
### R code from vignette source 'Hsdar-intro.Rnw'
### Encoding: UTF-8

### code chunk number 1: Hsdar-intro.Rnw:54-55

### code chunk number 2: Hsdar-intro.Rnw:83-86
data(spectral_data) #Load the data used in the tutorial

### code chunk number 3: Hsdar-intro.Rnw:91-92 (eval = FALSE)
## help(hsdar)

### code chunk number 4: Hsdar-intro.Rnw:105-106
spectral_data #See how Speclibs are printed

### code chunk number 5: Hsdar-intro.Rnw:113-114 (eval = FALSE)
## str(spectral_data)

### code chunk number 6: Hsdar-intro.Rnw:117-118

### code chunk number 7: Hsdar-intro.Rnw:136-137
spectra <- spectra(spectral_data)

### code chunk number 8: Hsdar-intro.Rnw:143-144

### code chunk number 9: Hsdar-intro.Rnw:150-151
wavelength <- wavelength(spectral_data)

### code chunk number 10: Hsdar-intro.Rnw:156-157
newSpeclib <- speclib(spectra, wavelength)

### code chunk number 11: Hsdar-intro.Rnw:162-163 (eval = FALSE)
## str(newSpeclib)

### code chunk number 12: Hsdar-intro.Rnw:166-167

### code chunk number 13: Hsdar-intro.Rnw:173-176
ids <- idSpeclib(spectral_data) #extract ID from "spectral_data"
idSpeclib(newSpeclib) <- as.character(ids) #...and assign them to the 
                                           #new Speclib

### code chunk number 14: Hsdar-intro.Rnw:182-184
SI <- SI(spectral_data) 

### code chunk number 15: Hsdar-intro.Rnw:189-190
SI(newSpeclib) <- SI

### code chunk number 16: Hsdar-intro.Rnw:195-196 (eval = FALSE)
## str(newSpeclib)

### code chunk number 17: Hsdar-intro.Rnw:199-200

### code chunk number 18: Hsdar-intro.Rnw:217-237
## Create raster file using PROSAIL
parameter <- data.frame(N = c(, 1.4, 0.1), 6)),
                        LAI = c(, 10),, 10), 
                      , 10),, 10), 
                      , 10),, 10)))
spectra <- PROSAIL(parameterList = parameter)

## Create SpatialPixelsDataFrame and fill data with spectra from 
rows <- round(nspectra(spectra)/10, 0)
cols <- ceiling(nspectra(spectra)/rows)
grd <- SpatialGrid(GridTopology(cellcentre.offset = c(1,1,1), 
                                cellsize = c(1,1,1), 
                                cells.dim = c(cols, rows, 1)))
x <- SpatialPixelsDataFrame(grd, 
                            data =

## Write data to example file (example_in.tif) in workingdirectory
writeGDAL(x, fname = "example_in.tif", drivername = "GTiff")

### code chunk number 19: Hsdar-intro.Rnw:242-246
infile <- "example_in.tif"
wavelength <- wavelength(spectra)
ra <- speclib(infile, wavelength)
tr <- blockSize(ra)

### code chunk number 20: Hsdar-intro.Rnw:251-262
outfile <- "example_result.tif" 
n_veg <- as.numeric(length(vegindex()))
res <- writeStart(ra, outfile, overwrite = TRUE, nl = n_veg)
for (i in 1:tr$n) 
  v <- getValuesBlock(ra, row=tr$row[i], nrows=tr$nrows[i])
  mask(v) <- c(1350, 1450)
  v <- as.matrix(vegindex(v, index=vegindex()))
  res <- writeValues(res, v, tr$row[i])
res <- writeStop(res)

### code chunk number 21: Hsdar-intro.Rnw:272-276
LAI <- SI(spectra)$LAI
SI_file <- "example_SI.tif" 
SI_raster <- setValues(raster(infile), LAI)
SI_raster <- writeRaster(SI_raster, SI_file)

