
Defines functions al_gscaLCA

al_gscaLCA = function(MS,z0, bz0, c, nobs, nvar, ntv, nlv, nzct, const,V, W,W0, T.mat,vb,alpha, A0= NULL,
                      num.factor, nInd){

  ## MS=1 (mean structure); MS=0 (no mean structure)
  if (MS == 1){
    Z <- bz0

    Z = apply(bz0, 2, function(x) scale(x)*sqrt(length(x))/sqrt(length(x)-1))

  ## initial membership
  if( c < 2 ) stop ("The number of cluster should be larger than 1")

  index0 <- ceiling(runif(nobs)*c)

  U <- c()
  for (i in 1:c)
    U <- cbind(U, ifelse(index0 ==i,1,0))

  results <- fclust::FKM(Z, k=c, m=2, startU=U) # k : num of cluster; m:parameter of fuzziness
  U <- results$U

  bi <- matrix(0, nvar*ntv, c) # to compute CI

  #print(paste("Number of Cluster =", c))

  itmax = 1000              # maximum number of iterations
  it = 0                   # iteration counter
  ceps = 0.00001           # convergence tolerance
  imp = 10^50             # initial improvement
  f0 = 10^50
  IT1 = c()

  while((it <= itmax) & (imp > ceps))
    it<- it + 1
    U_old <- U

    # Update GSCA parameters
    itmax1 =1000
    f10 =10^46

    while((it1 <= itmax1) & (imp1 > ceps1))
      it1 <- it1+1
      M <- c(); f1=0; f2=0; #snzw=0; snzt=0;

      for (k in 1:c)
        D_c <- sqrt(U[,k]^const)%*% t(rep(1,ncol(Z)))
        Z_c <- Z*D_c

        Psi_c <- Z_c %*% V[[k]]
        Gamma_c <- Z_c %*% W[[k]]


        vect0 <- as.numeric(T.mat[[k]])
        vecPsi <- as.numeric(Psi_c)

        m0 <- kronecker(diag(ntv), Gamma_c)
        m  <- m0[,nzct]
        #mm <- m0[,nzct1]%*% nzct1.v # mm would be necessary
        #vect <- MASS::ginv(t(m)%*%m)%*%t(m)%*%(vecPsi-mm)

        vect <- MASS::ginv(t(m)%*%m)%*%t(m)%*%(vecPsi)
        vect0[nzct] <- vect

        T.mat[[k]]<- matrix(vect0, nrow=nlv, ncol=ntv )

        for(p in 1:nlv)
          w0 <- W[[k]][,p]
          w00 <- W0[,p]

          P <- rep(0, ntv)
          P[nvar+p] <- 1
          Q <- T.mat[[k]][p, ]
          beta <- P-Q

          H <- diag(nlv)
          H[p,p]<- 0

          HH <- diag(ntv)
          HH[nvar+p, nvar+p] <-  0

          Delta <- W[[k]] %*% H %*% T.mat[[k]] - V[[k]] %*% HH
          ZDelta <- Z_c%*%Delta
          vecZDel <- as.vector(ZDelta)

          nzcw <- which(w00 == 99)
          nzw <- length(nzcw)

          if(nzw > 0){
            N <- kronecker(beta, Z_c)[,nzcw]
            w <-  MASS::ginv(t(N)%*% N) %*%t(N) %*% vecZDel
            w0[nzcw]<- w

            zw <- Z_c %*% w0

              w0 <- w0/sqrt(sum(zw^2))

            W[[k]][,p] <- w0
            V[[k]][,nvar+p] <- w0

            #snzw <- snzw +nzw
        }# p in 1:nlv for STEP 2

        ##### STEP 3: OPTIMAL SCALING

        VWT <-  V[[k]] - W[[k]]%*%T.mat[[k]]
        mz0 <- Z_c

        for (i in 1:length(vb))
          ZH <-  diag(nvar)
          J <- vb[i]
          ZH[J, J] <- 0

          K <- -Z_c %*% ZH %*% VWT
          q <- VWT[J, ]
          mz0[, J] <-(K %*% q)/as.numeric(t(q)%*%q) # model prediction for each variable

          mz <- mz0[!is.na(mz0[,J]), J]
          # z0_mn <- z0[!is.na(z0[,J]), J]  #not necessary

          # z0.vect <- z0[!is.na(z0[,J]),J]
          # dummy_mat  <- matrix(nrow= length(z0.vect), ncol= max(z0.vect)- min(z0.vect)+1)
          # u <- sapply(1:ncol(dummy_mat), function(i) ifelse(vect==i, 1, 0))

          u <- fastDummies::dummy_cols(z0[!is.na(z0[,J]),J])
          u <- as.matrix(u[,paste0(".data_", 1:max(z0[,J]))])

