Man pages for harbinger
A Unified Time Series Event Detection Framework

detectDetect events in time series
examples_anomaliesTime series for anomaly detection
examples_changepointsTime series for change point detection
examples_harbingerTime series for event detection
examples_motifsTime series for change point detection
han_autoencoderAnomaly detector using autoencoder
hanc_mlAnomaly detector based on machine learning classification
hanct_dtwAnomaly detector using DTW
hanct_kmeansAnomaly detector using kmeans
hanr_arimaAnomaly detector using ARIMA.
hanr_emdAnomaly detector using EMD
hanr_fbiadAnomaly detector using FBIAD
hanr_fftAnomaly detector using FFT
hanr_garchAnomaly detector using GARCH
hanr_histogramAnomaly detector using histogram
hanr_mlAnomaly detector based on machine learning regression.
hanr_redAnomaly and change point detector using RED
hanr_remdAnomaly detector using REMD
hanr_waveletAnomaly detector using Wavelet
har_evalEvaluation of event detection
har_eval_softEvaluation of event detection
har_plotPlot event detection on a time series
hcp_amocAt most one change (AMOC) method
hcp_binsegBinary segmentation (BinSeg) method
hcp_cf_arimaChange Finder using ARIMA
hcp_cf_etsChange Finder using ETS
hcp_cf_lrChange Finder using LR
hcp_chowChow test method
hcp_garchChange Finder using GARCH
hcp_gftGeneralized Fluctuation Test (GFT)
hcp_peltPruned exact linear time (PELT) method
hcp_redAnomaly and change point detector using RED
hcp_scpSeminal change point
hdis_mpDiscord discovery using Matrix Profile
hdis_saxDiscord discovery using SAX
hmo_discordDiscord discovery using Matrix Profile
hmo_mpMotif discovery using Matrix Profile
hmo_saxMotif discovery using SAX
hmo_xsaxMotif discovery using xsax
hmu_pcaMultivariate anomaly detector using PCA
masMoving average smoothing
harbinger documentation built on June 22, 2024, 7:38 p.m.