
Defines functions .decrypt_tool_id .col.type.usage .valid.generated.col .asc .collapse.array .collapse.char.empty.nulls .collapse.char .collapse h2o.decryptionSetup h2o.parseSetup .h2o.readSVMLight .h2o.get.source.keys h2o.parseRaw

Documented in .collapse h2o.decryptionSetup h2o.parseRaw h2o.parseSetup

#' H2O Data Parsing
#' The second phase in the data ingestion step.
#' Parse the Raw Data produced by the import phase.
#' @param data An H2OFrame object to be parsed.
#' @param pattern (Optional) Character string containing a regular expression to match file(s) in
#'        the folder.
#' @param destination_frame (Optional) The hex key assigned to the parsed file.
#' @param header (Optional) A logical value indicating whether the first row is
#'        the column header. If missing, H2O will automatically try to detect
#'        the presence of a header.
#' @param sep (Optional) The field separator character. Values on each line of
#'        the file are separated by this character. If \code{sep = ""}, the
#'        parser will automatically detect the separator.
#' @param col.names (Optional) An H2OFrame object containing a
#'        single delimited line with the column names for the file.  If skipped_columns are specified,
#'        only list column names of columns that are not skipped.
#' @param col.types (Optional) A vector specifying the types to attempt to force
#'        over columns.  If skipped_columns are specified, only list column types of columns that are not skipped.
#' @param na.strings (Optional) H2O will interpret these strings as missing.
#' @param blocking (Optional) Tell H2O parse call to block synchronously instead
#'        of polling.  This can be faster for small datasets but loses the
#'        progress bar.
#' @param parse_type (Optional) Specify which parser type H2O will use.
#'        Valid types are "ARFF", "XLS", "CSV", "SVMLight"
#' @param decrypt_tool (Optional) Specify a Decryption Tool (key-reference
#'        acquired by calling \link{h2o.decryptionSetup}.
#' @param chunk_size size of chunk of (input) data in bytes
#' @param skipped_columns a list of column indices to be excluded from parsing
#' @param force_col_types (Optional) if true will force parser to return the exact column types specified in 
#'         column_types.  For parquet, if column_types is not specified, the parquet schema will be used to determine 
#'         the actual column type.
#' @param custom_non_data_line_markers (Optional) If a line in imported file starts with any character in given string it will NOT be imported. Empty string means all lines are imported, NULL means that default behaviour for given format will be used
#' @param partition_by (Optional) Names of the columns the persisted dataset has been partitioned by.
#' @param quotechar A hint for the parser which character to expect as quoting character. None (default) means autodetection.
#' @param escapechar (Optional) One ASCII character used to escape other characters.
#' @seealso \link{h2o.importFile}, \link{h2o.parseSetup}
#' @export
h2o.parseRaw <- function(data, pattern="", destination_frame = "", header=NA, sep = "", col.names=NULL,
                         col.types=NULL, na.strings=NULL, blocking=FALSE, parse_type = NULL, chunk_size = NULL,
                         decrypt_tool = NULL, skipped_columns = NULL, force_col_types=FALSE, 
                         custom_non_data_line_markers = NULL, partition_by=NULL, quotechar = NULL, escapechar = "") {
  single_quotes <- quotechar == "'"
  # Check and parse col.types in case col.types is supplied col.name = col.type vec
  if( length(names(col.types)) > 0 & typeof(col.types) != "list" ) {
    parse.params <- h2o.parseSetup(data, pattern="", destination_frame, header, sep, col.names, col.types = NULL,
                                   na.strings = na.strings, parse_type = parse_type, chunk_size = chunk_size,
                                   decrypt_tool = decrypt_tool, skipped_columns=skipped_columns, force_col_types=force_col_types,
                                   custom_non_data_line_markers = custom_non_data_line_markers, 
                                   partition_by = partition_by, single_quotes = single_quotes, escapechar = escapechar)
    idx <- match(names(col.types), parse.params$column_names)
    parse.params$column_types[idx] <- as.character(col.types)
  } else {
    parse.params <- h2o.parseSetup(data, pattern="", destination_frame, header, sep, col.names, col.types,
                                   na.strings = na.strings, parse_type = parse_type, chunk_size = chunk_size,
                                   decrypt_tool = decrypt_tool, skipped_columns=skipped_columns,
                                   force_col_types = force_col_types,
                                   custom_non_data_line_markers = custom_non_data_line_markers,
                                   partition_by = partition_by, single_quotes = single_quotes, escapechar = escapechar)
  for(w in parse.params$warnings){
  parse.params <- list(
            source_frames = .collapse.char(parse.params$source_frames),
            destination_frame  = parse.params$destination_frame,
            separator = parse.params$separator,
            parse_type = parse.params$parse_type,
            single_quotes = parse.params$single_quotes,
            check_header = parse.params$check_header,
            number_columns = parse.params$number_columns,
            column_names = .collapse.char(parse.params$column_names),
            column_types = .collapse.char(parse.params$column_types),
            na_strings = .collapse.array(parse.params$na_strings),
            chunk_size = parse.params$chunk_size,
            delete_on_done = parse.params$delete_on_done,
            blocking = blocking,
            decrypt_tool = .decrypt_tool_id(parse.params$decrypt_tool),
            skipped_columns = paste0("[", paste(parse.params$skipped_columns, collapse=','), "]"),
            force_col_types = parse.params$force_col_types,
            partition_by = .collapse.array(parse.params$partition_by),
            escapechar = parse.params$escapechar
    parse.params <- append(parse.params,list(custom_non_data_line_markers = custom_non_data_line_markers))

