foldr1: Folds the non-empty list with the binary function

foldr1R Documentation

Folds the non-empty list with the binary function


A right fold without the need for a neutral element. Does not work with empty lists.


foldr1(f, xs)



function. A binary function that takes two elements of the type contained in xs and returns another such element.


list or vector. Homogenious list or vector of elements.

There is a Reduce function in base R that does left and right folds. It always needs a starting element, which usually is the neutral element with respect to the binary operation. We do not want to specify such a neutral element for certain operations, like Still a functional programming style should be supported such that one can use maps and folds.


# We generate some random numbers.
numbers <- rnorm(10)

# The sum is easiest computed with the `sum` function:

# If we wanted to implement `sum` ourselves, we can use a right fold to do
# so:
Reduce(`+`, numbers, 0.0)

# With this new function we do not need a neutral element any more, but give
# up the possibility to fold empty lists.
foldr1(`+`, numbers)

hadron documentation built on Sept. 9, 2022, 5:06 p.m.