
Defines functions ate.creg ate.reg ate.HT ate.clik ate.lik mn.creg mn.reg mn.HT mn.clik mn.lik loglik.g loglik myinv histw

Documented in ate.clik ate.creg ate.HT ate.lik ate.reg histw loglik loglik.g mn.clik mn.creg mn.HT mn.lik mn.reg myinv

#source R codes:







############################################ basic

#histw(): This function plots a weighted histogram.

histw <- function(x, w, xaxis, xmin, xmax, ymax, bar=TRUE, add=FALSE, col="black", dens=TRUE) {
     #x: data vector
     #w: inverse weight
     #xaxis: vector of cut points
     #xmin,xmax: the range of x coordinate
     #ymax: the maximum of y coordinate

     #bar: bar plot (if TRUE) or line plot
     #add: if TRUE, the plot is added to an existing plot
     #col: color of lines
     #dens: if TRUE, the histogram has a total area of one

     nbin <- length(xaxis)
     xbin <- cut(x, breaks=xaxis, include.lowest=T, labels=1:(nbin-1))

     y <- tapply(w, xbin, sum)
     y[is.na(y)] <- 0
     y <- y/sum(w)
     if (dens) y <- y/ (xaxis[-1]-xaxis[-nbin])

    if (!add) {
     plot.window(xlim=c(xmin,xmax), ylim=c(0,ymax))
     axis(1, pos=0)
     axis(2, pos=xmin)

     if (bar==1) {
        rect(xaxis[-nbin], 0, xaxis[-1], y)
     else {
        xval <- as.vector(rbind(xaxis[-nbin],xaxis[-1])) 
        yval <- as.vector(rbind(y,y))
        lines(c(min(xmin,xaxis[1]), xval, max(xmax,xaxis[length(xaxis)])), 
              c(0,yval,0), lty="11", lwd=2, col=col)

#Used for regression
myinv <- function(A, type="solve") {
   if (type=="solve")
   else if (type=="ginv")
     ginv(A, tol=sqrt(.Machine$double.eps))

#loglik(): This function uses a constraint matrix and an indicator vector 
#to compute log-likelihood, its gradient and its hessian matrix. 

loglik <- function(lam, tr, h) 
   #lam: argument
   #tr: non-missingness/treatment indicator
   #h: constraint matrix

   n <- length(tr)
   k <- dim(h)[2]

   w <- as.vector(h%*%c(1,lam))
   w[tr==0] <- 1-w[tr==0]

   if (!any(is.na(lam)) & sum(w>0)==n) {
     val <- -sum(log(w))/n

     grad <- h[,-1, drop=FALSE]/w
     grad[tr==0,] <- -grad[tr==0,]

     gradient <- -apply(grad,2,sum)/n
     hessian <- t(grad)%*%grad/n
   }else {
     val <- Inf

     gradient <- rep(NA, k-1)
     hessian <- matrix(NA, k-1, k-1)

   list(value=val, gradient=gradient, hessian=hessian)

#loglik.g(): This function uses a constraint matrix and an indicator vector 
#to compute log-likelihood, its gradient and its hessian matrix for calibrated 
#(or double robust) likelihood estimator in Tan (2010), Biometrika. 

loglik.g <- function(lam, tr, h, pr, g) 
   #lam: argument
   #tr: non-missingness/treatment indicator
   #h: constraint matrix
   #pr: fitted propensity score
   #g: control variate matrix

   n <- length(tr)

   g <- cbind(g)   #g may consist of one column
   k <- dim(g)[2]

   w <- rep(1/2,n)
   w[tr==1] <- h[tr==1,]%*%c(1,lam)

   if (!any(is.na(lam)) & sum(w[tr==1]>0)+sum(tr==0)==n) {
     val <- -sum(log(w[tr==1])/(1-pr[tr==1]))/n + sum(g%*%lam)/n

     mgrad <- matrix(0,n,k)
     mgrad[tr==1,] <- g[tr==1,]/w[tr==1]

     grad <- mgrad-g

     gradient <- -apply(grad,2,sum)/n
     hessian <- t((1-pr)*mgrad)%*%(mgrad)/n
   }else {
     val <- Inf

     gradient <- rep(NA, k)
     hessian <- matrix(NA, k,k)

   list(value=val, gradient=gradient, hessian=hessian)