  # Perform the parse
  res <- .h2o.__remoteSend(.h2o.__PARSE, method = "POST", .params = parse.params)
  hex <- res$job$dest$name

  # Poll on job

  # Return a new H2OFrame object
  x <- .newH2OFrame("Parse",id=hex,-1,-1)
  .fetch.data(x,1L) # Fill in nrow and ncol

.h2o.get.source.keys <- function(data, destination_frame){
 # Allow single frame or list of frames; turn singleton into a list
  if( is.H2OFrame(data) ) data <- list(data)
  for (d in data) chk.H2OFrame(d)
  # Prep srcs: must be of the form [src1,src2,src3,...]
  .collapse.char(sapply(data, function (d) attr(d, "id")))

.h2o.readSVMLight <- function(path, pattern = "", destination_frame = "") {
  if(!is.character(path) || is.na(path) || !nzchar(path)) stop("`path` must be a non-empty character string")
  if(!is.character(pattern) || length(pattern) != 1L || is.na(pattern)) stop("`pattern` must be a character string")
  res <-.h2o.__remoteSend(.h2o.__IMPORT, path=path, pattern=pattern)
  destFrame <- res$destination_frames
  fails <- res$fails

  if(length(res$fails) > 0L) {
    for(i in seq_len(length(res$fails)))
      cat(res$fails[[i]], "failed to import")
  # Return only the files that successfully imported
  if(length(res$files) <= 0L) stop("all files failed to import")
  srcKeys <- .h2o.get.source.keys(data, destination_frame)
  parms = list(source_frames = srcKeys)
  if(!missing(destination_frame)) {
    parms$destination_frame = destination_frame
  parse.job <- .h2o.__remoteSend(.h2o.__PARSE_SVMLIGHT, method = "POST", .params = parms)
  hex <- parse.job$dest$name
  # Poll on job
  # Return a new H2OFrame object
  x <- .newH2OFrame("Parse",id=hex,-1,-1)
  .fetch.data(x,10,100) # Fill in nrow and ncol