          ## Optimizing based on type
          # NORMINAL
          invind <- MASS::ginv(t(u) %*% u) %*% t(u) %*% mz
          sz <- u %*% invind

          # common part after obtaining sz based on type

          sz0 <- ifelse(is.na(z0[,J]), mz0[,J],sz ) # would be different for missing data; should be checked
          Z_c[,J] <- sz0

          s <- as.numeric(1/sqrt(t(Z_c[,J])%*%Z_c[,J]/nobs))
          Z_c[,J] <- s*Z_c[,J]

        } # for i in 1:leng(vb)

        Psi_c <- Z_c %*% V[[k]]
        Gamma_c <- Z_c %*% W[[k]]

        dif <- Z %*% V[[k]]-  Z %*% W[[k]] %*% T.mat[[k]]  # Z was used in matlab code; Z_c was not work well
        obj_func <- Psi_c - Gamma_c %*% T.mat[[k]]

        f1 <- f1 + sum(diag((t(obj_func)%*%obj_func)))
        f2 <- f2 + sum(diag((t(Psi_c)%*%Psi_c)))


        bi0 <- V[[k]] - W[[k]] %*% T.mat[[k]]
        bi[,k] <- as.vector(bi0)
        bi[,k] <- bi[,k]/norm( bi[,k], type="2") ## why type 2?

        # without covariate only endogenous variables
        if(nInd != nvar){
          if(num.factor == "EACH"){

            dif.exo <- Z[,1:nInd] %*% V[[k]][c(1:nInd), c(1:nInd, (nvar+1):(nvar+nInd))] -
              Z[,1:nInd] %*% W[[k]][1:nInd, 1:nInd] %*% T.mat[[k]][c(1:nInd), c(1:nInd, (nvar+1):(nvar+nInd))]
            M <- cbind(M, rowSums(dif.exo^2))

          }else if(num.factor == "ALLin1"){

            dif.exo <- Z[,1:nInd] %*% V[[k]][c(1:nInd), c(1:nInd, (nvar+1))] -
              Z[,1:nInd] %*% matrix(W[[k]][(1:nInd),1], ncol = 1) %*% matrix(c(T.mat[[k]][1, c(1:nInd)], 0), nrow= 1)  # without covariate
            M <- cbind(M, rowSums(dif.exo^2))
          M <- cbind(M, rowSums(dif^2))

      }# k in 1:c

      imp1 <- abs(f10 - f1)
      #print(paste0("I_LOOP: it1=",it1, ", f10=", round(f10,2), ", f1=", round(f1,2), ", imp1=", round(imp1,7)))
      f10 <- f1

      #snzt<- snzt + nzt # should be before loop for k
    } # second while

    IT1 = c(IT1, it1)
    ## STEP 4 Update U

    for (k in 1:c)
      T00 <- (M[,k] %*% t(rep(1, c)))/M
      TT0<- rowSums(T00^alpha)
      U[,k]<- 1/TT0


    imp= f0-f1
    #print(paste0("O.LOOP: it=",it, ", f1=", round(f1,2), ", f0=", round(f0,2), ", imp=", round(imp,7)))
    f0 <- f1

  }#whole while (end ALS)

    A <- list()
    B <- list()
    # E <- list()
    # Omega <- list()

    classfied = table(apply(U, 1, which.max))

    for (k in 1:c)
      #Omega[[k]] <- V[[k]]- W[[k]]%*%T[[k]] # needed for modelfit.ft
      #E[[k]] <- Z %*% Omega[[k]] # Z_c?


        A[[k]] <- matrix(T.mat[[k]][, 1:ncol(A0)], nrow=1)
        B[[k]] <- matrix(T.mat[[k]][, (ncol(A0)+1):ntv], nrow= 1)

        if (MS==0){
          for (i in 1:nrow(W0))
            for(j in 1:ncol(W0))
              if(W0[i, j]==99){

          for( i in 1:nrow(A0))
            for(j in 1:ncol(A0))

        }# if MS==0

        A[[k]] <- as.matrix(T.mat[[k]][, 1:ncol(A0)])
        B[[k]] <- as.matrix(T.mat[[k]][, (ncol(A0)+1):ntv])

        if (MS==0){
          for (i in 1:nrow(W0))
            for(j in 1:ncol(W0))
              if(W0[i, j]==99){

          for( i in 1:nrow(A0))
            for(j in 1:ncol(A0))

        }# if MS==0



    # A;
    # W;
    # B;

  return(list(U=U, bi=bi, f1=f1, f2=f2, it.out = it, it.in = IT1, A=A, B=B, W=W ))

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