grplasso <- function(x, ...)
grplasso.formula <- function(formula, nonpen = ~ 1, data,
weights, subset, na.action,
lambda, coef.init,
penscale = sqrt, model = LogReg(),
center = TRUE, standardize = TRUE,
control = grpl.control(),
contrasts = NULL, ...){
## Purpose:
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
## Arguments:
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
## Author: Lukas Meier, Date: 27 Jun 2006, 14:52
call <-
m <- = FALSE)
## Remove not-needed stuff to create the model-frame
m$nonpen <- m$lambda <- m$coef.init <- m$penscale <- m$model <- m$center <-
m$standardize <- m$contrasts <- m$control <- m$... <- NULL
l <-, formula, nonpen, data, weights, subset, na.action,
contrasts, parent.frame())
coef.init <- rep(0, ncol(l$x))
fit <- grplasso.default(x = l$x, y = l$y, index = l$index, weights = l$w,
offset = l$off, lambda = lambda,
coef.init = coef.init,
penscale = penscale, model = model,
center = center, standardize = standardize,
control = control, ...)
fit$terms <- l$Terms
fit$contrasts <- attr(l$x, "contrasts")
fit$xlevels <- .getXlevels(l$Terms, l$mf)
fit$na.action <- attr(l$mf, "na.action")
fit$call <- ## Overwrite grplasso.default
structure(fit, class = "grplasso")
grplasso.default <- function(x, y, index, weights = rep(1, length(y)),
offset = rep(0, length(y)), lambda,
coef.init = rep(0, ncol(x)),
penscale = sqrt, model = LogReg(), center = TRUE,
standardize = TRUE, control = grpl.control(), ...)
## Purpose: Function to fit a solution (path) of a group lasso problem
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
## Arguments:
## x: design matrix (including intercept), already rescaled and
## possibly blockwise orthonormalized.
## y: response vector
## index: vector which defines the grouping of the variables. Components
## sharing the same number build a group. Non-penalized
## coefficients are marked with "NA".
## weights: vector of observation weights.
## offset: vector of offset values; needs to have the same length as the
## response vector.
## lambda: vector of penalty parameters. Optimization starts with the
## first component. See details below.
## coef.init: initial vector of parameter estimates corresponding to the
## first component in the vector "lambda".
## penscale: rescaling function to adjust the value of the penalty
## parameter to the degrees of freedom of the parameter group.
## See the reference below.
## model: an object of class "grpl.model" implementing the negative
## log-likelihood, gradient, hessian etc. See the documentation
## of "grpl.model" for more details.
## control: options for the fitting algorithm, see "grpl.control".
## ...: additional arguments to be passed to the functions defined
## in "model".
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
## Author: Lukas Meier, Date: 30 Aug 2005, 09:02
## Do some error checking first
## Check the design matrix
stop("x has to be a matrix")
stop("Missing values in x not allowed!")
## Check the response
stop("y has to be of type 'numeric'")
if(NROW(x) != length(y))
stop("x and y have not correct dimensions")
stop("y has wrong format")
## Check the other arguments
if(length(weights) != length(y))
stop("length(weights) not equal length(y)")
if(any(weights < 0))
stop("Negative weights not allowed")
if((!isTRUE(all.equal(weights, rep(weights[1], length(y))))) &
(center | standardize))
warning("Weights not considered for centering/scaling at the moment...")
if(length(offset) != length(y))
stop("length(offset) not equal length(y)")
if(length(coef.init) != ncol(x))
stop("length(coef.init) not equal ncol(x)")
stop("index has to be of type 'numeric'!")
if(length(index) != ncol(x))
stop("length(index) not equal ncol(x)!")
warning("lambda values should be sorted in decreasing order")
stop("None of the predictors are penalized.")
