icd10_map_ahrq_pcs: AHRQ ICD-10-PCS categories

Description Details See Also Examples


The AHRQ has categorized each of the ICD-10-PCS (Procedure Codes) into one of four groups: minor diagnostic, minor therapeutic, major diagnostic or major therapeutic. This mapping can be used to get the type(s) of procedure(s) performed on a patient from a data.frame of patients and associated procedure codes in 'long' format. See the ICD-10 vignette for an example.


Currently there is no specific comorbidity function to use this data, so the generic comorbid icd9_comorbid icd10_comorbid should be used, and this data specified as the map.

See Also

comorbid icd9_comorbid icd10_comorbid https://www.hcup-us.ahrq.gov/toolssoftware/procedureicd10/procedure_icd10.jsp

Other comorbidity maps: icd9_map_ahrq, icd9_map_elix, icd9_map_hcc, icd9_map_pccc, icd9_map_quan_deyo, icd9_map_quan_elix, icd9_map_single_ccs

Other comorbidities: comorbid_hcc(), comorbid(), icd9_map_ahrq, icd9_map_elix, icd9_map_hcc, icd9_map_pccc, icd9_map_quan_deyo, icd9_map_quan_elix, icd9_map_single_ccs


icd10_map_ahrq_pcs[["Major Diagnostic"]][1:5]
icd10_map_ahrq_pcs[["Minor Therapeutic"]][1:5]

Example output

The 'icd9' package is deprecated, and should be removed to avoid conflicts with  'icd' . The 'icd' package up to version 2.1 contains tested versions of all the deprecated function names which overlap with those in the old 'icd9' package, e.g., 'icd9ComorbidAhrq' '. It is highly recommended to run the command: 'remove.packages("icd9")'
[1] "00900ZX" "00910ZX" "00920ZX" "00930ZX" "00940ZX"
[1] "0020X0Z" "0020XYZ" "002EX0Z" "002EXYZ" "002UX0Z"

icd documentation built on July 2, 2020, 4:07 a.m.