
Defines functions standardize_property_names empty css validateCssUnit is.singleton singleton includeScript includeCSS includeMarkdown includeText detect_html_document includeHTML knit_print.html knit_print.shiny.tag restorePreserveChunks extractPreserveChunks withTemporary html_preserve htmlPreserve as.tags.html_dependency as.tags.character as.tags.list as.tags.shiny.tag.function as.tags.shiny.tag.list as.tags.shiny.tag as.tags.html as.tags.default as.tags flattenTagAttribs combineKeys flattenTagsRaw flattenTags tagify withTags HTML resolveFunctionalDependencies findDependencies takeHeads takeSingletons rewriteTags doRenderTags renderTags tagWrite validateNoWS isTagList tag throw_if_tag_function tagInsertChildren tagSetChildren tagAppendChildren tagAppendChild tagGetAttribute tagHasAttribute tagAppendAttributes tagAddRenderHook tagFunction tagList normalizeText format.html print.html print.shiny.tag.list as.character.html as.character.shiny.tag format.shiny.tag print.shiny.tag isTag isResolvedTag dropNullsOrEmpty nullOrEmpty dropNulls subtractDependencies resolveDependencies depListToNamedDepList .onLoad registerMethods concat8 paste8

Documented in as.tags css doRenderTags extractPreserveChunks findDependencies HTML htmlPreserve includeCSS includeHTML includeMarkdown includeScript includeText is.singleton knit_print.html knit_print.shiny.tag print.html print.shiny.tag renderTags resolveDependencies restorePreserveChunks singleton subtractDependencies tag tagAddRenderHook tagAppendAttributes tagAppendChild tagAppendChildren tagFunction tagGetAttribute tagHasAttribute tagInsertChildren tagList tagSetChildren takeSingletons validateCssUnit withTags

# Like base::paste, but converts all string args to UTF-8 first.
paste8 <- function(..., sep = " ", collapse = NULL) {
  args <- c(
    lapply(list(...), enc2utf8),
      sep = if (is.null(sep)) sep else enc2utf8(sep),
      collapse = if (is.null(collapse)) collapse else enc2utf8(collapse)

  do.call(paste, args)

# A special case of paste8 that employs paste0. Avoids the overhead of lapply.
concat8 <- function(...) {

# Reusable function for registering a set of methods with S3 manually. The
# methods argument is a list of character vectors, each of which has the form
# c(package, genname, class).
registerMethods <- function(methods) {
  lapply(methods, function(method) {
    pkg <- method[[1]]
    generic <- method[[2]]
    class <- method[[3]]
    func <- get(paste(generic, class, sep="."))
    if (pkg %in% loadedNamespaces()) {
      registerS3method(generic, class, func, envir = asNamespace(pkg))
      packageEvent(pkg, "onLoad"),
      function(...) {
        registerS3method(generic, class, func, envir = asNamespace(pkg))

.onLoad <- function(...) {
  # htmltools provides methods for knitr::knit_print, but knitr isn't a Depends or
  # Imports of htmltools, only an Enhances. Therefore, the NAMESPACE file has to
  # declare it as an export, not an S3method. That means that R will only know to
  # use our methods if htmltools is actually attached, i.e., you have to use
  # library(htmltools) in a knitr document or else you'll get escaped HTML in your
  # document. This code snippet manually registers our methods with S3 once both
  # htmltools and knitr are loaded.
    # c(package, genname, class)
    c("knitr", "knit_print", "html"),
    c("knitr", "knit_print", "shiny.tag"),
    c("knitr", "knit_print", "shiny.tag.list"),
    c("knitr", "knit_print", "html_dependency")

depListToNamedDepList <- function(dependencies) {
  if (inherits(dependencies, "html_dependency"))
    dependencies <- list(dependencies)

  if (is.null(names(dependencies))) {
    names(dependencies) <- sapply(dependencies, `[[`, "name")

#' Resolve a list of dependencies
#' Given a list of dependencies, removes any redundant dependencies (based on
#' name equality). If multiple versions of a dependency are found, the copy with
#' the latest version number is used.
#' @param dependencies A list of [htmlDependency()] objects.
#' @param resolvePackageDir Whether to resolve the relative path to an absolute
#'   path via [system.file()] when the `package` attribute is
#'   present in a dependency object.
#' @return dependencies A list of [htmlDependency()] objects with
#'   redundancies removed.
#' @export
resolveDependencies <- function(dependencies, resolvePackageDir = TRUE) {
  deps <- resolveFunctionalDependencies(dependencies)

  # Get names and numeric versions in vector/list form
  depnames <- vapply(deps, function(x) x$name, character(1))
  depvers <- numeric_version(vapply(deps, function(x) x$version, character(1)))

  # Get latest version of each dependency. `unique` uses the first occurrence of
  # each dependency name, which is important for inter-dependent libraries.
  return(lapply(unique(depnames), function(depname) {
    # Sort by depname equality, then by version. Since na.last=NA, all elements
    # whose names do not match will not be included in the sorted vector.
    sorted <- order(ifelse(depnames == depname, TRUE, NA), depvers,
      na.last = NA, decreasing = TRUE)
    # The first element in the list is the one with the largest version.
    dep <- deps[[sorted[[1]]]]
    if (resolvePackageDir && !is.null(dep$package)) {
      dir <- dep$src$file
      if (!is.null(dir)) dep$src$file <- system_file(dir, package = dep$package)
      dep$package <- NULL

# Remove `remove` from `dependencies` if the name matches.
# dependencies is a named list of dependencies.
# remove is a named list of dependencies that take priority.
# If warnOnConflict, then warn when a dependency is being removed because of an
# older version already being loaded.

#' Subtract dependencies
#' Remove a set of dependencies from another list of dependencies. The set of
#' dependencies to remove can be expressed as either a character vector or a
#' list; if the latter, a warning can be emitted if the version of the
#' dependency being removed is later than the version of the dependency object
#' that is causing the removal.
#' @param dependencies A list of [htmlDependency()] objects from which
#'   dependencies should be removed.
#' @param remove A list of [htmlDependency()] objects indicating which
#'   dependencies should be removed, or a character vector indicating dependency
#'   names.
#' @param warnOnConflict If `TRUE`, a warning is emitted for each
#'   dependency that is removed if the corresponding dependency in `remove`
#'   has a lower version number. Has no effect if `remove` is provided as a
#'   character vector.
#' @return A list of [htmlDependency()] objects that don't intersect
#'   with `remove`.
#' @export
subtractDependencies <- function(dependencies, remove, warnOnConflict = TRUE) {
  dependencies <- resolveFunctionalDependencies(dependencies)
  depnames <- vapply(dependencies, function(x) x$name, character(1))

  if (is.character(remove)) {
    rmnames <- remove
  } else {
    remove <- resolveFunctionalDependencies(remove)
    rmnames <- vapply(remove, function(x) x$name, character(1))

  matches <- depnames %in% rmnames
  if (warnOnConflict && !is.character(remove)) {
    for (loser in dependencies[matches]) {
      winner <- remove[[head(rmnames == loser$name, 1)]]
      if (compareVersion(loser$version, winner$version) > 0) {
        warning(sprintf(paste("The dependency %s %s conflicts with",
          "version %s"), loser$name, loser$version, winner$version

  # Return only deps that weren't in remove

# Given a vector or list, drop all the NULL items in it
dropNulls <- function(x) {
  x[!vapply(x, is.null, FUN.VALUE=logical(1))]

nullOrEmpty <- function(x) {
  length(x) == 0

# Given a vector or list, drop all the NULL or length-0 items in it
dropNullsOrEmpty <- function(x) {
  x[!vapply(x, nullOrEmpty, FUN.VALUE=logical(1))]

isResolvedTag <- function(x) {
  inherits(x, "shiny.tag") && length(x$.renderHooks) == 0

isTag <- function(x) {
  inherits(x, "shiny.tag")

#' @rdname print.html
#' @export
print.shiny.tag <- function(x, browse = is.browsable(x), ...) {
  if (browse)
    print(HTML(as.character(x)), ...)

