
Defines functions tagQueryFindAll tagQueryFindDescendants_ tagQueryFindDescendants elMatchesSelector pushFnWrapper cssSelectorToSelector tagQueryFindFilter tagQueryFindSiblings tagQueryFindChildren tagQueryFindClosest tagQueryFindParents tagQueryFindParent tagQueryFindResetSelected tagQueryClassToggle tagQueryClassRemove tagQueryClassAdd tagEnvSetClassAttrib isNonConformClassValue removeFromSet tagQueryClassHas joinCssClass splitCssClass getCssClass prepCssClass tagQueryAttrsHas tagQueryAttrsRemove tagQueryAttrsAdd tagEnvRemoveAttribs tagQueryChildrenInsert tagQueryChildrenPrepend tagQueryChildrenAppend tagQueryChildrenEmpty tagQueryChildrenSet tagQuerySiblingReplaceWith tagQuerySiblingBefore tagQuerySiblingAfter tagQuerySiblingRemove tagQueryMatchChildRev tagQueryEach selectedWalkGen walkIRev walkI walk2 walk as_character2 tagQuerySelectedAsTags tagListPrintAsList tagQueryTopLevelTags tagQuerySelected tagQueryGetRoot wrapWithPseudoRootTag findPseudoRootTag isPseudoRootTag validateFnCanIterate validatePosition tagQuery_ tagQuery tagQueryAsTagErr as.character.shiny.tag.query format.shiny.tag.query print.shiny.tag.query as.tags.shiny.tag.query str.shiny.tag.env as.character.shiny.tag.env format.shiny.tag.env print.shiny.tag.env as.tags.shiny.tag.env assertNotTagEnvLike isTagQuery isTagEnv tagEnvToTags_ tagEnvToTags asTagEnv_ asTagEnv safeListToEnv copyAttributes envirStackUnique envirStackUni_ envirStack envirMap

Documented in tagQuery

# TODO-barret followup PR
# * onRender(x, fn) - tagFunction(x, fn)

## Methods not implemented
# * `$set_selected(selected)` & `$set(selected_item, pos)` - These methods are
# not available in jQuery and is very brittle in implementation. Do not pursue!
# * With `$set(selected, pos)` not implemented, `[[<-.tagQuery` should not be
# implemented
# * With `$set(selected, pos_vector)` not implemented, `[<-.tagQuery` should not
# be implemented
# * If not doing, `[[<-.tagQuery` or `[<-.tagQuery`, then `[[.tagQuery` and
# `[.tagQuery` should not be implemented. Same with `length.tagQuery`
# * `$set_children(...)` - jQuery does not have this. Instead, you can call
# `$empty()$append(...)`
# * jQuery.val() - Get the current value of the first element in the set of
# matched elements or set the value of every matched element.
# * jQuery.text() - Get the combined text contents of each element in the set of
# matched elements, including their descendants, or set the text contents of the
# matched elements.
# * jQuery.css() - Get the value of a computed style property for the first
# element in the set of matched elements or set one or more CSS properties for
# every matched element.
# * jQuery.prop() - Get the value of a property for the first element in the set
# of matched elements or set one or more properties for every matched element.

## Skip these implementations for now as the tagQuery methods are small and composable.
## Instead write them where they are needed since they are small.
## (Just like we don't wrap dplyr code)
# tagAppendAttributesAt <- function(tag, cssSelector, ...) {
#   tagQuery(tag)$find(cssSelector)$addAttrs(...)$allTags()
# }
# tagAddClassAt <- function(tag, cssSelector, class) {
#   tagQuery(tag)$find(cssSelector)$addClass(class)$allTags()
# }
# tagMutateAt <- function(x, cssSelector, fn) {
#   tagQuery(tag)$find(cssSelector)$each(fn)$allTags()
# }
# tagFindAt <- function(x, cssSelector) {
#   tagQuery(tag)$find(cssSelector)$selectedTags()
# }

# # Design notes for tagQuery:
# ## Using stock R objects
# Advantages of standard R objects recursion
# * Environments must be handled with care as they are pass by reference
# * It is easy to alter the current object in place
# * Difficult to create a new search path while altering in place
# Disadvantages of standard R objects recursion
# * Asking for a grandparent element is difficult.
#   * Altering a grandparent element and having the change stay is impossible
# * Searching would need to be done at each stage, every time

# ## Using environments elements
# Advantages
# * Fast to convert to a "linked list" of tag environments
# * Access to parents
# * Calculations on siblings can now be done, even after alterations have been completed
# * Once a `find(".x")` has been completed, a set of element environment pointers can be stored.
#   * This makes followup alterations have the minimal O(k) complexity (where k
#   is _found_ elements), not O(n) + O(k) graph search + reconstruction and k
#   _found_ element alterations
# Disadvantages
# * MUST be careful not alter the environment object before converting back to a
# list. (Ex: Do not remove the element environment's children)
# * The item returned is a set of environments that will alter in place. We will
# need to be careful about documenting and/or safeguarding this

# ## Final design choice:
# Use environment elements
# * Being able to search and have a list of eles to immediately look at and
# alter in place is AMAZING!
# * Being able to ask for a grandparent (or obj$parent$parent) and be able to
# alter it in place is AMAZING! This has a strongly influenced by jquery.

# ----------

# # Current design decisions
# * tagQuery objects or tag environments can NOT be used in UI. These objects
# MUST be converted back to standard tag objects.
# * tagFunctions will not be altered in place
#   * To alter tagFunction()s, use the `onRender(x)` method to register a method
#   to be called after `as.tags(x)` is called.
#   * `onRender(x, expr)` will wrap create a tag function that will resolve the
#   tags before running the expr.

