Man pages for hisse
Hidden State Speciation and Extinction

AddFossilPointsAdds sampled fossils to a complete phylogeny
AddStratIntervalsAdds sampled stratigraphic intervals to a complete phylogeny
generateMiSSEGreedyCombinationsCombinations for Character-free State Speciation and...
GeoHiSSEHidden Geographic State Speciation and Extinction
GeoHiSSE.oldOriginal Hidden Geographic State Speciation and Extinction
GetAICWeightsCompute model weights
GetFossilsGet fossilized birth-death samples
hisseHidden State Speciation and Extinction
hisseNull4.oldOriginal Four state trait-independent Hidden State Speciation...
hisse.oldOriginal Hidden State Speciation and Extinction
makeGeoHiSSELikelihoodExport likelihood function for the GeoHiSSE model
makeHiSSELikelihoodExport likelihood function for the HiSSE model
marginReconGeoSSEAncestral State Estimation based on Marginal Reconstruction...
marginReconGeoSSE.oldOriginal Ancestral State Estimation based on Marginal...
marginReconHiSSEAncestral State Estimation based on Marginal Reconstruction...
marginReconMiSSEAncestral State Estimation based on Marginal Reconstruction...
marginReconMuHiSSEAncestral State Estimation based on Marginal Reconstruction...
marginRecon.oldOriginal Ancestral State Estimation based on Marginal...
MiSSECharacter-free State Speciation and Extinction
MiSSEGreedyCharacter-free State Speciation and Extinction Searching...
MiSSENetA function for catching bad model fits from MiSSEGreedy
modelAveRatesModel average rates at tips and nodes
MuHiSSEMulticharacter Hidden State Speciation and Extinction
plotGeoHiSSEPlotting function geohisse.states objects
plotHissePlotting function hisse.states objects
plotMiSSEPlotting function misse.states objects
PlotMisseSpacePlotting function for MiSSEGreedy
plotMuHiSSEPlotting function muhisse.states objects
ProcessSimSampleProcess fossilized birth-death sample of lineages
ProcessSimStratProcess fossilized birth-death sample of lineages into...
PruneRedundantModelsPrune Redundant Models
simToPhyloConvert simulated result to a tree
SimulateGeoHiSSESimulate under a GeoHiSSE model
simulateHisseSimulate under a HiSSE model
SummarizeMiSSEGreedySummarize Results of the Greedy Algorithm
supportRegionGeoSSEAdaptive Sampling of the Likelihood Surface under the new...
supportRegionGeoSSE.oldAdaptive Sampling of the Likelihood Surface under the...
supportRegionHiSSEAdaptive Sampling of the Likelihood Surface under the new...
supportRegionMiSSEAdaptive Sampling of the Likelihood Surface under MiSSE
supportRegionMuHiSSEAdaptive Sampling of the Likelihood Surface under MuHiSSE
supportRegion.oldAdaptive Sampling of the Likelihood Surface
TipCorrelationPhylogenetic independent contrasts using tip rates
TranslateParsMakerGeoHiSSEKey to translate GeoHiSSE into ClaSSE
transMatTransition Rate matrix generator
transMatMakerGeoHiSSETransition Rate matrix generator for the GeoHiSSE model
transMatMakerHiSSETransition Rate matrix generator for the HiSSE model
transMatMakerMuHiSSETransition Rate matrix generator for the MuHiSSE model
hisse documentation built on Feb. 16, 2023, 10:26 p.m.