# indent can be numeric to indicate an initial indent level,
# or FALSE to suppress
#' @export
format.shiny.tag <- function(x, ..., singletons = character(0), indent = 0) {
  as.character(renderTags(x, singletons = singletons, indent = indent)$html)

#' @export
as.character.shiny.tag <- function(x, ...) {

#' @export
as.character.html <- function(x, ...) {

#' @export
print.shiny.tag.list <- function(x, ...) {
  if (isTRUE(attr(x, "print.as.list", exact = TRUE))) {
    attr(x, "print.as.list") <- NULL
    class(x) <- setdiff(class(x), "shiny.tag.list")

  print.shiny.tag(x, ...)

#' @export
format.shiny.tag.list <- format.shiny.tag

#' @export
as.character.shiny.tag.list <- as.character.shiny.tag

#' Print method for HTML/tags
#' S3 method for printing HTML that prints markup or renders HTML in a web
#' browser.
#' @param x The value to print.
#' @param browse If `TRUE`, the HTML will be rendered and displayed in a
#'   browser (or possibly another HTML viewer supplied by the environment via
#'   the `viewer` option). If `FALSE` then the HTML object's markup
#'   will be rendered at the console.
#' @param ... Additional arguments passed to print.
#' @export
print.html <- function(x, ..., browse = is.browsable(x)) {
  if (browse)
    cat(x, "\n", sep = "")

#' @export
format.html <- function(x, ...) {

normalizeText <- function(text) {
  if (!is.null(attr(text, "html", TRUE)))
    htmlEscape(text, attribute=FALSE)

#' Create a list of tags
#' Create a `list()` of [tag]s with methods for [print()], [as.character()],
#' etc.
#' @param ... A collection of [tag]s.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' tagList(
#'   h1("Title"),
#'   h2("Header text"),
#'   p("Text here")
#' )
tagList <- function(...) {
  lst <- dots_list(...)
  class(lst) <- c("shiny.tag.list", "list")

#' Tag function
#' Create 'lazily' rendered HTML [tags] (and/or [htmlDependencies()]).
#' When possible, use [`tagAddRenderHook()`] to provide both a tag
#' structure and utilize a render function.
#' @param func a function with no arguments that returns HTML tags and/or
#'   dependencies.
#' @seealso [`tagAddRenderHook()`]
#' @export
#' @examples
#' myDivDep <- tagFunction(function() {
#'   if (isTRUE(getOption("useDep", TRUE))) {
#'     htmlDependency(
#'       name = "lazy-dependency",
#'       version = "1.0", src = ""
#'     )
#'   }
#' })
#' myDiv <- attachDependencies(div(), myDivDep)
#' renderTags(myDiv)
#' withr::with_options(list(useDep = FALSE), renderTags(myDiv))
tagFunction <- function(func) {
  if (!is.function(func) || length(formals(func)) != 0) {
    stop("`func` must be a function with no arguments")
  structure(func, class = "shiny.tag.function")

#' Modify a tag prior to rendering
#' Adds a hook to call on a [tag()] object when it is is rendered as HTML (with,
#' for example, [print()], [renderTags()], [as.tags()], etc).
#' The primary motivation for [tagAddRenderHook()] is to create tags that can
#' change their attributes (e.g., change CSS classes) depending upon the context
#' in which they're rendered (e.g., use one set of CSS classes in one a page
#' layout, but a different set in another page layout). In this situation,
#' [tagAddRenderHook()] is preferable to [tagFunction()] since the latter is more a
#' "black box" in the sense that you don't know anything about the tag structure
#' until it's rendered.
#' @param tag A [`tag()`] object.
#' @param func A function (_hook_) to call when the `tag` is rendered. This function
#'   should have at least one argument (the `tag`) and return anything that can
#'   be converted into tags via [as.tags()].
#' @param replace If `TRUE`, the previous hooks will be removed. If `FALSE`,
#'   `func` is appended to the previous hooks.
#' @return A [tag()] object with a `.renderHooks` field containing a list of functions
#'   (e.g. `func`). When the return value is _rendered_ (such as with [`as.tags()`]),
#'   these functions will be called just prior to writing the HTML.
#' @export
#' @seealso [tagFunction()]
#' @examples
#' # Have a place holder div and return a span instead
#' obj <- div("example", .renderHook = function(x) {
#'   x$name <- "span"
#'   x
#' })
#' obj$name # "div"
#' print(obj) # Prints as a `span`
#' # Add a class to the tag
#' # Should print a `span` with class `"extra"`
#' spanExtra <- tagAddRenderHook(obj, function(x) {
#'   tagAppendAttributes(x, class = "extra")
#' })
#' spanExtra
#' # Replace the previous render method
#' # Should print a `div` with class `"extra"`
#' divExtra <- tagAddRenderHook(obj, replace = TRUE, function(x) {
#'   tagAppendAttributes(x, class = "extra")
#' })
#' divExtra
#' # Add more child tags
#' spanExtended <- tagAddRenderHook(obj, function(x) {
#'   tagAppendChildren(x, " ", tags$strong("bold text"))
#' })
#' spanExtended
#' # Add a new html dependency
#' newDep <- tagAddRenderHook(obj, function(x) {
#'   fa <- htmlDependency(
#'     "font-awesome", "4.5.0", c(href="shared/font-awesome"),
#'     stylesheet = "css/font-awesome.min.css")
#'   attachDependencies(x, fa, append = TRUE)
#' })
#' # Also add a jqueryui html dependency
#' htmlDependencies(newDep) <- htmlDependency(
#'   "jqueryui", "1.11.4", c(href="shared/jqueryui"),
#'   script = "jquery-ui.min.js")
#' # At render time, both dependencies will be found
#' renderTags(newDep)$dependencies
#' # Ignore the original tag and return something completely new.
#' newObj <- tagAddRenderHook(obj, function(x) {
#'   tags$p("Something else")
#' })
#' newObj
tagAddRenderHook <- function(tag, func, replace = FALSE) {
  if (!is.function(func) || length(formals(func)) == 0) {
    stop("`func` must be a function that accepts at least 1 argument")

  tag$.renderHooks <-
    if (isTRUE(replace)) {
    } else {
      append(tag$.renderHooks, list(func))


#' Append tag attributes
#' Append (`tagAppendAttributes()`), check existence (`tagHasAttribute()`),
#' and obtain the value (`tagGetAttribute()`) of HTML attribute(s).
#' @export
#' @param tag a [tag] object.
#' @param ... Attributes to append as named argument-value pairs. A named
#'   argument with an `NA` value is rendered as a boolean attribute (see
#'   example).
#' @param .cssSelector A character string containing a [CSS
#'   selector](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Learn/CSS/Building_blocks/Selectors)
#'   for targeting particular (inner) tags of interest. At the moment, only a
#'   combination of
#'   [type](https://www.w3.org/TR/CSS22/selector.html#type-selectors) (e.g,
#'   `div`), [class](https://www.w3.org/TR/CSS22/selector.html#class-html)
#'   (e.g., `.my-class`),
#'   [id](https://www.w3.org/TR/CSS22/selector.html#id-selectors) (e.g.,
#'   `#myID`), and
#'   [universal](https://www.w3.org/TR/CSS22/selector.html#universal-selector)
#'   (`*`) selectors within a given [simple
#'   selector](https://www.w3.org/TR/CSS22/selector.html#selector-syntax) is
#'   supported. Note, if `.cssSelector` is used, the returned tags will have
#'   their `$children` fields flattened to a single `list()` via [`tagQuery()`].
#' @seealso [tagAppendChildren()], [tagQuery()]
#' @examples
#' html <- div(a())
#' tagAppendAttributes(html, class = "foo")
#' tagAppendAttributes(html, .cssSelector = "a", class = "bar")
#' tagAppendAttributes(html, contenteditable = NA)
#' tagHasAttribute(div(foo = "bar"), "foo")
#' tagGetAttribute(div(foo = "bar"), "foo")
tagAppendAttributes <- function(tag, ..., .cssSelector = NULL) {

  if (!is.null(.cssSelector)) {

  newAttribs <- dropNullsOrEmpty(dots_list(...))
  if (any(!nzchar(names2(newAttribs)))) {
      "At least one of the new attribute values did not have a name.\n",
      "Did you forget to include an attribute name?"
  tag$attribs <- c(tag$attribs, newAttribs)

