
Defines functions descentDetails.richtext_grob ascentDetails.richtext_grob widthDetails.richtext_grob heightDetails.richtext_grob make_outer_box make_inner_box richtext_grob

Documented in richtext_grob

#' Draw formatted text labels
#' This grob acts mostly as a drop-in replacement for [`grid::textGrob()`]
#' but provides more sophisticated formatting. The grob can handle basic
#' markdown and HTML formatting directives, and it can also draw
#' boxes around each piece of text. Note that this grob **does not** draw
#' [plotmath] expressions.
#' @param text Character vector containing Markdown/HTML strings to draw.
#' @param x,y Unit objects specifying the location of the reference point.
#' @param hjust,vjust Numerical values specifying the justification
#'   of the text boxes relative to `x` and `y`. These justification parameters
#'   are specified in the internal reference frame of the text boxes, so that,
#'   for example, `hjust` adjusts the vertical justification when the
#'   text is rotated 90 degrees to the left or right.
#' @param halign,valign Numerical values specifying the text justification
#'   inside the text boxes. If not specified, these default to `hjust` and
#'   `vjust`.
#' @param rot Angle of rotation for text, in degrees.
#' @param default.units Units of `x` and `y` if these are provided only as
#'   numerical values.
#' @param margin,padding Unit vectors of four elements each indicating the
#'   margin and padding around each text label in the order top, right,
#'   bottom, left. Margins are drawn outside the enclosing box (if any),
#'   and padding is drawn inside. To avoid rendering artifacts, it is best
#'   to specify these values in absolute units (such as points, mm, or inch)
#'   rather than in relative units (such as npc).
#' @param r The radius of the rounded corners. To avoid rendering artifacts,
#'   it is best to specify this in absolute units (such as points, mm, or inch)
#'   rather than in relative units (such as npc).
#' @param align_widths,align_heights Should the widths and heights of all
#'   the text boxes be aligned? Default is no.
#' @param name Name of the grob.
#' @param gp Other graphical parameters for drawing.
#' @param box_gp Graphical parameters for the enclosing box around each text label.
#' @param vp Viewport.
#' @param use_markdown Should the `text` input be treated as markdown? Default
#'   is yes.
#' @param debug Should debugging info be drawn? Default is no.
#' @return A grid [`grob`] that represents the formatted text.
#' @seealso [`textbox_grob()`]
#' @examples
#' library(grid)
#' text <- c(
#'   "Some text **in bold.**", "Linebreaks<br>Linebreaks<br>Linebreaks",
#'   "*x*<sup>2</sup> + 5*x* + *C*<sub>*i*</sub>",
#'   "Some <span style='color:blue'>blue text **in bold.**</span><br>And *italics text.*<br>
#'    And some <span style='font-size:18pt; color:black'>large</span> text."
#' )
#' x <- c(.2, .1, .7, .9)
#' y <- c(.8, .4, .1, .5)
#' rot <- c(0, 0, 45, -45)
#' gp = gpar(col = c("black", "red"), fontfamily = c("Palatino", "Courier", "Times", "Helvetica"))
#' box_gp = gpar(col = "black", fill = c("cornsilk", NA, "lightblue1", NA), lty = c(0, 1, 1, 1))
#' hjust <- c(0.5, 0, 0, 1)
#' vjust <- c(0.5, 1, 0, 0.5)
#' g <- richtext_grob(
#'   text, x, y, hjust = hjust, vjust = vjust, rot = rot,
#'   padding = unit(c(6, 6, 4, 6), "pt"),
#'   r = unit(c(0, 2, 4, 8), "pt"),
#'   gp = gp, box_gp = box_gp
#' )
#' grid.newpage()
#' grid.draw(g)
#' grid.points(x, y, default.units = "npc", pch = 19, size = unit(5, "pt"))
#' # multiple text labels with aligned boxes
#' text <- c("January", "February", "March", "April", "May")
#' x <- (1:5)/6 + 1/24
#' y <- rep(0.8, 5)
#' g <- richtext_grob(
#'   text, x, y, halign = 0, hjust = 1,
#'   rot = 45,
#'   padding = unit(c(3, 6, 1, 3), "pt"),
#'   r = unit(4, "pt"),
#'   align_widths = TRUE,
#'   box_gp = gpar(col = "black", fill = "cornsilk")
#' )
#' grid.newpage()
#' grid.draw(g)
#' grid.points(x, y, default.units = "npc", pch = 19, size = unit(5, "pt"))
#' @export
richtext_grob <- function(text, x = unit(0.5, "npc"), y = unit(0.5, "npc"),
                          hjust = 0.5, vjust = 0.5, halign = hjust, valign = vjust,
                          rot = 0, default.units = "npc",
                          margin = unit(c(0, 0, 0, 0), "pt"), padding = unit(c(0, 0, 0, 0), "pt"),
                          r = unit(0, "pt"), align_widths = FALSE, align_heights = FALSE,
                          name = NULL, gp = gpar(), box_gp = gpar(col = NA), vp = NULL,
                          use_markdown = TRUE, debug = FALSE) {
  # make sure x and y are units
  if (!is.unit(x))
    x <- unit(x, default.units)
  if (!is.unit(y))
    y <- unit(y, default.units)

