hexcoords <- function(dx, dy = NULL, n = 1, sep = NULL)
stopifnot(length(dx) == 1)
if(is.null(dy)) dy <- dx/sqrt(3)
list(x =, dx, 0, -dx, -dx, 0), n),
y =,-dy, -2*dy, -dy, dy, 2*dy), n),
no.sep = TRUE)
list(x =, dx, 0, -dx, -dx, 0, sep), n),
y =,-dy, -2*dy, -dy, dy, 2*dy, sep), n),
no.sep = FALSE)
hexpolygon <-
function(x, y, hexC = hexcoords(dx, dy, n = 1), dx, dy=NULL,
fill = 1, border = 0, hUnit = "native", ...)
## Purpose: draw hexagon [grid.]polygon()'s around (x[i], y[i])_i
## Author: Martin Maechler, Jul 2004; Nicholas for grid
n <- length(x)
stopifnot(length(y) == n)
stopifnot(is.list(hexC) && is.numeric(hexC$x) && is.numeric(hexC$y))
if(hexC$no.sep) {
n6 <-, n)
if(!is.null(hUnit)) {
grid.polygon(x = unit($x, n) +, n6),hUnit),
y = unit($y, n) +, n6),hUnit),
id.lengths = n6,
gp = gpar(col= border, fill= fill))
else {
grid.polygon(x =$x, n) +, n6),
y =$y, n) +, n6),
id.lengths = n6,
gp = gpar(col= border, fill= fill))
else{ ## traditional graphics polygons: must be closed explicitly (+ 1 pt)
n7 <-, n)
polygon(x =$x, n) +, n7),
y =$y, n) +, n7), ...)
grid.hexagons <-
function(dat, style = c("colorscale", "centroids", "lattice",
"nested.lattice", "nested.centroids", "constant.col"),
minarea = 0.05, maxarea = 0.8, check.erosion = TRUE,
mincnt = 1, maxcnt = max(dat@count), trans = NULL,
colorcut = seq(0, 1, length = 17),
density = NULL, border = NULL, pen = NULL,
colramp = function(n){ LinGray(n,beg = 90, end = 15) },
def.unit = "native",
verbose = getOption("verbose"))