### code chunk number 22: Hsdar-intro.Rnw:281-295
outfile <- "example_result_ndvi.tif" 
SI(ra) <- raster(SI_file)
names(SI(ra)) <- "LAI"
res <- writeStart(ra, outfile, overwrite = TRUE, nl = 1)
for (i in 1:tr$n) 
  v <- getValuesBlock(ra, row=tr$row[i], nrows=tr$nrows[i])
  mask(v) <- c(1350, 1450)
  LAI <- SI(v)$LAI
  v <- as.matrix(vegindex(v, index="NDVI"))
  v[LAI <= 1] <- NA
  res <- writeValues(res, v, tr$row[i])
res <- writeStop(res)

### code chunk number 23: Hsdar-intro.Rnw:301-302

### code chunk number 24: Hsdar-intro.Rnw:357-362 (eval = FALSE)
## par(mfrow = c(2,2))
## plot(spectral_data, main = "Default Plot")
## plot(spectral_data, FUN = 1, main = "First spectrum of Speclib")
## plot(spectral_data, FUN = "median", main = "Median spectrum")
## plot(spectral_data, FUN = "mean", main = "Mean spectrum")

### code chunk number 25: Hsdar-intro.Rnw:365-370
par(mfrow = c(2,2), mar = c(4,4,3,0.1), cex = 0.75)
plot(spectral_data, main = "Default Plot", ylim = c(0, 70))
plot(spectral_data, FUN = 1, main = "First spectrum of Speclib", ylim = c(0, 70))
plot(spectral_data, FUN = "median", main = "Median spectrum", ylim = c(0, 70))
plot(spectral_data, FUN = "mean", main = "Mean spectrum", ylim = c(0, 70))

### code chunk number 26: Hsdar-intro.Rnw:379-382 (eval = FALSE)
## plot(spectral_data, FUN = 1, col = "red") 
## plot(spectral_data, FUN = 2, col = "blue", new = FALSE)
## plot(spectral_data, FUN = 3, col = "orange", new = FALSE)

### code chunk number 27: Hsdar-intro.Rnw:385-389
par(mar = c(4,4,0.1,0.1), cex = 0.75)
plot(spectral_data, FUN = 1, col = "red") 
plot(spectral_data, FUN = 2, col = "blue", new = FALSE)
plot(spectral_data, FUN = 3, col = "orange", new = FALSE)

### code chunk number 28: Hsdar-intro.Rnw:414-425
## Simulate first spectrum with lower chlorophyll content
spectrum1 <- PROSPECT(N = 1.3, Cab = 30, Car = 10, Cbrown = 0, 
                      Cw = 0.01, Cm = 0.01)
## Simulate second spectrum with higher chlorophyll content
spectrum2 <- PROSPECT(N = 1.3, Cab = 60, Car = 10, Cbrown = 0, 
                      Cw = 0.01, Cm = 0.01)

## Plot results:
plot(spectrum1, col = "darkorange4", ylim = c(0,0.5), 
     subset = c(400, 800))
plot(spectrum2, col = "darkgreen", new = FALSE)

### code chunk number 29: Hsdar-intro.Rnw:428-432
par(mar = c(4,4,0.1,0.1), cex = 0.75)
plot(spectrum1, col = "darkorange4", ylim = c(0,0.5), 
     subset = c(400, 800))
plot(spectrum2, col = "darkgreen", new = FALSE)

### code chunk number 30: Hsdar-intro.Rnw:439-450
## Defining parameter
parameter <- data.frame(tts = seq(15, 85, 0.5))

## Perform simulation (all other parameters are set to default
## values)
spectra <- PROSAIL(parameterList = parameter)

## Let's see the SI

### code chunk number 31: Hsdar-intro.Rnw:455-463
colours <- colorRamp(c("darkorange4", "yellow"))
plot(spectra[1,], ylim = c(0, 0.3),
     col = rgb(colours(SI(spectra)$tts[1]/85),
               maxColorValue = 255))
for (i in 2:nspectra(spectra))
  plot(spectra[i,], new = FALSE,
       col = rgb(colours(SI(spectra)$tts[i]/85),
                 maxColorValue = 255))