#' @rdname tagAppendAttributes
#' @param attr The name of an attribute.
#' @export
tagHasAttribute <- function(tag, attr) {
  result <- attr %in% names(tag$attribs)

#' @rdname tagAppendAttributes
#' @export
tagGetAttribute <- function(tag, attr) {
  # Find out which positions in the attributes list correspond to the given attr
  attribs <- tag$attribs
  attrIdx <- which(attr == names(attribs))

  if (length(attrIdx) == 0) {
    return (NULL)

  result <- attribs[attrIdx]
  # Remove NA values or return a single NA value
  if (anyNA(result)) {
    na_idx <- is.na(result)
    if (all(na_idx)) {
    result <- result[!na_idx]

  if (all(vapply(result, is.atomic, logical(1)))) {
    # Convert all attribs to chars explicitly; prevents us from messing up factors
    # Separate multiple attributes with the same name
    vals <- vapply(result, function(val) {
      val <- as.character(val)
      # Combine vector values if they exist
      if (length(val) > 1) {
        val <- paste0(val, collapse = " ")
    }, character(1))
    result <- paste0(vals, collapse = " ")
  } else {
    # When retrieving values that are not atomic, return a list of values
    names(result) <- NULL


#' Modify tag contents
#' Modify the contents (aka children) of a [tag] object.
#' @inheritParams tagAppendAttributes
#' @param child A child element to append to a parent tag.
#' @export
#' @seealso [tagAppendAttributes()], [tagQuery()]
#' @examples
#' html <- div(a(), h1())
#' tagAppendChild(html, span())
#' tagAppendChild(html, .cssSelector = "a", span())
#' tagAppendChildren(html, span(), p())
#' tagAppendChildren(html, .cssSelector = "a", span(), p())
#' tagSetChildren(html, span(), p())
#' tagInsertChildren(html, after = 1, span(), p())
tagAppendChild <- function(tag, child, .cssSelector = NULL) {

  if (!is.null(.cssSelector)) {
      tagAppendChildren(tag, child, .cssSelector = .cssSelector)

  tag$children[[length(tag$children)+1]] <- child

#' @rdname tagAppendChild
#' @param ... a collection of `child` elements.
#' @param list Deprecated. Use `!!!` instead to splice into `...`.
#' @export
tagAppendChildren <- function(tag, ..., .cssSelector = NULL, list = NULL) {

  children <- unname(c(dots_list(...), list))

  if (!is.null(.cssSelector)) {

  tag$children <- unname(c(tag$children, children))

#' @rdname tagAppendChild
#' @export
tagSetChildren <- function(tag, ..., .cssSelector = NULL, list = NULL) {

  children <- unname(c(dots_list(...), list))

  if (!is.null(.cssSelector)) {

  tag$children <- children

#' @rdname tagAppendChild
#' @param after an integer value (i.e., subscript) referring to the child position to append after.
#' @export
tagInsertChildren <- function(tag, after, ..., .cssSelector = NULL, list = NULL) {

  children <- unname(c(dots_list(...), list))

  if (!is.null(.cssSelector)) {
        each(function(x, i) {
          tagInsertChildren(x, after = after, !!!children)

  tag$children <- unname(append(tag$children, children, after))

throw_if_tag_function <- function(tag) {
  if (is_tag_function(tag))
    stop("`tag` can not be a `tagFunction()`")

# Use `known_tags` from `known_tags.R`
# Then remove `known_tags` once done creating tag functions
#' @include known_tags.R
names(known_tags) <- known_tags

#' Create HTML tags
#' Create an R object that represents an HTML tag. For convenience, common HTML
#' tags (e.g., `<div>`) can be created by calling for their tag name directly
#' (e.g., `div()`). To create less common HTML5 (or SVG) tags (e.g.,
#' `<article>`), use the `tags` list collection (e.g., `tags$article()`). To
#' create other non HTML/SVG tags, use the lower-level `tag()` constructor.
#' @name builder
#' @param ... Tag attributes (named arguments) and children (unnamed arguments).
#'   A named argument with an `NA` value is rendered as a boolean attributes
#'   (see example). Children may include any combination of:
#'   * Other tags objects
#'   * [HTML()] strings
#'   * [htmlDependency()]s
#'   * Single-element atomic vectors
#'   * `list()`s containing any combination of the above
#' @return A `list()` with a `shiny.tag` class that can be converted into an
#'   HTML string via `as.character()` and saved to a file with `save_html()`.
#' @seealso [tagList()], [withTags()], [tagAppendAttributes()], [tagQuery()]
#' @examples
#' tags$html(
#'   tags$head(
#'     tags$title('My first page')
#'   ),
#'   tags$body(
#'     h1('My first heading'),
#'     p('My first paragraph, with some ', strong('bold'), ' text.'),
#'     div(
#'       id = 'myDiv', class = 'simpleDiv',
#'       'Here is a div with some attributes.'
#'      )
#'   )
#' )
#' # html5 <audio> with boolean control attribute
#' # https://www.w3.org/TR/html5/infrastructure.html#sec-boolean-attributes
#' tags$audio(
#'   controls = NA,
#'   tags$source(
#'     src = "myfile.wav",
#'     type = "audio/wav"
#'   )
#' )
#' # suppress the whitespace between tags
#' tags$span(
#'   tags$strong("I'm strong", .noWS="outside")
#' )

#' @rdname builder
#' @format NULL
#' @docType NULL
#' @keywords NULL
#' @export
tags <- lapply(known_tags, function(tagname) {
  # Overwrite the body with the `tagname` value injected into the body
    args = exprs(... = , .noWS = NULL, .renderHook = NULL),
      contents <- dots_list(...)
      tag(!!tagname, contents, .noWS = .noWS, .renderHook = .renderHook)
    env = asNamespace("htmltools")

# known_tags is no longer needed, so remove it.

#' @rdname builder
#' @export
p <- tags$p

#' @rdname builder
#' @export
h1 <- tags$h1

#' @rdname builder
#' @export
h2 <- tags$h2

#' @rdname builder
#' @export
h3 <- tags$h3

#' @rdname builder
#' @export
h4 <- tags$h4

#' @rdname builder
#' @export
h5 <- tags$h5

#' @rdname builder
#' @export
h6 <- tags$h6

#' @rdname builder
#' @export
a <- tags$a

#' @rdname builder
#' @export
br <- tags$br

#' @rdname builder
#' @export
div <- tags$div

#' @rdname builder
#' @export
span <- tags$span

#' @rdname builder
#' @export
pre <- tags$pre

#' @rdname builder
#' @export
code <- tags$code

#' @rdname builder
#' @export
img <- tags$img

#' @rdname builder
#' @export
strong <- tags$strong

#' @rdname builder
#' @export
em <- tags$em

#' @rdname builder
#' @export
hr <- tags$hr

#' @rdname builder
#' @param _tag_name A character string to use for the tag name.
#' @param varArgs List of tag attributes and children.
#' @param .noWS Character vector used to omit some of the whitespace that would
#'   normally be written around this tag. Valid options include `before`,
#'   `after`, `outside`, `after-begin`, and `before-end`.
#'   Any number of these options can be specified.
#' @param .renderHook A function (or list of functions) to call when the `tag` is rendered. This
#'   function should have at least one argument (the `tag`) and return anything
#'   that can be converted into tags via [as.tags()]. Additional hooks may also be
#'   added to a particular `tag` via [tagAddRenderHook()].
#' @export
tag <- function(`_tag_name`, varArgs, .noWS = NULL, .renderHook = NULL) {
  # Get arg names; if not a named list, use vector of empty strings
  varArgsNames <- names2(varArgs)