#' Get a parse setup back for the staged data.
#' @inheritParams h2o.parseRaw
#' @param single_quotes If set to true, the parser expects single quotes. False for double quotes (default).
#' @param escapechar (Optional) One ASCII character used to escape other characters.
#' @seealso \link{h2o.parseRaw}
#' @export
h2o.parseSetup <- function(data, pattern="", destination_frame = "", header = NA, sep = "", col.names = NULL, col.types = NULL,
                           na.strings = NULL, parse_type = NULL, chunk_size = NULL, decrypt_tool = NULL, skipped_columns = NULL,
                           force_col_types=FALSE, custom_non_data_line_markers = NULL, partition_by=NULL, single_quotes = FALSE, escapechar = "") {

  # Allow single frame or list of frames; turn singleton into a list
  if( is.H2OFrame(data) ) data <- list(data)
  for (d in data) chk.H2OFrame(d)

  if(!(is.na(header) || is.logical(header))) stop("`header` cannot be of class ", class(header))
  if(!is.character(sep) || length(sep) != 1L || is.na(sep)) stop("`sep` must a character string")
  if(!is.character(escapechar) || length(escapechar) != 1L || is.na(escapechar)) stop("`escapechar` must be a character string")

  # begin the setup
  # setup the parse parameters here
  parseSetup.params <- list()
  if(!is.null(custom_non_data_line_markers)) {
    parseSetup.params$custom_non_data_line_markers = custom_non_data_line_markers
  if(!is.null(partition_by)) {
    parseSetup.params$partition_by <- paste0("[", paste (partition_by, collapse = ','), "]")

  if (!is.null(skipped_columns)) {
    skipped_columns <- sort(skipped_columns)
  if(is.logical(single_quotes) && length(single_quotes) == 1L && !is.na(single_quotes)){
    parseSetup.params$single_quotes <- single_quotes
  # Prep srcs: must be of the form [src1,src2,src3,...]
  parseSetup.params$source_frames <- .collapse.char(sapply(data, function (d) attr(d, "id")))
  parseSetup.params$skipped_columns <- paste0("[", paste (skipped_columns, collapse = ','), "]")

  # check the header
  if( is.na(header) && is.null(col.names) ) parseSetup.params$check_header <-  0
  else if( !isTRUE(header) )                parseSetup.params$check_header <- -1
  else                                      parseSetup.params$check_header <-  1

  # set field sep
  if( nzchar(sep) ) parseSetup.params$separator <- .asc(sep)

  # set field sep
  if( nzchar(escapechar) ) parseSetup.params$escapechar <- .asc(escapechar)  

  # check the na.strings
  if( !is.null(na.strings) ) parseSetup.params$na_strings <- .collapse.array(na.strings)

  # set decrypt_tool
  if( !is.null(decrypt_tool) ) parseSetup.params$decrypt_tool <- .decrypt_tool_id(decrypt_tool)
  parseSetup.params$force_col_types <- force_col_types   

  parseSetup <- .h2o.__remoteSend(.h2o.__PARSE_SETUP, method = "POST", .params = parseSetup.params)
  parsedColLength <- parseSetup$number_columns
  if (!is.null(skipped_columns)) {
    parsedColLength <- parsedColLength-length(skipped_columns)

  tempColNames <- parseSetup$column_names
  # set the column names
  if (!is.null(col.names)) {
    parseSetup$column_names <-
      if (is.H2OFrame(col.names))
    if (!is.null(parseSetup$column_names) &&
        (length(parseSetup$column_names) != parsedColLength)) {
      stop("length of col.names must equal to the number of columns in dataset")
    # change column names to what the user specified
    if (!is.null(skipped_columns)) {
      countParsedColumns = 1
      for (cind in c(1:parseSetup$number_columns)) {
        if (!((cind-1) %in% skipped_columns)) {
          tempColNames[cind] = col.names[countParsedColumns]
          countParsedColumns = countParsedColumns + 1