### code chunk number 32: Hsdar-intro.Rnw:466-475
par(mar = c(4,4,0.1,0.1), cex = 0.75)
colours <- colorRamp(c("darkorange4", "yellow"))
plot(spectra[1,], ylim = c(0, 0.3),
     col = rgb(colours(SI(spectra)$tts[1]/85),
               maxColorValue = 255))
for (i in 2:nspectra(spectra))
  plot(spectra[i,], new = FALSE,
       col = rgb(colours(SI(spectra)$tts[i]/85),
                 maxColorValue = 255))

### code chunk number 33: Hsdar-intro.Rnw:481-515
## Defining parameter
parameter <- data.frame(LAI =,2,3),5),
                        TypeLidf = 1,
                        lidfa = c(,3),,3), 
                        lidfb = c(,6),,3), 

## Perform simulation
spectra <- PROSAIL(parameterList = parameter)

## Plot result:
## Colour indicates LAI
## Line style indicates LIDF type
colours <- c("darkblue", "red", "darkgreen")
LIDF_type <- as.factor(c("Planophile", 3), 
               "Erectophile", 3),
               "Plagiophile", 3),
               "Extremophile", 3), 
               "Spherical", 3)))

plot(spectra[1,], ylim = c(0, 0.5),
     col = colours[SI(spectra)$LAI[1]], 
     lty = which(levels(LIDF_type) == LIDF_type[1]))
for (i in 2:nspectra(spectra))
  plot(spectra[i,], new= FALSE,
       col = colours[SI(spectra)$LAI[i]],
       lty = which(levels(LIDF_type) == LIDF_type[i]))
       legend = c(paste("LAI =", c(1:3)), "", levels(LIDF_type)), 
       col = c(colours,"black", 1 + length(levels(LIDF_type)))),
       lty = c(, 3), 0, 1:length(levels(LIDF_type))))

### code chunk number 34: Hsdar-intro.Rnw:518-530
par(mar = c(4,4,0.1,0.1), cex = 0.75)
plot(spectra[1,], ylim = c(0, 0.5),
     col = colours[SI(spectra)$LAI[1]], 
     lty = which(levels(LIDF_type) == LIDF_type[1]))
for (i in 2:nspectra(spectra))
  plot(spectra[i,], new= FALSE,
       col = colours[SI(spectra)$LAI[i]],
       lty = which(levels(LIDF_type) == LIDF_type[i]))
       legend = c(paste("LAI =", c(1:3)), "", levels(LIDF_type)), 
       col = c(colours,"black", 1 + length(levels(LIDF_type)))),
       lty = c(, 3), 0, 1:length(levels(LIDF_type))))

### code chunk number 35: Hsdar-intro.Rnw:542-553
## Return names of SI data

## Devide into both seasons using to the SI attribute "season"
sp_spring <- subset(spectral_data, season == "spring")
sp_summer <- subset(spectral_data, season == "summer")
#Plot results:
plot(sp_spring, FUN = "mean", col = "darkgreen", ylim = c(0,70))
plot(sp_summer, FUN = "mean", col = "darkred", new = FALSE)

### code chunk number 36: Hsdar-intro.Rnw:556-559
par(mar = c(4,4,0.1,0.1), cex = 0.75)
plot(sp_spring, FUN = "mean", col = "darkgreen", ylim = c(0,70))
plot(sp_summer, FUN = "mean", col = "darkred", new = FALSE)

### code chunk number 37: Hsdar-intro.Rnw:571-579
spectral_data_masked <- spectral_data
mask(spectral_data_masked) <- c(1040,1060,1300,1450)
#plot results:
par(mfrow = c(1,2))
plot(spectral_data, FUN = 1)
plot(spectral_data_masked, FUN = 1)

