
Defines functions Sig2IMF EEMDResift EEMDCompile EEMD CombineTrials CEEMD

Documented in CEEMD CombineTrials EEMD EEMDCompile EEMDResift Sig2IMF


CEEMD <- function(sig, tt, noise.amp, trials, verbose = TRUE, spectral.method = "arctan", diff.lag = 1, tol = 5, max.sift = 200, stop.rule = "type5", boundary = "wave", sm = "none", smlevels = c(1), spar = NULL, max.imf = 100, interm = NULL, noise.type = "gaussian", noise.array = NULL)
        #Performs the Complete Ensemble Empirical Mode Decomposition as described in Torres et al (2011) A Complete Empirical Mode Decomposition with Adaptive Noise 
        #It runs EMD on a given signal for N=TRIALS
        #Each IMF set is saved to disk in TRIALS.DIR, which is created if it does not exist already.
        #Finally the EEMD function averages IMFs from all the trials together to produce an ensemble average and saves it in TRIALS.DIR 
        #   SIG is the time series
        #   TT is the sample times 
        #   NOISE.AMP is the amplitude of the noise distribution (upper/lower cutoff if uniform, standard deviation if gaussian, ignored otherwise)
        #   TRIALS is the number of times to run EMD
        #   VERBOSE - if TRUE, print progress
        #   SPECTRAL.METHOD defines how to calculate instantaneous frequency - whether to use the arctangent of the analytic signal with numeric differentiation ("arctan")  
        #   or the result of the chain rule applied to the arctangent, then numerically differentiated ("chain"); chain is dangerous at high frequencies
        #   DIFF.LAG specifies if you want to do naive differentiation (DIFF.LAG = 1), central difference method (DIFF.LAG = 2) or higher difference methods (DIFF.LAG > 2)
        #   MAX.SIFT stop sifting after this many times
        #   STOP.RULE as quoted from the EMD package:  "stopping rule of sifting. The type1 stopping rule indicates that absolute values 
        #   of envelope mean must be less than the user-specified tolerance level in the sense
        #   that the local average of upper and lower envelope is zero. The stopping rules
        #   type2, type3, type4 and type5 are the stopping rules given by equation (5.5)
        #   of Huang et al. (1998), equation (11a), equation (11b) and S stoppage of Huang
        #   and Wu (2008), respectively."
        #   BOUNDARY - how the beginning and end of the signal are handled
        #   SM - Specifies how the signal envelope is constructed, see Kim et al, 2012.
        #   SMLEVELS - Specifies what level of the IMF is obtained by smoothing other than interpolation - not sure what this means
        #   SPAR - User-defined smoothing parameter for spline, kernal, or local polynomial smoothign
        #   MAX.IMF - How many IMFs are allowed, IMFs above this number will not be recorded
        #   INTERM - specifies vector of periods to be excluded from IMFs to cope with mode mixing.  I do not use this; instead I use the EEMD method.
        #   NOISE.TYPE - zero mean gaussian with standard deviation NOISE.AMP (if "gaussian" or unspecified), or "uniform" (absolute maximum/minimum amplitude), or "custom" (user defined noise matrix, expects NOISE.MATRIX)
        #   NOISE.ARRAY - A TRIALS x LENGTH(TT) matrix of user-defined noise to use in place of gaussian or uniform noise.  NOISE.TYPE must be set to "custom" for this input to be used.
    if(!(noise.type  %in% c("uniform", "gaussian", "custom"))) {
        stop(paste("Did not recognise noise.type option", noise.type,  "Please choose either ''uniform'' or ''gaussian''"))

    if(noise.type == "custom") {
        if(!is.null(noise.array)) {
            if((dim(noise.array)[1] != trials) | dim(noise.array)[2] != length(tt)) {
                stop("You requested a custom noise array but either the number of rows did not equal the number of CEEMD trials or the number of columns did not equal the signal length, or both.")
        } else {
            stop("If noise.type = \"custom\", then you must set noise.array equal to an array with the same number of rows as CEEMD trials and the same number of columns as signal samples.")

