samplecf: Sample cf data

samplecfR Documentation

Sample cf data


Sample data for a correlation function for a 24 cube times 48 lattice QCD simulation representing a pion propagation. It is stored in form of an object of class cf, which is derived from list.


The format is: List of 15 $ cf : num 521 533 532 531 561 ... $ icf : num 521 533 532 531 561 ... $ Time : num 48 $ nrStypes : num 1 $ nrObs : num 1 $ boot.samples : logi TRUE $ jackknife.samples: logi FALSE $ symmetrised : logi TRUE $ boot.R : num 1500 $ boot.l : num 2 $ seed : num 1442556 $ sim : chr "geom" $ cf0 : num 519 375 274 221 185 ... $ cf.tsboot :List of 11 ..$ t0 : num 519 375 274 221 185 ... ..$ t : num 521 518 520 519 519 ... ..$ R : num 1500 ..$ data : num 521 533 532 531 561 ... ..$ seed : int 403 624 -867935848 1692432057 -1535150298 -1438296209 912697060 1838233749 1438572626 999279531 ... ..$ statistic:function (x) ..$ sim : chr "geom" ..$ n.sim : int 1018 ..$ call : language tsboot(tseries = cf$cf, statistic = function(x) return(apply(x, MARGIN = 2L, FUN = mean)) ...) ..$ l : num 2 ..$ endcorr : logi TRUE ..- attr(, "class")= chr "boot" ..- attr(, "boot_type")= chr "tsboot" $ : num 1.001 0.615 0.572 0.537 0.499 ... - attr(*, "class")= chr "cf" "list"


bootstrapped <-

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