############################################ missing-data setup

#mn.lik(): This function implements the non-calibrated (or non-doubly robust) likelihood estimator 
#in Tan (2006), JASA, and returns the population mean for missing-data setup.

mn.lik <- function(y, tr, p, g, X=NULL, evar=TRUE, inv="solve") 
   #y: outcome
   #tr: non-missingness indicator
   #p: fitted propensity score
   #g: control variate matrix
   #X: propensity score model matrix from logistic regression (=NULL if p is known or treated to be so)
   #evar: if yes, variance estimation
   #inv: type of matrix inversion

   n <- length(tr)

   h <- cbind(p, (1-p)*g)  
   if (!is.null(X))
      h <- cbind(h, p*(1-p)*X) 

   solv <- trust(loglik, rep(0,dim(h)[2]-1), rinit=1, rmax=100, iterlim=1000, 
                 tr=tr, h=h)   
   lam <- solv$argument
   norm <- max(abs(solv$gradient))
   conv <- solv$converged

   w <- as.vector(h%*%c(1,lam))

   mu <- sum(y[tr==1]/w[tr==1])/n

   #variance estimation
  if (!evar) {
   list(mu=mu, w=w,
        lam=lam, norm=norm, conv=conv)

  } else {
   y1 <- y*tr/w
   yc1 <- y1-mu

   z <- h[,-1 ,drop=FALSE]* (tr/w-(1-tr)/(1-w))
   #zero <- apply(z, 2, mean)
   #equal to -solv$gradient

   B <- myinv(t(z)%*%z/n, type=inv)
   b1 <- B%*%(t(z)%*%y1/n)

   psi <- yc1 - as.vector(z%*%b1)
   v <- mean( psi^2 )/n

   list(mu=mu, v=v, w=w,
        lam=lam, norm=norm, conv=conv)

#mn.clik(): This function implements the calibrated (or doubly robust) likelihood estimator 
#in Tan (2010), Biometrika, and returns the population mean for missing-data setup.

mn.clik <- function(y, tr, p, g, X=NULL, evar=TRUE, inv="solve") 
   #y: outcome
   #tr: non-missingness indicator
   #p: fitted propensity score
   #g: control variate matrix
   #X: propensity score model matrix from logistic regression (=NULL if p is known or treated to be so)
   #evar: if yes, variance estimation
   #inv: type of matrix inversion

   n <- length(tr)

   g <- cbind(g)   #g may consist of one column

   if (is.null(X)) {
     h1 <- cbind(p, (1-p)*g)

   } else {
     #first step of the two-step procedure in Tan (2010)
     out <- mn.lik(y, tr, p, g, X)

     h1 <- cbind(out$w, (1-p)*g)

   solv <- trust(loglik.g, rep(0,dim(g)[2]), rinit=1, rmax=100, iterlim=1000,
                 tr=tr, h=h1, pr=p, g=g)
   lam <- solv$argument
   norm <- max(abs(solv$gradient))
   conv <- solv$converged

   w <- as.vector(h1%*%c(1,lam))

   mu <- sum(y[tr==1]/w[tr==1])/n

   #variance estimation
  if (!evar) {
   list(mu=mu, w=w,
        lam=lam, norm=norm, conv=conv)

  } else {
   y1 <- y*tr/w
   yc1 <- y1-mu

   z1 <- g*(tr/w-1)
   #zero1 <- apply(z1, 2, mean)
   #equal to -solv$gradient

   ze1 <- h1[,-1, drop=FALSE]/w
   zm1 <- g*tr/w

   B1 <- myinv(t(ze1)%*%zm1/n, type=inv)
   b1 <- B1%*%(t(ze1)%*%y1/n)

   psi <- yc1 - as.vector(z1%*%b1)

   if (!is.null(X)) {
      h <- cbind(p, (1-p)*g, p*(1-p)*X)

      z <- h[,-1 ,drop=FALSE]* (tr/out$w-(1-tr)/(1-out$w))
      B <- myinv(t(z)%*%z/n, type=inv)

      ze <- h[,-1, drop=FALSE]/w

      psi <- psi -
   v <- mean( psi^2 )/n      

   list(mu=mu, v=v, w=w,
        lam=lam, norm=norm, conv=conv)

#mn.HT(): This function implements the Horvitz-Thompson estimator,
#and returns the population mean for missing-data setup. 