### code chunk number 38: Hsdar-intro.Rnw:582-585
par(mfrow=c(1,2), mar = c(4,4,0.1,0.1), cex = 0.75)
plot(spectral_data, FUN = 1)
plot(spectral_data_masked, FUN = 1)

### code chunk number 39: Hsdar-intro.Rnw:592-594
spectral_data_interpolated <- interpolate.mask(spectral_data_masked)
plot(spectral_data_interpolated, FUN = 1)

### code chunk number 40: Hsdar-intro.Rnw:597-599
par(mar = c(4,4,0,0.1), cex = 0.75)
plot(spectral_data_interpolated, FUN = 1)

### code chunk number 41: Hsdar-intro.Rnw:603-604
spectral_data <- spectral_data_masked

### code chunk number 42: Hsdar-intro.Rnw:612-613 (eval = FALSE)
## plot(spectral_data, FUN = 1, subset = c(1200,1300)) #raw spectrum

### code chunk number 43: Hsdar-intro.Rnw:616-618
par(mar = c(4,4,0.1,0.1), cex = 0.75)
plot(spectral_data, FUN = 1, subset = c(1200,1300)) #raw spectrum

### code chunk number 44: Hsdar-intro.Rnw:626-634
#Filter Speclib:
sgolay <- noiseFiltering(spectral_data, method = "sgolay", n = 25)
lowess <- noiseFiltering(spectral_data, method = "lowess", f = .01)
meanflt <- noiseFiltering(spectral_data, method = "mean", p = 5)
spline <- noiseFiltering(spectral_data, method = "spline", 
                         n = round(nbands(spectral_data)/10, 0))

### code chunk number 45: Hsdar-intro.Rnw:639-655 (eval = FALSE)
## par(mfrow = c(2,2))
## plot(sgolay, FUN = 1, subset = c(1200,1300), col = "red",
##      main = "Savitzky-Golay-Filter")
## plot(spectral_data, FUN = 1, new = FALSE) #raw spectrum
## plot(lowess, FUN = 1, subset = c(1200,1300), col = "red",
##      main = "Lowess-Filter")
## plot(spectral_data, FUN = 1, new = FALSE) #raw spectrum
## plot(meanflt, FUN = 1, subset = c(1200,1300), col = "red",
##      main = "Mean-filter")
## plot(spectral_data, FUN = 1, new = FALSE) #raw spectrum
## plot(spline, FUN = 1, subset = c(1200,1300), col = "red",
##      main = "Spline-Filter")
## plot(spectral_data, FUN = 1, new = FALSE) #raw spectrum

### code chunk number 46: Hsdar-intro.Rnw:658-674
par(mfrow=c(2,2), mar = c(4,4,3,0.1), cex = 0.75)
plot(sgolay, FUN = 1, subset = c(1200,1300), col = "red",
     main = "Savitzky-Golay-Filter")
plot(spectral_data, FUN = 1, new = FALSE) #raw spectrum

plot(lowess, FUN = 1, subset = c(1200,1300), col = "red",
     main = "Lowess-Filter")
plot(spectral_data, FUN = 1, new = FALSE) #raw spectrum

plot(meanflt, FUN = 1, subset = c(1200,1300), col = "red",
     main = "Mean-filter")
plot(spectral_data, FUN = 1, new = FALSE) #raw spectrum

plot(spline, FUN = 1, subset = c(1200,1300), col = "red",
     main = "Spline-Filter")
plot(spectral_data, FUN = 1, new = FALSE) #raw spectrum

### code chunk number 47: Hsdar-intro.Rnw:685-704
spectral_data_1deriv <- derivative.speclib(spectral_data, m = 1)
spectral_data_2deriv <- derivative.speclib(spectral_data, m = 2)

