#' Diversion Ratio Calculator
#' Calculates provider-level diversion ratios, once cells have been
#' defined.
#' @param data Dataset of patient choices, with required variables:
#' \code{cell}, \code{provider_id}, \code{hospital}, \code{sys_id},
#' \code{party_ind}, \code{count}. Use other function arguments to
#' indicate alternative variable names to the default names.
#' @param cell Name of variable specifying cell to which each observation
#' has been allocated. Default variable name is \code{cell}. Can be
#' created by \code{cell_defn} function.
#' @param provider_id Name of variable specifying (numeric) provider
#' identifier. Default variable name is \code{provider_id}.
#' @param provider Name of variable specifying (string) provider name.
#' Default variable name is \code{provider}.
#' @param sys_id Name of variable specifying (numeric) system identifier.
#' Default variable name is \code{sys_id}.
#' @param focal_sys_id numeric; list of sys_id's specifying systems of interest
#' for which diversions will be calculated from. For a merger, this will
#' typically be the system identifies of the merging parties.
#' @param count Name of variable indicating the number of admissions
#' represented by the observation. Set = 1 for every row if each
#' observation represents one admission.
#' @param dropDegenerateCell logical; specifies how to treat cells with a
#' 100 percent within-system share. If TRUE, observations in degenerate, 100
#' percent share cells will be ignored in the diversion ratio calculation.
#' If FALSE, any such individuals will be assigned to the outside option,
#' but still included in the denominator, so that the inside-option diversion
#' will total less than 100 percent.
#' @param hosp_id deprecated; use provider_id instead.
#' @param hospital deprecated; use provider instead.
#' @param party_ind deprecated; use focal_sys_id instead.
#' @returns A list with two components. The first component, `provider_level`,
#' is a matrix giving provider-level diversions from party providers to
#' all other providers The second object, `sys_level`, is a matrix that
#' aggregates party providers to systems, thus giving diversions from party
#' systems to all other providers
#' @details For system-to-system diversions, set \code{provider_id} and
#' \code{provider} equal to corresponding system-level identifiers.
#' Diversions then reflect that patients are not allowed to divert to
#' within-system alternative providers
#' For more details see the example vignette by typing:
#' \code{vignette("semipar_example", package = "healthcare.antitrust")}
#' @examples
#' data(discharge_data, package = "healthcare.antitrust")
#' list1 <- c("drg","age","zip5")
#' layers <- list(list1)
#' th <- 15
#' discharge_data$count <- 1
#' outList <- cell_defn(discharge_data,th,layers)
#' D0 <- outList$assigned
#' out <- div_calc(D0, provider_id = "hosp_id", provider = "hospital",
#' focal_sys_id = c(1,5))
#' @importFrom stats aggregate ave
#' @importFrom methods is
#' @export
# Diversion Ratio Calculator
# Required inputs: cell, provider_id, hospital, sys_id, system, party_ind, count
# where party_ind is 1 party hospitals, zero otherwise
# and count is the number of admissions represented by the observation. =1 for all if
# each observation is one admissions
# Could be nice to pass-through system name string variable to output
# if it is supplied.
div_calc <- function(data,
cell = "cell",
provider_id = "provider_id",
provider = "provider",
sys_id = "sys_id",
focal_sys_id = NULL,
party_ind = "party_ind",
count = "count",
dropDegenerateCell = TRUE,
hosp_id = NA, hospital = NA) {
# To address check() NOTEs
#N_h <- hosp_id <- hospital <- party_sys_id <- sys_id <- NULL
N_h <- NULL
party_sys_id <- NULL
# Error checks
if (!is(data,"data.frame")) { stop('Input needs to be a dataframe')}
if (!is(dropDegenerateCell,"logical")) { stop('Input dropDegenerateCell needs to be a logical')}
# Temp deprecation checks for hosp_id and provider_id. Remove this eventually.
# check if provider_id is default and hosp_id is present, then rename hosp_id
# to provider_id and print a warning message about deprecation.
if (! ( {
provider_id <- hosp_id
warning("hosp_id variable input is deprecated. Switch var name to provider_id.")
if (! ( {
provider <- hospital
warning("hospital variable input is deprecated. Switch var name to provider.")
if (!(provider_id %in% names(data)) & ("hosp_id" %in% names(data))) {
provider_id <- "hosp_id"
warning("hosp_id variable input is deprecated. Switch var name to provider_id.")
if (!(provider %in% names(data)) & ("hospital" %in% names(data))) {
provider <- "hospital"
warning("hospital variable input is deprecated. Switch var name to provider.")
# Updated var checks
if (! cell %in% names(data)) { stop('Variable "cell" required in input dataset')}
if (! provider_id %in% names(data)) { stop('Variable "provider_id" required in input dataset')}
if (! provider %in% names(data)) { stop('Variable "provider" required in input dataset')}
if (! sys_id %in% names(data)) { stop('Variable "sys_id" required in input dataset')}
if (! count %in% names(data)) { stop('Variable "count" required in input dataset')}
# check provider names and id's uniquely match
check <- unique(data[c(provider_id,provider)])
if (length(unique(check$provider_id)) != length(check$provider_id)) {warning('Error: provider_id associated with multiple provider names')}
#if (length(unique(check$provider)) != length(check$provider)) {warning('Error: provider name associated with multiple provider_ids')}
# focal system indicator. Later, deprecate the old party_ind method
# IF focal_sys_id is given, use that to define party_ind
if (!(is.null(focal_sys_id))) {
data$party_ind <- data[[sys_id]] %in% focal_sys_id
party_ind <- "party_ind"