mn.HT <- function(y, tr, p, X=NULL, bal=FALSE) {
   #y: outcome
   #tr: non-missingness indicator
   #p: fitted propensity score
   #X: propensity score model matrix from logistic regression (=NULL if p is known or treated to be so)
   #bal: if TRUE, the function is used for checking balance

   n <- length(tr)
   y <- cbind(y)
   y1 <- y*tr/p

   if (bal)
      y1 <- y1- y 

   mu <- apply(y1, 2, mean)
   yc1 <- t(t(y1)-mu)

   #variance estimation
   if (!is.null(X)) {
      s <- X*(tr-p)
      V <- #solve(t(s)%*%s/n)
           solve(t(X*p)%*%((1-p)*X)/n)   #misspecification

      yc1 <- yc1 - s %*% V %*% (t(s)%*%yc1/n)

   v <- apply( yc1^2, 2, mean )/n 

   list(mu=mu, v=v)

#mn.reg(): This function implements the non-calibrated (or non-doubly robust) regression estimator,
#and returns the population mean for missing-data setup. 

mn.reg <- function(y, tr, p, g, X=NULL, evar=TRUE, inv="solve") {
   #y: outcome
   #tr: non-missingness indicator
   #p: fitted propensity score
   #g: control variate matrix
   #X: propensity score model matrix from logistic regression (=NULL if p is known or treated to be so)
   #evar: if yes, variance estimation
   #inv: type of matrix inversion
   n <- length(tr)
   g <- cbind(g)   #g may consist of one column

   y1 <- y*tr/p
   mu.raw <- mean(y1)  
   yc1 <- y1-mu.raw   #centered

   z <- g*(tr/p-1)
   zero <- apply(z, 2, mean)
   zc <- t(t(z)-zero)   #centered

   if (!is.null(X)) {
      s <- X*(tr-p)

      z <- cbind(z, s)
      zero <- c(zero, rep(0,dim(X)[2]))
      zc <- cbind(zc, s)  

   B <- myinv(t(zc)%*%zc/n, type=inv)
   b1 <- B%*%(t(zc)%*%yc1/n)

   mu <- mu.raw - as.vector(t(zero)%*%b1)

   #variance estimation
  if (!evar) {

  } else {
   psi <- (yc1 - as.vector(zc%*%b1) -

   v <- mean( psi^2 )/n      

   list(mu=mu, v=v, 

#mn.creg(): This function implements the calibrated (or doubly robust) regression estimator 
#in Tan (2006), JASA, and returns the population mean for missing-data setup. 

mn.creg <- function(y, tr, p, g, X=NULL, evar=TRUE, inv="solve") {
   #y: outcome
   #tr: non-missingness indicator
   #p: fitted propensity score
   #g: control variate matrix
   #X: propensity score model matrix from logistic regression (=NULL if p is known or treated to be so)
   #evar: if yes, variance estimation
   #inv: type of matrix inversion

   n <- length(tr)
   g <- cbind(g)   #g may consist of one column

   y1 <- y*tr/p
   mu.raw <- mean(y1)  
   yc1 <- y1-mu.raw   #centered

   z <- g*(tr/p-1)
   zero <- apply(z, 2, mean)
   zc <- t(t(z)-zero)   #centered

   zm1 <- g*tr/p

   if (!is.null(X)) {
      s <- X*(tr-p)
      sm1 <- X*tr

      z <- cbind(z, s)
      zero <- c(zero, rep(0,dim(X)[2]))
      zc <- cbind(zc, s)  

      zm1 <- cbind(zm1, sm1)

   B1 <- myinv(t(z)%*%zm1/n, type=inv)
   b1 <- B1%*%(t(z)%*%y1/n)

   mu <- mu.raw - as.vector(t(zero)%*%b1)

   #variance estimation
  if (!evar) {

  } else {
   psi <- yc1 - as.vector(zc%*%b1) - 

   v <- mean( psi^2 )/n

   list(mu=mu, v=v,

############################################ causal-inference setup

#ate.lik(): This function implements the non-calibrated (or non-doubly robust) likelihood estimator 
#in Tan (2006), JASA, and returns the population means for causal-inference setup.