  # make sure we can handle input text even if provided as factor
  text <- as.character(text)
  # convert NAs to empty strings
  text <- ifelse(is.na(text), "", text)

  # make sure margin and padding are of length 4
  margin <- rep(margin, length.out = 4)
  padding <- rep(padding, length.out = 4)

  # margin, padding, and r need to be in points
  margin_pt <- rep(0, 4)
  margin_pt[c(1, 3)] <- convertHeight(margin[c(1, 3)], "pt", valueOnly = TRUE)
  margin_pt[c(2, 4)] <- convertWidth(margin[c(2, 4)], "pt", valueOnly = TRUE)
  padding_pt <- rep(0, 4)
  padding_pt[c(1, 3)] <- convertHeight(padding[c(1, 3)], "pt", valueOnly = TRUE)
  padding_pt[c(2, 4)] <- convertWidth(padding[c(2, 4)], "pt", valueOnly = TRUE)
  r_pt <- convertUnit(r, "pt", valueOnly = TRUE)

  # make sure text, x, and y have the same length
  n <- unique(length(text), length(x), length(y))
  if (length(n) > 1) {
    stop("Arguments `text`, `x`, and `y` must have the same length.", call. = FALSE)
  gp_list <- recycle_gpar(gp, n)
  box_gp_list <- recycle_gpar(box_gp, n)
  # need to convert x and y to lists so mapply can handle them properly
  x_list <- unit_to_list(x)
  y_list <- unit_to_list(y)

  inner_boxes <- mapply(

  # do we have to align the contents box sizes?
  if (isTRUE(align_widths) || isTRUE(align_heights)) {
    # yes, obtain max width and/or height as needed
    lapply(inner_boxes, bl_calc_layout)
    width <- vapply(inner_boxes, bl_box_width, numeric(1))
    height <-  vapply(inner_boxes, bl_box_height, numeric(1))

  if (isTRUE(align_widths)) {
    width <- max(width)
  } else {
    width <- list(NULL)
  if (isTRUE(align_heights)) {
    height <- max(height)
  } else {
    height <- list(NULL)

  grobs <- mapply(

  if (isTRUE(debug)) {
    ## calculate overall enclosing rectangle

    # first get xmax and xmin values for each child grob and overall
    xmax_pt <- vapply(grobs, function(x) {max(x$xext)}, numeric(1))
    xmin_pt <- vapply(grobs, function(x) {min(x$xext)}, numeric(1))
    xmax <- max(x + unit(xmax_pt, "pt"))
    xmin <- min(x + unit(xmin_pt, "pt"))

    # now similarly for ymax and ymin
    ymax_pt <- vapply(grobs, function(x) {max(x$yext)}, numeric(1))
    ymin_pt <- vapply(grobs, function(x) {min(x$yext)}, numeric(1))
    ymax <- max(y + unit(ymax_pt, "pt"))
    ymin <- min(y + unit(ymin_pt, "pt"))

    # now generate a polygon grob enclosing the entire area
    rect <- polygonGrob(
      x = unit.c(xmin, xmax, xmax, xmin),
      y = unit.c(ymin, ymin, ymax, ymax),
      gp = gpar(fill = "#E1F4FD", col = "#2523C1", lwd = 0.5)

    grobs <- c(
          x, y, pch = 19, size = unit(5, "pt"),
          gp = gpar(col = "#2523C1"), default.units = default.units

  children <- do.call(gList, grobs)

    gp = gp,
    vp = vp,
    name = name,
    debug = debug,
    children = children,
    cl = "richtext_grob"

