
# gsignal Filter Conversion functions

tol <- 1e-6

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
# sos2tf()

test_that("parameters to sos2tf() are correct", {
  expect_error(sos2tf(1, 2, 3))

test_that("sos2tf() tests are correct", {
  sos <- rbind(c(1, 1, 1, 1, 0, -1), c(-2, 3, 1, 1, 10, 1))
  ba <- sos2tf(sos)
  expect_equal(ba$b, c(-2, 1, 2, 4, 1))
  expect_equal(ba$a, c(1, 10, 0, -10, -1))
  ba <- sos2tf(sos, 2)
  expect_equal(ba$b, c(-4, 2, 4, 8, 2))
  expect_equal(ba$a, c(1, 10, 0, -10, -1))
  ba <- sos2tf(sos, c(2, 2, 2))
  expect_equal(ba$b, c(-16, 8, 16, 32, 8))
  expect_equal(ba$a, c(1, 10, 0, -10, -1))

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
# sos2zp()

test_that("parameters to sos2zp() are correct", {
  expect_error(sos2zp(1, 2, 3))

test_that("sos2zp() tests are correct", {
  sos <- rbind(c(1, 2, 3, 1, 0.2, 0.3), c(4, 5, 6, 1, 0.4, 0.5))
  zref <- c(-1-1.41421356237310i, -1+1.41421356237310i, -0.625-1.05326872164704i, -0.625+1.05326872164704i)
  pref <- c(-0.2-0.678232998312527i, -0.2+0.678232998312527i, -0.1-0.538516480713450i, -0.1+0.538516480713450i)
  kref <- 4
  zpg <- sos2zp(sos, 1)
  expect_equal(cplxpair(zpg$z, tol), as.vector(zref), tolerance = tol)
  expect_equal(cplxpair(zpg$p, tol), as.vector(pref), tolerance = tol)
  expect_equal(zpg$g, 4)

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
# tf2zp()

test_that("parameters to tf2zp() are correct", {
  expect_error(tf2zp(1, 2, 3))
  expect_error(tf2zp('invalid', 'invalid'))

test_that("tf2zp() tests are correct", {
  b <- c(2, 3)
  a <- c(1, 1/sqrt(2), 1/4)
  zpk <- tf2zp(b, a)
  expect_equal(zpk$z, sort(pracma::roots(b)))
  expect_equal(zpk$p, sort(pracma::roots(a)), tolerance = tol)
  expect_equal(zpk$g, 2)

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
# zp2sos()

test_that("parameters to zp2sos() are correct", {
  expect_error(zp2sos(1, 2, 3, 4))
  expect_error(zp2sos('invalid', 'invalid'))

test_that("zp2sos() tests are correct", {
  sosg <- zp2sos(c(0+1i, 0-1i), c(0+1i, 0-1i))
  expect_equal(sosg$sos, matrix(c(1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1), 1))
  expect_equal(sosg$g, 1)

  sosg <- zp2sos(c(1+1i, 1-1i), c(1+1i, 1-1i))
  expect_equal(sosg$sos, matrix(c(1, -2, 2, 1, -2, 2), 1))
  expect_equal(sosg$g, 1)

  sosg <- zp2sos(c(1+1i, 1-1i), c(1+1i, 1-1i), 3)
  expect_equal(sosg$sos, matrix(c(1, -2, 2, 1, -2, 2), 1))
  expect_equal(sosg$g, 3)
  # these are slightly different in Matlab (b[0] and b[1] swapped),
  # and produce errors in Octave
  expect_equal(as.vector(zp2sos(NULL, 0, 0)$sos), c(1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0))
  expect_equal(as.vector(zp2sos(NULL, 1, 0)$sos), c(1, 0, 0, 1, -1, 0))
  expect_equal(as.vector(zp2sos(NULL, -1, 1)$sos), c(1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0))