## rlang::obj_address()
# Use to get a unique key for stacks
# Use `env$envKey` over `rlang::obj_address()`; 10x speed improvement

# Use for `has()` functionality
envirMap <- function() {
  map <- fastmap()
    keys = map$keys,
    asList = function() {
    has = function(envir) {
    add = function(envir) {
      map$set(envir$envKey, TRUE)
    remove = function(envir) {
# Use for consistent `asList()` order
envirStack <- function() {
  stack <- faststack()
    push = stack$push,
    asList = stack$as_list,
    uniqueList = function() {

# (Used for `unique_envirStack()` only. Do not use directly!)
# Provides same interface as `envirStack()`, but checks for duplicates when
# when items are on their way in (with `push()`) instead of on the way out
# (with `uniqueList()`). This is faster when size is ~500 and above.
envirStackUni_ <- function() {
  map <- fastmap()
  stack <- faststack()
    push = function(env) {
      key <- env$envKey
      if (!map$has(key)) {
        # mark the key as _seen_
        map$set(key, TRUE)
        # add the env
    uniqueList = stack$as_list
# Use to retrieve unique environments (eg: `tq$parent()`)
# Provides same interface as `envirStack()`, but switches to the faster
# `envirStackUni_()` implementation when size hits 500.
envirStackUnique <- function() {
  stack <- envirStack()
  count <- 0
    push = function(env) {
      count <<- count + 1
      if (count == 500) {
        # convert the current stack to a `envirStackUni_()`
        newStack <- envirStackUni_()
        walk(stack$asList(), newStack$push)
        stack <<- newStack
    uniqueList = function() {stack$uniqueList()}

# Copy all attributes that can be manually set
# ?attr
# Note that some attributes (namely ‘class’, ‘comment’, ‘dim’,
# ‘dimnames’, ‘names’, ‘row.names’ and ‘tsp’) are treated specially
# and have restrictions on the values which can be set.
copyAttributes <- function(from, to) {
  attrVals <- attributes(from)
  attrNames <- names(attrVals)
  for (i in seq_along(attrNames)) {
    attrName <- attrNames[i]
      class = , comment =, dim =, dimnames =, names =, row.names =, tsp = NULL,
        # Copy over the attribute
        attr(to, attrName) <- attrVals[[i]]


# Convert a list to an environment and keep class and attribute information
safeListToEnv <- function(x, classToAdd = NULL) {
  xList <- x
  ret <- list2env(xList, new.env(parent = emptyenv()))
  ret <- copyAttributes(from = xList, to = ret)
  oldClass(ret) <- c(classToAdd, oldClass(xList))

# Convert any mixture of standard tag structures and tag environments into just
# tag environments.
# This method is heavily used within `tagQuery()$rebuild()` to enforce all
# standard tag objects are upgraded to tag environments.
# If the object is already a tag environment, it will recurse the conversion for
# each of the children
# Extras done:
# * Flatten all attributes by combining duplicate keys
# * Flatten the tag's children to a single list * Check for circular
# dependencies of tag environments
# (Do not export to encourage direct use of `tagQuery()`)
asTagEnv <- function(x) {
  if (isTagQuery(x)) {
    stop("`tagQuery()` object can not be provided to `asTagEnv()`")

  if (!isTagEnv(x) && !isTag(x)) {
    # force all methods to send in tags, lists / tagLists are not allowed
    stop("`asTagEnv()` can only accept tag envs or tag objects. It does not accept `lists()` or `tagLists()`")
  asTagEnv_(x, parent = x$parent)
# Checking for cycles is not performed as it is slow. With tagQuery methods not really
# opening the door for cycles to occur, it would be the user doing dangerous things.
# At this point, they should understand when a stack overflow occurs.
asTagEnv_ <- function(x, parent = NULL) {
  isTagVal <- isTag(x)
  isTagEnvVal <- isTagEnv(x)

  if (isTagVal || isTagEnvVal) {
    if (!isTagEnvVal) {
      xList <- x
      x <- safeListToEnv(xList, "shiny.tag.env")
      # add parent env and key
      x$parent <- parent
      x$envKey <- obj_address(x)

    if (!is.character(x[["name"]])) {
      stop("A tag environment has lost its `$name`. Did you remove it?")
    # This alters the env, but these fields should exist!
    if (is.null(x[["attribs"]])) x$attribs <- list(placeholder = NULL)[0] # Empty named list
    if (is.null(x[["children"]])) x$children <- list()

    # Recurse through children
    if (length(x$children) != 0) {
      # Possible optimization... name the children tags to the formatted values.
      # * Allows for faster child look up later.
      # * Comes with the cost of always formatting the env values even if children names are not needed.
      # Attributes may be dropped
      # * Could replace with `x$children[] <- ....`
      # * Leaving as is to see if people mis-use the children field

      # Simplify the structures by flatting the tags
      # Does NOT recurse to grand-children etc.
      children <- flattenTagsRaw(x$children)
      # Use a `for-loop` over `lapply` to avoid `lapply` overhead
      for (i in seq_along(children)) {
        child <- children[[i]]
        if (!is.null(child)) {
          children[[i]] <- asTagEnv_(child, parent = x)
      x$children <- children

# This method MUST undo everything done in `asTagEnv(x)`
# Do not export to encourage direct use of `tagQuery()$selectedTags()`
# Only allow for tag environments to be passed in.
tagEnvToTags <- function(x) {
  if (!isTagEnv(x)) {
    stop("`tagEnvToTags(x)` must start with a tag environment")
# Allows for all types of objects that can be put in a tag environment's `$children` field.
# Ex: tag environment, "text", 5, tagFunctions, etc.
tagEnvToTags_ <- function(x) {
  if (isTagEnv(x)) {

    xEl <- x

    # Pull the names `name`, `attribs`, and `children` first to match `tag()` name order
    envNames <- ls(envir = xEl, all.names = TRUE, sorted = FALSE)
    newNames <- c(
      "name", "attribs", "children",
      if (length(envNames) > 5) {
        # Pull remaining names if they exist
        removeFromSet(envNames, c("name", "attribs", "children", "parent", "envKey"))