check <- validObject(control) ## will stop the program if error occurs
## Extract the control information
update.hess <- control@update.hess
update.every <- control@update.every
inner.loops <- control@inner.loops <-
max.iter <- control@max.iter
lower <- control@lower
upper <- control@upper
save.x <- control@save.x
save.y <- control@save.y
tol <- control@tol
trace <- control@trace
beta <- control@beta
sigma <- control@sigma
nrlambda <- length(lambda)
ncolx <- ncol(x)
nrowx <- nrow(x)
if(nrlambda > 1 & update.hess == "always"){
warning("More than one lambda value and update.hess = \"always\". You may want to use update.hess = \"lambda\"")
## For the linear model, the Hessian is constant and has hence to be
## computed only *once*
if(model@name == "Linear Regression Model"){
if(update.hess != "lambda"){
update.hess <- "lambda"
if(trace >= 1)
cat("Setting update.hess = 'lambda'\n")
if(update.every <= length(lambda)){
update.every <- length(lambda) + 1
if(trace >= 1)
cat("Setting update.every = length(lambda) + 1\n")
## Which are the non-penalized parameters?
any.notpen <- any(
inotpen.which <- which(
nrnotpen <- length(inotpen.which)
intercept.which <- which(apply(x == 1, 2, all))
has.intercept <- length(intercept.which)
if(!has.intercept & center){
message("Couldn't find intercept. Setting center = FALSE.")
center <- FALSE
if(length(intercept.which) > 1)
stop("Multiple intercepts!")
has.intercept.notpen <-[intercept.which])
has.intercept.notpen <- FALSE
others.notpen <- nrnotpen - has.intercept.notpen <- has.intercept.notpen & !others.notpen
if(has.intercept & !center & standardize)
warning("Are you sure that you don't want to perform centering in a model with intercept and standardized predictors?")
##if(center & others.notpen)
warning("Penalization not adjusted to non-penalized predictors.")
## Index vector of the penalized parameter groups
ipen <- index[-inotpen.which]
ipen.which <- split((1:ncolx)[-inotpen.which], ipen)
warning("All groups are penalized, including the intercept.")
ipen <- index
ipen.which <- split((1:ncolx), ipen)
nrpen <- length(ipen.which)
dict.pen <- sort(unique(ipen))
## Table of degrees of freedom <- table(ipen)[as.character(dict.pen)]
x.old <- x
if(!has.intercept) ## could be removed; already handled above
stop("Need intercept term when using center = TRUE")
mu.x <- apply(x[,-intercept.which], 2, mean)
x[,-intercept.which] <- sweep(x[,-intercept.which], 2, mu.x)
## Standardize the design matrix -> blockwise orthonormalization
##warning("...Using standardized design matrix.\n")
stand <- blockstand(x, ipen.which, inotpen.which)