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
# tf2sos()

test_that("parameters to tf2sos() are correct", {
  expect_error(tf2sos(1, 2, 3))
  expect_error(tf2sos('invalid', 'invalid'))

test_that("tf2sos() tests are correct", {
  b <- c(1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1)
  a <- c(1, 0, 0, 0, 0, .9)
  sosg <- tf2sos (b, a)
  sec1 <- c(1, 0.618034, 1, 1, 0.6051470, 0.9587315)
  sec2 <- c(1, -1.618034,  1, 1, -1.5842953, 0.9587315)
  sec3 <- c(1, 1.000000, 0, 1, 0.9791484, 0.0000000)
  expect_equal(sosg$sos, rbind(sec1, sec2, sec3, deparse.level = 0),
               tolerance = 1e-6)
  # these are slightly different in Matlab (b[0] and b[1] swapped),
  # and produce errors in Octave
  sosg <- tf2sos(c(0, 0), c(1,1))
  expect_equal(as.vector(sosg$sos), c(1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0))
  expect_equal(sosg$g, 1)


# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
# zp2tf()

test_that("parameters to zp2tf() are correct", {
  expect_error(zp2tf(1, 2, 3, 4))
  expect_error(zp2tf('invalid', 'invalid'))

test_that("zp2tf() tests are correct", {
  ba <- zp2tf(c(0, 0), pracma::roots(c(1, 0.01, 1)), 1)
  expect_equal(ba$b, c(1, 0, 0))
  expect_equal(ba$a, c(1, 0.01, 1))
  # design 2-pole notch filter at pi/4 radians = 0.5/4 = 0.125 * fs
  w <- pi/4
  # zeroes at r = 1
  r <- 1
  z1 <- r * exp(1i * w)
  z2 <- r * exp(1i * -w)
  # poles at r = 0.9
  r <- 0.9
  p1 <- r * exp(1i * w)
  p2 <- r * exp(1i * -w)
  zeros <- c(z1, z2)
  poles <- c(p1, p2)
  ba <- zp2tf(zeros, poles, 1)
  inv <- tf2zp(ba$b, ba$a)
  expect_equal(sort(inv$z), sort(zeros), tolerance = tol)
  expect_equal(sort(inv$p), sort(poles), tolerance = tol)
  expect_equal(inv$g, 1)

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
# residuez()

test_that("parameters to residuez() are correct", {
  expect_error(residuez(1, 2, 3))
  expect_error(residuez('invalid', 'invalid'))

test_that("residuez() tests are correct", {

  b <- c(1, -2, 1); a <- c(1, -1)
  rpk <-  residuez(b, a)
  expect_equal(rpk$r, 0)
  expect_equal(rpk$p, 1)
  expect_equal(rpk$k, c(1, -1))

  b <- 1; a <- c(1, -1i)
  rpk <-  residuez(b, a)
  expect_equal(rpk$r, 1)
  expect_equal(rpk$p, 1i)
  b <- 1; a <- c(1, -1, 0.25)
  rpk <-  residuez(b, a)
  s <- sort(rpk$r, index.return = TRUE)
  expect_equal(s$x, c(0, 1))
  expect_equal(rpk$p[s$ix], c(0.5, 0.5))

  b <- 1; a <- c(1, -0.75, 0.125)
  rpk <-  residuez(b, a)
  s <- sort(rpk$r, index.return = TRUE)
  expect_equal(s$x, c(-1, 2))
  expect_equal(rpk$p[s$ix], c(0.25, 0.5))

  b <- c(1, 6, 2); a <- c(1, -2, 1)
  rpk <-  residuez(b, a)
  s <- sort(rpk$r, index.return = TRUE)
  expect_equal(s$x, c(-10, 9))
  expect_equal(rpk$p[s$ix], c(1, 1))
  expect_equal(rpk$k, 2)