## Warning: presumes the plot has the right shape and scales
## See plot.hexbin()
## Arguments:
## dat = hexbin object
## style = type of plotting
## 'centroids' = symbol area is a function of the count,
## approximate location near cell center of
## mass without overplotting
## 'lattice' = symbol area is a function of the count,
## plot at lattice points
## 'colorscale' = gray scale plot,
## color number determined by
## transformation and colorcut,
## area = full hexagons.
## 'nested.lattice'= plots two hexagons
## background hexagon
## area=full size
## color number by count in powers of 10 starting at pen 2
## foreground hexagon
## area by log10(cnt)-floor(log10(cnt))
## color number by count in powers of 10 starting at pen 12
## 'nested.centroids' = like nested.lattice
## but counts < 10 are plotted
## minarea = minimum symbol area as fraction of the binning cell
## maxarea = maximum symbol area as fraction of the binning cell
## mincnt = minimum count accepted in plot
## maxcnt = maximum count accepted in plot
## trans = a transformation scaling counts into [0,1] to be applied
## to the counts for options 'centroids','lattice','colorscale':
## default=(cnt-mincnt)/(maxcnt-mincnt)
## colorcut= breaks for translating values between 0 and 1 into
## color classes. Default= seq(0,1,17),
## density = for hexagon graph paper
## border plot the border of the hexagon, use TRUE for
## hexagon graph paper
## Symbol size encoding:
## Area= minarea + scaled.count*(maxarea-minarea)
## When maxarea==1 and scaled.count==1, the hexagon cell
## is completely filled.
## If small hexagons are hard to see increase minarea.
## For gray scale encoding
## Uses the counts scaled into [0,1]
## Default gray cutpoints seq(0,1,17) yields 16 color classes
## The color number for the first class starts at 2.
## motif coding: black 15 white puts the first of the
## color class above the background black
## The function subtracts 1.e-6 from the lower cutpoint to include
## the boundary
## For nested scaling see the code
## Count scaling alternatives
## log 10 and Poisson transformations
## trans <- function(cnt) log10(cnt)
## min inv <- function(y) 10^y
## trans <- function(cnt) sqrt(4*cnt+2)
## inv <- function(y) (y^2-2)/4
## Perceptual considerations.
## Visual response to relative symbol area is not linear and varies from
## person to person. A fractional power transformation
## to make the interpretation nearly linear for more people
## might be considered. With areas bounded between minarea
## and 1 the situation is complicated.
## The local background influences color interpretation.
## Having defined color breaks to focus attention on
## specific countours can help.
## Plotting the symbols near the center of mass is not only more accurate,
## it helps to reduce the visual dominance of the lattice structure. Of
## course higher resolution binning reduces the possible distance between
## the center of mass for a bin and the bin center. When symbols
## nearly fill their bin, the plot appears to vibrate. This can be
## partially controlled by reducing maxarea or by reducing
## contrast.
##____________________Initial checks_______________________
stop("first argument must be a hexbin object")
style <- match.arg(style) # so user can abbreviate
if(minarea <= 0)
stop("hexagons cannot have a zero area, change minarea")
if(maxarea > 1)
warning("maxarea > 1, hexagons may overplot")
##_______________ Collect computing constants______________
cnt <- dat@count
cnt <-
if(is.null(dat@cAtt)) stop("Cell attribute cAtt is null")
else cnt <- dat@cAtt
xbins <- dat@xbins
shape <- dat@shape
tmp <- hcell2xy(dat, check.erosion = check.erosion)
good <- mincnt <= cnt & cnt <= maxcnt
xnew <- tmp$x[good]
ynew <- tmp$y[good]
cnt <- cnt[good]
sx <- xbins/diff(dat@xbnds)
sy <- (xbins * shape)/diff(dat@ybnds)
##___________Transform Counts to Radius_____________________
"centroids" = ,
"lattice" = ,
"constant.col" =,
"colorscale" = {
if(is.null(trans)) {
if( min(cnt,na.rm=TRUE)< 0){
pcnt<- cnt + min(cnt)
rcnt <- {
if(maxcnt == mincnt), length(cnt))
else (pcnt - mincnt)/(maxcnt - mincnt)
else rcnt <- {
if(maxcnt == mincnt), length(cnt))
else (cnt - mincnt)/(maxcnt - mincnt)
else {
rcnt <- (trans(cnt) - trans(mincnt)) /
(trans(maxcnt) - trans(mincnt))
stop("bad count transformation")
area <- minarea + rcnt * (maxarea - minarea)
"nested.lattice" = ,
"nested.centroids" = {
diffarea <- maxarea - minarea
step <- 10^floor(log10(cnt))
f <- (cnt/step - 1)/9
area <- minarea + f * diffarea
area <- pmax(area, minarea)
area <- pmin(area, maxarea)
radius <- sqrt(area)
##______________Set Colors_____________________________
"centroids" = ,
"constant.col" = ,
"lattice" = {
if(length(pen)!= length(cnt)){
if(is.null(pen)) pen <-, length(cnt))
##else if(length(pen)== length(cnt)) break
else if(length(pen)== 1) pen <-,length(cnt))
else stop("'pen' has wrong length")
"nested.lattice" = ,
"nested.centroids" = {
if(!is.null(pen) && length(dim(pen)) == 2) {
dp <- dim(pen)
lgMcnt <- ceiling(log10(max(cnt)))
if(dp[1] != length(cnt) && dp[1] != lgMcnt ) {
stop ("pen is not of right dimension")
if( dp[1] == lgMcnt ) {
ind <- ceiling(log10(dat@count)) ## DS: 'dat' was 'bin' (??)