     #Make noise matrix and extract IMF 1
    if(noise.type == "uniform") {
        noise <- t(array(noise.amp * runif(length(sig) * trials), dim = c(length(sig), trials)))
        noise <- noise - mean(noise)
    } else if (noise.type == "gaussian") {
        noise <- t(array(noise.amp * rnorm(length(sig) * trials), dim = c(length(sig), trials)))
    } else if (noise.type == "custom") {
       noise <- noise.array
     if(verbose) {
         print("Extracting IMF 1 from each noise/signal realization...")

     imfs <- rep(0, length(sig))
     for(k in 1:trials) {
         imfs <- imfs + Sig2IMF(sig + noise[k, ], tt, spectral.method = spectral.method, diff.lag = diff.lag,
             tol = tol, max.sift = max.sift, stop.rule = stop.rule, boundary = boundary,
             sm = sm, smlevels = smlevels, spar = spar, max.imf = 1, interm = interm)$imf[, 1]
         if(verbose) {
             print(paste0("Trial ", k, " complete."))
     imfs <- imfs/trials

     if(verbose) {
         print("IMF 1 extracted.")

     #Now decompose the noise into IMFs
     noise.imfs <- NULL
     if(verbose) {
          print("Decomposing noise series...")

     for(k in 1:trials) {
         noise.imfs[[k]] <- Sig2IMF(noise[k, ], tt, spectral.method = spectral.method, diff.lag = diff.lag,
             tol = tol, max.sift = max.sift, stop.rule = stop.rule, boundary = boundary,
             sm = sm, smlevels = smlevels, spar = spar, max.imf = max.imf, interm = interm)$imf
         if(verbose) {
             print(paste0("Noise trial ", k, " complete."))
     #Continue extracting IMFs until either the maximum limit of IMFs is reached or the signal no longer has oscillatory elements
     r <- sig - imfs
     n.i <- 1
     noise.imf <- rep(0, length(sig))
     escape <- FALSE
     while(n.i < max.imf & EMD::extrema(r)$nextreme > 2) {
         imf.avg <- rep(0, length(sig))
         for(k in 1:trials) {
             #Extract only the first IMF of the series
             if(dim(noise.imfs[[k]])[2] < n.i ) {
                 warning(paste0("Attempted to extract more IMFs from the signal than are present in the noise series for trial ", k, "."))
                 noise.imf <- rep(0, length(sig))
             } else {
                 noise.imf <- noise.imfs[[k]][, n.i]
             if(EMD::extrema(r + noise.imf)$nextreme > 2) {
                 imf.avg <- imf.avg + Sig2IMF(r + noise.imf, tt, 
                     spectral.method = spectral.method, diff.lag = diff.lag,
                     tol = tol, max.sift = max.sift, stop.rule = stop.rule, boundary = boundary,
                     sm = sm, smlevels = smlevels, spar = spar, max.imf = 1, interm = interm)$imf[, 1]
             } else {
                 imf.avg <- imf.avg + r + noise.imf
             if(verbose) {
                print(paste("IMF", n.i + 1, "TRIAL", k))
        imf.avg <- imf.avg/trials #Average the IMF trials together
        imfs <- cbind(imfs, imf.avg)
        r <- r - imf.avg
        n.i <- n.i + 1

   imfs.arr <- array(imfs, dim = c(length(sig), n.i))
   ceemd.result <- NULL
   ceemd.result$original.signal <- sig
   ceemd.result$residue <- r
   ceemd.result$tt <- tt
   ceemd.result$max.sift <- max.sift
   ceemd.result$tol <- tol
   ceemd.result$stop.rule <- stop.rule
   ceemd.result$boundary <- boundary
   ceemd.result$sm <- sm
   ceemd.result$smlevels <- smlevels
   ceemd.result$spar <- spar
   ceemd.result$max.imf <- max.imf
   ceemd.result$interm <- interm

   ceemd.result$hinstfreq <- array(0, dim = c(length(ceemd.result$original.signal), n.i))
   ceemd.result$hamp <- ceemd.result$hinstfreq
   ceemd.result$imf <- imfs.arr
   ceemd.result$nimf <- n.i
   for(i in 1:n.i)
       imf = imfs.arr[,i]
       aimf = HilbertTransform(imf)
       ceemd.result$hinstfreq[, i] = InstantaneousFrequency(aimf, tt, method = spectral.method, lag = diff.lag)
       ceemd.result$hamp[, i] = HilbertEnvelope(aimf)

