
Defines functions list.attributes h5unlink c.H5D cbind.H5D rbind.H5D extendDataSet GetDimensions list.objects list.datasets list.groups is.h5file existsGroup h5flush h5close readDataSet createDataSet openLocation createGroup

Documented in cbind.H5D c.H5D createDataSet createGroup existsGroup extendDataSet h5close h5flush h5unlink is.h5file list.attributes list.datasets list.groups list.objects openLocation rbind.H5D readDataSet

#' Wrapper functions to provide an \pkg{h5} compatible interface.
#' The functions listed below provide a wrapper-interface compatible to 
#' functions specified in the \pkg{h5} package. The author(s)
#' have decided to deprecate \pkg{h5} and join forces and still 
#' make the transition for \pkg{h5} users as smooth as possible.
#' Additionally, almost all testcases could be transferred to \pkg{hdf5r} 
#' to improve test coverage even more.
#' Below you can find a list of all \strong{h5} functions including \strong{hdf5r} \emph{mappings}.
#' \describe{
#'   \item{h5file}{Directly maps to \code{H5File$new}, see also \code{\link{H5File}}.}
#'   \item{createGroup}{Maps to \code{object$create_group} where object implements \emph{CommonFG}.}
#'   \item{openLocation}{Uses \code{object$open} where object implements \emph{CommonFG}.}
#'   \item{createDataSet}{Maps to \code{object$create_dataset} where object implements \emph{CommonFG}.}
#'   \item{readDataSet}{Maps to \code{object$read}, see also \code{\link{H5D}}.}
#'   \item{h5close}{Maps to \code{object$close_all} for \code{\link{H5File}} and \code{object$close} 
#'     for other.}
#'   \item{h5flush}{Maps to \code{object$flush} where object implements \emph{CommonFGDTA}.}
#' }
#' The following \strong{interfaces} are defined:
#' \describe{
#'   \item{CommonFG}{Implemented by objects of class 
#'     \code{\link{H5File}} and 
#'     \code{\link{H5Group}}.}
#'   \item{CommonFGDTA}{Implemented by objects of class
#'     \code{\link{H5File}}, 
#'     \code{\link{H5Group}}, 
#'     \code{\link{H5D}}, 
#'     \code{\link{H5T}} and
#'     \code{\link{H5A}}.}
#' }
#' @references Mario Annau (2017). \emph{\pkg{h5}: Interface to the 'HDF5' Library}. R package version 0.9.9.
#' \url{https://github.com/mannau/h5}
#' @name h5-wrapper
#' @aliases h5

#' @rdname h5-wrapper
#' @export
h5file <- H5File$new

#' @rdname h5-wrapper
#' @param object \code{CommonFG}; Object implementing the CommonFG Interface (e.g. \code{\link{H5File}}, \code{\link{H5Group}}).
#' @param name Name of the group to create.
#' @param ... Additional parameters passed to \code{create_group} or \code{h5file}.
#' @export
createGroup <- function(object, name, ...) {
  paths <- strsplit(name, "/")[[1]]
  paths <- paths[paths != ""]
  currentpath <- ""
  currentgroup <- NULL
  for(p in paths) {
    currentpath <- paste(currentpath, p, sep = "/")
    currentpath <- gsub("^\\/", "", currentpath)
    if (! object$exists(currentpath) ) {
      currentgroup <- object$create_group(currentpath, ...)

#' @rdname h5-wrapper
#' @export
openLocation <- function(object, name) object$open(name=name)

#' @rdname h5-wrapper
#' @export
openGroup <- openLocation

#' @rdname h5-wrapper
#' @export
createDataSet <- function(object, name, ...) object$create_dataset(name, ...)

#' @rdname h5-wrapper
#' @export
readDataSet <- function(object) object$read()

#' @rdname h5-wrapper
#' @export
h5close <- function(object) {
    if(inherits(object, "H5File")) {
    else {

#' @rdname h5-wrapper
#' @export
h5flush <- function(object) object$flush()

#' @rdname h5-wrapper
#' @export
existsGroup <- function(object, name) {
  out <- tryCatch({
  }, error = function(e) FALSE)

#' @rdname h5-wrapper
#' @export
is.h5file <-
function(name) {
  res <- FALSE
  if(file.exists(name)) {
    res <- as.logical(.Call('R_H5Fis_hdf5', PACKAGE = 'hdf5r', name))
  } else {
    warning("File does not exist.")

