
# gsignal Power Spectrum Analysis Functions

tol <- 1e-6

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
# pwelch()

test_that("parameters to pwelch() are correct", {
  expect_error(pwelch(1:10, -1))
  expect_error(pwelch(1:10, 4, -1))
  expect_error(pwelch(1:10, 4, 0.5, -1))
  expect_error(pwelch(1:10, 4, 0.5, 12, -1))
  expect_error(pwelch(1:10, 4, 0.5, 12, pi, 'invalid'))
  expect_error(pwelch(1:10, 4, 0.5, 12, pi, 'none', 'unused'))

test_that("pwelch() tests are correct", {
  fs <- 1000
  secs <- 10
  freq <- 30
  A <- 1
  t <- seq(0, secs, length.out = fs * secs)
  x <- A * cos(freq * 2 * pi * t)
  Pxx <- pwelch(x, fs = fs)
  expect_equal(length(Pxx$freq), 65L)
  expect_equal(length(Pxx$spec), 65L)
  expect_equal(round(Pxx$freq[which.max(Pxx$spec)], -1), 30L)
  expect_equal(Pxx$x_len, 9984L)
  expect_equal(Pxx$seg_len, 128L)
  expect_equal(Pxx$psd_len, 65L)
  expect_equal(Pxx$nseries, 1L)
  y <- A * sin(freq * 2 * pi * t)
  Pxy <- pwelch(cbind(x, y), fs = fs)
  expect_equal(length(Pxy$freq), 65L)
  expect_equal(dim(Pxy$spec), c(65L, 2L))

  expect_equal(dim(Pxy$cross), c(65L, 1L))
  expect_equal(round(Pxy$freq[which.max(Pxy$cross[, 1])], -1), 30L)
  expect_equal(colnames(Pxy$cross), "x-y")
  expect_equal(dim(Pxy$phase), c(65L, 1L))
  expect_equal(unname(Pxy$phase[which(Pxy$freq>30)[1], 1]), pi/2, tolerance = 1e-4)
  expect_equal(colnames(Pxy$phase), "x-y")
  expect_equal(dim(Pxy$coh), c(65L, 1L))
  expect_equal(unname(Pxy$coh[which(Pxy$freq>30)[1], 1]), 1, tolerance = 1e-4)
  expect_equal(colnames(Pxy$coh), "x-y")
  expect_equal(dim(Pxy$trans), c(65L, 1L))
  expect_equal(unname(abs(Pxy$trans[which(Pxy$freq>30)[1], 1])), 1, tolerance = 1e-4)
  expect_equal(colnames(Pxy$trans), "x-y")
  expect_equal(Pxx$x_len, 9984L)
  expect_equal(Pxy$seg_len, 128L)
  expect_equal(Pxy$psd_len, 65L)
  expect_equal(Pxy$nseries, 2L)
  Pxx <- pwelch(x, fs = fs, range = "whole")
  expect_equal(length(Pxx$freq), 128L)
  expect_equal(length(Pxx$spec), 128L)
  # test if pwelch returns N/2 + 1 instead of nextpow2
  # Github discussion #5
  # and Github Issue #6: expect $spec to be vector if x is vector
  x <- runif(2e6)
  fs <- 100
  win <- 4 * fs
  Pxx <- pwelch(x, win, fs = fs)
  expect_length(Pxx$spec, 201L)
  # Github Issue #6: expect matrix of column 1 if input is matrix
  x <- matrix(runif(2e6), ncol = 1)
  Pxx <- pwelch(x, win, fs = fs)
  expect_equal(ncol(Pxx$spec), 1L)

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
# ar_psd()

test_that("parameters to ar_psd() are correct", {
  expect_error(ar_psd(1:10, -1))
  expect_error(ar_psd(1:10, 4, -1))
  expect_error(ar_psd(1:10, 4, 2, -1))
  expect_error(ar_psd(1:10, 4, 2, 1, 'invalid'))
  expect_error(ar_psd(1:10, 4, 2, 1, 'whole', 'invalid'))
  expect_error(ar_psd(1:10, 4, 2, 1, 'whole', 'fft', 7))

test_that("ar_psd() tests are correct", {
  psd <- ar_psd(c(1,0), 1)
  expect_equal(psd$freq, (1 / 2 / 256) * seq(0, 255), tolerance = tol)
  expect_equal(psd$psd, rep(2L, 256))

  n <- 64
  psd <- ar_psd(c(1,0, 0), 1, n)
  expect_equal(psd$freq, (1 / 2 / n) * seq(0, n - 1), tolerance = tol)
  expect_equal(psd$psd, rep(2L, n))

  psd <- ar_psd(c(1,0, 1), 1, n)
  expect_equal(which.max(psd$psd), (n / 2) + 1)

  psd <- ar_psd(c(1,0, 1), 1, n, range = "whole")
  expect_equal(which.max(psd$psd), (n / 4) + 1)

  psd <- ar_psd(c(1,0, 1), 1, n, range = "centerdc")
  expect_equal(which(is.infinite(psd$psd)), c(17, 49))

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
# pow2db()

test_that("parameters to pow2db() and db2pow() are correct", {
  expect_error(pow2db(1, 2))
  expect_error(pow2db(c(-1, 2)))

  expect_error(db2pow(1, 2))

test_that("pow2db() tests are correct", {

  expect_equal(pow2db(0), -Inf)
  expect_equal(pow2db(-1 + 0i), 0 + 13.64376i, tolerance = 1e-4)
  expect_equal(db2pow(0), 1)
  expect_equal(db2pow(-1 + 0i), 0.7943 + 0i, tolerance = 1e-4)
  pow <- c(0, 10, 20, 60, 100)
  expect_equal(pow2db(pow), c(-Inf, 10, 13.01, 17.782, 20), tolerance = 1e-4)
  expect_equal(db2pow(pow2db(pow)), pow)
  db <- c(-10, 0, 10, 20, 25)
  expect_equal(db2pow(db), c(0.1, 1, 10, 100, 316.22777), tolerance = 1e-4)
  expect_equal(pow2db(db2pow(db)), db)

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gsignal documentation built on May 15, 2022, 5:05 p.m.