CombineTrials <- function(in.dirs, out.dir, copy = TRUE)
   #Moves trial files from different directories, numbers them sequentially, and puts them in the specified directory.
   #This is important because the function EEMDCompile expects them to be numbered consecutively from 1, and will crash if this is not the case.
   #    IN.DIRS is a vector of paths to directories containing trial files.  Trial files will be found recursively (so trial files in subdirectories will be discovered and moved).
   #    OUT.DIR is a directory to put the combined trial set into.  If OUT.DIR does not exist, it will be created
   #    COPY asks if you want to copy files into OUT.DIR (TRUE) or move them from IN.DIRS to OUT.DIR (false)

   trial.file.pattern = "TRIAL_\\d+\\.?(RData|RDATA)$" 
   e1=simpleError(paste("Directory", out.dir, "is not empty!"))
       dir.create(out.dir, recursive = TRUE)
       cat("Created directory:", out.dir, "\n")


   c = 1
   for(d in in.dirs)
           warning(cat("Trials directory", d, "does not exist and will be skipped."))
            trial.files = list.files(d, pattern = trial.file.pattern, recursive = TRUE, full.names = TRUE)
            if(length(trial.files) == 0)
                warning(cat("No EMD trial files found in directory", d))
               for (trial.file in trial.files)
                       res = file.copy(trial.file, paste(out.dir, "/", "TRIAL_",sprintf("%05i",c),".RData", sep = ""))
                           warning(cat("Failed to copy", trial.file))
                       file.rename(trial.file, cat(out.dir, "/", "TRIAL_",sprintf("%05i",c),".RData", sep = ""))

                   c = c + 1

EEMD <-function(sig, tt, noise.amp, trials, nimf, trials.dir = NULL, verbose = TRUE, spectral.method = "arctan", diff.lag = 1, tol = 5, max.sift = 200, stop.rule = "type5", boundary = "wave", sm = "none", smlevels = c(1), spar = NULL, max.imf = 100, interm = NULL, noise.type = "gaussian", noise.array = NULL) 
	#Performs the Ensemble Empirical Mode Decomposition as described in Huang and Wu (2008) A Review on the Hilbert Huang Transform Method and its Applications to Geophysical Studies
	#It runs EMD on a given signal for N=TRIALS
 	#Each IMF set is saved to disk in TRIALS.DIR, which is created if it does not exist already.
	#Finally the EEMD function averages IMFs from all the trials together to produce an ensemble average and saves it in TRIALS.DIR 
        #   SIG is the time series
        #   TT is the sample times 
        #   NOISE.AMP is the amplitude of the noise distribution (upper/lower cutoff if uniform, standard deviation if gaussian, ignored otherwise)
        #   TRIALS is the number of times to run EMD
        #   NIMF is the number of IMFs to be saved, IMFs past this number will be discarded
        #   TRIALS.DIR is the directory in which to put the EMD runs, if NULL, make a directory called "trials".  If TRIALS.DIR does not already exist, make it.
        #   VERBOSE - if TRUE, print progress
        #   SPECTRAL.METHOD defines how to calculate instantaneous frequency - whether to use the arctangent of the analytic signal with numeric differentiation ("arctan")  
        #   or the result of the chain rule applied to the arctangent, then numerically differentiated ("chain"); chain is dangerous at high frequencies
        #   DIFF.LAG specifies if you want to do naive differentiation (DIFF.LAG = 1), central difference method (DIFF.LAG = 2) or higher difference methods (DIFF.LAG > 2)
        #   MAX.SIFT stop sifting after this many times
        #   STOP.RULE as quoted from the EMD package:  "stopping rule of sifting. The type1 stopping rule indicates that absolute values 
        #   of envelope mean must be less than the user-specified tolerance level in the sense
        #   that the local average of upper and lower envelope is zero. The stopping rules
        #   type2, type3, type4 and type5 are the stopping rules given by equation (5.5)
        #   of Huang et al. (1998), equation (11a), equation (11b) and S stoppage of Huang
        #   and Wu (2008), respectively."
        #   BOUNDARY - how the beginning and end of the signal are handled
        #   SM - Specifies how the signal envelope is constructed, see Kim et al, 2012.
        #   SMLEVELS - Specifies what level of the IMF is obtained by smoothing other than interpolation - not sure what this means
        #   SPAR - User-defined smoothing parameter for spline, kernal, or local polynomial smoothign
        #   MAX.IMF - How many IMFs are allowed, IMFs above this number will not be recorded
        #   INTERM - specifies vector of periods to be excluded from IMFs to cope with mode mixing.  I do not use this; instead I use the EEMD method.
        #   NOISE.TYPE - zero mean gaussian with standard deviation NOISE.AMP (if "gaussian" or unspecified), or "uniform" (absolute maximum/minimum amplitude), or "custom" (user defined noise matrix, expects NOISE.MATRIX)
        #   NOISE.ARRAY - A TRIALS x LENGTH(TT) matrix of user-defined noise to use in place of gaussian or uniform noise.  NOISE.TYPE must be set to "custom" for this input to be used.