    # Use mget to pull names in order to avoid always shuffling the values
    x <- mget(newNames, xEl)
    x <- copyAttributes(from = xEl, to = x)
    oldClass(x) <- removeFromSet(oldClass(xEl), "shiny.tag.env")

    # Recurse through children
    children <- x$children
    # Use a `for-loop` over `lapply` to avoid overhead
    for (i in seq_along(children)) {
      child <- children[[i]]
      if (!is.null(child)) {
        children[[i]] <- tagEnvToTags_(child)
    x$children <- children

isTagEnv <- function(x) {
  inherits(x, "shiny.tag.env")
isTagQuery <- function(x) {
  inherits(x, "shiny.tag.query")
assertNotTagEnvLike <- function(x, fnName) {
  if (isTagEnv(x)) {
    stop("Tag environment objects (i.e., `tagQuery()`'s tag structure) are not allowed to be used as if they are regular `tag()` objects. Did you forget to call `$allTags()` or `$selectedTags()`?", call. = FALSE)
  if (isTagQuery(x)) {
    stop("`tagQuery()` objects are not allowed to be used as if they are regular `tag()` objects. Did you forget to call `$allTags()` or `$selectedTags()`?", call. = FALSE)

shinyTagEnvStr <- "<!-- shiny.tag.env -->"

#' @export
as.tags.shiny.tag.env <- function(x, ...) {
  stop("Method not allowed", call. = TRUE)
  # as.tags(tagEnvToTags(x), ...)
#' @export
print.shiny.tag.env <- function(x, ...) {
  cat(shinyTagEnvStr, "\n")
  print(tagEnvToTags(x), ...)
#' @export
format.shiny.tag.env <- function(x, ...) {
  format(tagEnvToTags(x), ...)
#' @export
as.character.shiny.tag.env <- function(x, ...) {
  as.character(tagEnvToTags(x), ...)
#' @export
str.shiny.tag.env <- function(object, ...) {
  cat(shinyTagEnvStr, "\n")
  str(tagEnvToTags(object), ...)

#' @export
as.tags.shiny.tag.query <- function(x, ...) {
#' @export
print.shiny.tag.query <- function(x, ...) {
  tagQ <- x
  allTags <- tagQ$allTags()

  selectedTags <- tagQ$selectedTags()


  if (length(selectedTags) == 0) {
    cat(" (Empty selection)\n")
  } else {
    # Convert allTags to same style of object as selected tags
    if (!isTagList(allTags)) allTags <- tagList(allTags)
    allTags <- tagListPrintAsList(!!!allTags)

    if (identical(allTags, selectedTags)) {
      cat(" `$allTags()`\n")
    } else {

#' @export
format.shiny.tag.query <- function(x, ...) {
#' @export
as.character.shiny.tag.query <- function(x, ...) {

tagQueryAsTagErr <- function() {
    "`tagQuery()` objects can not be written directly as HTML tags.",
    "Call either `$allTags()` or `$selectedTags()` to extract the tags of interest.",
    call. = FALSE

#' Query and modify HTML tags
#' `r lifecycle::badge("experimental")`\cr\cr `tagQuery()` provides a
#' [`jQuery`](https://jquery.com/) inspired interface for querying and modifying
#' [tag()] (and [tagList()]) objects.
#' @section Altered Tag structure:
#' For performance reasons, the input tag structure to `tagQuery()` will be
#' altered into a consistently expected shape.
#' Some alterations include:
#' * tags flattening their `$children` fields into a single `list()`
#' * tags relocating any attribute `html_dependency() to be located in `$children`
#' * `tagList()`-like structures relocating any attribute html dependency to
#'   be a entry in its list structure.
#' While the resulting tag shape has possibly changed,
#' `tagQuery()`'s' resulting tags will still render
#' to the same HTML value (ex: [`renderTags()`]) and
#' HTML dependencies (ex: [`findDependencies()`]).
#' @param tags A [tag()], [tagList()], or [list()] of tags.
#' @return A class with methods that are described below. This class can't be
#'   used directly inside other [tag()] or a [renderTags()] context, but
#'   underlying HTML tags may be extracted via `$allTags()` or
#'   `$selectedTags()`.
#' @export
tagQuery <- function(tags) {

  if (isTagQuery(tags)) {
    # Return tag query object as is

  # Make a new tag query object from the root element of `tags`
  # * Set the selected to `list(tags)`
  if (isTagEnv(tags)) {
    # Rebuild pseudo root tag
    pseudoRoot <- asTagEnv(
      tagQuery_(pseudoRoot, list(tags))

  # If `tags` is a list of tagEnvs...
  # * Make sure they share the same root element and
  # * Set the selected elements to `tags`
  if (!isTag(tags) && (is.list(tags) || isTagList(tags))) {
    # If it is a list, flatten them for easier/consisten inspection
    tags <- flattenTagsRaw(tags)
    tagsIsTagEnv <- vapply(tags, isTagEnv, logical(1))