  b <- c(6, 2); a <- c(1, -2, 1)
  rpk <-  residuez(b, a)
  s <- sort(rpk$r, index.return = TRUE)
  expect_equal(s$x, c(-2, 8))
  expect_equal(rpk$p[s$ix], c(1, 1))
  b <- c(1, 6, 6, 2); a <- c(1, -2, 1)
  rpk <-  residuez(b, a)
  s <- sort(rpk$r, index.return = TRUE)
  expect_equal(s$x, c(-24, 15))
  expect_equal(rpk$p[s$ix], c(1, 1))
  expect_equal(rpk$k, c(10, 2))
  b <- c(1, 6, 6, 2); a <- c(1, -(2+1i), (1+2i), -1i)
  rpk <-  residuez(b, a)
  s <- sort(Mod(rpk$r), index.return = TRUE)
  expect_equal(rpk$r[s$ix], c(-2+2.5i, 7.5+7.5i, -4.5-12i))
  expect_equal(rpk$p[s$ix], c(1i, 1, 1))
  expect_equal(rpk$k, -2i)
  b <- c(1, 0, 1); a <- c(1, 0, 0, 0, 0, -1)
  rpk <-  residuez(b, a)
  s <- sort(Arg(rpk$p), index.return = TRUE)
  rise <- c(0.26180339887499 - 0.19021130325903i,
            0.03819660112501 + 0.11755705045849i,
            0.03819660112501 - 0.11755705045849i,
            0.26180339887499 + 0.19021130325903i)
  pise <- c(-0.80901699437495 - 0.58778525229247i,
            0.30901699437495 - 0.95105651629515i,
            0.30901699437495 + 0.95105651629515i,
            -0.80901699437495 + 0.58778525229247i)
  expect_equal(rpk$r[s$ix], rise, tolerance = tol)
  expect_equal(rpk$p[s$ix], pise, tolerance = tol)

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
# residued()

test_that("parameters to residued() are correct", {
  expect_error(residued(1, 2, 3))
  expect_error(residued('invalid', 'invalid'))

test_that("residued() tests are correct", {
  b <- 1; a <- c(1, -1)
  rpk <-  residued(b, a)
  expect_equal(rpk, list(r = 1, p = 1, k = NULL))
  rpk2 <-  residuez(b, a)
  expect_equal(rpk, rpk2)
  #residuez and residued should be identical when length(b) < length(a)
  b <- c(1, -2, 1); a <- c(1, -1)
  rpk <-  residued(b, a)
  expect_equal(rpk, list(r = 0, p = 1, k = c(1, -1)))
  b <- c(1, -2, 1); a <- c(1, -0.5)
  rpk <-  residued(b, a)
  expect_equal(rpk, list(r = 0.25, p = 0.5, k = c(1, -1.5)))

  b <- 1; a <- c(1, -0.75, 0.125)
  rpk <-  residued(b, a)
  rpk2 <-  residuez(b, a)
  expect_equal(rpk, rpk2)
  #residuez and residued should be identical when length(b) < length(a)
  b <- 1; a <- c(1, -2, 1)
  rpk <-  residued(b, a)
  rpk2 <-  residuez(b, a)
  expect_equal(rpk, rpk2)
  #residuez and residued should be identical when length(b) < length(a)
  b <- c(6, 2); a <- c(1, -2, 1)
  rpk <-  residued(b, a)
  rpk2 <-  residuez(b, a)
  expect_equal(rpk, rpk2)
  #residuez and residued should be identical when length(b) < length(a)

  b <- c(1, 1, 1); a <- c(1, -2, 1)
  rpk <-  residued(b, a)
  expect_equal(rpk$r, c(0, 3))
  expect_equal(rpk$p, c(1, 1))
  expect_equal(rpk$k, 1)
  b <- c(2, 6, 6, 2); a <- c(1, -2, 1)
  rpk <-  residued(b, a)
  expect_equal(rpk$r, c(8, 16))
  expect_equal(rpk$p, c(1, 1))
  expect_equal(rpk$k, c(2, 10))
  b <- c(1, 6, 2); a <- c(1, -2, 1)
  rpk <-  residued(b, a)
  expect_equal(rpk$r, c(-1, 9))
  expect_equal(rpk$p, c(1, 1))
  expect_equal(rpk$k, 1)

  b <- c(1, 0, 0, 0, 1); a <- c(1, 0, 0, 0, -1)
  rpk <-  residued(b, a)
  s <- sort(Arg(rpk$p), index.return = TRUE)
  expect_equal(rpk$r[s$ix], c(-1 / 2, -1i / 2, 1 / 2, 1i / 2))
  expect_equal(rpk$p[s$ix], c(-1, -1i, 1, 1i))
  expect_equal(rpk$k, 1)

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