop_per_cell = 0,
                      cfg_psu_growth = TRUE,
                      cfg_random_number = NA,
                      sample_name) {

  if (!is.na(cfg_random_number)) {
    if (exists('.Random.seed')) {
      old.seed <- .Random.seed
        print("Restoring random seed to its original value.")
        assign('.Random.seed', old.seed, envir = .GlobalEnv)
    } else {
        print("Restoring random seed to its original value.")
        rm('.Random.seed', envir = .GlobalEnv)
    print(paste0("Setting random seed to ", cfg_random_number, "."))

  ## Project rasters in WGS84 if not
  if (sp::proj4string(population_raster) != "+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84 +no_defs +ellps=WGS84 +towgs84=0,0,0") {
    population_raster <- projectRaster(population_raster,
      crs = sp::CRS("+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84 +no_defs +ellps=WGS84 +towgs84=0,0,0"))
  if (sp::proj4string(urban_raster) != "+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84 +no_defs +ellps=WGS84 +towgs84=0,0,0") {
    urban_raster <- projectRaster(urban_raster,
      crs = sp::CRS("+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84 +no_defs +ellps=WGS84 +towgs84=0,0,0"))
  if (sp::proj4string(strata_raster) != "+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84 +no_defs +ellps=WGS84 +towgs84=0,0,0") {
    strata_raster <- projectRaster(strata_raster,
      crs = sp::CRS("+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84 +no_defs +ellps=WGS84 +towgs84=0,0,0"))

  ## Aggregate to meet desired resolution if lower than current
  if (!is.na(cfg_desired_cell_size)) {
    midcell <- c(
      xFromCol(population_raster, col = floor(ncol(population_raster) / 2)),
      yFromRow(population_raster, row = nrow(population_raster) / 2)
    nextcellx <- c(
      xFromCol(population_raster, col = floor(ncol(population_raster) / 2) + 1),
      yFromRow(population_raster, row = nrow(population_raster) / 2)
    # calculate cell area and convert to hectares
    cellsize <- distGeo(midcell, nextcellx) / 100
    if (cellsize < cfg_desired_cell_size) {
      population_raster <- aggregate(population_raster,
        fact = round(cfg_desired_cell_size / cellsize),
        fun = sum, na.rm = T)
      strata_raster <- resample(strata_raster,
        population_raster, method = "ngb")
      urban_raster <- resample(urban_raster,
        population_raster, method = "ngb")
    if (cellsize >= cfg_desired_cell_size) {
      print("Resolution already as low or lower than desired.")

  midcell <- c(
    xFromCol(population_raster, col = floor(ncol(population_raster) / 2)),
    yFromRow(population_raster, row = nrow(population_raster) / 2)
  nextcellx <- c(
    xFromCol(population_raster, col = floor(ncol(population_raster) / 2) + 1),
    yFromRow(population_raster, row = nrow(population_raster) / 2)
  nextcelly <- c(
    xFromCol(population_raster, col = floor(ncol(population_raster) / 2)),
    yFromRow(population_raster, row = nrow(population_raster) / 2 + 1)

  # calculate cell area and convert to kilometers
  cellsizex <- distGeo(midcell, nextcellx) / 1000
  cellsizey <- distGeo(midcell, nextcelly) / 1000
  cellkmsq <- cellsizex * cellsizey

  if (!is.na(cfg_sample_spatial_scale)) {
    spatialfac <- (cfg_sample_spatial_scale) / mean(c(cellsizex, cellsizey))

  ## Convert maximum PSU size (in square kilometers) into a maximum possible
  ## number of cells
  maxcells <- cfg_max_psu_size / cellkmsq
  print("Beginning gs_sample() Process:")

  ## Compile vectors of values:
  urban_vec <- urban_raster[]
  pop_vec <- population_raster[]
  strata_vec <- strata_raster[]

  ## Create an index of cells, and vectors with no NAs from our data:
  raster_index <- 1:ncell(strata_raster)
  raster_index_valid_boo <- (
    !is.na(strata_vec) &
    !is.na(urban_vec) &
    !is.na(pop_vec) &
    pop_vec > cfg_min_pop_per_cell
  raster_index_valid <- raster_index[ raster_index_valid_boo ]

  ## Create sampled_index that will be values for our output, 0 for
  ## unsampled, 1 for sampled:
  sampled <- 0 * raster_index_valid_boo

  ## Compile unique lists of valid Strata IDs:
  strata_ids <- unique(strata_vec[raster_index_valid])
  print("Randomly Stratifying PSU Cell IDs:")

  for (stratum_id in strata_ids) {
    print(paste("Processing stratum ID", stratum_id, "..."))