    # If one of the elements is a tag env, verify that all tagEnvs share the same root.
    if (any(tagsIsTagEnv)) {
      if (any(!tagsIsTagEnv)) {
        notTagEnvPos <- which(!tagsIsTagEnv)
        # It is not known how a middle of the tree tagEnv should be combined with a standard tag
          "`tagQuery(tags=)` can not be a mix of tag environments and standard tag objects.\n",
          "Items at positions `c(", paste0(notTagEnvPos, collapse = ", "), ")` ",
          "are not tag environments."
      pseudoRootStack <- envirStackUnique()
      walk(tags, function(el) {
      pseudoRoots <- pseudoRootStack$uniqueList()
      if (length(pseudoRoots) != 1) {
        stop("All tag environments supplied to `tagQuery()` must share the same root element.")
      # Rebuild pseudo root tag
      pseudoRoot <- asTagEnv(pseudoRoots[[1]])
        tagQuery_(pseudoRoot, tags)

  # Convert standard tags to tag envs
  root <- asTagEnv(
  # Select the top level tags
  selected <- tagQueryFindResetSelected(root)
  if (length(selected) == 0) {
      "The initial set of tags supplied to `tagQuery()` must have at least 1 standard tag object.",
      " Ex: `div()`"
  tagQuery_(root, selected)

#' @rdname tagQuery
#' @aliases NULL
#' @usage NULL
tagQuery_ <- function(
  # Using a trailing `_` to avoid name collisions
) {
  if (!isPseudoRootTag(pseudoRoot)) {
    stop("`tagQuery_(pseudoRoot=)` must be a pseudoRoot tag environment")

  # Use `var_` names to avoid namespace collision
  # Make sure all elements are tag envs
  rebuild_ <- function() {
    # safe to do as `pseudoRoot` will never be turned into a standard list
  newTagQuery <- function(selected) {
    tagQuery_(pseudoRoot, selected)

  setSelected <- function(selected) {
    selected <- selected %||% list()
    if (!is.list(selected)) {
      stop("`selected` must be a `list()`")
    selected <- FilterI(selected, f = function(el, i) {
      if (!isTagEnv(el)) {
          "`setSelected(selected=)` received a list item at position `", i, "`",
          " that was not a tag environment"
  selected_ <- setSelected(selected_)

  self <-
      class = "shiny.tag.query",
        #' @details
        #' # Vignette
        #' To get started with using `tagQuery()`, visit
        #' <https://rstudio.github.io/htmltools/articles/tagQuery.html>.
        #' # Methods
        #' Unless otherwise stated, `tagQuery()` methods accept a character
        #' vector as input.
        #' ## Query methods
        #' Query methods identify particular subsets of the root tag using CSS
        #' selectors (or R functions).
        #' ### Children
        #' * `$find(cssSelector)`: Get the descendants of
        #' each selected tag, filtered by a `cssSelector`.
        find = function(cssSelector) {
            tagQueryFindAll(selected_, cssSelector)
        #' * `$children(cssSelector = NULL)`: Get the direct
        #' children of each selected tag, optionally filtered by a
        #' `cssSelector`.
        children = function(cssSelector = NULL) {
            tagQueryFindChildren(selected_, cssSelector)
        #' ### Siblings
        #' * `siblings(cssSelector = NULL)`: Get the
        #' siblings of each selected tag, optionally filtered by a
        #' `cssSelector`.
        siblings = function(cssSelector = NULL) {
            tagQueryFindSiblings(selected_, cssSelector)
        #' ### Parents
        #' * `$parent(cssSelector = NULL)`: Get the parent
        #' of each selected tag, optionally filtered by a `cssSelector`.
        parent = function(cssSelector = NULL) {
            tagQueryFindParent(selected_, cssSelector)
        #' * `$parents(cssSelector = NULL)`: Get the
        #' ancestors of each selected tag, optionally filtered by a
        #' `cssSelector`.
        parents = function(cssSelector = NULL) {
            tagQueryFindParents(selected_, cssSelector)
        #' * `$closest(cssSelector = NULL)`: For each selected tag, get the closest
        #' ancestor tag (including itself) satisfying a `cssSelector`. If
        #' `cssSelector = NULL`, it is equivalent to calling `$selectedTags()`.
        closest = function(cssSelector = NULL) {
            tagQueryFindClosest(selected_, cssSelector)
        #' ### Custom filter
        #' * `$filter(fn)`: Filter the selected tags to those for which `fn(x,
        #' i)` returns `TRUE`. In addition to an R function with two arguments
        #' (the selected tag `x` and the index `i`), `fn` may also be a valid
        #' CSS selector.
        filter = function(fn) {
          newSelected <- tagQueryFindFilter(selected_, fn)
        #' ### Length
        #' * `$length()`: Number of tags that have been selected.
        length = function() {
        #' ### Reset
        #' * `$resetSelected()`: Reset selected tags to the `$allTags()` tag. Useful
        #' in combination with `$replaceWith()` since it empties the selection.
        resetSelected = function() {