ate.lik <- function(y, tr, p, g0,g1, X=NULL, evar=TRUE, inv="solve") {
   #y: outcome
   #tr: treatment indicator
   #p: fitted propensity score
   #g0,g1: control variate matrix
   #X: propensity score model matrix from logistic regression (=NULL if p is known or treated to be so)
   #evar: if yes, variance estimation
   #inv: type of matrix inversion

   n <- length(tr)

   h <- cbind(p, (1-p)*g1, p*g0)  
   if (!is.null(X))
      h <- cbind(h, p*(1-p)*X) 

   solv <- trust(loglik, rep(0,dim(h)[2]-1), rinit=1, rmax=100, iterlim=1000, 
                 tr=tr, h=h)   
   lam <- solv$argument
   norm <- max(abs(solv$gradient))
   conv <- solv$converged

   w <- as.vector(h%*%c(1,lam))

   mu1 <- sum(y[tr==1]/w[tr==1])/n
   mu0 <- sum(y[tr==0]/(1-w[tr==0]))/n
   diff <- mu1 - mu0

   mu <- c(mu1, mu0)
   names(mu) <- c("treat 1", "treat 0")

   #variance estimation
  if (!evar) {
   list(mu=mu, diff=diff, 
        lam=lam, norm=norm, conv=conv)

  } else {
   y1 <- y*tr/w
   y0 <- y*(1-tr)/(1-w)

   yc1 <- y1-mu1
   yc0 <- y0-mu0

   z <- h[,-1 ,drop=FALSE]* (tr/w-(1-tr)/(1-w))

   B <- myinv(t(z)%*%z/n, type=inv)
   b1 <- B%*%(t(z)%*%y1/n)
   b0 <- B%*%(t(z)%*%y0/n)

   psi1 <- yc1 - as.vector(z%*%b1)
   psi0 <- yc0 - as.vector(z%*%b0)

   v1 <- mean( psi1^2 )/n      
   v0 <- mean( psi0^2 )/n      
   v.diff <- mean( (psi1-psi0)^2 )/n      

   v <- c(v1, v0)
   names(v) <- c("treat 1", "treat 0")

   list(mu=mu, diff=diff, 
        v=v, v.diff=v.diff,
        lam=lam, norm=norm, conv=conv)

#ate.clik(): This function implements the calibrated (or doubly robust) likelihood estimator 
#in Tan (2010), Biometrika, and returns the population means for causal-inference setup.

ate.clik <- function(y, tr, p, g0,g1, X=NULL, evar=TRUE, inv="solve") 
   #y: outcome
   #tr: treatment indicator
   #p: fitted propensity score
   #g0,g1: control variate matrix
   #X: propensity score model matrix from logistic regression (=NULL if p is known or treated to be so)
   #evar: if yes, variance estimation
   #inv: type of matrix inversion

   n <- length(tr)

   g1 <- cbind(g1)   #g1 may consist of one column
   g0 <- cbind(g0)

   #point estimation 1
   if (is.null(X)) {
     h1 <- cbind(p, (1-p)*g1)

   } else { 
     #first step of the two-step procedure in Tan (2010)
     out <- ate.lik(y, tr, p, g0,g1, X)

     h1 <- cbind(out$w, (1-p)*g1)

   solv1 <- trust(loglik.g, rep(0,dim(g1)[2]), rinit=1, rmax=100, iterlim=1000,
                 tr=tr, h=h1, pr=p, g=g1)
   lam1 <- solv1$argument
   norm1 <- max(abs(solv1$gradient))
   conv1 <- solv1$converged

   w1 <- as.vector(h1%*%c(1,lam1))
   mu1 <- sum(y[tr==1]/w1[tr==1])/n

   #point estimation 0
   if (is.null(X)) {
     h0 <- cbind(1-p, p*g0)

   } else { 
     h0 <- cbind(1-out$w, p*g0)

   solv0 <- trust(loglik.g, rep(0,dim(g0)[2]), rinit=1, rmax=100, iterlim=1000,
                 tr=1-tr, h=h0, pr=1-p, g=g0)
   lam0 <- solv0$argument
   norm0 <- max(abs(solv0$gradient))
   conv0 <- solv0$converged

   w0 <- as.vector(h0%*%c(1,lam0))
   mu0 <- sum(y[tr==0]/w0[tr==0])/n
   diff <- mu1 - mu0

   mu <- c(mu1, mu0)
   names(mu) <- c("treat 1", "treat 0")
  if (!evar) {
   list(mu=mu, diff=diff, 
        w=cbind(w1, w0),
        lam=c(lam1, lam0), norm=c(norm1, norm0), conv=c(conv1, conv0))