    ## Create index for rasters for current strata, with valid values:
    index <- raster_index[ raster_index_valid_boo & (strata_vec == stratum_id) ]
    initsampledpsu <- cfg_hh_per_stratum / min(
      c(cfg_hh_per_urban, cfg_hh_per_rural), na.rm = TRUE)
    psu_data <- data.table(
      "id" = index,
      "pop" = pop_vec[index],
      "urban" = urban_vec[index],
      "selected" = 0
    ## Calculate number of cells to skip for serpentine sampling
    psu_interval <- floor(sum(psu_data$pop) /  initsampledpsu)

    psu_data$pop_cum <- cumsum(psu_data$pop)
    psu_data$urbanpop <- (psu_data$urban == 0) * cfg_hh_per_rural +
      (psu_data$urban == 1) * cfg_hh_per_urban
    psu_data$ruralpop <- (psu_data$urban == 1) * cfg_hh_per_rural +
      (psu_data$urban == 0) * cfg_hh_per_urban

    ## Choose first cell to sample
    initpop <- sample(psu_interval, 1)
    psu_data$selected[which.min(abs(psu_data$pop_cum - initpop))] <- 1

    ## Skip based on psu_interval then select cells
    nextpop <- initpop + psu_interval
    while (nextpop < max(psu_data$pop_cum)) {
      psu_data$selected[which.min(abs(psu_data$pop_cum - nextpop))] <- 1
      nextpop <- nextpop + psu_interval
    ## Calculate maximum number of households sampled given the cells that
    ## have been chosen
    psu_data$maxsample <- max(psu_data$urbanpop, psu_data$ruralpop)
    total_stratum <- sum(psu_data[selected == 1]$maxsample)

    ## Remove and add cells as necessary based on how many will be sampled
    ## per stratum, compared to the desired cfg_hh_per_stratum
    if (total_stratum > cfg_hh_per_stratum) {
      popremove <- floor(total_stratum - cfg_hh_per_stratum)
      psu_seeds <- psu_data[selected == 1]
      psu_seeds <- psu_seeds[sample(1:dim(psu_seeds)[1]), ]
      psu_seeds$popcum <- cumsum(psu_seeds$maxsample)
          psu_seeds$id[which(psu_seeds$urbanpopcum < popremove)]
      )] <- 0
    if (total_stratum < cfg_hh_per_stratum) {
      while (total_stratum < cfg_hh_per_stratum) {
        newid <- sample(psu_data[selected == 0]$id, 1)
        total_stratum <- total_stratum +
          (urban_vec[newid] == 0) * cfg_hh_per_rural +
          (urban_vec[newid] == 1) * cfg_hh_per_urban
        psu_data[id == newid]$selected <- 1

  ## set all selected cells to 1 in the "sampled" vector
  sampled[ psu_data[selected == 1]$id] <- 1
  ## Next we need to revisit where we have 1 in our sampled values, and
  ## confirm that we match our rural/urban ratio if
  ## cfg_sample_rururb == TRUE:

  if (cfg_sample_rururb == TRUE) {
    print("Checking urban and rural domains meet stratum HH sample size")

    ## Extract the rural and urban values that are currently in our sample:
    urban_vec_sampled <- urban_vec[sampled == 1]

    rural_count <- length(which(urban_vec_sampled == 0))
    urban_count <- length(which(urban_vec_sampled == 1))