  # Named arguments become attribs, dropping NULL and length-0 values
  named_idx <- nzchar(varArgsNames)
  attribs <- dropNullsOrEmpty(varArgs[named_idx])

  # Unnamed arguments are flattened and added as children.
  # Use unname() to remove the names attribute from the list, which would
  # consist of empty strings anyway.
  children <- unname(varArgs[!named_idx])

  st <- list(name = `_tag_name`,
      attribs = attribs,
      children = children)

  # Conditionally include the `.noWS` field.
  # We do this to avoid breaking the hashes of existing tags that weren't leveraging .noWS.
  if (!is.null(.noWS)) {
    st$.noWS <- .noWS
  # Conditionally include the `.renderHooks` field.
  # We do this to avoid breaking the hashes of existing tags that weren't leveraging .renderHooks.
  if (!is.null(.renderHook)) {
    if (!is.list(.renderHook)) {
      .renderHook <- list(.renderHook)
    st$.renderHooks <- .renderHook

  # Return tag data structure
  structure(st, class = "shiny.tag")

isTagList <- function(x) {
  is.list(x) && (inherits(x, "shiny.tag.list") || identical(class(x), "list"))

noWSOptions <- c("before", "after", "after-begin", "before-end", "outside", "inside")
# Ensure that the provided `.noWS` string contains only valid options
validateNoWS <- function(.noWS) {
  if (!all(.noWS %in% noWSOptions)) {
    stop("Invalid .noWS option(s) '", paste(.noWS, collapse="', '") ,"' specified.")

#' @include utils.R
tagWrite <- function(tag, textWriter, indent=0, eol = "\n") {

  if (length(tag) == 0)
    return (NULL)

  # optionally process a list of tags
  if (!isTag(tag) && isTagList(tag)) {
    tag <- dropNullsOrEmpty(flattenTags(tag))
    lapply(tag, tagWrite, textWriter, indent)
    return (NULL)

  nextIndent <- if (is.numeric(indent)) indent + 1 else indent
  indent <- if (is.numeric(indent)) indent else 0

  # compute indent text
  indentText <- paste(rep(" ", indent*2), collapse="")

  # Check if it's just text (may either be plain-text or HTML)
  if (is.character(tag)) {
    .noWS <- attr(tag, "noWS", exact = TRUE)
    if ("before" %in% .noWS || "outside" %in% .noWS) {
    if ("after" %in% .noWS || "outside" %in% .noWS) {
    return (NULL)

  .noWS <- tag$.noWS

  if ("before" %in% .noWS || "outside" %in% .noWS) {

  # write tag name
  textWriter$write(concat8("<", tag$name))

  # Convert all attribs to chars explicitly; prevents us from messing up factors
  attribs <- flattenTagAttribs(lapply(tag$attribs, as.character))
  attribNames <- names2(attribs)
  if (any(!nzchar(attribNames))) {
    # Can not display attrib without a key
      "A tag's attribute value did not have a name.\n",
      "Did you forget to name all of your attribute values?"

  # write attributes
  for (attrib in attribNames) {
    attribValue <- attribs[[attrib]]
    if (length(attribValue) > 1) {
      attribValue <- concat8(attribValue, collapse = " ")
    if (!is.na(attribValue)) {
      if (is.logical(attribValue)) {
        attribValue <- tolower(attribValue)
      text <- htmlEscape(attribValue, attribute=TRUE)
      textWriter$write(concat8(" ", attrib,"=\"", text, "\""))
    else {
      textWriter$write(concat8(" ", attrib))

  # write any children
  children <- dropNullsOrEmpty(flattenTags(tag$children))
  if (length(children) > 0) {

    # special case for a single child text node (skip newlines and indentation)
    if ((length(children) == 1) && is.character(children[[1]]) ) {
      textWriter$write(concat8(normalizeText(children[[1]]), "</", tag$name, ">"))
    else {
      if ("after-begin" %in% .noWS || "inside" %in% .noWS) {
      for (child in children)
        tagWrite(child, textWriter, nextIndent)
      if ("before-end" %in% .noWS || "inside" %in% .noWS) {
      textWriter$write(concat8("</", tag$name, ">"))
  else {
    # only self-close void elements
    # (see: http://dev.w3.org/html5/spec/single-page.html#void-elements)
    if (tag$name %in% c("area", "base", "br", "col", "command", "embed", "hr",
      "img", "input", "keygen", "link", "meta", "param",
      "source", "track", "wbr")) {
    else {
      textWriter$write(concat8("></", tag$name, ">"))
  if ("after" %in% .noWS || "outside" %in% .noWS) {

#' Render tags into HTML
#' Renders tags (and objects that can be converted into tags using
#' [as.tags()]) into HTML. (Generally intended to be called from web
#' framework libraries, not directly by most users--see
#' [print.html()] for higher level rendering.)
#' @param x Tag object(s) to render
#' @param singletons A list of [singleton] signatures to consider already
#'   rendered; any matching singletons will be dropped instead of rendered.
#'   (This is useful (only?) for incremental rendering.)
#' @param indent Initial indent level, or `FALSE` if no indentation should
#'   be used.
#' @return `renderTags` returns a list with the following variables:
#'   * `head`: An [HTML()] string that should be included in `<head>`.
#'   * `singletons`: Character vector of singleton signatures that are
#'   known after rendering.
#'   * `dependencies`: A list of [resolved][resolveDependencies] [htmlDependency()] objects.
#'   * `html`: An [HTML()] string that represents the main HTML that was rendered.
#' @export
renderTags <- function(x, singletons = character(0), indent = 0) {
  x <- tagify(x)
  # Do singleton and head processing before rendering
  singletonInfo <- takeSingletons(x, singletons)
  headInfo <- takeHeads(singletonInfo$ui)
  deps <- resolveDependencies(findDependencies(singletonInfo$ui, tagify = FALSE))

  headIndent <- if (is.numeric(indent)) indent + 1 else indent
  headHtml <- doRenderTags(headInfo$head, indent = headIndent)
  bodyHtml <- doRenderTags(headInfo$ui, indent = indent)

  return(list(head = headHtml,
    singletons = singletonInfo$singletons,
    dependencies = deps,
    html = bodyHtml))

#' @details `doRenderTags` is intended for very low-level use; it ignores
#'   render hooks, singletons, head, and dependency handling, and simply renders the given tag
#'   objects as HTML. Please use `renderTags()` if `x` has not already handled its dependencies
#'   and render hooks.
#' @return `doRenderTags` returns a simple [HTML()] string.
#' @rdname renderTags
#' @export
doRenderTags <- function(x, indent = 0) {
  assertNotTagEnvLike(x, "doRenderTags")

  textWriter <- WSTextWriter()
  tagWrite(x, textWriter, indent)
  # Strip off trailing \n (if present?)

