
binding <-
function(l, u, theta, sigma, n1, n2, t.vec, type1, type2, gamma = rep(-4,2),
                   crange=c(-10,10),  drange=c(-10,10), force=TRUE, 
                   plot=TRUE, ll=3, ul=6, n.sim=1e4, seed=NULL) 
  HSD <- function(t,error,gamma) error*(1-exp(-gamma*t))/(1-exp(-gamma))
  I.vec <- HSD(t.vec,type1, gamma[1])
  II.vec <- HSD(t.vec,type2, gamma[2])
  K <- length(t.vec) 
  nn1 <- ceiling(n1 * t.vec); nn1[K] <- n1
  nn2 <- ceiling(n2 * t.vec); nn2[K] <- n2

  if(!is.null(seed)) set.seed(seed)
  simdataL <- data.frame(matrix(0,n.sim*K,3))
  colnames(simdataL)<- c("stage", "t.L", "t.U")
  x1 <- matrix(rnorm(n1*n.sim, 0, sigma), n.sim, n1)
  x2 <- matrix(rnorm(n2*n.sim, l, sigma), n.sim, n2)           
  for(k in 1:K){
    x1.stage   <- x1[,1:nn1[k]]   
    mean1.temp <- apply(x1.stage, 1, mean)
    v1.temp   <- apply(x1.stage, 1, var)
    x2.stage   <- x2[,1:nn2[k]]   
    mean2.temp <- apply(x2.stage, 1, mean)
    v2.temp   <- apply(x2.stage, 1, var)  
    v.pool <- (v1.temp*(nn1[k]-1)+ v2.temp*(nn2[k]-1))/(nn1[k]+ nn2[k]-2)
    se.pool <- sqrt(v.pool*(1/nn1[k]+1/nn2[k]))
    diff <- mean2.temp -  mean1.temp
    t.L <-  (diff - l) / se.pool
    t.U <-  (diff - u) / se.pool  
    simdataL[(k-1)*n.sim + 1:n.sim,] <- cbind(k, t.L, t.U)    
  simdata0 <- data.frame(matrix(0,n.sim*K,3))
  colnames(simdata0)<- c("stage", "t.L", "t.U")
  x1 <- matrix(rnorm(n1*n.sim, 0, sigma), n.sim, n1)
  x2 <- matrix(rnorm(n2*n.sim, theta, sigma), n.sim, n2)           
  for(k in 1:K){
    x1.stage   <- x1[,1:nn1[k]]   
    mean1.temp <- apply(x1.stage, 1, mean)
    v1.temp   <- apply(x1.stage, 1, var)
    x2.stage   <- x2[,1:nn2[k]]   
    mean2.temp <- apply(x2.stage, 1, mean)
    v2.temp   <- apply(x2.stage, 1, var)  
    v.pool <- (v1.temp*(nn1[k]-1)+ v2.temp*(nn2[k]-1))/(nn1[k]+ nn2[k]-2)
    se.pool <- sqrt(v.pool*(1/nn1[k]+1/nn2[k]))
    diff <- mean2.temp -  mean1.temp
    t.L <-  (diff - l) / se.pool
    t.U <-  (diff - u) / se.pool   
    simdata0[(k-1)*n.sim + 1:n.sim,] <- cbind(k, t.L, t.U)    
  ct2.L <- rep(99, K); ct2.U <- rep(-99, K)
  dt2.L <- rep(999, K); dt2.U <- rep(-999, K)
  fL <- function(x) {
    temp1 <- simdataL[(simdataL$stage == 1),]$t.L > x
    temp2 <- simdataL[(simdataL$stage == 1),]$t.U < -x
    result <- sum( temp1 & temp2) / n.sim - I.vec[1]
  ct2.L[1] <- uniroot(fL, crange, tol=0.001)$root
  ct2.U[1] <- -ct2.L[1]  
  f0 <- function(x) {
    temp1 <- simdata0[(simdata0$stage == 1),]$t.L <= x
    temp2 <- simdata0[(simdata0$stage == 1),]$t.U >= -x
    result <- sum( temp1 | temp2) / n.sim - II.vec[1]	
  dt2.L[1] <- uniroot(f0, drange, tol=0.001)$root
  dt2.U[1] <- -dt2.L[1]
  stage1.data <- simdataL[(simdataL$stage == 1),]
  temp1 <- (stage1.data$t.L > ct2.L[1])
  temp2 <- (stage1.data$t.U < ct2.U[1])
  temp3 <- (stage1.data$t.L <= dt2.L[1])
  temp4 <- (stage1.data$t.U >= dt2.U[1])  	  
  outL <- (temp1 & temp2) | (temp3 | temp4)
  stage1.data <- simdata0[(simdata0$stage == 1),]
  temp1 <- (stage1.data$t.L > ct2.L[1])
  temp2 <- (stage1.data$t.U < ct2.U[1])
  temp3 <- (stage1.data$t.L <= dt2.L[1])
  temp4 <- (stage1.data$t.U >= dt2.U[1])
  out0 <- (temp1 & temp2) | (temp3 | temp4)
  for (k in 2:K) {    
    stagealpha <- I.vec[k] - I.vec[k-1]
    stagek.dataL <- simdataL[(simdataL$stage == k),]
    if(all(outL)){ct2.L<- ct2.L[1:(k-1)]; ct2.U<- ct2.U[1:(k-1)]; break}
      temp <- stagek.dataL[!outL,]
      f <- function(x) {    
        temp1 <- (temp$t.L > x)
        temp2 <- (temp$t.U < -x)
        result<- sum( temp1 & temp2) / n.sim - stagealpha  
      if(nrow(temp) < n.sim*stagealpha)
        stop(paste("No solutions for the equivalence boundaries at stage ", as.character(k)))
        ct2.L[k] <- uniroot(f, crange, tol=0.001)$root
        ct2.U[k] <- -ct2.L[k]