    ## Double check to see if we are missing PSUs of a certain type:
    reassign <- NA
    choice <- NA
    num_switch <- 0

    ## Find out which class we need to increase, and which we need to
    ## decrease:
    if (rural_count * cfg_hh_per_rural < cfg_hh_per_stratum) {
      ## We need more rural in our sample:
      choice <- 1
      reassign <- 0
      ## Number to reassign:
      num_switch <- round(cfg_hh_per_stratum / cfg_hh_per_rural) -

    if (urban_count * cfg_hh_per_urban < cfg_hh_per_stratum) {
      ## We need more urban in our sample:
      choice <- 0
      reassign <- 1
      ## Number to reassign:
      num_switch <- round(cfg_hh_per_stratum / cfg_hh_per_urban) -

    if (
      rural_count * cfg_hh_per_rural < cfg_hh_per_stratum &
      urban_count * cfg_hh_per_urban < cfg_hh_per_stratum
    ) {
      print("Both are below threshold! Cannot reassign to meet desired sample size")
      reassign <- NA
      choice <- NA

    if (is.na(reassign)) {
      print("Not reassigning urban/rural")

    if (!is.na(reassign)) {

      reassign_index <- raster_index[
        (sampled == 0) &
        (urban_vec == reassign) &
      choice_index <- raster_index[
        (sampled == 1) &
        (urban_vec == choice) &

      if (length(reassign_index) == 0 | length(choice_index) == 0) {
        print("Unable to reassign urban/rural; no available cells")

      ## Choose cells to reassign
      if (length(reassign_index) > 0 & length(choice_index) > 0) {

        reassign_index <- reassign_index[
        reassign_ids <- sample(reassign_index, num_switch)

        reassign_strata <- strata_vec[reassign_ids]
        strata_numbers <- table(reassign_strata)
        strata_numbers_ids <- as.numeric(names(strata_numbers))

        if (length(reassign_strata) > 0) {
          for (i in 1:length(strata_numbers_ids)) {

            stratum_id <- strata_numbers_ids[i]
            stratum_number <- strata_numbers[[i]]

            if (choice == 1) {
              stratum_number <- floor(
                (cfg_hh_per_urban / cfg_hh_per_rural) * stratum_number
            } else {
              stratum_number <- floor(
                (cfg_hh_per_rural / cfg_hh_per_urban) * stratum_number

            print(paste("Reassignment for stratum",
              strata_ids[i], "of", stratum_number,
              "cells processed"))
            choice_index <- raster_index[
              (sampled == 1) &
              (urban_vec == choice) &
              strata_vec == stratum_id

            ## If the number of samples to convert is more than
            ## 90% of the total number then only convert up to
            ## that amount:
            if (stratum_number > round(0.90 * length(choice_index))) {
              stratum_number <- round(0.90 * length(choice_index))

            choice_ids <- sample(choice_index, stratum_number)

            sampled[ choice_ids ] <- 0


          ## Finally, convert our reassigned cells to 1 in the
          ## sampled vector:
          sampled[ reassign_ids ] <- 1


  if (cfg_sample_spatial == TRUE) {
    print("Stratifying by Spatial Grid:")

    ## First create a raster with cell indices from our valid cell
    ## locations:
    valid_cells <- raster_index
    valid_cells[-1 * raster_index_valid] <- 0
    valid_raster <- strata_raster
    valid_raster <- setValues(valid_raster, valid_cells)
    ## Change the aggregated cell parameter from square kilometers to numbers
    ## of pixels
    valid_raster <- aggregate(valid_raster, fac = spatialfac, fun = max)
    valid_raster <- resample(valid_raster, strata_raster, method = "ngb")

    valid_vec <- valid_raster[]

    ## Compile unique lists of valid aggregated grid IDs:
    grid_ids <- unique(valid_vec[raster_index_valid])

    ## Compile counts of sampled points by grid ids:
    raster_data <- data.table(
      "grid_id" = valid_vec,
      "sampled" = as.numeric(sampled),
      "stratum" = strata_vec,
      "raster_index" = raster_index
    data.table::setkey(raster_data, grid_id, stratum, sampled)
    grid_table <- raster_data[, sum(sampled, na.rm = TRUE), by = grid_id]