        #' ## Modify methods
        #' Unlike query methods, modify methods modify the `tagQuery()` object.
        #' ### Attributes
        #' * `$addClass(class)`: Adds class(es) to each selected tag.
        addClass = function(class) {
          tagQueryClassAdd(selected_, class)
        #' * `$removeClass(class)`: Removes class(es) to each selected tag.
        removeClass = function(class) {
          tagQueryClassRemove(selected_, class)
        #' * `$toggleClass(class)`: Adds class(es) that don't already exist and
        #' removes class(es) that do already exist (for each selected tag).
        toggleClass = function(class) {
          tagQueryClassToggle(selected_, class)
        #' * `$hasClass(class)`: Does each selected tag have all the provided
        #' class(es)?
        hasClass = function(class) {
          tagQueryClassHas(selected_, class)
        #' * `$addAttrs(...)`: Add a set of attributes to each selected tag.
        addAttrs = function(...) {
          tagQueryAttrsAdd(selected_, ...)
        #' * `$removeAttrs(attrs)`: Remove a set of attributes from each
        #' selected tag.
        removeAttrs = function(attrs) {
          tagQueryAttrsRemove(selected_, attrs)
        #' * `$hasAttrs(attr)`: Do each selected tags have all of the attributes?
        hasAttrs = function(attrs) {
          tagQueryAttrsHas(selected_, attrs)
        #' ### Children
        #' * `$append(...)`: For each selected tag, insert `...` **after** any
        #' existing children.
        append = function(...) {
          tagQueryChildrenAppend(selected_, ...)
        #' * `$prepend(...)`: For each selected tag, insert `...` **before** any
        #' existing children.
        prepend = function(...) {
          tagQueryChildrenPrepend(selected_, ...)
        #' ### Siblings
        #' * `$after(...)`: Add all `...` objects as siblings after each of the
        #' selected tags.
        after = function(...) {
          tagQuerySiblingAfter(selected_, ...)
        #' * `$before(...)`: Add all `...` objects as siblings before each of
        #' the selected tags.
        before = function(...) {
          tagQuerySiblingBefore(selected_, ...)
        #' ### Custom
        #' * `$each(fn)`: Modify each selected tag with a function `fn`. `fn`
        #' should accept two arguments: the first is the selected tag and second
        #' is the selected tags position index. Since the selected tag is a
        #' reference, any modifications to it will also modify the `tagQuery()`
        #' object.
        each = function(fn) {
          if (length(selected_) > 0) {
            tagQueryEach(selected_, fn)

        #' ## Replace methods
        #' * `$replaceWith(...)`: Replace all selected tags with `...` in the
        #' root tag and clear the selection.
        replaceWith = function(...) {
          tagQuerySiblingReplaceWith(selected_, ...)
        #' * `$remove(...)`: Remove all selected tags from the root tag and
        #' clear the current selection.
        remove = function() {
          # Remove items from selected info
        #' * `$empty()`: Remove any children of each selected tag. Use this
        #' method before calling `$append(...)` to replace the children of
        #' each selected tag, with other content.
        empty = function() {

        #' ## Extract HTML tags
        #' * `$allTags()`: Return the (possibly modified) root `tags`.
        allTags = function() {
        #' * `$selectedTags()`: Return a [tagList()] of the currently selected
        #' tags.
        selectedTags = function() {
        #' @examples
        #' tagQ <- tagQuery(div(a()))
        #' tagQ$find("a")$addClass("foo")
        #' tagQ
        #' # To learn more, visit https://rstudio.github.io/htmltools/articles/tagQuery.html

validatePosition <- function(position, selected) {
  if (!is.numeric(position)) {
    stop("`position` must be a numeric value")
  if (length(position) != 1) {
    stop("`position` must have a length equal to 1")
  if (position <= 0) {
    stop("`position` must be greater than 0")
  if (position > length(selected)) {
      "`position` must be less than or equal to the length of the selected elements: ",

validateFnCanIterate <- function(fn) {
  if (!is.function(fn)) {
    stop("`fn` must be a function")
  fnFormals <- formals(fn)
  if (! ("..." %in% names(fnFormals))) {
    if (length(fnFormals) < 2) {
        "`fn(selected_i, i)` must be a function that accepts at least two arguments: ",
        "`selected[[i]]` and `i` "

isPseudoRootTag <- function(x) {
  name <- x$name
  isTag(x) && !is.null(name) && isTRUE(name == "TagQueryPseudoRoot")

findPseudoRootTag <- function(el) {
  while (!is.null(el$parent)) {
    el <- el$parent

# Wrap the top level tags in the tagQuery() in a `tagQuery` tag object.
# This allows for appending and prepending elements to the top level tags.
# (Don't fight the structures... embrace them!)
wrapWithPseudoRootTag <- function(x) {
    tag("TagQueryPseudoRoot", list()),

# Return a tag env, tagList(tag envs), or NULL
tagQueryGetRoot <- function(root) {
  children <- root$children
  len <- length(children)
  if (len == 1) {
  } else if (len > 1) {
  } else {
    # no children?

# Return a list of the manually selected elements
tagQuerySelected <- function(selected) {
  if (length(selected) == 1 && isPseudoRootTag(selected[[1]])) {
  } else {

# # Return the `i`th position of the manually selected elements
# tagQueryGet <- function(selected, position) {
#   selected <- tagQuerySelected(selected)
#   validatePosition(position, selected)

#   selected[[position]]
# }

# Return the top level tags as a tagList or a single tag
tagQueryTopLevelTags <- function(pseudoRoot) {
  children <- tagEnvToTags(pseudoRoot)$children
  len <- length(children)
  if (len == 1) {
    # single top level tag
  } else {
    # 0 or >1 top leve tags

tagListPrintAsList <- function(...) {
  x <- tagList(...)
  attr(x, "print.as.list") <- TRUE
tagQuerySelectedAsTags <- function(selected) {
  # return as a `tagList()` with a special attr that will cause it to print like a list
  tagListPrintAsList(!!!lapply(selected, tagEnvToTags))

as_character2 <- function(...) {
    # MUST call `unlist()` to allow for vector items in `list2()`
      use.names = FALSE
FilterI <- function (f, x) {
  ind <- as.logical(
    Map(x, seq_along(x), f = f)
# Call `.f(x[[i]], ...)` for all values of i
walk <- function(.x, .f, ...) {
  for (i in seq_along(.x)) {
    .f(.x[[i]], ...)
walk2 <- function(.x, .y, .f, ...) {
  if (length(.x) != length(.y)) {
    stop(".x and .y must be the same length.")
  for (i in seq_along(.x)) {
    .f(.x[[i]], .y[[i]], ...)
# Call `.f(x[[i]])` in reverse order
# walk_rev <- function(.x, .f, ...) {
#   for (i in rev(seq_along(.x))) {
#     .f(.x[[i]], ...)
#   }
#   NULL
# }
# Calls `.f(x[[i]], i, ...)`
walkI <- function(.x, .f, ...) {
  for (i in seq_along(.x)) {
    .f(.x[[i]], i, ...)
# Calls `.f(x[[i]], i, ...)` in reverse order
walkIRev <- function(.x, .f, ...) {
  for (i in rev(seq_along(.x))) {
    .f(.x[[i]], i, ...)