# Walk a tree of tag objects, rewriting objects according to func.
# preorder=TRUE means preorder tree traversal, that is, an object
# should be rewritten before its children.
rewriteTags <- function(ui, func, preorder) {
  assertNotTagEnvLike(ui, "rewriteTags")

  if (preorder)
    ui <- func(ui)

  if (isTag(ui)) {
    ui$children[] <- lapply(ui$children, rewriteTags, func, preorder)
  } else if (isTagList(ui)) {
    ui[] <- lapply(ui, rewriteTags, func, preorder)

  if (!preorder)
    ui <- func(ui)


#' Singleton manipulation functions
#' Functions for manipulating [singleton()] objects in tag
#' hierarchies. Intended for framework authors.
#' @rdname singleton_tools
#' @name singleton_tools

#' @param ui Tag object or lists of tag objects. See [builder] topic.
#' @return `surroundSingletons` preprocesses a tag object by changing any
#'   singleton X into `<!--SHINY.SINGLETON[sig]-->X'<!--/SHINY.SINGLETON[sig]-->`
#'   where sig is the sha1 of X, and X' is X minus the singleton attribute.
#' @rdname singleton_tools
#' @export
surroundSingletons <- local({
  # In the case of nested singletons, outer singletons are processed
  # before inner singletons (otherwise the processing of inner
  # singletons would cause the sha1 of the outer singletons to be
  # different).
  surroundSingleton <- function(uiObj) {
    if (is.singleton(uiObj)) {
      sig <- digest(uiObj, "sha1")
      uiObj <- singleton(uiObj, FALSE)
        HTML(sprintf("<!--SHINY.SINGLETON[%s]-->", sig)),
        HTML(sprintf("<!--/SHINY.SINGLETON[%s]-->", sig))
    } else {

  function(ui) {
    rewriteTags(ui, surroundSingleton, TRUE)

#' @param singletons Character vector of singleton signatures that have already
#'   been encountered (i.e. returned from previous calls to
#'   `takeSingletons`).
#' @param desingleton Logical value indicating whether singletons that are
#'   encountered should have the singleton attribute removed.
#' @return `takeSingletons` returns a list with the elements `ui` (the
#'   processed tag objects with any duplicate singleton objects removed) and
#'   `singletons` (the list of known singleton signatures).
#' @rdname singleton_tools
#' @export
takeSingletons <- function(ui, singletons=character(0), desingleton=TRUE) {
  result <- rewriteTags(ui, function(uiObj) {
    if (is.singleton(uiObj)) {
      sig <- digest(uiObj, "sha1")
      if (sig %in% singletons)
      singletons <<- append(singletons, sig)
      if (desingleton)
        uiObj <- singleton(uiObj, FALSE)
    } else {
  }, TRUE)

  return(list(ui=result, singletons=singletons))

# Given a tag object, extract out any children of tags$head
# and return them separate from the body.
takeHeads <- function(ui) {
  headItems <- list()
  result <- rewriteTags(ui, function(uiObj) {
    if (isTag(uiObj) && tolower(uiObj$name) == "head") {
      headItems <<- append(headItems, uiObj$children)
  }, FALSE)

  return(list(ui=result, head=headItems))

#' Collect attached dependencies from HTML tag object
#' Walks a hierarchy of tags looking for attached dependencies.
#' @param tags A tag-like object to search for dependencies.
#' @param tagify Whether to tagify the input before searching for dependencies.
#' @return A list of [htmlDependency()] objects.
#' @export
findDependencies <- function(tags, tagify = TRUE) {
  if (isTRUE(tagify)) {
    tags <- tagify(tags)
  deps <- resolveFunctionalDependencies(htmlDependencies(tags))
  children <- if (is.list(tags)) {
    if (isTag(tags)) {
    } else {
  childDeps <- unlist(lapply(children, findDependencies, tagify = FALSE), recursive = FALSE, use.names = FALSE)
  c(childDeps, deps)

#' Resolves any [tagFunction()]s inside a list of [htmlDependencies()]. To
#' resolve [tagFunction()]s _and then_ remove redundant dependencies all at once,
#' use [resolveDependencies()] (which calls this function internally).
#' @noRd
resolveFunctionalDependencies <- function(dependencies) {
  if (!length(dependencies)) {
  dependencies <- asDependencies(dependencies)
  dependencies <- lapply(dependencies, function(dep) {
    if (is_tag_function(dep)) {
      dep <- dep()
    if (isTag(dep) || inherits(dep, "shiny.tag.list")) {
        "It appears attachDependencies() has been used to attach a tagFunction()",
        "that returns a shiny.tag/shiny.tag.list, which is considered poor practice",
        "since those tags will never actually get rendered", call. = FALSE
  unlist(dependencies, recursive = FALSE, use.names = FALSE)

#' Mark Characters as HTML
#' Marks the given text as HTML, which means the [tag] functions will know
#' not to perform HTML escaping on it.
#' @param text The text value to mark with HTML
#' @param ... Any additional values to be converted to character and
#'   concatenated together
#' @param .noWS Character vector used to omit some of the whitespace that would
#'   normally be written around this HTML. Valid options include `before`,
#'   `after`, and `outside` (equivalent to `before` and
#'   `end`).
#' @return The input `text`, but marked as HTML.
#' @examples
#' el <- div(HTML("I like <u>turtles</u>"))
#' cat(as.character(el))
#' @export
HTML <- function(text, ..., .noWS = NULL) {
  htmlText <- c(text, as.character(dots_list(...)))
  htmlText <- paste8(htmlText, collapse=" ")
  attr(htmlText, "html") <- TRUE
  attr(htmlText, "noWS") <- .noWS
  class(htmlText) <- c("html", "character")

#' Evaluate an expression using `tags`
#' This function makes it simpler to write HTML-generating code. Instead of
#' needing to specify `tags` each time a tag function is used, as in
#' `tags$div()` and `tags$p()`, code inside `withTags` is
#' evaluated with `tags` searched first, so you can simply use
#' `div()` and `p()`.
#' If your code uses an object which happens to have the same name as an
#' HTML tag function, such as `source()` or `summary()`, it will call
#' the tag function. To call the intended (non-tags function), specify the
#' namespace, as in `base::source()` or `base::summary()`.
#' @param code A set of tags.
#' @param .noWS Default whitespace behavior for all tags within this call to
#'   `withTags()`. Setting `.noWS` on an individual tag fuction inside
#'   `withTags()` will override the default. See [tag()] for complete options.
#' @examples
#' # Using tags$ each time
#' tags$div(class = "myclass",
#'   tags$h3("header"),
#'   tags$p("text")
#' )
#' # Equivalent to above, but using withTags
#' withTags(
#'   div(class = "myclass",
#'     h3("header"),
#'     p("text")
#'   )
#' )
#' # Setting .noWS for all tags in withTags()
#' withTags(
#'   div(
#'     class = "myclass",
#'     h3("header"),
#'     p("One", strong(span("two")), "three")
#'   ),
#'   .noWS = c("outside", "inside")
#' )
#' @export
withTags <- function(code, .noWS = NULL) {
  if (!is.null(.noWS)) {
    .noWSWithTags <- .noWS
    tags <- lapply(tags, function(tag) {
      function(..., .noWS = .noWSWithTags) {
        tag(..., .noWS = .noWS)
  eval(substitute(code), envir = as.list(tags), enclos = parent.frame())

# Make sure any objects in the tree that can be converted to tags, have been
tagify <- function(x) {
  rewriteTags(x, function(uiObj) {
    if (isResolvedTag(uiObj) || isTagList(uiObj) || is.character(uiObj))
  }, FALSE)