  } else {
   #variance estimation 1
   y1 <- y*tr/w1
   yc1 <- y*tr/w1-mu1

   z1 <- g1*(tr/w1-1)

   ze1 <- h1[,-1, drop=FALSE]/w1
   zm1 <- g1*tr/w1

   B1 <- myinv(t(ze1)%*%zm1/n, type=inv)
   b1 <- B1%*%(t(ze1)%*%y1/n)

   psi1 <- yc1 - as.vector(z1%*%b1)

   if (!is.null(X)) {
      h <- cbind(p, (1-p)*g1, p*g0, p*(1-p)*X)

      z <- h[,-1 ,drop=FALSE]* (tr/out$w-(1-tr)/(1-out$w))
      B <- myinv(t(z)%*%z/n, type=inv)

      ze <- h[,-1, drop=FALSE]/w1

      psi1 <- psi1 -

   v1 <- mean( psi1^2 )/n      

   #variance estimation 0
   y0 <- y*(1-tr)/w0
   yc0 <- y*(1-tr)/w0-mu0

   z0 <- g0*((1-tr)/w0-1)

   ze0 <- h0[,-1, drop=FALSE]/w0
   zm0 <- g0*(1-tr)/w0

   B0 <- myinv(t(ze0)%*%zm0/n, type=inv)
   b0 <- B0%*%(t(ze0)%*%y0/n)

   psi0 <- yc0 - as.vector(z0%*%b0)

   if (!is.null(X)) {
      z <- -z

      ze <- h[,-1, drop=FALSE]/w0

      psi0 <- psi0 -

   v0 <- mean( psi0^2 )/n      
   v.diff <- mean( (psi1-psi0)^2 )/n      

   v <- c(v1, v0)
   names(v) <- c("treat 1", "treat 0")

   list(mu=mu, diff=diff, 
        v=v, v.diff=v.diff,
        w=cbind(w1, w0),
        lam=c(lam1, lam0), norm=c(norm1, norm0), conv=c(conv1, conv0))

#ate.HT(): This function implements the Horvitz-Thompson estimator,
#and returns the population means for causal-inference setup. 

ate.HT <- function(y, tr, p, X=NULL, bal=FALSE) {
   #y: outcome
   #tr: non-missingness indicator
   #p: fitted propensity score
   #X: propensity score model matrix from logistic regression (=NULL if p is known or treated to be so)
   #bal: if TRUE, the function is used for checking balance

   n <- length(tr)

   y <- cbind(y)
   y1 <- y*tr/p
   y0 <- y*(1-tr)/(1-p)

   if (bal) {
      y1 <- y1- y 
      y0 <- y0- y 

   mu1 <- apply(y1, 2, mean)
   mu0 <- apply(y0, 2, mean)
   diff <- mu1 - mu0

   yc1 <- t(t(y1)-mu1)
   yc0 <- t(t(y0)-mu0)

   #variance estimation
   if (!is.null(X)) {
      s <- X*(tr-p)
      V <- #solve(t(s)%*%s/n)
           solve(t(X*p)%*%((1-p)*X)/n)   #misspecification

      yc1 <- yc1 - s %*% V %*% (t(s)%*%yc1/n)
      yc0 <- yc0 - s %*% V %*% (t(s)%*%yc0/n)

   v1 <- apply( yc1^2, 2, mean )/n 
   v0 <- apply( yc0^2, 2, mean )/n 
   v.diff <- apply( (yc1-yc0)^2, 2, mean )/n 

   mu <- cbind(mu1, mu0)
   v <- cbind(v1, v0)
   list(mu=mu, diff=diff,
        v=v, v.diff=v.diff)

#ate.reg(): This function implements the non-calibrated (or non-doubly robust) regression estimator,
#and returns the population means for causal-inference setup. 

ate.reg <- function(y, tr, p, g0,g1, X=NULL, evar=TRUE, inv="solve") {
   #y: outcome
   #tr: treatment indicator
   #p: fitted propensity score
   #g0,g1: control variate matrix
   #X: propensity score model matrix from logistic regression (=NULL if p is known or treated to be so)
   #evar: if yes, variance estimation
   #inv: type of matrix inversion

   n <- length(tr)
   y1 <- y*tr/p
   y0 <- y*(1-tr)/(1-p)

   mu1.raw <- mean(y1)
   mu0.raw <- mean(y0)

   yc1 <- y1-mu1.raw   #centered
   yc0 <- y0-mu0.raw

   z <- cbind(g1*(tr/p-1), g0*((1-tr)/(1-p)-1))
   zero <- apply(z, 2, mean)
   zc <- t(t(z)-zero)   #centered

   if (!is.null(X)) {
      s <- X*(tr-p)

      z <- cbind(z, s)
      zero <- c(zero, rep(0,dim(X)[2]))
      zc <- cbind(zc, s)  