ind[ind == 0] <- 1
pen <- pen[ind,]
##else break
else {
pen <- floor(log10(cnt)) + 2
pen <- cbind(pen, pen+10)
"colorscale" = {
## MM: Following is quite different from bin2d's
nc <- length(colorcut)
if(colorcut[1] > colorcut[nc]){
colorcut[1] <- colorcut[1] + 1e-06
colorcut[nc] <- colorcut[nc] - 1e-06
} else {
colorcut[1] <- colorcut[1] - 1e-06
colorcut[nc] <- colorcut[nc] + 1e-06
colgrp <- cut(rcnt, colorcut,labels = FALSE)
if(any( colgrp <- ifelse(,0,colgrp)
##NL: colramp must be a function accepting an integer n
## and returning n colors
clrs <- colramp(length(colorcut) - 1)
pen <- clrs[colgrp]
##__________________ Construct a hexagon___________________
## The inner and outer radius for hexagon in the scaled plot
inner <- 0.5
outer <- (2 * inner)/sqrt(3)
## Now construct a point up hexagon symbol in data units
dx <- inner/sx
dy <- outer/(2 * sy)
rad <- sqrt(dx^2 + dy^2)
hexC <- hexcoords(dx, dy, sep=NULL)
##_______________ Full Cell Plotting_____________________
"constant.col" = ,
"colorscale" = {
hexpolygon(xnew, ynew, hexC,
density = density, fill = pen,
border = if(!is.null(border)) border else pen)
## and that's been all for these styles
return(invisible(paste("done", sQuote(style))))
"nested.lattice" = ,
"nested.centroids" = {
hexpolygon(xnew, ynew, hexC,
density = density,
fill = if (is.null(border) || border) 1 else pen[,1],
border = pen[,1])
##__________________ Symbol Center adjustments_______________
if(style == "centroids" || style == "nested.centroids") {
xcm <- dat@xcm[good]
ycm <- dat@ycm[good]
## Store 12 angles around a circle and the replicate the first
## The actual length for these vectors is determined by using
## factor use below
k <- sqrt(3)/2
cosx <- c(1, k, .5, 0, -.5, -k, -1, -k, -.5, 0, .5, k, 1)/sx
siny <- c(0, .5, k, 1, k, .5, 0, -.5, -k, -1, -k, -.5, 0)/sy
## Compute distances for differences after scaling into
## [0,size] x [0,aspect*size]
## Then there are size hexagons on the x axis
dx <- sx * (xcm - xnew)
dy <- sy * (ycm - ynew)
dlen <- sqrt(dx^2 + dy^2)
## Find the closest approximating direction of the 12 vectors above
cost <- ifelse(dlen > 0, dx/dlen, 0)
tk <- (6 * acos(cost))/pi
tk <- round(ifelse(dy < 0, 12 - tk, tk)) + 1
## Select the available length for the approximating vector
hrad <- ifelse(tk %% 2 == 1, inner, outer)
## Rad is either an inner or outer approximating radius.
## If dlen + hrad*radius <= hrad, move the center dlen units.
## Else move as much of dlen as possible without overplotting.
fr <- pmin(hrad * (1 - radius), dlen) # Compute the symbol centers
## fr is the distance for the plot [0,xbins] x [0,aspect*xbins]
## cosx and siny give the x and y components of this distance
## in data units
xnew <- xnew + fr * cosx[tk]
ynew <- ynew + fr * siny[tk]
## ________________Sized Hexagon Plotting__________________
## scale the symbol by radius and add to the new center
n <- length(radius)
cat('length = ',length(pen),"\n", 'pen = ', pen+1,"\n")
## centroids = ,
## lattice = {if(is.null(pen))pen <-, n)
## else pen <-, n)},
## nested.lattice = ,
## nested.centroids ={
## if(
## pen[,2] <- pen[,1] + 10
## } )
## grid.polygon() closes automatically: now '6' where we had '7':
n6 <-, n)
pltx <-$x, n) *, n6) +, n6)
plty <-$y, n) *, n6) +, n6)
"centroids" = ,
"lattice" = {
grid.polygon(pltx, plty, default.units=def.unit, id=NULL,
## density = density,
id.lengths= n6,
gp=gpar(fill = pen, col = border))
"nested.lattice" = ,
"nested.centroids" = {
grid.polygon(pltx, plty, default.units=def.unit, id=NULL,
id.lengths= n6,
gp=gpar(fill = pen[,2],
## density = density,
col=if(!is.null(border)) border else pen[,2]))
if(FALSE){ ## considering 'hexagons' object
setMethod("hexagons", signature(dat="hexbin"), grid.hexagons)
erode.hexagons <- function(ebin,pen="black",border="red"){
print("Blank for now")
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