#' List Groups and Datasets in object
#' List all Group (\code{\link{H5Group}}) and Dataset (\code{\link{H5D}}) 
#' names in the current object. This function is part of the \strong{h5} wrapper classes and
#' uses \code{$ls()} to retrieve group names.
#' @param object \code{CommonFG}; Object implementing the CommonFG Interface (e.g. \code{\link{H5File}}, \code{\link{H5Group}}).
#' @param path character; Path named to be used for iteration.
#' @param full.names character; Specify if absolute DataSet path names should be returned.
#' @param obj_type character; Object type to be returned.
#' @param recursive logical; Specify if object should be traversed recursively.
#' @param ... Additional Parameters passed to \code{$ls()}
#' @return \code{\link{character}}
#' @name list-groups-datasets

#' @rdname list-groups-datasets
#' @export
list.groups <- function(object, path = "/", full.names = FALSE, recursive = TRUE, ...) {
  list.objects(object, "H5I_GROUP", path, full.names, recursive, ...)

#' @rdname list-groups-datasets
#' @export
list.datasets <- function(object, path = "/", full.names = FALSE, recursive = TRUE, ...) {
  list.objects(object, "H5I_DATASET", path, full.names, recursive, ...)

#' @rdname list-groups-datasets
#' @export
list.objects <- function(object, obj_type = c("H5I_GROUP", "H5I_DATASET", "H5I_DATATYPE"), 
  path = "/", full.names = FALSE, recursive = TRUE, ...) {
  obj_type = match.arg(obj_type, several.ok = TRUE)
  if (path != "/") object <- object[[path]]
  df <- object$ls(... , recursive = recursive)
  onames <- df[as.character(df$obj_type) %in% obj_type, "name"]
  if (full.names) {
    onames <- sprintf("%s/%s", object$get_obj_name(), onames)
    onames <- gsub("^/+", "/", onames)

GetDimensions <- function(data) {
  datadim <- NULL
  if(is.vector(data)) {
    datadim <- length(data)
  } else if (is.matrix(data)) {
    datadim <- dim(data)
  } else if (is.array(data)) {
    datadim <- dim(data)
  } else {
    stop("Argument data must be of type vector, matrix or array.")

#' @rdname h5-wrapper
#' @param dims numeric; Dimension vector to which dataset should be extended.
#' @export
extendDataSet <- function(object, dims) {
  ddset <- object$dims
  #dobj <- GetDimensions(object)
  if (length(dims) != length(ddset)) {
    stop("Number of extendible dimensions must agree with DataSet dimensions.")
  if(!all(dims >= ddset)) {
    stop("Number of extendible dimensions must be greater or equal than DataSet dimensions.")

  if(!all(dims <= object$maxdims)) {
    stop("Number of extendible dimensions exceeds maximum dimensions of DataSet.")

  object$set_extent(dims = dims)

#' @rdname h5-wrapper
#' @param x An object of class H5D; the dataset to add rows or columns to; Needs to be a matrix
#' @param mat The matrix to add to x
#' @param deparse.level Set to 1; ignored otherwise; only present as required by generic
#' @export
rbind.H5D <- function(x, mat, ..., deparse.level=1) {
  xdims <- x$dims
  if(length(xdims) != 2) {
      stop("x needs to be a matrix (2-dimensionsal)")
  startx <- xdims[1] + 1
  endx <- xdims[1] + nrow(mat)

  if(xdims[2] != ncol(mat)) {
    stop(sprintf("Data to append does not match dataset dimensions (%d != %d).",
                 xdims[2], ncol(mat)))

  x[startx:endx, 1:xdims[2]] <- mat

#' @rdname h5-wrapper
#' @export
cbind.H5D <- function(x, mat, ..., deparse.level=1) {
  xdims <- x$dims
  if(length(xdims) != 2) {
      stop("x needs to be a matrix (2-dimensionsal)")
  starty <- xdims[2] + 1
  endy <- xdims[2] + ncol(mat)

  if(xdims[1] != nrow(mat)) {
    stop(sprintf("Data to append does not match dataset dimensions (%d != %d).",
                 xdims[1], nrow(mat)))

  x[1:xdims[1], starty:endy] <- mat

#' @rdname h5-wrapper
#' @export
c.H5D <- function(x, ...) {
  vec <- do.call(c, list(...))
  start <- x$dims + 1
  end <- x$dims + length(vec)

  if(length(x$dims) != length(GetDimensions(vec))) {
    stop(sprintf("Data to append does not match dataset dimensions (%d != %d).",
                 length(x$dims), length(GetDimensions(vec))))
  x[start:end] <- vec

#' @rdname h5-wrapper
#' @export
h5unlink <- function(object, name) {
  out <- sapply(name, function(n) {
      }, error = function(e) FALSE)

#' @rdname h5-wrapper
#' @export
list.attributes <- function(object) {

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hdf5r documentation built on Sept. 12, 2024, 7:14 a.m.