	#OUTPUTS are saved to TRIALS.DIR in variable EMD.RESULT

		dir.create(trials.dir, recursive=TRUE)
		print(paste("Created trial directory:",trials.dir))

        if(!(noise.type  %in% c("uniform", "gaussian", "custom"))) {
            stop(paste("Did not recognise noise.type option", noise.type,  "Please choose either ''uniform'' or ''gaussian''"))

        if(noise.type == "custom") {
            if(!is.null(noise.array)) {
                if((dim(noise.array)[1] != trials) | dim(noise.array)[2] != length(tt)) {
                    stop("You requested a custom noise array but either the number of rows did not equal the number of EEMD trials or the number of columns did not equal the signal length, or both.")
            } else {
                stop("If noise.type = \"custom\", then you must set noise.array equal to an array with the same number of rows as EEMD trials and the same number of columns as signal samples.")
	averaged.imfs=array(0, dim=c(length(sig),nimf))
	averaged.noise=array(0, dim=c(length(sig),1))
	averaged.residue=array(0, dim=c(length(sig),1))
	for (j in 1:trials)
                if(noise.type == "uniform") {	
		    noise=runif(length(sig),min=noise.amp*-1, max=noise.amp)
                } else if (noise.type == "gaussian") {
                    noise = rnorm(length(sig), mean = 0, sd = noise.amp)
                } else if (noise.type == "custom") {
                    noise <- noise.array[j, ]
		emd.result=Sig2IMF(tmpsig,tt, spectral.method = spectral.method, diff.lag = diff.lag, 
                   tol = tol, max.sift = max.sift, stop.rule = stop.rule, boundary = boundary, 
                   sm = sm, smlevels = smlevels, spar = spar, max.imf = max.imf, interm = interm)
		save(emd.result, file=paste(trials.dir, "/", "TRIAL_",sprintf("%05i",j),".RData",sep=""))
		if (emd.result$nimf<nimf)

EEMDCompile<-function(trials.dir, trials, nimf)
	#Averages trials together to produce a set of ensemble IMFs.
	#Produces the Hilbert spectrogram of each trial and puts it into a structure with all the other trials.
	#This is used later to generate an ensemble Hilbert spectrogram of the entire EEMD run.
	#	TRIALS.DIR is the location where the trial files produced by EEMD are stored
	#	TRIALS is the number of trials to average together
	#	NIMF is the number of IMFs to build
	#	EEMD.RESULT containes the ensemble IMFs

        trial.file.pattern = "TRIAL_\\d+\\.?(RData|RDATA)$"
	if(length(list.files(trials.dir, pattern = trial.file.pattern))==0)
		stop(paste("No EMD trial files found in directory", trials.dir))
        for(file.name in list.files(trials.dir, pattern=trial.file.pattern))


        real.imfs = which(apply(array(as.logical(averaged.imfs), dim = dim(averaged.imfs)), 2, any) == TRUE) #Find out which IMFs have data in them
        if(length(real.imfs < nimf))
            warning("The number of requested IMFs is greater than the maximum number of IMFs produced during individual EEMD trials.  Only IMFs with data will be recorded.")

	averaged.imfs=averaged.imfs[, real.imfs] / counter
        hinstfreq = hinstfreq[, real.imfs, ]
        hamp = hamp[, real.imfs, ]
                warning("Number of trials requested was greater than the number of trials found in the trials directory")