# IF focal_sys_id is missing, check for party_ind variable in df.
# if even that is missing, throw error. But error that focal_sys_id needed
if (is.null(focal_sys_id)) {
if (! party_ind %in% names(data)) { stop('Variable focal_sys_id required')}
data$party_sys_id <- data[[party_ind]]*data[[sys_id]]
party_sys_list <- sort(unique(data$party_sys_id[data$party_sys_id > 0]))
iter <- 0
for (m in party_sys_list) {
# Calculate cell-specific hospital diversion ratios
y_hosp_cell = aggregate(data[[count]],by=list(data[[cell]],data[[provider_id]],data[[provider]],data$party_sys_id),sum)
names(y_hosp_cell) <- c("cell","provider_id","provider","party_sys_id","N_h")
y_hosp_cell$N <- ave(y_hosp_cell$N_h,y_hosp_cell$cell, FUN = sum)
y_hosp_cell$share_h <- y_hosp_cell$N_h/y_hosp_cell$N
y_hosp_cell$share_m <- ave(y_hosp_cell$share_h,y_hosp_cell$cell, y_hosp_cell$party_sys_id, FUN = sum)
y_hosp_cell$share_m[y_hosp_cell$party_sys_id != m] <- 0
y_hosp_cell$share_m <- ave(y_hosp_cell$share_m,y_hosp_cell$cell, FUN = max)
y_hosp_cell$share_h[y_hosp_cell$party_sys_id == m] <- 0 # set share to zero for system providers
y_hosp_cell$div <- y_hosp_cell$share_h/(1-y_hosp_cell$share_m)
# Calculate predicted hospital-cell admissions after hospital k exclusion
system_hosp <- sort(unique(y_hosp_cell$provider_id[y_hosp_cell$party_sys_id == m]))
for (k in system_hosp) {
#print(paste0("Hosp Id: ", k)) # removed for CRAN, just was status update
iter <- iter + 1
y_hosp_cell$N_k <- 0
y_hosp_cell$N_k[y_hosp_cell$provider_id == k] <- y_hosp_cell$N_h[y_hosp_cell$provider_id == k]
y_hosp_cell$N_k <- ave(y_hosp_cell$N_k,y_hosp_cell$cell, FUN = max)
y_hosp_cell$N_h_predict <- y_hosp_cell$N_h + y_hosp_cell$N_k*y_hosp_cell$div
y_hosp_cell$N_h_predict[y_hosp_cell$party_sys_id == m] <- 0
# Sum across cells
y_hosp = aggregate(data[[count]],by=list(data[[provider_id]],data[[provider]],data$party_sys_id,data[[sys_id]]),sum)
names(y_hosp) <- c("provider_id","provider","party_sys_id","sys_id","N_h")
y_hosp$N_k <- 0
y_hosp$N_k[y_hosp$provider_id == k] <- y_hosp$N_h[y_hosp$provider_id == k]
y_hosp$N_k <- max(y_hosp$N_k)
temp <- aggregate(y_hosp_cell$N_h_predict,by=list(y_hosp_cell$provider_id),sum)
names(temp) <- c("provider_id","N_h_predict")
y_hosp <- merge(y_hosp,temp)
# Calculate hospital diversion ratios - two options for denom
if (dropDegenerateCell == FALSE) {
y_hosp$div <- (y_hosp$N_h_predict-y_hosp$N_h)/y_hosp$N_k
if (dropDegenerateCell == TRUE) {
y_hosp$movers <- y_hosp$N_h_predict - y_hosp$N_h
y_hosp$N_k_alt <- sum(y_hosp$movers[y_hosp$movers>0])
y_hosp$div <- (y_hosp$N_h_predict-y_hosp$N_h)/y_hosp$N_k_alt
y_hosp$div[y_hosp$party_sys_id == m] <- NA
# Print flag if degenerate cells
degenlist <- y_hosp_cell$cell[$div) & y_hosp_cell$provider_id == k]
if (length(degenlist) > 0) {
message("Note the following cells are degenerate: ",paste(degenlist, collapse = ", "))
totdiv <- sum(y_hosp$div, na.rm = TRUE)
#print(paste0("Total Diversion: ",totdiv)) # removed for CRAN, not really necessary info
if (iter == 1) {out <- subset(y_hosp, select=c(provider_id,provider,party_sys_id,sys_id,N_h))}
out[,paste0("div_from_",k)] <- round(y_hosp$div,3)
# sort for return of hospital-level diversions
out$party_sys_id[out$party_sys_id == 0] <- NA
out <- out[order(out$party_sys_id,out$sys_id,out$provider_id),]
# also calculate system-level diversion
out2 <- out
party_sys_list <- sort(unique(out$party_sys_id[!$party_sys_id)]))
for (m in party_sys_list) {
party_hosp_list <- sort(unique(out$provider_id[out$party_sys_id==m]))
ct <- out$N_h[out2$party_sys_id==m & !$party_sys_id)]
varnames <- paste("div_from_", party_hosp_list, sep="")
out2[,paste0("div_from_sys_",m)] <- round(
(rowSums(as.matrix(out[varnames]) %*% diag(ct, nrow = length(ct)))) / (sum(ct)),
out2[varnames] <- NULL
# remove var party_sys_id from output. Used to sort the output matrix.
out$party_sys_id <- NULL
out2$party_sys_id <- NULL
# rename column headings in output to be supplied var names
names(out)[names(out) == "provider_id"] <- provider_id
names(out)[names(out) == "provider"] <- provider
names(out2)[names(out2) == "provider_id"] <- provider_id
names(out2)[names(out2) == "provider"] <- provider
newList <- list("provider_level" = out, "sys_level" = out2)
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