# Given a list of tags, lists, and other items, return a flat list, where the
# items from the inner, nested lists are pulled to the top level, recursively.
# Be sure to check for tagEnvLike objects and not allow them
flattenTags <- function(x) {
  assertNotTagEnvLike(x, "flattenTags")
  if (isTag(x)) {
    # For tags, wrap them into a list (which will be unwrapped by caller)
  } else if (isTagList(x)) {
    if (length(x) == 0) {
      # Empty lists are simply returned
    } else {
      # For items that are lists (but not tags), recurse
      ret <- unlist(lapply(x, flattenTags), recursive = FALSE)
      # Copy over attributes put on the original list (ex: html deps)
      mostattributes(ret) <- attributes(x)
  } else if (is.character(x)){
    # This will preserve attributes if x is a character with attribute,
    # like what HTML() produces

  } else {
    # For other items, coerce to character and wrap them into a list (which
    # will be unwrapped by caller). Note that this will strip attributes.
# This method should be just like `flattenTags()`, except the final `else` will
# return `list(x)`, rather than calling `flattenTags(as.tags(x))`.
# By not calling `as.tags(x)`, tagFunctions are not evaluated and other items
# are not converted.
flattenTagsRaw <- function(x) {
  relocateHtmlDeps <- function(z, type) {
    zDeps <- htmlDependencies(z)
    zDepsLen <- length(zDeps)
    # Return early if there are no dependencies
    if (zDepsLen == 0) return(z)

    # Append the incoming html deps to z's children
    # Perform position insert to not lose attrs on z/z$children
      "tag" = {
        children <- z[["children"]]
        childrenLen <- length(children)
        if (is.null(children)) {
          z[["children"]] <- zDeps
        } else {
          z[["children"]][(childrenLen + 1):(childrenLen + zDepsLen)] <- zDeps
      "tagList" = {
        zLen <- length(z)
        z[(zLen + 1):(zLen + zDepsLen)] <- zDeps
      stop("unknown type: ", type)
    # Remove html deps on z, as they are now in the children
    htmlDependencies(z) <- NULL


  if (isTagEnv(x)) {
    # For tags, wrap them into a list (which will be unwrapped by caller)
  } else if (isTag(x)) {
    # Append individual html deps as children elements.
    # Attributes are eaisly lost when unlisted or collected.
    # Instead, use the _newer_/stable approach of adding the html dep as a direct child
    x <- relocateHtmlDeps(x, type = "tag")
    # For tags, wrap them into a list (which will be unwrapped by caller)
  } else if (isTagList(x)) {
    # For items that are lists (but not tags), recurse
    ret <- unlist(lapply(x, flattenTagsRaw), recursive = FALSE)
    # Copy over attributes put on the original list (ex: html deps, class)
    mostattributes(ret) <- attributes(x)
    # Append individual html deps into the final list from the flattened tags
    # It does not work out well to add attributes to `ret`, as the html deps are not found by findDependencies()
    # Instead, use the _newer_/stable approach of adding the html dep as a direct child
    ret <- relocateHtmlDeps(ret, type = "tagList")
    # Return the list of items
  } else {
    # This will preserve attributes if x is a character with attribute,
    # like what HTML() produces

combineKeys <- function(x) {
  if (anyNA(x)) {
    na_idx <- is.na(x)
    if (all(na_idx)) {
    x <- x[!na_idx]
  unlist(x, recursive = FALSE, use.names = FALSE)
# Do not adjust single values
# Only merge keys
flattenTagAttribs <- function(attribs) {

  attribs <- dropNullsOrEmpty(attribs)

  attribNames <- names(attribs)

  if (anyDuplicated(attribNames)) {
    uniqueAttribNames <- sort(unique(attribNames))
    attribs <- lapply(uniqueAttribNames, function(name) {
      obj <- attribs[attribNames == name]
    names(attribs) <- uniqueAttribNames


#' Convert a value to tags
#' An S3 method for converting arbitrary values to a value that can be used as
#' the child of a tag or `tagList`. The default implementation simply calls
#' [as.character()].
#' @param x Object to be converted.
#' @param ... Any additional parameters.
#' @export
as.tags <- function(x, ...) {

#' @export
as.tags.default <- function(x, ...) {
  # Plain (non-classed) lists will hit as.tags.list(), but lists with a class
  # will get here. (tagLists will already have been handled by
  # as.tags.shiny.tag.list)
  if (is.list(x)) {
  } else {

#' @export
as.tags.html <- function(x, ...) {

#' @export
as.tags.shiny.tag <- function(x, ...) {
  if (isResolvedTag(x)) {

  hook <- x$.renderHooks[[1]]
  # remove first hook
  x$.renderHooks[[1]] <- NULL
  # Recursively call as.tags on the updated object
  # (Perform in two lines to avoid lazy arg evaluation issues)
  y <- hook(x)

#' @export
as.tags.shiny.tag.list <- function(x, ...) {

#' @export
as.tags.shiny.tag.function <- function(x, ...) {

#' @export
as.tags.list <- function(x, ...) {
  # Only non-classed lists will hit this method
  # (classed lists will reach the default method)

#' @export
as.tags.character <- function(x, ...) {
  # For printing as.tags("<strong>") directly at console, without dropping any
  # attached dependencies

#' @export
as.tags.html_dependency <- function(x, ...) {
  attachDependencies(tagList(), x)

#' Preserve HTML regions
#' Use "magic" HTML comments to protect regions of HTML from being modified by
#' text processing tools.
#' Text processing tools like markdown and pandoc are designed to turn
#' human-friendly markup into common output formats like HTML. This works well
#' for most prose, but components that generate their own HTML may break if
#' their markup is interpreted as the input language. The `htmlPreserve`
#' function is used to mark regions of an input document as containing pure HTML
#' that must not be modified. This is achieved by substituting each such region
#' with a benign but unique string before processing, and undoing those
#' substitutions after processing.
#' @param x A character vector of HTML to be preserved.
#' @return `htmlPreserve` returns a single-element character vector with
#'   "magic" HTML comments surrounding the original text (unless the original
#'   text was empty, in which case an empty string is returned).
#' @examples
#' # htmlPreserve will prevent "<script>alert(10*2*3);</script>"
#' # from getting an <em> tag inserted in the middle
#' markup <- paste(sep = "\n",
#'   "This is *emphasized* text in markdown.",
#'   htmlPreserve("<script>alert(10*2*3);</script>"),
#'   "Here is some more *emphasized text*."
#' )
#' extracted <- extractPreserveChunks(markup)
#' markup <- extracted$value
#' # Just think of this next line as Markdown processing
#' output <- gsub("\\*(.*?)\\*", "<em>\\1</em>", markup)
#' output <- restorePreserveChunks(output, extracted$chunks)
#' output
#' @export
htmlPreserve <- function(x) {
  html_preserve(x, inline = "auto")

html_preserve <- function(x, inline = "auto") {
  x <- paste(x, collapse = "\n")

  # Do nothing for empty string
  if (!nzchar(x)) {

  # rmarkdown sets this option to TRUE to leverage various benefits
  # that come with preserving HTML via pandoc 2.0's raw attribute feature
  # https://github.com/rstudio/rmarkdown/pull/1965#issuecomment-734804176
  if (!getOption("htmltools.preserve.raw", FALSE)) {
    return(sprintf("<!--html_preserve-->%s<!--/html_preserve-->", x))

  # With no other context, the presence of line break(s) determines whether a
  # block or inline code chunk is used for pandoc's raw attributes (the inline
  # version may add an additional <p> tag around the HTML (which can be
  # problematic, for instance, when embedding shiny inside flexdashboard)
  # Thankfully knitr::knit_print() can tell us whether we're inside a inline
  # code which is why this is here essentially just for non-knit usage
  # https://github.com/rstudio/flexdashboard/issues/379
  # https://github.com/rstudio/rmarkdown/issues/2259#issuecomment-995996958
  if (identical(inline, "auto")) {
    inline <- grepl(x, "\n", fixed = TRUE)

  if (inline) {
    sprintf("`%s`{=html}", x)
  } else {
    sprintf("\n```{=html}\n%s\n```\n", x)