EEMDResift <- function(EEMD.result, resift.rule, spectral.method = "arctan", diff.lag = 1, tol = 5, max.sift = 200, stop.rule = "type5", boundary = "wave", sm = "none", smlevels = c(1), spar = NULL, max.imf = 100, interm = NULL)
	#Resifts averaged IMFs generated by EEMD to generate valid IMFs for Hilbert Transform
	#	EEMD.RESULT contains the averaged IMF set generated from EEMD.
        #       RESIFT.RULE determines how the resifting occurs
        #       If resift.rule is numeric, get the nth IMF (so if resift.rule is 2, get the 2nd resifted IMF)
        #       If resift.rule is "last", return the last IMF.
        #       If resift.rule is "max.var", return the IMF with the most variance
        #       If resift.rule is "all", get all the IMFs returned by rerunning EMD on the averaged IMFs made by EEMD.
	#	This will likely be quite large.
        #       SPECTRAL.METHOD defines how to calculate instantaneous frequency - whether to use the arctangent of the analytic signal with numeric differentiation ("arctan")  
        #       or the result of the chain rule applied to the arctangent, then numerically differentiated ("chain"); chain is dangerous at high frequencies
        #       DIFF.LAG specifies if you want to do naive differentiation (DIFF.LAG = 1), central difference method (DIFF.LAG = 2) or higher difference methods (DIFF.LAG > 2)
        #       MAX.SIFT stop sifting after this many times
        #       STOP.RULE as quoted from the EMD package:  "stopping rule of sifting. The type1 stopping rule indicates that absolute values 
        #       of envelope mean must be less than the user-specified tolerance level in the sense
        #       that the local average of upper and lower envelope is zero. The stopping rules
        #       type2, type3, type4 and type5 are the stopping rules given by equation (5.5)
        #       of Huang et al. (1998), equation (11a), equation (11b) and S stoppage of Huang
        #       and Wu (2008), respectively."
        #       BOUNDARY - how the beginning and end of the signal are handled
        #       SM - Specifies how the signal envelope is constructed, see Kim et al, 2012.
        #       SMLEVELS - Specifies what level of the IMF is obtained by smoothing other than interpolation - not sure what this means
        #       SPAR - User-defined smoothing parameter for spline, kernal, or local polynomial smoothign
        #       MAX.IMF - How many IMFs are allowed, IMFs above this number will not be recorded
        #       INTERM - specifies vector of periods to be excluded from IMFs to cope with mode mixing.  I do not use this; instead I use the EEMD method.

	#	EEMD.RESULT$IMF a set of IMFs that are generated from the EEMD imfs.

        resift.result$hinstfreq = c()
        resift.result$hamp = c()

	if(!is.numeric(resift.rule) & !resift.rule %in% c("last", "max.var", "all"))
               e=simpleError(paste("Did not recognize resift.rule:", resift.rule))
	for(k in seq_len(dim(EEMD.result$averaged.imfs)[2]))
			emd.result=Sig2IMF(EEMD.result$averaged.imfs[,k], EEMD.result$tt, spectral.method = spectral.method, diff.lag = diff.lag,
                            tol = tol, max.sift = max.sift, stop.rule = stop.rule, boundary = boundary,
                            sm = sm, smlevels = smlevels, spar = spar, max.imf = max.imf, interm = interm)
					resift.result$imf=cbind(resift.result$imf, emd.result$imf[,resift.rule])
                                        resift.result$hamp=cbind(resift.result$hamp, emd.result$hamp[,resift.rule])
                                        resift.result$hinstfreq=cbind(resift.result$hinstfreq, emd.result$hinstfreq[,resift.rule])
					resift.result$imf=cbind(resift.result$imf, NA)
                                        resift.result$hamp=cbind(resift.result$hamp, NA)
                                        resift.result$hinstfreq=cbind(resift.result$hinstfreq, NA)

					resift.result$imf=cbind(resift.result$imf, emd.result$imf[,emd.result$nimf])
                                        resift.result$hamp=cbind(resift.result$hamp, emd.result$hamp[,emd.result$nimf])
                                        resift.result$hinstfreq=cbind(resift.result$hinstfreq, emd.result$hinstfreq[,emd.result$nimf])
					for(j in seq_len(emd.result$nimf))
						var.list=cbind(var.list, var(emd.result$imf[,j]))
					resift.result$imf=cbind(resift.result$imf, emd.result$imf[,var.list==max(var.list)])
                                        resift.result$hamp=cbind(resift.result$hamp, emd.result$hamp[,var.list==max(var.list)])
                                        resift.result$hinstfreq=cbind(resift.result$hinstfreq, emd.result$hinstfreq[,var.list==max(var.list)])