## Get index of red edge wavelength
redEdgePart <- wavelength(spectral_data_2deriv) >= 600 & 
               wavelength(spectral_data_2deriv) <= 800
## Cut spectra to red edge
spectral_data_1deriv <- spectral_data_1deriv[,redEdgePart]
spectral_data_2deriv <- spectral_data_2deriv[,redEdgePart]
#plot derivations of the red edge area of 1. spectrum in the Speclib:
plot(spectral_data_1deriv, FUN = 1, xlim = c(600,800),
     main = "First derivation")
plot(spectral_data_2deriv, FUN = 1, xlim = c(600,800),
     main = "Second Derivation")

### code chunk number 48: Hsdar-intro.Rnw:707-712
par(mfrow = c(1,2), mar = c(4,4,3,0.1), cex = 0.75)
plot(spectral_data_1deriv, FUN = 1, xlim = c(600,800),
     main = "First derivation")
plot(spectral_data_2deriv, FUN = 1, xlim = c(600,800),
     main = "Second Derivation")

### code chunk number 49: Hsdar-intro.Rnw:718-730
spectral_data_1deriv <- derivative.speclib(noiseFiltering(
  spectral_data, method = "sgolay", n = 35), m = 1)
spectral_data_2deriv <- derivative.speclib(noiseFiltering(
  spectral_data, method = "sgolay", n = 35), m = 2)
#Plot results:
plot(spectral_data_1deriv, FUN = 1, xlim = c(600,800),
     main = "First derivation")
plot(spectral_data_2deriv, FUN = 1, xlim = c(600,800),
     main = "Second Derivation")

### code chunk number 50: Hsdar-intro.Rnw:733-741
## Cut spectra to red edge
spectral_data_1deriv <- spectral_data_1deriv[,redEdgePart]
spectral_data_2deriv <- spectral_data_2deriv[,redEdgePart]
par(mfrow = c(1,2), mar = c(4,4,3,0.1), cex = 0.75)
plot(spectral_data_1deriv, FUN = 1, xlim = c(600,800),
     main = "First derivation")
plot(spectral_data_2deriv, FUN = 1, xlim = c(600,800),
     main = "Second Derivation")

### code chunk number 51: Hsdar-intro.Rnw:750-751

### code chunk number 52: Hsdar-intro.Rnw:757-760
## use spectral response function
spectral_data_resampled <- spectralResampling(spectral_data, 

### code chunk number 53: Hsdar-intro.Rnw:765-770
#plot results:

### code chunk number 54: Hsdar-intro.Rnw:773-775
par(mar = c(4,4,0.1,0.1), cex = 0.75)

### code chunk number 55: Hsdar-intro.Rnw:791-793
parameter <- data.frame(N = c(0.5,1),LAI = 0.5,Car=3)
spectra <- PROSAIL(parameterList = parameter)

### code chunk number 56: Hsdar-intro.Rnw:798-799

### code chunk number 57: Hsdar-intro.Rnw:807-819
#convex hull:
ch_cline <- transformSpeclib(spectra,
                             method = "ch", out = "raw")
ch_bd <- transformSpeclib(spectra,
                          method = "ch", out = "bd")
#segmented hull:
sh_cline <- transformSpeclib(spectra,
                             method = "sh", out = "raw")
sh_bd <- transformSpeclib(spectra,
                          method = "sh", out = "bd")

### code chunk number 58: Hsdar-intro.Rnw:824-833 (eval = FALSE)
## #plot results for the first spectrum:
## #
## par(mfrow = c(2,2))
## plot(ch_cline, ispec = 1, numeratepoints = FALSE,
##      main = "Convex hull - Continuum line")
## plot(ch_bd, ispec = 1, main = "Convex hull - Band depth")
## plot(sh_cline, ispec = 1, numeratepoints = FALSE,
##      main = "Segmented hull - Continuum line")
## plot(sh_bd, ispec = 1, main = "Segmented hull - Band depth")