# Temporarily set x in env to value, evaluate expr, and
# then restore x to its original state
withTemporary <- function(env, x, value, expr, unset = FALSE) {

  if (exists(x, envir = env, inherits = FALSE)) {
    oldValue <- get(x, envir = env, inherits = FALSE)
      assign(x, oldValue, envir = env, inherits = FALSE),
      add = TRUE)
  } else {
      rm(list = x, envir = env, inherits = FALSE),
      add = TRUE

  if (!missing(value) && !isTRUE(unset))
    assign(x, value, envir = env, inherits = FALSE)
  else {
    if (exists(x, envir = env, inherits = FALSE))
      rm(list = x, envir = env, inherits = FALSE)

# Evaluate an expression using Shiny's own private stream of
# randomness (not affected by set.seed).
withPrivateSeed <- local({
  ownSeed <- NULL
  function(expr) {
    withTemporary(.GlobalEnv, ".Random.seed",
      ownSeed, unset=is.null(ownSeed), {
        }, finally = {ownSeed <<- .Random.seed})

# extract_preserve_chunks looks for regions in strval marked by
# <!--html_preserve-->...<!--/html_preserve--> and replaces each such region
# with a long unique ID. The return value is a list with $value as the string
# with the regions replaced, and $chunks as a named character vector where the
# names are the IDs and the values are the regions that were extracted.
# Nested regions are handled appropriately; the outermost region is what's used
# and any inner regions simply have their boundaries removed before the values
# are stashed in $chunks.

#' @return `extractPreserveChunks` returns a list with two named elements:
#'   `value` is the string with the regions replaced, and `chunks` is
#'   a named character vector where the names are the IDs and the values are the
#'   regions that were extracted.
#' @rdname htmlPreserve
#' @export
extractPreserveChunks <- function(strval) {

  # Literal start/end marker text. Case sensitive.
  startmarker <- "<!--html_preserve-->"
  endmarker <- "<!--/html_preserve-->"
  # Start and end marker length MUST be different, it's how we tell them apart
  startmarker_len <- nchar(startmarker)
  endmarker_len <- nchar(endmarker)
  # Pattern must match both start and end markers
  pattern <- "<!--/?html_preserve-->"

  # It simplifies string handling greatly to collapse multiple char elements
  if (length(strval) != 1)
    strval <- paste(strval, collapse = "\n")

  # matches contains the index of all the start and end markers
  startmatches <- gregexpr(startmarker, strval, fixed = TRUE)[[1]]
  endmatches <- gregexpr(endmarker, strval, fixed = TRUE)[[1]]
  matches <- c(startmatches, endmatches)
  o <- order(matches)
  matches <- matches[o]
  lengths <- c(
    attr(startmatches, "match.length", TRUE),
    attr(endmatches, "match.length", TRUE)

  # No markers? Just return.
  if (unique(matches)[[1]] == -1)
    return(list(value = strval, chunks = character(0)))

  # If TRUE, it's a start; if FALSE, it's an end
  boundary_type <- lengths == startmarker_len

  # Positive number means we're inside a region, zero means we just exited to
  # the top-level, negative number means error (an end without matching start).
  # For example:
  # preserve_level - 1 2 1 0 1 0
  preserve_level <- cumsum(ifelse(boundary_type, 1, -1))

  # Sanity check.
  if (any(preserve_level < 0) || tail(preserve_level, 1) != 0) {
    stop("Invalid nesting of html_preserve directives")

  # Identify all the top-level boundary markers. We want to find all of the
  # elements of preserve_level whose value is 0 and preceding value is 1, or
  # whose value is 1 and preceding value is 0. Since we know that preserve_level
  # values can only go up or down by 1, we can simply shift preserve_level by
  # one element and add it to preserve_level; in the result, any value of 1 is a
  # match.
  is_top_level <- 1 == (preserve_level + c(0, preserve_level[-length(preserve_level)]))

  preserved <- character(0)

  top_level_matches <- matches[is_top_level]
  # Iterate backwards so string mutation doesn't screw up positions for future
  # iterations
  for (i in seq.int(length(top_level_matches) - 1, 1, by = -2)) {
    start_outer <- top_level_matches[[i]]
    start_inner <- start_outer + startmarker_len
    end_inner <- top_level_matches[[i+1]]
    end_outer <- end_inner + endmarker_len

    id <- withPrivateSeed(
      paste("preserve", paste(
        format(as.hexmode(sample(256, 8, replace = TRUE)-1), width=2),
        collapse = ""),
        sep = "")

    preserved[id] <- gsub(pattern, "", substr(strval, start_inner, end_inner-1))

    strval <- paste(
      substr(strval, 1, start_outer - 1),
      substr(strval, end_outer, nchar(strval)),
    substr(strval, start_outer, end_outer-1) <- id

  list(value = strval, chunks = preserved)

#' @param strval Input string from which to extract/restore chunks.
#' @param chunks The `chunks` element of the return value of
#'   `extractPreserveChunks`.
#' @return `restorePreserveChunks` returns a character vector with the
#'   chunk IDs replaced with their original values.
#' @rdname htmlPreserve
#' @export
restorePreserveChunks <- function(strval, chunks) {
  strval <- enc2utf8(strval)
  chunks <- enc2utf8(chunks)
  for (id in names(chunks))
    strval <- gsub(id, chunks[[id]], strval, fixed = TRUE, useBytes = TRUE)
  Encoding(strval) <- 'UTF-8'

#' Knitr S3 methods
#' These S3 methods are necessary to allow HTML tags to print themselves in
#' knitr/rmarkdown documents.
#' @name knitr_methods
#' @param x Object to knit_print
#' @param ... Additional knit_print arguments
#' @param inline Whether or not the code chunk is inline.

#' @rdname knitr_methods
#' @export
knit_print.shiny.tag <- function(x, ..., inline = FALSE) {
  x <- tagify(x)
  output <- surroundSingletons(x)
  deps <- resolveDependencies(findDependencies(x, tagify = FALSE), resolvePackageDir = FALSE)
  content <- takeHeads(output)
  head_content <- doRenderTags(tagList(content$head))

  meta <- if (length(head_content) > 1 || head_content != "") {
    list(structure(head_content, class = "shiny_head"))
  meta <- c(meta, deps)

    html_preserve(format(content$ui, indent=FALSE), inline),
    meta = meta)

#' @rdname knitr_methods
#' @export
knit_print.html <- function(x, ..., inline = FALSE) {
  deps <- resolveDependencies(findDependencies(x, tagify = FALSE))
  knitr::asis_output(html_preserve(as.character(x), inline),
    meta = if (length(deps)) list(deps))

#' @rdname knitr_methods
#' @export
knit_print.shiny.tag.list <- knit_print.shiny.tag

#' @rdname knitr_methods
#' @export
knit_print.html_dependency <- knit_print.shiny.tag

#' Include Content From a File
#' Load HTML, text, or rendered Markdown from a file and turn into HTML.
#' These functions provide a convenient way to include an extensive amount of
#' HTML, textual, Markdown, CSS, or JavaScript content, rather than using a
#' large literal R string.
#' @param path The path of the file to be included. It is highly recommended to
#'   use a relative path (the base path being the Shiny application directory),
#'   not an absolute path.
#' @rdname include
#' @name include
#' @aliases includeHTML
#' @export
includeHTML <- function(path) {
  lines <- readLines(path, warn=FALSE, encoding='UTF-8')

  if (detect_html_document(lines)) {
      "`includeHTML()` was provided a `path` that appears to be a complete HTML document.",
      "x" = paste("Path:", path),
      "i" = paste(
        "Use `tags$iframe()` to include an HTML document.",
        "You can either ensure `path` is accessible in your app or document",
        "(see e.g. `shiny::addResourcePath()`) and pass the relative path to",
        "the `src` argument. Or you can read the contents of `path` and pass",
        "the contents to `srcdoc`."