					resift.result$imf=cbind(resift.result$imf, emd.result$imf)
                                        resift.result$hamp=cbind(resift.result$hamp, emd.result$hamp)
                                        resift.result$hinstfreq=cbind(resift.result$hinstfreq, emd.result$hinstfreq)

        resift.result$EEMD.trials = resift.result$trials 
        resift.result$trials = NULL
	resift.result$resift.max.sift = max.sift
        resift.result$resift.tol = tol
        resift.result$resift.stop.rule = stop.rule
        resift.result$resift.boundary = boundary
        resift.result$resift.sm = sm
        resift.result$resift.smlevels = smlevels
        resift.result$resift.spar = spar
        resift.result$resift.max.imf = max.imf
        resift.result$resift.interm = interm

Sig2IMF <- function(sig, tt, spectral.method = "arctan", diff.lag = 1, stop.rule = "type5", tol = 5, boundary = "wave", sm = "none", smlevels = c(1), spar = NULL, max.sift = 200, max.imf = 100, interm = NULL)

    #Extract IMFs
    #This function is intended to take data, recover IMFs, and save them
    #It calls and runs code developed by Donghoh Kim and Hee-Seok Oh as part of the "EMD" package available on CRAN.
    #Refer to their documentation for details on the EMD algorithm as implemented here.
    #	SIG is the time series
    #   TT is the sample times 
    #   SPECTRAL.METHOD defines how to calculate instantaneous frequency - whether to use the arctangent of the analytic signal with numeric differentiation ("arctan")  
    #   or the result of the chain rule applied to the arctangent, then numerically differentiated ("chain"); chain is dangerous at high frequencies
    #   DIFF.LAG specifies if you want to do naive differentiation (DIFF.LAG = 1), central difference method (DIFF.LAG = 2) or higher difference methods (DIFF.LAG > 2)
    #   TOL  determines what value is used to stop the sifting, this will depend on the chosen stop rule
    #   MAX.SIFT stop sifting after this many times
    #   STOP.RULE as quoted from the EMD package:  "stopping rule of sifting. The type1 stopping rule indicates that absolute values 
    #   of envelope mean must be less than the user-specified tolerance level in the sense
    #   that the local average of upper and lower envelope is zero. The stopping rules
    #   type2, type3, type4 and type5 are the stopping rules given by equation (5.5)
    #   of Huang et al. (1998), equation (11a), equation (11b) and S stoppage of Huang
    #   and Wu (2008), respectively."
    #   BOUNDARY - how the beginning and end of the signal are handled
    #   SM - Specifies how the signal envelope is constructed, see Kim et al, 2012.
    #   SMLEVELS - Specifies what level of the IMF is obtained by smoothing other than interpolation - not sure what this means
    #   SPAR - User-defined smoothing parameter for spline, kernal, or local polynomial smoothign
    #   MAX.IMF - How many IMFs are allowed, IMFs above this number will not be recorded
    #   INTERM - specifies vector of periods to be excluded from IMFs to cope with mode mixing.  I do not use this; instead I use the EEMD method.
    #OUTPUT is a list containing the original signal, IMFs, and information on EMD parameters.
    #Danny Bowman
    #UNC Chapel Hill

    emd.result=EMD::emd(sig, tt, max.sift=max.sift, stoprule=stop.rule, tol=tol, 
        check=FALSE, plot.imf=FALSE,max.imf=max.imf)
    emd.result$max.sift = max.sift
    emd.result$tol = tol
    emd.result$stop.rule = stop.rule
    emd.result$boundary = boundary
    emd.result$sm = sm
    emd.result$smlevels = smlevels
    emd.result$spar = spar
    emd.result$max.imf = max.imf
    emd.result$interm = interm
    emd.result$hinstfreq = array(0, dim = c(length(emd.result$original.signal), emd.result$nimf))
    emd.result$hamp = emd.result$hinstfreq
    if(emd.result$nimf > 0) {    
        for(i in seq(emd.result$nimf))
            imf = emd.result$imf[,i]
            aimf = HilbertTransform(imf)
            emd.result$hinstfreq[, i] = InstantaneousFrequency(aimf, tt, method = spectral.method, lag = diff.lag)
            emd.result$hamp[, i] = HilbertEnvelope(aimf)
    } else {
        warning("Sig2IMF says:  No IMFs were extracted, possibly because the signal lacks extrema.")

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