### code chunk number 59: Hsdar-intro.Rnw:836-843
par(mfrow=c(2,2), mar = c(4,4,3,0.1), cex = 0.75)
plot(ch_cline, ispec = 1, numeratepoints = FALSE,
     main = "Convex hull - Continuum line")
plot(ch_bd, ispec = 1, main = "Convex hull - Band depth")
plot(sh_cline, ispec = 1, numeratepoints = FALSE,
     main = "Segmented hull - Continuum line")
plot(sh_bd, ispec = 1, main = "Segmented hull - Band depth")

### code chunk number 60: Hsdar-intro.Rnw:852-857 (eval = FALSE)
## par(mfrow = c(1,2))
## plot(sh_cline, ispec = 1, main = "Continuum line, Spectrum 1",
##      xlim = c(500,800)) #first spectrum
## plot(sh_cline, ispec = 2, main = "Continuum line, Spectrum 2",
##      xlim = c(500,800)) #fifth spectrum

### code chunk number 61: Hsdar-intro.Rnw:860-865
par(mfrow=c(1,2), mar = c(4,4,3,0.1), cex = 0.75)
plot(sh_cline, ispec = 1, main = "Continuum line, Spectrum 1",
     xlim = c(500,800)) #first spectrum
plot(sh_cline, ispec = 2, main = "Continuum line, Spectrum 2",
     xlim = c(500,800)) #fifth spectrum

### code chunk number 62: Hsdar-intro.Rnw:881-882

### code chunk number 63: Hsdar-intro.Rnw:887-891
getcp(sh_cline, 1, subset = c(500, 600)) #see all points
sh_cline <- deletecp(sh_cline, 1, 
                     c(530:600)) #delete all between 500 and 700 nm
getcp(sh_cline, 1, subset = c(500, 600)) #see what happened

### code chunk number 64: Hsdar-intro.Rnw:896-897
#sh_cline <- addcp(sh_cline, 1, 460)

### code chunk number 65: Hsdar-intro.Rnw:903-904
checkhull(sh_cline, 1)$error

### code chunk number 66: Hsdar-intro.Rnw:909-910
sh_cline <- addcp(sh_cline, 1, c(2487:2498))

### code chunk number 67: Hsdar-intro.Rnw:915-916
checkhull(sh_cline, 1)$error

### code chunk number 68: Hsdar-intro.Rnw:921-922
sh_clineUpdate <- makehull(sh_cline, 1) #update the hull of spectrum 1

### code chunk number 69: Hsdar-intro.Rnw:927-928
sh_bd <- updatecl(sh_bd, sh_clineUpdate) #update the band depth

### code chunk number 70: Hsdar-intro.Rnw:933-940 (eval = FALSE)
## #plot new line:
## par (mfrow = c(1,2))
## plot(sh_cline, ispec = 1, main = "Updated Segmented hull", 
##      xlim = c(300,800))
## #plot new band depth
## plot(sh_bd[1,], main="Updated hull - Band depth",
##      xlim = c(300,800))

### code chunk number 71: Hsdar-intro.Rnw:943-949
par(mfrow=c(1,2), mar = c(4,4,3,0.1), cex = 0.75)
plot(sh_cline, ispec = 1, main = "Updated Segmented hull", 
     xlim = c(300,800))
#plot new band depth
plot(sh_bd[1,], main="Updated hull - Band depth",
     xlim = c(300,800))

### code chunk number 72: Hsdar-intro.Rnw:1000-1005
##Example to isolate the features around 450, 600, 1500 and 2000 nm.
featureSelection <- specfeat(sh_bd, c(450,600, 1500, 2000))

## Plot features
plot(featureSelection, fnumber= 1:4)

### code chunk number 73: Hsdar-intro.Rnw:1008-1010
par(mar = c(4,4,0.1,0.1), cex = 0.75)
plot(featureSelection, fnumber=1:4)

### code chunk number 74: Hsdar-intro.Rnw:1017-1022
featuresCut <- cut_specfeat(featureSelection, fnumber = c(1,2), 
                            limits = c(c(310, 525), c(530, 800)))