# Return function that will verify elements before performing `func(els, fn)`
selectedWalkGen <- function(func) {
  function(els, fn) {
    if (is.null(els)) return(list())
    if (!is.list(els)) {
      stop("A list() must be supplied")
    if (!is.function(fn)) {
      stop("`fn` must be a function")

    # Make sure each item in list is a tag env
    walkI(els, function(el, i) {
      if (!is.null(el)) {
        if (isTag(el) && !isTagEnv(el)) {
            "Object in position `", i, "` is a regular `tag()` and not a tag environment.",
            "\nDid you forget to call `$rebuild()`?"

    func(els, fn)
tagQueryWalk <- selectedWalkGen(walk)
# selectedWalkRev <- selectedWalkGen(walkRev)
selectedWalkI <- selectedWalkGen(walkI)
selectedWalkIRev <- selectedWalkGen(walkIRev)
tagQueryLapply <- selectedWalkGen(lapply)

# Perform `fn` on each el in els
tagQueryEach <- function(els, fn) {
  selectedWalkI(els, fn)

# For each el in els, go to el parent and find el's position
# Then call `fn(parent, el, elPos)`
# Perform this matching in reverse order
tagQueryMatchChildRev <- function(els, func) {
  tagQueryWalk(els, function(el) {
    if (!isTagEnv(el)) return()
    elKey <- el$envKey
    elParent <- el$parent
    # Walk in reverse to be able to remove all matches in a single pass
    selectedWalkIRev(elParent$children, function(child, childPos) {
      if (!isTagEnv(child)) return()
      childKey <- child$envKey
      if (elKey == childKey) {
        func(elParent, el, childPos)
        # Make sure to rebuild the parent tag into tag envs
        # Their internal structures will have changed
# Remove each el in els from their parent.
# Also remove parent pointer from within el
tagQuerySiblingRemove <- function(els) {
  tagQueryMatchChildRev(els, function(elParent, el, childPos) {
    # remove parent / child relationship
    el$parent <- NULL
    elParent$children[[childPos]] <- NULL
# Add siblings after each el
tagQuerySiblingAfter <- function(els, ...) {
  tagQueryMatchChildRev(els, function(elParent, el, childPos) {
    tagInsertChildren(elParent, after = childPos, ...)
# Add siblings before each el
tagQuerySiblingBefore <- function(els, ...) {
  tagQueryMatchChildRev(els, function(elParent, el, childPos) {
    tagInsertChildren(elParent, after = childPos - 1, ...)
# Replace all `el` objects with `...`
tagQuerySiblingReplaceWith <- function(els, ...) {
  tagQueryMatchChildRev(els, function(elParent, el, childPos) {
    # Remove the current element
    el$parent <- NULL
    elParent$children[[childPos]] <- NULL
    # Replace with ... content where the child was
    tagInsertChildren(elParent, after = childPos - 1, ...)

tagQueryChildrenSet <- function(els, ...) {
  tagQueryWalk(els, function(el) {
    if (!isTagEnv(el)) return()
    tagSetChildren(el, ...)
    # Make sure to rebuild the el and its children
tagQueryChildrenEmpty <- function(els) {
  # Do not include any arguments.
  # `dots_list()` returns an empty named list()
tagQueryChildrenAppend <- function(els, ...) {
  tagQueryWalk(els, function(el) {
    if (!isTagEnv(el)) return()
    tagInsertChildren(el, after = length(el$children), ...)
    # Make sure to rebuild the el and its children
tagQueryChildrenPrepend <- function(els, ...) {
  tagQueryChildrenInsert(els, after = 0, ...)
tagQueryChildrenInsert <- function(els, after, ...) {
  tagQueryWalk(els, function(el) {
    if (!isTagEnv(el)) return()
    tagInsertChildren(el, after = after, ...)
    # Make sure to rebuild the el and its children

tagEnvRemoveAttribs <- function(el, attrs) {
  el$attribs[names(el$attribs) %in% attrs] <- NULL
# Add attribute values
tagQueryAttrsAdd <- function(els, ...) {
  tagQueryWalk(els, function(el) {
    if (!isTagEnv(el)) return()
    tagAppendAttributes(el, ...)
# Remove attribute values
tagQueryAttrsRemove <- function(els, attrs) {
  attrs <- as_character2(attrs)
  if (length(attrs) < 1) return()
  if (!is.character(attrs)) {
    stop("`attrs` must be a charcter vector of attributes to remove")
  tagQueryWalk(els, function(el) {
    if (!isTagEnv(el)) return()
    tagEnvRemoveAttribs(el, attrs)
# Check if els have attributes
tagQueryAttrsHas <- function(els, attrs) {
  attrs <- as_character2(attrs)
  if ((length(attrs) == 0) || (!is.character(attrs))) {
    stop("`attrs` must be a character vector", call. = FALSE)
    tagQueryLapply(els, function(el) {
      if (!isTagEnv(el)) return(FALSE)