  # set col.types
  if( !is.null(col.types) ) { # list of enums
    if (typeof(col.types) == "character") {
      if (!is.null(skipped_columns)) {
        countParsedColumns = 1
        for (cind in c(1:parseSetup$number_columns)) {
          if ((cind-1) %in% skipped_columns) { # belongs to columns skipped
          } else { #column indices to be parsed
            parseSetup$col_type[cind] = col.types[countParsedColumns]
            countParsedColumns = countParsedColumns+1
      } else {
        parseSetup$column_types <- col.types
    } else if ((typeof(col.types) == "list")) {
        list.names <- names(col.types)
        by.col.name <- ("by.col.name" %in% list.names)
        by.col.idx <- ("by.col.idx" %in% list.names)
        if (!(("types" %in% list.names) && xor(by.col.name,by.col.idx))) stop(.col.type.usage())
        if (by.col.name && typeof(col.types$by.col.name) != "character") stop("`by.col.name` must be character vector.")
        if (by.col.idx  && typeof(col.types$by.col.idx) != "double")     stop("`by.col.idx` must be vector of doubles.")

        c <- 1
        if (by.col.name) {
            lapply(col.types$by.col.name, function(n) {
                valid_col_name <- FALSE
                if (is.null(parseSetup$column_names)) {
                    valid_col_name <- .valid.generated.col(n,parseSetup$number_columns)
                } else {
                    valid_col_name <- n %in% parseSetup$column_names }
                if (!valid_col_name) stop("by.col.name must be a subset of the actual column names")
                if (is.null(parseSetup$column_names)) {
                    parseSetup$column_types[as.numeric(substring(n,2))] <<- col.types$types[[c]]
                } else {
                    parseSetup$column_types[which(n == tempColNames)] <<- col.types$types[[c]] }
                c <<- c + 1 })
        } else {
            lapply(col.types$by.col.idx, function (i) {
                parseSetup$column_types[i]<<- col.types$types[[c]]
                c <<- c + 1 })
    } else { stop("`col.types` must be a character vector or list") }

  # set parse_type
  if( !is.null(parse_type) ) parseSetup$parse_type <- parse_type

  # set chunk_size
  if( !is.null(chunk_size) ) parseSetup$chunk_size <- chunk_size

  # set decrypt_tool
  if( !is.null(decrypt_tool) ) parseSetup$decrypt_tool <- .decrypt_tool_id(decrypt_tool)

  # make a name only if there was no destination_frame ( i.e. !nzchar("") == TRUE )
  if( !nzchar(destination_frame) ) destination_frame <- .key.make(parseSetup$destination_frame)

  parseSetup$force_col_types <- force_col_types
  # return the parse setup as a list of setup :D
  parse.params <- list(
        source_frames      = sapply(parseSetup$source_frames, function(asrc) asrc$name),
        destination_frame  = destination_frame,
        separator          = parseSetup$separator,
        parse_type         = parseSetup$parse_type,
        single_quotes      = parseSetup$single_quotes,
        check_header       = parseSetup$check_header,
        number_columns     = parseSetup$number_columns,
        column_names       = parseSetup$column_names,
        column_types       = parseSetup$column_types,
        na_strings         = parseSetup$na_strings,
        chunk_size         = parseSetup$chunk_size,
        delete_on_done     = TRUE,
        warnings           = parseSetup$warnings,
        decrypt_tool       = parseSetup$decrypt_tool,
        skipped_columns    = parseSetup$skipped_columns,
        force_col_types    = parseSetup$force_col_types,
        custom_non_data_line_markers = parseSetup$custom_non_data_line_markers,
        partition_by       = parseSetup$partition_by,
        escapechar        = parseSetup$escapechar