## Plot result
plot(featuresCut, 1:2)

### code chunk number 75: Hsdar-intro.Rnw:1025-1027
par(mar = c(4,4,0.1,0.1), cex = 0.75)
plot(featuresCut, fnumber= 1:2)

### code chunk number 76: Hsdar-intro.Rnw:1036-1041
## Calculate properties of features
featureProp <- feature_properties(featureSelection)

## See resulting feature property variables

### code chunk number 77: Hsdar-intro.Rnw:1139-1142
ndvi <- vegindex(spectral_data, "NDVI")
ndvi #see ndvi

### code chunk number 78: Hsdar-intro.Rnw:1148-1150
avl <- vegindex()
vi <- vegindex(spectral_data, index = avl)

### code chunk number 79: Hsdar-intro.Rnw:1168-1182
rd <- rededge(spectral_data)
D2 <- derivative.speclib(spectral_data[1,],method="sgolay",m=2, n=33)
par(mfrow=c(1,2), mar = c(4,4,0.4,.4))
plot(D2,xlim=c(500,900),ylim=c(-0.03,0.03),ylab="Second derivation")
     labels=c("lp","ls"), cex= 0.8,pos=3)
              nrow=3,byrow = TRUE))
     labels=c("l0/R0","lp/Rp","ls/Rs"), cex= 0.8, offset =0.5,pos=2)

### code chunk number 80: Hsdar-intro.Rnw:1192-1194
rd <- rededge(spectral_data)

### code chunk number 81: Hsdar-intro.Rnw:1199-1200 (eval = FALSE)
## boxplot(rd$R0 ~ SI(spectral_data)$season, ylab = "R0")

### code chunk number 82: Hsdar-intro.Rnw:1203-1205
par(mar = c(4,4,0.1,0.1), cex = 0.75)
boxplot(rd$R0 ~ SI(spectral_data)$season, ylab = "R0")

### code chunk number 83: Hsdar-intro.Rnw:1221-1223
spec_WV <- spectralResampling(spectral_data, "WorldView2-8",
                              response_function = FALSE)

### code chunk number 84: Hsdar-intro.Rnw:1228-1229

### code chunk number 85: Hsdar-intro.Rnw:1231-1232 (eval = FALSE)
## help(nri)

### code chunk number 86: Hsdar-intro.Rnw:1237-1239
nri_WV <- nri(spec_WV, recursive = TRUE)

### code chunk number 87: Hsdar-intro.Rnw:1244-1245 (eval = FALSE)
## str(nri_WV)

### code chunk number 88: Hsdar-intro.Rnw:1250-1251

### code chunk number 89: Hsdar-intro.Rnw:1267-1270
spec_WV <- spectralResampling(spectral_data, "WorldView2-8",
                              response_function = FALSE)
nri_WV <- nri(spec_WV, recursive = TRUE)

### code chunk number 90: Hsdar-intro.Rnw:1278-1279
chlorophyll <- SI(spec_WV)$chlorophyll

### code chunk number 91: Hsdar-intro.Rnw:1284-1285
cortestnri <- cor.test(nri_WV, chlorophyll)

### code chunk number 92: Hsdar-intro.Rnw:1290-1291

### code chunk number 93: Hsdar-intro.Rnw:1297-1298 (eval = FALSE)
## plot(cortestnri, coefficient = "p.value")

### code chunk number 94: Hsdar-intro.Rnw:1301-1303
par(mar = c(4,4,0.1,0.1), cex = 0.75)
plot(cortestnri, coefficient = "p.value")

### code chunk number 95: Hsdar-intro.Rnw:1310-1311 (eval = FALSE)
## plot(cortestnri, coefficient = "p.value", range = c(0,0.01))

### code chunk number 96: Hsdar-intro.Rnw:1314-1316
par(mar = c(4,4,0.1,0.1), cex = 0.75)
plot(cortestnri, coefficient = "p.value", range = c(0,0.01))