   B <- myinv(t(zc)%*%zc/n, type=inv)
   b1 <- B%*%(t(zc)%*%yc1/n)
   b0 <- B%*%(t(zc)%*%yc0/n)

   mu1 <- mu1.raw - as.vector(t(zero)%*%b1)
   mu0 <- mu0.raw - as.vector(t(zero)%*%b0)
   diff <- mu1 - mu0

   mu <- c(mu1, mu0)
   names(mu) <- c("treat 1", "treat 0")

   #variance estimation
  if (!evar) {
   list(mu=mu, diff=diff,
        b=cbind(b1, b0))

  } else {
   psi1 <- yc1 - as.vector(zc%*%b1) - 
   psi0 <- yc0 - as.vector(zc%*%b0) - 

   v1 <- mean( psi1^2 )/n      
   v0 <- mean( psi0^2 )/n      
   v.diff <- mean( (psi1-psi0)^2 )/n      

   v <- c(v1, v0)
   names(v) <- c("treat 1", "treat 0")

   list(mu=mu, diff=diff,
        v=v, v.diff=v.diff, 
        b=cbind(b1, b0))

#ate.creg(): This function implements the calibrated (or doubly robust) regression estimator 
#in Tan (2006), JASA, and returns the population means for causal-inference setup. 

ate.creg <- function(y, tr, p, g0,g1, X=NULL, evar=TRUE, inv="solve") {
   #y: outcome
   #tr: treatment indicator
   #p: fitted propensity score
   #g0,g1: control variate matrix
   #X: propensity score model matrix from logistic regression (=NULL if p is known or treated to be so)
   #evar: if yes, variance estimation
   #inv: type of matrix inversion

   n <- length(tr)
   y1 <- y*tr/p
   y0 <- y*(1-tr)/(1-p)

   mu1.raw <- mean(y1)
   mu0.raw <- mean(y0)

   yc1 <- y1-mu1.raw   #centered
   yc0 <- y0-mu0.raw

   z <- cbind(g1*(tr/p-1), g0*((1-tr)/(1-p)-1))
   zero <- apply(z, 2, mean)
   zc <- t(t(z)-zero)   #centered

   zm1 <- cbind(g1/p, -g0/(1-p))*tr
   zm0 <- cbind(-g1/p, g0/(1-p))*(1-tr)

   if (!is.null(X)) {
      s <- X*(tr-p)
      sm1 <- X*tr
      sm0 <- -X*(1-tr)

      z <- cbind(z, s)
      zero <- c(zero, rep(0,dim(X)[2]))
      zc <- cbind(zc, s)  

      zm1 <- cbind(zm1, sm1)
      zm0 <- cbind(zm0, sm0)

   B1 <- myinv(t(z)%*%zm1/n, type=inv)
   b1 <- B1%*%(t(z)%*%y1/n)

   B0 <- myinv(t(z)%*%zm0/n, type=inv)
   b0 <- B0%*%(t(z)%*%y0/n)

   mu1 <- mu1.raw - as.vector(t(zero)%*%b1)
   mu0 <- mu0.raw - as.vector(t(zero)%*%b0)
   diff <- mu1 - mu0

   mu <- c(mu1, mu0)
   names(mu) <- c("treat 1", "treat 0")
   #variance estimation
  if (!evar) {
   list(mu=mu, diff=diff, 
        b=cbind(b1, b0))

  } else {
   psi1 <- yc1 - as.vector(zc%*%b1) - 
   psi0 <- yc0 - as.vector(zc%*%b0) - 

   v1 <- mean( psi1^2 )/n      
   v0 <- mean( psi0^2 )/n      
   v.diff <- mean( (psi1-psi0)^2 )/n      

   v <- c(v1, v0)
   names(v) <- c("treat 1", "treat 0")

   list(mu=mu, diff=diff, 
        v=v, v.diff=v.diff,
        b=cbind(b1, b0))

#save(list=ls(), file="iWeigReg.R")

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iWeigReg documentation built on May 20, 2022, 5:06 p.m.