make_inner_box <- function(text, halign, valign, use_markdown, gp) {
  if (use_markdown) {
    text <- markdown::markdownToHTML(text = text, options = c("use_xhtml", "fragment_only"))
  doctree <- read_html(paste0("<!DOCTYPE html>", text))

  drawing_context <- setup_context(gp = gp, halign = halign, word_wrap = FALSE)
  boxlist <- process_tags(xml2::as_list(doctree)$html$body, drawing_context)
  vbox_inner <- bl_make_vbox(boxlist, vjust = 0, width_policy = "native")


make_outer_box <- function(vbox_inner, width, height, x, y, halign, valign,
                           hjust, vjust, rot,
                           margin_pt, padding_pt, r_pt, box_gp) {
  if (is.null(width)) {
    width <- 0
    width_policy <- "native"
  } else {
    width <- width + margin_pt[2] + margin_pt[4] + padding_pt[2] + padding_pt[4] # make space for margin and padding
    width_policy <- "fixed"

  if (is.null(height)) {
    height <- 0
    height_policy <- "native"
  } else {
    height <- height + margin_pt[1] + margin_pt[3] + padding_pt[1] + padding_pt[3] # make space for margin and padding
    height_policy <- "fixed"

  rect_box <- bl_make_rect_box(
    vbox_inner, width, height, margin_pt, padding_pt, box_gp,
    content_hjust = halign, content_vjust = valign,
    width_policy = width_policy, height_policy = height_policy, r = r_pt
  vbox_outer <- bl_make_vbox(list(rect_box), hjust = hjust, vjust = vjust, width_policy = "native")

  grobs <- bl_render(vbox_outer)

  # calculate corner points
  # (We exclude x, y and keep everything in pt, to avoid unit calculations at this stage)
  # (lower left, lower right, upper left, upper right before rotation)
  theta <- rot*2*pi/360
  width <- bl_box_width(vbox_outer)
  height <- bl_box_height(vbox_outer)
  # lower left
  xll <- -hjust*cos(theta)*width + vjust*sin(theta)*height
  yll <- -hjust*sin(theta)*width - vjust*cos(theta)*height
  # lower right
  xlr <- xll + width*cos(theta)
  ylr <- yll + width*sin(theta)
  # upper left
  xul <- xll - height*sin(theta)
  yul <- yll + height*cos(theta)
  # upper right
  xur <- xul + width*cos(theta)
  yur <- yul + width*sin(theta)

  xext <- c(xll, xlr, xul, xur)
  yext <- c(yll, ylr, yul, yur)

    x = x,
    y = y,
    xext = xext,
    yext = yext,
    children = grobs,
    vp = viewport(x = x, y = y, just = c(0, 0), angle = rot)

#' @export
heightDetails.richtext_grob <- function(x) {
  grobs <- x$children

  # in debug mode we have to trim off debug grobs
  if (isTRUE(x$debug)) {
    grobs <- grobs[c(-1, -length(grobs))]

  if (length(grobs) == 1) {
    # shortcut for grobs with just one child; unit calcs not needed
    unit(max(grobs[[1]]$yext) - min(grobs[[1]]$yext), "pt")
  } else {
    # get ymax and ymin values for each child grob
    ymax <- lapply(grobs, function(x) {x$y + unit(max(x$yext), "pt")})
    ymin <- lapply(grobs, function(x) {x$y + unit(min(x$yext), "pt")})
    # now return the difference between the overal max and the overall min
    do.call(max, ymax) - do.call(min, ymin)

#' @export
widthDetails.richtext_grob <- function(x) {
  grobs <- x$children

  # in debug mode we have to trim off debug grobs
  if (isTRUE(x$debug)) {
    grobs <- grobs[c(-1, -length(grobs))]

  if (length(grobs) == 1) {
    # shortcut for grobs with just one child; unit calcs not needed
    unit(max(grobs[[1]]$xext) - min(grobs[[1]]$xext), "pt")
  } else {
    # get xmax and xmin values for each child grob
    xmax <- lapply(grobs, function(x) {x$x + unit(max(x$xext), "pt")})
    xmin <- lapply(grobs, function(x) {x$x + unit(min(x$xext), "pt")})
    # now return the difference between the overal max and the overall min
    do.call(max, xmax) - do.call(min, xmin)

#' @export
ascentDetails.richtext_grob <- function(x) {

#' @export
descentDetails.richtext_grob <- function(x) {
  unit(0, "pt")

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gridtext documentation built on Sept. 16, 2022, 5:07 p.m.