x <- stand$x
scale.pen <- stand$scale.pen
scale.notpen <- stand$scale.notpen
## From now on x is the *normalized* design matrix!
## Extract the columns into lists, works faster for large matrices
x.notpen <- list(); length(x.notpen) <- nrnotpen
for(i in 1:length(inotpen.which))
x.notpen[[i]] <- x[,inotpen.which[[i]], drop = FALSE]
x.pen <- list(); length(x.pen) <- length(nrpen)
for(i in 1:length(ipen.which))
x.pen[[i]] <- x[,ipen.which[[i]], drop = FALSE]
## Extract the needed functions
check <- validObject(model)
invlink <- model@invlink
nloglik <- model@nloglik
ngradient <- model@ngradient
nhessian <- model@nhessian
coef <- coef.init
coef.pen <- coef.init
coef.pen <- coef[-inotpen.which]
norms.pen <- c(sqrt(rowsum(coef.pen^2, group = ipen)))
norms.pen.m <- matrix(0, nrow = nrpen, ncol = nrlambda,
dimnames = list(NULL, lambda))
norms.npen.m <- matrix(0, nrow = nrnotpen, ncol = nrlambda,
dimnames = list(NULL, lambda))
nloglik.v <- fn.val.v <- numeric(nrlambda)
coef.m <- grad.m <- matrix(0, nrow = ncolx, ncol = nrlambda,
dimnames = list(colnames(x), lambda))
fitted <- linear.predictors <- matrix(0, nrow = nrowx, ncol = nrlambda,
dimnames = list(rownames(x), lambda))
converged <- rep(TRUE, nrlambda)
## *Initial* vector of linear predictors (eta) and transformed to the
## scale of the response (mu)
eta <- offset + c(x %*% coef)
mu <- invlink(eta)
## Create vectors for the Hessian approximations
nH.notpen <- numeric(nrnotpen)
nH.pen <- numeric(nrpen)
for(pos in 1:nrlambda){
l <- lambda[pos]
if(trace >= 2)
cat("\nLambda:", l, "\n")
## Initial (or updated) Hessian Matrix of the *negative* log-likelihood
## function (uses parameter estimates based on the last penalty parameter
## value)
if(update.hess == "lambda" & pos %% update.every == 0 | pos == 1){
## Non-penalized groups
for(j in 1:nrnotpen){ ## changed
Xj <- x.notpen[[j]]
nH.notpen[j] <- min(max(nhessian(Xj, mu, weights, ...), lower), upper)
## Penalized groups
for(j in 1:nrpen){
ind <- ipen.which[[j]]
Xj <- x.pen[[j]]
diagH <- numeric(length(ind))
for(i in 1:length(ind)){
diagH[i] <- nhessian(Xj[, i, drop = FALSE], mu, weights, ...)
nH.pen[j] <- min(max(diagH, lower), upper)
## Start the optimization process
fn.val <- nloglik(y, eta, weights, ...) +
l * sum(penscale( * norms.pen)
## These are needed to get into the while loop the first time
do.all <- FALSE
d.fn <- d.par <- 1
counter <- 1 ## Count the sub-loops
iter.count <- 0 ## Count the loops through *all* groups
## Stop the following while loop if the convergence criterion is fulfilled
## but only if we have gone through all the coordinates
##while(d.fn > tol | d.par > sqrt(tol) | !do.all){
while(d.fn > tol | d.par > sqrt(tol) | !do.all){
## Escape loop if maximal iteration reached
if(iter.count >= max.iter){
converged[pos] <- FALSE
warning(paste("Maximal number of iterations reached for lambda[", pos,
"]", sep = ""))
## Save the parameter vector and the function value of the previous step
fn.val.old <- fn.val
coef.old <- coef
## Check whether we have some useful information from the previous step
## Go through all groups if counter == 0 or if we have exceeded the
## number of inner loops (inner.loops)
if(counter == 0 | counter > inner.loops){
do.all <- TRUE <- 1:nrpen
counter <- 1
if(trace >= 2)
cat("...Running through all groups\n")
}else{## Go through the groups which were identified at the previous step <- which(norms.pen != 0)
if(length( == 0){ <- 1:nrpen
do.all <- TRUE
if(trace >= 2)
cat("...Running through all groups\n")
do.all <- FALSE
if(counter == 1 & trace >= 2)
cat("...Starting inner loop\n")
counter <- counter + 1
iter.count <- iter.count + 1
## These are used for the line search, start at initial value 1
## They are currently here for security reasons
start.notpen <- rep(1, nrnotpen)
start.pen <- rep(1, nrpen)
## Optimize the *non-penalized* parameters
for(j in 1:nrnotpen){
ind <- inotpen.which[j]
Xj <- x.notpen[[j]]
## Gradient of the negative log-likelihood function
ngrad <- c(ngradient(Xj, y, mu, weights, ...))