  return(HTML(paste8(lines, collapse='\n')))

detect_html_document <- function(lines) {
  if (length(lines) > 1) {
    lines <- paste8(lines, collapse = "\n")
  lines <- trimws(lines)

  # A complete html document starts with doctype declaration or opening <html>
  if (!grepl("^<!DOCTYPE html>|<html", lines, ignore.case = TRUE)) {
  # and ends by closing the `</html>` tag
  if (!grepl("</html>$", lines, ignore.case = TRUE)) {

  # There are more requirements for the HTML document to be technically complete
  # and valid, but the above conditions are sufficient for us to warn that the
  # document should not be treated as an HTML fragment.
#' @note `includeText` escapes its contents, but does no other processing.
#'   This means that hard breaks and multiple spaces will be rendered as they
#'   usually are in HTML: as a single space character. If you are looking for
#'   preformatted text, wrap the call with [pre()], or consider using
#'   `includeMarkdown` instead.
#' @rdname include
#' @export
includeText <- function(path) {
  lines <- readLines(path, warn=FALSE, encoding='UTF-8')
  return(paste8(lines, collapse='\n'))

#' @note The `includeMarkdown` function requires the `markdown`
#'   package.
#' @rdname include
#' @export
includeMarkdown <- function(path) {
  # markdown >= v1.3 switched from markdownToHTML() to mark()
  html <- if (packageVersion("markdown") < "1.3") {
    markdown::markdownToHTML(path, fragment.only = TRUE)
  } else {
    markdown::mark(path, output = NULL)
  Encoding(html) <- 'UTF-8'

#' @param ... Any additional attributes to be applied to the generated tag.
#' @rdname include
#' @export
includeCSS <- function(path, ...) {
  lines <- readLines(path, warn=FALSE, encoding='UTF-8')
  args <- dots_list(...)
  if (is.null(args$type))
    args$type <- 'text/css'
    c(list(HTML(paste8(lines, collapse='\n'))), args)))

#' @rdname include
#' @export
includeScript <- function(path, ...) {
  lines <- readLines(path, warn=FALSE, encoding='UTF-8')
  return(tags$script(HTML(paste8(lines, collapse='\n')), ...))

#' Include content only once
#' Use `singleton` to wrap contents (tag, text, HTML, or lists) that should
#' be included in the generated document only once, yet may appear in the
#' document-generating code more than once. Only the first appearance of the
#' content (in document order) will be used.
#' @param x A [tag()], text, [HTML()], or list.
#' @param value Whether the object should be a singleton.
#' @export
singleton <- function(x, value = TRUE) {
  attr(x, "htmltools.singleton") <- if (isTRUE(value)) TRUE else NULL

#' @rdname singleton
#' @export
is.singleton <- function(x) {
  isTRUE(attr(x, "htmltools.singleton"))

#' Validate proper CSS formatting of a unit
#' Checks that the argument is valid for use as a CSS unit of length.
#' `NULL` and `NA` are returned unchanged.
#' Single element numeric vectors are returned as a character vector with the
#' number plus a suffix of `"px"`.
#' Single element character vectors must be `"auto"`, `"fit-content"`
#' or `"inherit"`, a number, or a length calculated by the `"calc"`
#' CSS function. If the number has a suffix, it must be valid: `px`,
#' `\%`, `ch`, `em`, `rem`, `pt`, `in`, `cm`,
#' `mm`, `ex`, `pc`, `vh`, `vw`, `vmin`, or
#' `vmax`.
#' If the number has no suffix, the suffix `"px"` is appended.
#' Any other value will cause an error to be thrown.
#' @param x The unit to validate. Will be treated as a number of pixels if a
#'   unit is not specified.
#' @return A properly formatted CSS unit of length, if possible. Otherwise, will
#'   throw an error.
#' @examples
#' validateCssUnit("10%")
#' validateCssUnit(400)  #treated as '400px'
#' @export
validateCssUnit <- function(x) {
  if (is.null(x) || is.na(x))

  if (length(x) > 1 || (!is.character(x) && !is.numeric(x)))
    stop('CSS units must be a single-element numeric or character vector')

  # if the input is a character vector consisting only of digits (e.g. "960"),
  # coerce it to a numeric value
  if (is.character(x) && nchar(x) > 0 && gsub("\\d*", "", x) == "")
    x <- as.numeric(x)

  pattern <-

  if (is.character(x) &&
      !grepl(pattern, x)) {
    stop('"', x, '" is not a valid CSS unit (e.g., "100%", "400px", "auto")')
  } else if (is.numeric(x)) {
    x <- paste(x, "px", sep = "")

#' CSS string helper
#' Convenience function for building CSS style declarations (i.e. the string
#' that goes into a style attribute, or the parts that go inside curly braces in
#' a full stylesheet).
#' CSS uses `'-'` (minus) as a separator character in property names, but
#' this is an inconvenient character to use in an R function argument name.
#' Instead, you can use `'.'` (period) and/or `'_'` (underscore) as
#' separator characters. For example, `css(font.size = "12px")` yields
#' `"font-size:12px;"`.
#' To mark a property as `!important`, add a `'!'` character to the end
#' of the property name. (Since `'!'` is not normally a character that can be
#' used in an identifier in R, you'll need to put the name in double quotes or
#' backticks.)
#' Argument values will be converted to strings using
#' `paste(collapse = " ")`. Any property with a value of `NULL` or
#' `""` (after paste) will be dropped.
#' @param ... Named style properties, where the name is the property name and
#'   the argument is the property value. See Details for conversion rules.
#' @param collapse_ (Note that the parameter name has a trailing underscore
#'   character.) Character to use to collapse properties into a single string;
#'   likely `""` (the default) for style attributes, and either `"\n"`
#'   or `NULL` for style blocks.
#' @examples
#' padding <- 6
#' css(
#'   font.family = "Helvetica, sans-serif",
#'   margin = paste0(c(10, 20, 10, 20), "px"),
#'   "padding!" = if (!is.null(padding)) padding
#' )
#' @export
css <- function(..., collapse_ = "") {
  props <- dots_list(...)
  if (length(props) == 0) {

  if (is.null(names(props)) || any(names(props) == "")) {
    stop("cssList expects all arguments to be named")

  # Necessary to make factors show up as level names, not numbers
  props[] <- lapply(props, paste, collapse = " ")

  # Drop null args
  props <- props[!sapply(props, empty)]
  if (length(props) == 0) {

  # Translate camelCase, snake_case, and dot.case to kebab-case
  # For standard CSS properties only, not CSS variables
  is_css_var <- grepl("^--", names(props))
  names(props)[!is_css_var] <- standardize_property_names(names(props)[!is_css_var])

  # Create "!important" suffix for each property whose name ends with !, then
  # remove the ! from the property name
  important <- ifelse(grepl("!$", names(props), perl = TRUE), " !important", "")
  names(props) <- sub("!$", "", names(props), perl = TRUE)

  paste0(names(props), ":", props, important, ";", collapse = collapse_)

empty <- function(x) {
  length(x) == 0 || (is.character(x) && !any(nzchar(x)))

standardize_property_names <- function(x) {
  # camelCase to kebab-case
  x <- gsub("([A-Z])", "-\\1", x)
  x <- tolower(x)
  # snake_case and dot.case to kebab-case
  gsub("[._]", "-", x)

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htmltools documentation built on May 29, 2024, 5:19 a.m.