    ## Compile majority value of the stratum id for each cell:
    strata_table <- raster_data[, gs_mode(stratum), by = grid_id]

    ## For each empty cell, randomly select a new cell within it to
    ## sample and remove one randomly from the stratum that makes up the
    ## majority of the cell:
    for (i in 1:length(strata_table[, grid_id])) {
      ## Check to see if the grid is empty and the dominant stratum is not
      ## zero:
      if (grid_table[, V1][i] == 0 & !is.na(strata_table[, V1][i])) {

      print(paste("Reassignment for grid", grid_table[, grid_id][i],
        "and stratum", strata_table[, V1][i]))

      ## Select unsampled raster indices for this grid cell:
      cell_raster_indices <- raster_data[list(strata_table[, grid_id][i],
        strata_table[, V1][i], 0)]

      ## Select sampled raster indices for this stratum:
      stratum_raster_indices <- raster_data[
        stratum == strata_table[, V1][i] &
        sampled == 1

      ## Randomly choose a valid cell from this grid location to sample
      ## and one from the sampled locations in the majority stratum to
      ## unsample:
      compiled_cell_indices <- cell_raster_indices[, raster_index]
      compiled_cell_indices <- compiled_cell_indices[ compiled_cell_indices %in%
        raster_index[ (sampled == 0) & raster_index_valid_boo ]]

      if (
        length(compiled_cell_indices) > 0 &
        length(stratum_raster_indices[, raster_index]) > 0
      ) {
        cell_raster_index <- sample(compiled_cell_indices, 1)

        ## Make sure we only sample from indices matching the rural/urban
        ## designation we just chose randomly:
        stratum_raster_indices <- raster_data[
          stratum == strata_table[, V1][i] &
          sampled == 1 &
          urban_vec == urban_vec[cell_raster_index]
        stratum_raster_index <- sample(
          stratum_raster_indices[, raster_index], 1

        sampled[ cell_raster_index ] <- 1
        sampled[ stratum_raster_index ] <- 0
      } else {
        print("No valid cells for this stratum left for assignment or reassignment!  Skipping...")
  ## Convert sampled vector into a raster
  sampled_image <- strata_raster
  sampled_image <- setValues(sampled_image, sampled)

  ## Second Stage Sampling:

  print("Begin Second Stage Sampling, Growing PSUs if requested:")

  ## Assign an ID to each sampled cell randomly:
  sampled_ids <- sample(1:sum(sampled))
  sampled_image[ sampled_image[] != 0 ] <- sampled_ids
  sampled_image[ sampled_image[] == 0 ] <- NA
  cellids <- which(is.na(sampled_image[]) == F)
  xydat <- data.frame(
    sampleid = sampled_image[cellids],
    x = xFromCell(sampled_image, cell = cellids),
    y = yFromCell(sampled_image, cell = cellids)

  ## Create data.table of our data for sorting and quick accesss:
  raster_data <- data.table(
    "sampled" = sampled,
    "sample_ids" = sampled_image[],
    "stratum" = strata_vec,
    "raster_index" = raster_index
  setkey(raster_data, sample_ids)

  index_raster <- sampled_image
  index_raster[] <- raster_index

  ## Create vectors of x/y coordinates from our raster object for use
  ## in creating a distance from focal PSU point within the loop:
  xCoords <- xFromCell(index_raster, index_raster[])
  yCoords <- yFromCell(index_raster, index_raster[])

  ## Initialize a new image based on our sampled image for storing our
  ## expanded PSU areas:
  psu_image <- sampled_image
  psu_image[ is.na(psu_image[]) ] <- 0

  if (cfg_psu_growth == TRUE) {

    psu_ids <- sampled_ids
    psu_sampled_ids <- sampled_ids
    psu_voronoi_done <- sampled_ids