## Update the Hessian if necessary
if(update.hess == "always"){
nH <- min(max(nhessian(Xj, mu, weights, ...), lower), upper)
nH <- nH.notpen[j]
## Calculate the search direction
d <- -(1 / nH) * ngrad
## Set to 0 if the value is very small compared to the current
## coefficient estimate
d <- zapsmall(c(coef[ind], d), digits = 16)[2]
## If d != 0, we have to do a line search
if(d != 0){
scale <- min(start.notpen[j] / beta, 1) ##1
coef.test <- coef
coef.test[ind] <- coef[ind] + scale * d
Xjd <- Xj * d
eta.test <- eta + Xjd * scale
qh <- sum(ngrad * d)
fn.val0 <- nloglik(y, eta, weights, ...)
fn.val.test <- nloglik(y, eta.test, weights, ...)
qh <- zapsmall(c(qh, fn.val0), digits = 16)[1]
## Armijo line search. Stop if scale gets too small (10^-30).
while(fn.val.test > fn.val0 + sigma * scale * qh & scale > 10^-30){
##cat("Doing line search (nonpen)\n")
scale <- scale * beta
coef.test[ind] <- coef[ind] + scale * d
eta.test <- eta + Xjd * scale
fn.val.test <- nloglik(y, eta.test, weights, ...)
} ## end if(
if(scale <= 10^-30){ ## Do nothing in that case
#cat("Running into problems with scale\n")
#cat("qh", qh, "d", d, "\n")
## coef.test <- coef
## eta.test <- eta
## mu <- mu
start.notpen[j] <- 1
}else{ ## Update the information
coef <- coef.test
eta <- eta.test
mu <- invlink(eta)
start.notpen[j] <- scale
## Save the scaling factor for the next iteration (in order that
## we only have to do very few line searches)
## start.notpen[j] <- scale
## Update the remaining information
## coef <- coef.test
## eta <- eta.test
## mu <- invlink(eta)
} ## end if(abs(d) > sqrt(.Machine$double.eps))
} ## end for(j in 1:nrnotpen)
} ## if(any.notpen)
## Optimize the *penalized* parameter groups
for(j in{
ind <- ipen.which[[j]]
npar <-[j]
coef.ind <- coef[ind]
cross.coef.ind <- crossprod(coef.ind)
## Design matrix of the current group
Xj <- x.pen[[j]]
## Negative gradient of the current group
ngrad <- c(ngradient(Xj, y, mu, weights, ...))
## Update the Hessian if necessary
if(update.hess == "always"){
diagH <- numeric(length(ind))
for(i in 1:length(ind)){ ## for loop seems to be faster than sapply
diagH[i] <- nhessian(Xj[,i,drop = FALSE], mu, weights, ...)
nH <- min(max(diagH, lower), upper)
nH <- nH.pen[j]
cond <- -ngrad + nH * coef.ind
cond.norm2 <- c(crossprod(cond)) ## was: crossprod(cond)
## Because of warning message:
## Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Check the condition whether the minimum is at the non-differentiable
## position (-coef.ind) via the condition on the subgradient.
border <- penscale(npar) * l
if(cond.norm2 > border^2){
d <- (1 / nH) *
(-ngrad - l * penscale(npar) * (cond / sqrt(cond.norm2)))
##d <- zapsmall(c(coef.ind, d))[-(1:npar)]
d <- -coef.ind
## If !all(d == 0), we have to do a line search
if(!all(d == 0)){
scale <- min(start.pen[j] / beta, 1)
coef.test <- coef
coef.test[ind] <- coef.ind + scale * d
Xjd <- c(Xj %*% d)
eta.test <- eta + Xjd * scale
qh <- sum(ngrad * d) +
l * penscale(npar) * sqrt(crossprod(coef.ind + d)) -
l * penscale(npar)* sqrt(cross.coef.ind)
fn.val.test <- nloglik(y, eta.test, weights, ...)
fn.val0 <- nloglik(y, eta, weights, ...)
left <- fn.val.test +
l * penscale(npar) * sqrt(crossprod(coef.test[ind]))
right <- fn.val0 + l * penscale(npar) * sqrt(cross.coef.ind) +
sigma * scale * qh
while(left > right & scale > 10^-30){
##cat("Doing line search (pen)\n")
scale <- scale * beta
coef.test[ind] <- coef.ind + scale * d
eta.test <- eta + Xjd * scale
fn.val.test <- nloglik(y, eta.test, weights, ...)