      for (attr in attrs) {
        if (!tagHasAttribute(el, attr)) {
      # All attrs found
    use.names = FALSE

prepCssClass <- function(class) {
  class <- as_character2(class)
  if (length(class) == 0 || !is.character(class)) {
    stop("`class` must resolve to a character value with a length of at least 1")
getCssClass <- function(class) {
splitCssClass <- function(class) {
  if (!is.character(class)) {
    stop("tagGetAttribute(x, \"class\") did not return a character value")
  if (length(class) > 1) {
    class <- paste0(class, collapse = " ")
  strsplit(class, "\\s+")[[1]]
joinCssClass <- function(classes) {
  if (length(classes) == 0) {
  } else {
    paste0(classes, collapse = " ")
# return list of logical values telling if the classes exists
tagQueryClassHas <- function(els, class) {
  # Quit early if class == NULL | character(0)
  if (length(class) == 0) {
    return(rep(FALSE, length(els)))

  classes <- getCssClass(class)
    tagQueryLapply(els, function(el) {
      if (!isTagEnv(el)) return(FALSE)
      classVal <- tagGetAttribute(el, "class")
      if (isNonConformClassValue(classVal)) {
      elClasses <- splitCssClass(classVal)
      all(classes %in% elClasses)
    use.names = FALSE
removeFromSet <- function(set, vals) {
  # removes the call to `unique()` with `setdiff`
  set[match(set, vals, 0L) == 0L]
isNonConformClassValue <- function(classVal) {
  length(classVal) == 0 ||
  (!is.character(classVal)) ||
tagEnvSetClassAttrib <- function(el, classes) {
  class <- joinCssClass(classes)

  classAttribPos <- which(names(el$attribs) == "class")
  isClassLen <- length(classAttribPos)

  if (isClassLen == 0) {
    # Store new class value
      tagAppendAttributes(el, class = class)

  # isClassLen > 0
  if (isClassLen > 1) {
    # Remove other occurrences of class
    el$attribs[classAttribPos[-1]] <- NULL
  # Overwrite "class" attrib
  el$attribs[[classAttribPos[1]]] <- class
# add classes that don't already exist
tagQueryClassAdd <- function(els, class) {
  # Quit early if class == NULL | character(0)
  if (length(class) == 0) return()

  classes <- getCssClass(class)
  tagQueryWalk(els, function(el) {
    if (!isTagEnv(el)) return()
    classVal <- tagGetAttribute(el, "class")
    if (isNonConformClassValue(classVal)) {
      tagAppendAttributes(el, class = joinCssClass(classes))
    } else {
      elClasses <- splitCssClass(classVal)
      newClasses <- c(elClasses, removeFromSet(classes, elClasses))
      tagEnvSetClassAttrib(el, newClasses)
# remove classes that exist
tagQueryClassRemove <- function(els, class) {
  # Quit early if class == NULL | character(0)
  if (length(class) == 0) return()

  classes <- getCssClass(class)
  tagQueryWalk(els, function(el) {
    if (!isTagEnv(el)) return()
    classVal <- tagGetAttribute(el, "class")
    if (isNonConformClassValue(classVal)) return()
    elClasses <- splitCssClass(classVal)
    newClasses <- removeFromSet(elClasses, classes)
    tagEnvSetClassAttrib(el, newClasses)
# toggle class existence depending on if they already exist or not
tagQueryClassToggle <- function(els, class) {
  # Quit early if class == NULL | character(0)
  if (length(class) == 0) return()

  classes <- getCssClass(class)
  tagQueryWalk(els, function(el) {
    if (!isTagEnv(el)) return()
    classVal <- tagGetAttribute(el, "class")
    if (isNonConformClassValue(classVal)) return()

    elClasses <- splitCssClass(classVal)
    hasClass <- (classes %in% elClasses)
    if (any(hasClass)) {
      elClasses <- removeFromSet(elClasses, classes)
    if (any(!hasClass)) {
      elClasses <- c(elClasses, classes[!hasClass])
    tagEnvSetClassAttrib(el, elClasses)

# Return a list of `root$children`.
# This may change if root ends up becoming a list of elements
tagQueryFindResetSelected <- function(pseudoRoot) {
  if (!isTagEnv(pseudoRoot)) {
    stop("`pseudoRoot` must be a tag environment")
  Filter(pseudoRoot$children, f = isTagEnv)
# Return a list of the unique set of parent elements
tagQueryFindParent <- function(els, cssSelector = NULL) {
  parentStack <- envirStackUnique()
  pushFn <- pushFnWrapper(parentStack, cssSelector)
  tagQueryWalk(els, function(el) {
    if (!isTagEnv(el)) return()
# Return a list of the unique set of ancestor elements

# * By only looking for elements that have not been seen before, searching is as
# lazy as possible
# * Must traverse all parents; If cssSelector exists, only return found parents
# that match selector.
# * Search using depth-first. This does not match jQuery's implementation.
tagQueryFindParents <- function(els, cssSelector = NULL) {
  # Use the map for `has()` and stack for `values()`
  ancestorsMap <- envirMap()
  ancestorsStack <- envirStackUnique()

  # func to add to the ancestor stack
  pushFn <- pushFnWrapper(ancestorsStack, cssSelector)

  # For every element
  tagQueryWalk(els, function(el) {
    # Make sure it is a tag environment
    if (!isTagEnv(el)) return()

    # While traversing up the parents...
    while (!is.null(el <- el$parent)) {
      # If the element has been seen before...
      if (ancestorsMap$has(el)) {
        # Stop traversing, as any matching parent found would be removed
        # (unique info only)
      # Mark the ancestor as visited
      # Add the element to the return set
# Return a unique list of the closest ancestor elements that match the css selector
# Should behave VERY similarly to $parents()
tagQueryFindClosest <- function(els, cssSelector = NULL) {
  if (is.null(cssSelector)) {
  selector <- cssSelectorToSelector(cssSelector)
  # use the map for `has()` and stack for `values()`
  ancestorsMap <- envirMap()
  closestStack <- envirStackUnique()

