calc_analytic_css_3comp: Calculate the analytic steady state concentration for model...

View source: R/calc_analytic_css_3comp.R

calc_analytic_css_3compR Documentation

Calculate the analytic steady state concentration for model 3compartment


This function calculates the analytic steady state plasma or blood concentrations as a result of constant oral infusion dosing. The three compartment model \insertCitepearce2017httkhttk describes the amount of chemical in three key tissues of the body: the liver, the portal vein (essentially, oral absorption from the gut), and a systemic compartment ("sc") representing the rest of the body. See solve_3comp for additional details. The analytical steady-state solution for the the three compartment model is:

C^{ss}_{plasma} = \frac{dose}{f_{up}*Q_{GFR} + Cl_{h} + \frac{Cl_{h}}{Q_{l}}\frac{f_{up}}{R_{b:p}}Q_{GFR}}

C^{ss}_{blood} = R_{b:p}*C^{ss}_{plasma}

where Q_GFR is the glomerular filtration rate in the kidney, Q_l is the total liver blood flow (hepatic artery plus total vein), Cl_h is the chemical-specific whole liver metabolism clearance (scaled up from intrinsic clearance, which does not depend on flow), f_up is the chemical-specific fraction unbound in plasma, R_b:p is the chemical specific ratio of concentrations in blood:plasma.


calc_analytic_css_3comp( = NULL,
  chem.cas = NULL,
  dtxsid = NULL,
  parameters = NULL,
  dosing = list(daily.dose = 1),
  hourly.dose = NULL,
  dose.units = "mg",
  concentration = "plasma",
  suppress.messages = FALSE,
  recalc.blood2plasma = FALSE,
  tissue = NULL,
  restrictive.clearance = TRUE, = FALSE,
  Caco2.options = list(),


Either the chemical name, CAS number, or the parameters must be specified.


Either the chemical name, CAS number, or the parameters must be specified.


EPA's 'DSSTox Structure ID ( the chemical must be identified by either CAS, name, or DTXSIDs


Chemical parameters from parameterize_pbtk (for model = 'pbtk'), parameterize_3comp (for model = '3compartment), parameterize_1comp(for model = '1compartment') or parameterize_steadystate (for model = '3compartmentss'), overrides and chem.cas.


List of dosing metrics used in simulation, which includes the namesake entries of a model's associated dosing.params. For steady-state calculations this is likely to be either "daily.dose" for oral exposures or "Cinhaled" for inhalation.


Hourly dose rate mg/kg BW/h.


The units associated with the dose received.


Desired concentration type, 'blood' or default 'plasma'.


Whether or not the output message is suppressed.


Recalculates the ratio of the amount of chemical in the blood to plasma using the input parameters. Use this if you have altered hematocrit, Funbound.plasma, or Krbc2pu.


Desired tissue conentration (defaults to whole body concentration.)


If TRUE (default), then only the fraction of chemical not bound to protein is available for metabolism in the liver. If FALSE, then all chemical in the liver is metabolized (faster metabolism due to rapid off-binding).

If FALSE (default), then the total concentration is treated as bioactive in vivo. If TRUE, the the unbound (free) plasma concentration is treated as bioactive in vivo. Only works with tissue = NULL in current implementation.


A list of options to use when working with Caco2 apical to basolateral data Caco2.Pab, default is Caco2.options = list(Caco2.Pab.default = 1.6, Caco2.Fabs = TRUE, Caco2.Fgut = TRUE, overwrite.invivo = FALSE, keepit100 = FALSE). Caco2.Pab.default sets the default value for Caco2.Pab if Caco2.Pab is unavailable. Caco2.Fabs = TRUE uses Caco2.Pab to calculate fabs.oral, otherwise fabs.oral = Fabs. Caco2.Fgut = TRUE uses Caco2.Pab to calculate fgut.oral, otherwise fgut.oral = Fgut. overwrite.invivo = TRUE overwrites Fabs and Fgut in vivo values from literature with Caco2 derived values if available. keepit100 = TRUE overwrites Fabs and Fgut with 1 (i.e. 100 percent) regardless of other settings. See get_fbio for further details.


Additional parameters passed to parameterize function if parameters is NULL.


Steady state plasma concentration in mg/L units


Robert Pearce and John Wambaugh



See Also



httk documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 9:32 p.m.