    ## Calculate statistics for each PSU (number of households, number of
    ## cells, etc, and a vector indicating if the Voronoi polygons are
    ## filled)
    psu_sampled_sum <- population_raster[][
      raster_data[list(psu_sampled_ids), raster_index]]
    psu_sampled_cell_count <- psu_sampled_sum * 0 + 1
    psu_voronoi_done <- sampled_ids

    psu_index <- sp::SpatialPointsDataFrame(
      coords = xyFromCell(index_raster, raster_data[sampled == 1]$raster_index),
      data = as.data.frame(raster_data[sampled == 1]),
      proj4string = sp::CRS(sp::proj4string(population_raster)))
    ## Create Voronoi polygons around each seed PSU cell
    psuvoronoi <- as(dirichlet(spatstat::as.ppp(psu_index@coords,
      W = extent(population_raster)[1:4])), "SpatialPolygons")
    psuvoronoi$sample_ids <- psu_index$sample_ids
    psuvoronoi$stratum <- psu_index$stratum
    voronoirast <- rasterize(psuvoronoi, population_raster,
      field = "sample_ids")
    passes <- 0
    while (sum(psu_sampled_ids != 0) > 0) {

      print(paste("PSUs to process:", sum(psu_sampled_ids != 0)))

      ## Randomly shuffle the remaining IDs so we don't process them in
      ## the same order:
      shuffle_index <- sample(1:length(psu_sampled_ids))

      psu_ids <- psu_ids[shuffle_index]
      psu_sampled_ids <- psu_sampled_ids[shuffle_index]
      psu_sampled_sum <- psu_sampled_sum[shuffle_index]
      psu_sampled_cell_count <- psu_sampled_cell_count[shuffle_index]
      psu_voronoi_done <- psu_voronoi_done[shuffle_index]

      ## Print our current active PSUs:
      print("Active PSUs:")
      print("Active PSU Population Sums:")
      print("Active PSU Cell Count:")

      ## Remove any PSUs that already exceed our population sum threshold:
      psu_sampled_ids[psu_sampled_sum[] > cfg_pop_per_psu] <- 0
      psu_sampled_ids[psu_sampled_cell_count > maxcells] <- 0
      psu_voronoi_done[psu_sampled_sum[] > cfg_pop_per_psu] <- 0
      psu_voronoi_done[psu_sampled_cell_count > maxcells] <- 0

      if (length(which(psu_voronoi_done > 0) > 0)) {

        for (sample_id in psu_voronoi_done[psu_voronoi_done > 0]) {

          print(paste("Processing", sample_id, "..."))

          ## Calculate distances from the current cell for entire image:
          x_index <- mean(
            xFromCell(index_raster, which(psu_image[] == sample_id)))
          y_index <- mean(
            yFromCell(index_raster, which(psu_image[] == sample_id)))

          cell_dist <- ((x_index - xCoords)^2 + (y_index - yCoords)^2 )^0.5

          ## Create an index that only pulls values for those cells
          ## within our current stratum, and for which we have not
          ## already selected for use in a PSU:
          stratum_id <- raster_data[list(sample_id), stratum]
          stratum_indices <- raster_data[stratum == stratum_id, raster_index]
          indices <- stratum_indices[
            psu_image[stratum_indices] == 0 &
            raster_index_valid_boo[stratum_indices] == T &
            voronoirast[stratum_indices] == sample_id

          if (length(indices) == 0) {

            ## If there are no more valid indices left in the
            ## strata for assignment then we drop the ID from the
            ## psu_sampled_ids list:
            psu_sampled_ids[psu_sampled_ids == sample_id] <- 0
            print("No Voronoi-bounded cells left!")

          } else {

            ordered_data <- data.frame(indices,
              "pop" = pop_vec[indices], "dist" = cell_dist[indices])

            ordered_data <- ordered_data[order(ordered_data$dist,
              -(ordered_data$pop), decreasing = F), ]

            ordered_data$pop_cum <- cumsum(ordered_data$pop) +
              psu_sampled_sum[psu_sampled_ids == sample_id]

            selection <- ordered_data$pop_cum <= cfg_pop_per_psu
            selection[which(selection == FALSE)[1]] <- TRUE

            indices_to_add <- ordered_data[ selection, "indices" ]
            max_index <- length(indices_to_add)

            if (length(indices_to_add) == 0) {
              max_index <- 1
              indices_to_add[max_index] <- ordered_data[max_index, 1]

            if (sum(is.na(indices_to_add) > 0)) {
              indices_to_add <- indices_to_add[!is.na(indices_to_add)]