  # For every element
  tagQueryWalk(els, function(el) {
    # Make sure it is a tag environment
    if (!isTagEnv(el)) return()

    # While traversing up the parents...
    while (!is.null(el)) {
      # If the element has been seen before...
      if (ancestorsMap$has(el)) {
        # Stop traversing, as any matching parent found would be removed
        # (unique info only)
      # Mark the ancestor as visited
      # If it is a match...
      if (elMatchesSelector(el, selector)) {
        # Add to return value
      # set to parent element and repeat
      el <- el$parent

# Get all unique children tag envs
tagQueryFindChildren <- function(els, cssSelector = NULL) {
  childrenStack <- envirStackUnique()
  pushFn <- pushFnWrapper(childrenStack, cssSelector)
  tagQueryWalk(els, function(el) {
    if (!isTagEnv(el)) return()
    tagQueryWalk(el$children, pushFn)

# Return all unique siblings of each el in els
tagQueryFindSiblings <- function(els, cssSelector = NULL) {
  siblingStack <- envirStackUnique()
  pushFn <- pushFnWrapper(siblingStack, cssSelector)
  tagQueryWalk(els, function(el) {
    if (!isTagEnv(el)) return()
    elKey <- el$envKey
    tagQueryWalk(el$parent$children, function(sibling) {
      if (!isTagEnv(sibling)) return()
      siblingKey <- sibling$envKey
      if (elKey != siblingKey) {

# Filter the selected elements using a function
# The answer of `fn(el, i)` should work in an `if` block
tagQueryFindFilter <- function(els, fn) {
  if (is.character(fn)) {
    selector <- cssSelectorToSelector(fn)
    fn <- function(el, i) {
      elMatchesSelector(el, selector)

  filterStack <- envirStackUnique()
  selectedWalkI(els, function(el, i) {
    if (fn(el, i)) {


# Convert a CSS selection character value to a selector object
# @param cssSelector A character value representing a CSS search pattern
# @return A single item of a selector list. (See `asSelectorList()`).
#   A single-element CSS selector object with full CSS element match information.
#   (Child selectors are not allowed in single-element selectors)
cssSelectorToSelector <- function(cssSelector) {
  selector <-
    if (isSelector(cssSelector)) {
    } else {
      selectorList <- asSelectorList(cssSelector)
      if (length(selectorList) > 1) {
          "Can only match using a simple CSS selector. ",
          "Looking for descendant elements is not allowed."


pushFnWrapper <- function(stack, cssSelector) {
  if (is.null(cssSelector)) {
  } else {
    selector <- cssSelectorToSelector(cssSelector)
    function(el) {
      if (elMatchesSelector(el, selector)) {

elMatchesSelector <- function(el, selector) {
  if (!isTagEnv(el)) return(FALSE)

  if (!isSelector(selector)) {
    stop("`elMatchesSelector(selector=)` must be an object of class `\"shinySelector\"`")

  if (selector$type == SELECTOR_EVERYTHING) {

  # match on element
  if (!is.null(selector$element)) {
    # bad element match
    if (el$name != selector$element) {

  # match on id
  if (!is.null(selector$id)) {
    # bad id match
    if ( !identical(tagGetAttribute(el, "id"), selector$id)) {

  # match on class values
  if (!is.null(selector$classes)) {
    elClass <- tagGetAttribute(el, "class")
    if (
      isNonConformClassValue(elClass) ||
      # missing a class value in tag
      ! all(
        selector$classes %in% splitCssClass(elClass)
    ) {

  # No other matches fail. Mark as a match

tagQueryFindDescendants <- function(els, selector) {
  if (!isSelector(selector)) {
    selector <- cssSelectorToSelector(selector)

  foundStack <- envirStackUnique()
  # For every element...
  tagQueryWalk(els, function(el) {
    if (!isTagEnv(el)) return()
    # Ignore the element and
    # Walk through each child...
    tagQueryWalk(el$children, function(child) {
      # Find descendant matching the `selector`
      tagQueryFindDescendants_(child, selector, foundStack$push)

tagQueryFindDescendants_ <- function(el, selector, fn) {
  if (isTagEnv(el)) {

    isMatch <- elMatchesSelector(el, selector)

    # If it was a match
    if (isMatch) {

    # If there are children and remaining selectors,
    # Recurse through without matching
    # (Only allowed if `>` is not found)
    if (length(el$children) > 0) {
        fn = fn,
        selector = selector

  } else if (is.list(el)) {
    # For each item in the list like object, recurse through
    walk(el, tagQueryFindDescendants_, fn = fn, selector = selector)
  } else if (is.null(el) || is.atomic(el) || is.function(el) || is.language(el)) {
    # Can not match on atomics or functions
  } else {
    message("tagQueryFindDescendants_() - Unknown Type! This has not happened before:")
    stop("Unknown type in tagQueryFindDescendants_()")


# Find all elements within `els` that match the `selector`
tagQueryFindAll <- function(els, selector) {
  selectorList <- asSelectorList(selector)

  curEls <- els
  walk(selectorList, function(selector) {
    curEls <<-
      if (selector$traversal == SELECTOR_CHILD) {
        tagQueryFindChildren(curEls, selector)
      } else {
        # any descendant traversal
        tagQueryFindDescendants(curEls, selector)


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htmltools documentation built on May 29, 2024, 5:19 a.m.