#' Setup a Decryption Tool
#' If your source file is encrypted - setup a Decryption Tool and then provide
#' the reference (result of this function) to the import functions.
#' @param keystore An H2OFrame object referencing a loaded Java Keystore (see example).
#' @param keystore_type (Optional) Specification of Keystore type, defaults to JCEKS.
#' @param key_alias Which key from the keystore to use for decryption.
#' @param password Password to the keystore and the key.
#' @param decrypt_tool (Optional) Name of the decryption tool.
#' @param decrypt_impl (Optional) Java class name implementing the Decryption Tool.
#' @param cipher_spec Specification of a cipher (eg.: AES/ECB/PKCS5Padding).
#' @seealso \link{h2o.importFile}, \link{h2o.parseSetup}
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' library(h2o)
#' h2o.init()
#' ks_path <- system.file("extdata", "keystore.jks", package = "h2o")
#' keystore <- h2o.importFile(path = ks_path, parse = FALSE) # don't parse, keep as a binary file
#' cipher <- "AES/ECB/PKCS5Padding"
#' pwd <- "Password123"
#' alias <- "secretKeyAlias"
#' dt <- h2o.decryptionSetup(keystore, key_alias = alias, password = pwd, cipher_spec = cipher)
#' data_path <- system.file("extdata", "prostate.csv.aes", package = "h2o")
#' data <- h2o.importFile(data_path, decrypt_tool = dt)
#' summary(data)
#' }
#' @export
h2o.decryptionSetup <- function(keystore, keystore_type = "JCEKS", key_alias = NA_character_, password = NA_character_,
                                decrypt_tool = "", decrypt_impl = "water.parser.GenericDecryptionTool", cipher_spec = NA_character_) {

  # Validate inputs

  if (!is.character(keystore_type) || is.na(keystore_type) || !nzchar(keystore_type))
    stop("`keystore_type` must be a non-empty character string")
  if (!is.character(key_alias) || is.na(key_alias) || !nzchar(key_alias))
    stop("`key_alias` must be a non-empty character string")
  if (!is.character(password) || is.na(password) || !nzchar(password))
    stop("`password` must be a non-empty character string")
  if (!is.character(decrypt_impl) || is.na(decrypt_impl) || !nzchar(decrypt_impl))
    stop("`decrypt_impl` must be a non-empty character string")
  if (!is.character(cipher_spec) || is.na(cipher_spec) || !nzchar(cipher_spec))
    stop("`cipher_spec` must be a non-empty character string")


  # Prepare Decryption Setup
  setup <- list(
    decrypt_impl = decrypt_impl,
    keystore_id = attr(keystore, "id"),
    keystore_type = keystore_type,
    key_alias = key_alias,
    password = password,
    cipher_spec = cipher_spec
  if (! nzchar(decrypt_tool))
    setup$decrypt_tool_id <- decrypt_tool

  .h2o.__remoteSend(.h2o.__DECRYPTION_SETUP, method = "POST", .params = setup)

#' Helper Collapse Function
#' Collapse a character vector into a ','-sep array of the form: [thing1,thing2,...]
#' @param v Character vector.
.collapse <- function(v) paste0('[', paste(v, collapse=','), ']')
.collapse.char <- function(v) paste0('[', paste0('"', v, '"', collapse=','), ']')
.collapse.char.empty.nulls <- function(v) {
  if (!is.null(v)) paste0('[', paste0('"', v, '"', collapse=','), ']')
  else "[]"
.collapse.array <- function(v) {
  if (!is.null(v)) paste0('[', paste0(lapply(v, .collapse.char.empty.nulls), collapse=','), ']')
  else "[]"

# ASCII lookup on sep
.asc <- function(c) strtoi(charToRaw(c),16L)

.valid.generated.col <- function(name,ncols) {
     if (!grepl("^C[1-9]+",name)) return(FALSE)
     if (as.numeric(substring(name,2)) > ncols) return(FALSE)

.col.type.usage <- function() {
    print("col.types must be a character vector of types (i.e. col.types=c('Numeric','Numeric','Enum')), or")
    print("a named list, where the names are `by.col.names` or `by.col.idx` and `types`. For example:")
    print("col.types=list(by.col.names=c('C1','C3','C99'),types=c('Numeric','Numeric','Enum')), or equivalently")
    print("col.types=list(by.col.idx=c(1,3,99),types=c('Numeric','Numeric','Enum')). Note: `by.col.names` and")
    print("`by.col.idx` cannot be specified simultaneously.")

.decrypt_tool_id <- function(decrypt_tool) {
    if (! is.null(decrypt_tool) && is(decrypt_tool, "list"))

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h2o documentation built on May 29, 2024, 4:26 a.m.