            ## Update our psu_image based on new sample indices:
            psu_image[ indices_to_add ]  <- sample_id

            ## Adjust the total sample_id to match the total population:
            sum_population_added <- sum(pop_vec[indices_to_add])
            sum_population_for_sample <- sum(
              pop_vec[raster_index[psu_image[] == sample_id]])
            sum_cells_added <- length(indices_to_add)
            sum_cells <- sum(psu_image[] == sample_id)

              psu_sampled_ids == sample_id
            ] <- sum_population_for_sample
            psu_sampled_cell_count[psu_sampled_ids == sample_id] <- sum_cells

            print(paste("... cells added:", sum_cells_added))
            print(paste("... population added:", sum_population_added))
            print(paste("... population total:", sum_population_for_sample))

            ## Check to see if we have reached our maximum
            ## configured population or if we could not add any
            ## more cells, then drop the current sample_id from the
            ## list to process:
            if (
              sum_cells_added == 0 |
              sum_population_for_sample > cfg_pop_per_psu
            ) {
              psu_sampled_ids[psu_sampled_ids == sample_id] <- 0
              psu_voronoi_done[psu_voronoi_done == sample_id] <- 0

        passes <- passes + 1


  ## Last let's convert our 0's to NA and save the image off:
  psu_image[ psu_image[] == 0 ] <- NA

  print("Converting PSU Cells to Polygons and Summarizing Metrics:")

  ## Convert our PSUs to polygons:
  psu_polygons <- rasterToPolygons(psu_image, na.rm = T, dissolve = T)
  names(psu_polygons) <- "psu_id"

  # Create data.table of our data for sorting and quick accesss of
  # per-stratum information:
  raster_data <- data.table(
    "valid" = raster_index_valid_boo,
    "sampled" = sampled,
    "sample_ids" = sampled_image[],
    "psu_id" = psu_image[],
    "stratum" = strata_vec,
    "pop" = as.numeric(population_raster[]),
    "urban" = urban_vec,
    "raster_index" = raster_index

  setkey(raster_data, psu_id)

  # Calculate, total, rural (urban==0) and urban (urban==1) populations
  # per stratum, as well as total number of cells:
  stratum_pop <- raster_data[
    valid == TRUE,
      "stratum" = max(stratum),
      "stratum_pop" = sum(pop, na.rm = TRUE),
      "stratum_rural_pop" = sum((urban == 0) * pop, na.rm = TRUE),
      "stratum_urban_pop" = sum((urban == 1) * pop, na.rm = TRUE),
      "stratum_cells" = length(raster_index)
    by = stratum
  setkey(stratum_pop, stratum)

  psu_pop <- raster_data[
    valid == TRUE & !is.na(psu_id),
      "stratum" = max(stratum),
      "psu_pop" = sum(pop, na.rm = TRUE),
      "psu_rural_pop" = sum((urban == 0) * pop, na.rm = TRUE),
      "psu_urban_pop" = sum((urban == 1) * pop, na.rm = TRUE),
      "psu_cells" = length(raster_index)
    by = psu_id
  setkey(psu_pop, stratum)

  merge_pop <- psu_pop[list(stratum_pop)]
  setkey(merge_pop, psu_id)

  fields <- c(

  merge_pop <- as.data.frame(merge_pop)[, -7]
  psu_polygons@data <- merge_pop[match(psu_polygons@data[, "psu_id"],
    merge_pop[, "psu_id"]), ]
  psu_polygons <- merge(psu_polygons, xydat, by.x = "psu_id", by.y = "sampleid")

  names(psu_polygons) <- c(

  writeOGR(psu_polygons, dsn = output_path, layer = sample_name,
    driver = "ESRI Shapefile", check_exists = TRUE, overwrite_layer = TRUE)


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gridsample documentation built on May 1, 2019, 10:52 p.m.