    stagebeta  <- II.vec[k] - II.vec[k-1]
    stagek.data0 <- simdata0[(simdata0$stage == k),]    
    if(all(out0)){ dt2.L<- dt2.L[1:(k-1)]; dt2.U<- dt2.U[1:(k-1)]; break}
      temp <- stagek.data0[!out0,]
      f <- function(x) {
        temp1 <- temp$t.L <= x 
        temp2 <- temp$t.U >= -x
        result <- sum( temp1 | temp2) / n.sim- stagebeta	
      if(nrow(temp) >= n.sim*stagebeta ){
        dt2.L[k] <- uniroot(f, drange, tol=0.001)$root
        dt2.U[k] <- -dt2.L[k]   
    temp1 <- (stagek.dataL$t.L > ct2.L[k])
    temp2 <- (stagek.dataL$t.U < ct2.U[k])
    temp3 <- (stagek.dataL$t.L <= dt2.L[k])
    temp4 <- (stagek.dataL$t.U >= dt2.U[k])   
    out <- (temp1 & temp2) | (temp3 | temp4)
    outL <- (outL|out)

    temp1 <- (stagek.data0$t.L > ct2.L[k])
    temp2 <- (stagek.data0$t.U < ct2.U[k])
    temp3 <- (stagek.data0$t.L <= dt2.L[k])
    temp4 <- (stagek.data0$t.U >= dt2.U[k])   
    out <- (temp1 & temp2) | (temp3 | temp4)
    out0 <- (out0|out)
  if(force) { dt2.L[K] <- ct2.L[K]; dt2.U[K] <- ct2.U[K]}
  result<- list(typeI= I.vec, typeII= II.vec,
                equivL=ct2.L,equivU=ct2.U, futilL=dt2.L,futilU=dt2.U)
    if(K<=3) par(mfrow=c(1,K), mar=c(4,2,1,1), ask=T)
    else if(K==4)  par(mfrow=c(2,2), mar=c(4,2,1,1), ask=T)
    else if(K>=5 & K<=6)  par(mfrow=c(2,3), mar=c(4,2,1,1), ask=T)
    figureEF(result, K, ll, ul)

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