### code chunk number 97: Hsdar-intro.Rnw:1328-1329

### code chunk number 98: Hsdar-intro.Rnw:1335-1336
lmnri <- lm.nri(nri_WV ~ chlorophyll, preddata = spec_WV)

### code chunk number 99: Hsdar-intro.Rnw:1341-1342

### code chunk number 100: Hsdar-intro.Rnw:1348-1349

### code chunk number 101: Hsdar-intro.Rnw:1356-1358
nribest <- nri_best_performance(lmnri, n = 1)

### code chunk number 102: Hsdar-intro.Rnw:1364-1365
getNRI(nri_WV, nribest)

### code chunk number 103: Hsdar-intro.Rnw:1379-1380 (eval = FALSE)
## plot(lmnri, coefficient = "r.squared", main = "R squared")

### code chunk number 104: Hsdar-intro.Rnw:1383-1385
par(mar = c(4,4,3,0.1), cex = 0.75)
plot(lmnri, coefficient = "r.squared", main = "R squared")

### code chunk number 105: Hsdar-intro.Rnw:1391-1393 (eval = FALSE)
## plot(lmnri, coefficient = "r.squared", main = "R squared",
##      constraint = "p.value<0.01")

### code chunk number 106: Hsdar-intro.Rnw:1396-1399
par(mar = c(4,4,3,0.1), cex = 0.75)
plot(lmnri, coefficient = "r.squared", main = "R squared",
     constraint = "p.value<0.01")

### code chunk number 107: Hsdar-intro.Rnw:1411-1418
## Use PROSAIL to generate some vegetation spectra with different LAI
parameter <- data.frame(LAI = seq(0, 1, 0.01))
spectral_data <- PROSAIL(parameterList = parameter)

## We resample the data to Quickbird channels to get the same 
## spectral ranges
spectral_data_qb <- spectralResampling(spectral_data, "Quickbird")

### code chunk number 108: Hsdar-intro.Rnw:1423-1437 (eval = FALSE)
## ## Get endmember spectra
## ## Retrieve all available spectra
## avl <- USGS_get_available_files()
## ## Download all spectra matching "grass-fescue"
## grass_spectra <- USGS_retrieve_files(avl = avl, 
##                                      pattern = "grass-fescue")
## limestone <- USGS_retrieve_files(avl = avl, pattern = "limestone")
## ## Perform resampling for the endmember spectra. Note that we only  
## ## use the first vegetation spectrum
## grass_spectra_qb <- spectralResampling(grass_spectra[1,], 
##                                        "Quickbird")
## limestone_qb <- spectralResampling(limestone, "Quickbird")

### code chunk number 109: Hsdar-intro.Rnw:1439-1441
grass_spectra_qb <- speclib(spectra = matrix(c(3.190627, 5.137504, 5.797486, 29.68515), nrow = 1), wavelength = c(485, 560, 660, 830))
limestone_qb <- speclib(spectra = matrix(c(16.93489, 18.97302, 21.407, 23.98981), nrow = 1), wavelength = c(485, 560, 660, 830))

### code chunk number 110: Hsdar-intro.Rnw:1446-1453
em <- speclib(spectra = rbind(spectra(grass_spectra_qb),
              wavelength = wavelength(limestone_qb))

unmix_res <- unmix(spectral_data_qb, em)
## Let's have a look at the output:

### code chunk number 111: Hsdar-intro.Rnw:1465-1468
plot(unmix_res$fractions[1,] ~ SI(spectral_data_qb)$LAI,
     type = "l", xlab = "LAI", 
     ylab = "Unmixed fraction of vegetation")

### code chunk number 112: Hsdar-intro.Rnw:1471-1474
par(mar = c(4,4,0,0.1), cex = 0.75)
plot(unmix_res$fractions[1,] ~ SI(spectral_data_qb)$LAI, type = "l",
     xlab = "LAI", ylab = "Unmixed fraction of vegetation")

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hsdar documentation built on March 18, 2022, 6:35 p.m.