# Some code (for printing and plotting) is re-purposed from the R package
# "glmnet" (Hastie et al., 2010)
cv.grpnet <-
function(x, ...){
} # end cv.grpnet <-
function(x, digits = max(3, getOption("digits") - 3), ...){
# convert to Title Case
titlecase <- function(x){
cap1 <- function(x) paste0(toupper(substr(x, 1, 1)), tolower(substr(x, 2, nchar(x))))
words <- strsplit(x, split = " ", fixed = TRUE)
words <- sapply(words, cap1)
paste(words, collapse = " ")
# enhanced measure label
if(x$type.measure == "deviance"){
if(x$$family$family == "negative.binomial"){
ylab <- paste("Negative Binomial", "Deviance")
} else if(x$$family$family == "inverse.gaussian"){
ylab <- paste("Inverse Gaussian", "Deviance")
} else {
ylab <- paste(titlecase(x$$family$family), "Deviance")
} else if(x$type.measure == "mse"){
ylab <- "Mean Squared Error"
} else if(x$type.measure == "mae"){
ylab <- "Mean Absolute Error"
} else if(x$type.measure == "class"){
ylab <- "Misclassification Error"
# print call
cat("\nCall: ")
# print measure
cat("\nMeasure: ", ylab, "\n\n")
# print fit info
df <- data.frame(Alpha = x$$alpha,
Lambda = x$lambda[x$index],
Index = x$index,
Measure = x$cvm[x$index],
SE = x$cvsd[x$index],
nzGroup = x$nzero[x$index],
nzCoef = x$$nzcoef[x$index],
Df = x$$df[x$index])
rownames(df) <- c("min ", "1se ")
print(df, digits = digits)
} # end <-
function(x, sign.lambda = 1, nzero = TRUE, ...){
# check x
if(!inherits(x, "cv.grpnet")) stop("Input 'x' must be an object of class 'cv.grpnet'")
# check sign.lambda
sign.lambda <- as.numeric(sign.lambda[1])
if(!any(sign.lambda == c(-1, 1))) stop("Input 'sign.lambda' must be -1 or 1")
xsign <- ifelse(sign.lambda < 0, "-", "")
# define x coords and limits
xcoords <- sign.lambda * log(x$lambda)
xlimits <- range(xcoords)
# enhanced y-axis label
titlecase <- function(x){
cap1 <- function(x) paste0(toupper(substr(x, 1, 1)), tolower(substr(x, 2, nchar(x))))
words <- strsplit(x, split = " ", fixed = TRUE)
words <- sapply(words, cap1)
paste(words, collapse = " ")
if(x$type.measure == "deviance"){
if(x$$family$family == "negative.binomial"){
ylab <- "Negative Binomial Deviance"
} else if(x$$family$family == "inverse.gaussian"){
ylab <- "Inverse Gaussian Deviance"
} else {
ylab <- paste(titlecase(x$$family$family), "Deviance")
} else if(x$type.measure == "mse"){
ylab <- "Mean Squared Error"
} else if(x$type.measure == "mae"){
ylab <- "Mean Absolute Error"
} else if(x$type.measure == "class"){
ylab <- "Misclassification Error"
# create args
args <- list(...)
args$x <- xcoords
args$y <- x$cvm
args$type = "n"
if(is.null(args$ylim)) args$ylim <- c(min(x$cvlo), max(x$cvup))
if(is.null(args$pch)) args$pch <- 20
if(is.null(args$col)) args$col <- "red"
if(is.null(args$xlab)) args$xlab <- if(sign.lambda < 0) expression("-" * log(lambda)) else expression(log(lambda))
if(is.null(args$ylab)) args$ylab <- ylab
# set up plot, args)
# add nzeros
if(nzero) axis(side = 3, at = xcoords, labels = x$nzero, tick = FALSE, line = -1)
# add error bars
width <- 0.01 * diff(xlimits)
segments(xcoords, x$cvlo, xcoords, x$cvup, col = "darkgray")
segments(xcoords - width, x$cvup, xcoords + width, x$cvup, col = "darkgray")
segments(xcoords - width, x$cvlo, xcoords + width, x$cvlo, col = "darkgray")
# add points
points(x = args$x, y = args$y, pch = args$pch, col = args$col)
# add lambda.min and lambda.1se
abline(v = sign.lambda * log(x$lambda.min), lty = 3)
abline(v = sign.lambda * log(x$lambda.1se), lty = 3)
} # end
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