left <- fn.val.test +
l * penscale(npar) * sqrt(crossprod(coef.test[ind]))
right <- fn.val0 + l * penscale(npar) * sqrt(cross.coef.ind) +
sigma * scale * qh
} ## end while(left > right & qh != 0)
} ## end if(
## If we escaped the while loop because 'scale' is too small
## (= we add nothing), we just stay at the current solution to
## prevent tiny values
if(scale <= 10^-30){ ## Do *nothing* in that case
##coef.test <- coef
##eta.test <- eta
##mu <- mu
start.pen[j] <- 1
coef <- coef.test
eta <- eta.test
mu <- invlink(eta)
start.pen[j] <- scale
} ## end if(!all(d == 0))
norms.pen[j] <- sqrt(crossprod(coef[ind]))
} ## end for(j in
fn.val <- nloglik(y, eta, weights, ...) +
l * sum(penscale( * norms.pen)
## Relative difference with respect to parameter vector
##d.par <- sqrt(crossprod(coef - coef.old)) / (1 + sqrt(crossprod(coef)))
d.par <- max(abs(coef - coef.old) / (1 + abs(coef)))
##d.par <- max(abs(coef - coef.old) / (ifelse(abs(coef), abs(coef), 1)))
## Relative difference with respect to function value (penalized
## likelihood)
d.fn <- abs(fn.val.old - fn.val) / (1 + abs(fn.val))
## Print out improvement if desired (trace >= 2)
if(trace >= 2){
cat("d.fn:", d.fn, " d.par:", d.par,
" nr.var:", sum(coef != 0), "\n")
## If we are working on a sub-set of predictors and have converged
## we stop the optimization and will do a loop through all
## predictors in the next run. Therefore we set counter = 0.
##if(d.fn <= tol & d.par <= sqrt(tol)){
if(d.fn <= tol & d.par <= sqrt(tol)){
counter <- 0 ## will force a run through all groups
if(trace >= 2 & !do.all)
cat("...Subproblem (active set) solved\n")
} ## end of while(d.fn > tol | d.par > sqrt(tol) | !do.all)
if(trace == 1)
cat("Lambda:", l, " nr.var:", sum(coef != 0), "\n")
coef.m[,pos] <- coef
fn.val.v[pos] <- fn.val
norms.pen.m[,pos] <- norms.pen
nloglik.v[pos] <- nloglik(y, eta, weights, ...)
grad.m[,pos] <- ngradient(x, y, mu, weights, ...)
linear.predictors[,pos] <- eta
fitted[,pos] <- invlink(eta)
} ## end for(pos in 1:nrlambda){
## Transform the coefficients back to the original scale if the design
## matrix was standardized
coef.m[inotpen.which,] <- (1 / scale.notpen) * coef.m[inotpen.which,]
## For df > 1 we have to use a matrix inversion to go back to the
## original scale
for(j in 1:length(ipen.which)){
ind <- ipen.which[[j]]
coef.m[ind,] <- solve(scale.pen[[j]], coef.m[ind,,drop = FALSE])
## Need to adjust intercept if we have performed centering
coef.m[intercept.which,] <- coef.m[intercept.which,] -
apply(coef.m[-intercept.which,,drop = FALSE] * mu.x, 2, sum)
## Overwrite values of x.old if we don't want to save it
x.old <- NULL
y <- NULL
out <- list(x = x.old, ## use untransformed values
y = y,
coefficients = coef.m,
norms.pen = norms.pen.m,
lambda = lambda,
index = index,
penscale = penscale,
model = model,
ngradient = grad.m,
nloglik = nloglik.v,
fitted = fitted,
linear.predictors = linear.predictors,
fn.val = fn.val.v,
converged = converged,
weights = weights,
offset = offset,
control = control,
call =
structure(out, class = "grplasso")
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