
Defines functions get_cim10fr2019

Documented in get_cim10fr2019

# Set up an environemnt to cache ICD data
.icd_data_env <- new.env(parent = emptyenv())

.data_names_pkg <- c(
  "icd10cm2019" # included in package data, being the latest version

.data_names_cache <- c(
  # WHO
  # FR
  # BE
  # ICD-9-CM leaf descriptions
  paste0("icd9cm", 2005:2013, "_leaf"),
  # RTF parsing with majors "three-digit" codes and other non-leaf nodes
  paste0("icd9cm", 2005:2014),
  # ICD-10-CM PCS
  paste0("icd10cm", 2014:2019, "_pc"),
  # ICD-10-CM DX

.data_names <- c(

#' Localised synonym for \code{\link{get_icd10fr2019}}, with French column names
#' @seealso \code{\link{get_icd10fr2019}}
#' @export
get_cim10fr2019 <- function() {
  if (exists("cim10fr2019", envir = .icd_data_env)) {
    return(get("cim10fr2019", envir = .icd_data_env))
  cim10fr2019 <- get_icd10fr2019()
  names(cim10fr2019) <- c(
  rownames(cim10fr2019) <- NULL
    value = cim10fr2019,
    envir = .icd_data_env

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icd documentation built on July 2, 2020, 4:07 a.m.