
Defines functions comorbid_mat_mul_wide comorbid_common categorize_simple

Documented in categorize_simple

#' Categorize codes according to a mapping
#' This is the function which prepares the input data for the categorization,
#' and forms the core of the package, along with the C++ matrix code. This is
#' pure data manipulation and generalizable beyond medical data.
#' The roadmap for \CRANpkg{icd} includes the optimized categorization component
#' being packaged independently, and the comorbidity package taking on the
#' front-end for doing ICD-code-based comorbidities. This is in discussion.
#' @param x Data frame containing a column for an 'id' and a column for a code,
#'   e.g., an ICD-10 code.
#' @template mapping
#' @param id_name The name of the \code{data.frame} field which is the unique
#'   identifier.
#' @param code_name String with name(s) of column(s) containing the codes.
#' @template return_df
#' @param return_binary Logical value, if \code{TRUE}, the output will be in 0s
#'   and 1s instead of \code{TRUE} and \code{FALSE}.
#' @param restore_id_order Logical value, if \code{TRUE}, the default, the order
#'   of the visit IDs will match the order of visit IDs first encountered in the
#'   input data. This takes a third of the time in calculations on data with
#'   tens of millions of rows, so, if the visit IDs will be discarded when
#'   summarizing data, this can be set to \code{FALSE} for a big speed-up.
#' @param preserve_id_type Single logical value, if \code{TRUE}, the visit ID
#'   column will be converted back to its original type. The default of
#'   \code{FALSE} means only \code{factors} and \code{character} types are
#'   restored in the returned data frame. For matrices, the row names are
#'   necessarily stored as character vectors.
#' @param comorbid_fun function i.e. the function symbol (not character string)
#'   to be called to do the comorbidity calculation
#' @template dotdotdot
#' @examples
#' u <- uranium_pathology
#' m <- icd10_map_ahrq
#' u$icd10 <- decimal_to_short(u$icd10)
#' j <- icd:::categorize_simple(u, m, id_name = "case", code_name = "icd10")
#' @keywords internal
categorize_simple <- function(x,
                              return_df = FALSE,
                              return_binary = FALSE,
                              restore_id_order = TRUE,
                              preserve_id_type = FALSE,
                              comorbid_fun = comorbid_mat_mul_wide,
                              ...) {
  assert_data_frame(x, min.cols = 2, col.names = "unique")
  class(x) <- "data.frame"
  assert_list(map, min.len = 1, names = "unique")
  stopifnot(is.null(id_name) ||
    (is.character(id_name) && length(id_name) == 1L))
  stopifnot(id_name %in% names(x))
  stopifnot(all(code_name %in% names(x)))
  for (cd in code_name) stopifnot(is.factor(cd) || is.character(cd))
  map <- lapply(map, as_char_no_warn) # TODO: no longer needed with Simple?
  id_was_factor <- is.factor(x[[id_name]])
  visit_class <- class(x[[id_name]])
  if (id_was_factor) iv_levels <- levels(x[[id_name]])
  if (nrow(x) == 0) {
    empty_mat_out <- matrix(
      nrow = 0,
      ncol = length(map),
      dimnames = list(character(0), names(map))
    if (!return_df) {
    if (id_was_factor) {
      row_names <- factor_nosort(character(0), levels = iv_levels)
    } else if (preserve_id_type) {
      row_names <- switch(visit_class,
        "integer" = integer(0),
        "numeric" = numeric(0),
        "character" = character(0)
    } else {
      row_names <- character(0)
    df_empty_out <- cbind(row_names, as.data.frame(empty_mat_out),
      stringsAsFactors = id_was_factor
    names(df_empty_out)[1] <- id_name
    rownames(df_empty_out) <- NULL
  mat <- comorbid_fun(
    data = x,
    map = map,
    id_name = id_name,
    code_name = code_name,
  # TODO: move the following into C++ where we have already hashed the vectors
  if (restore_id_order) {
    uniq_visits <- unique(x[[id_name]])
    mat_new_row_order <- match(rownames(mat), as_char_no_warn(uniq_visits))
    mat <- mat[order(mat_new_row_order), , drop = FALSE] # nolint
  if (return_binary) mat <- logical_to_binary(mat)
  if (!return_df) {
  # TODO: next step better left to the pure C++ functions?
  if (id_was_factor) {
    row_names <- factor_nosort_rcpp(x = rownames(mat), levels = iv_levels)
  } else if (preserve_id_type) {
    row_names <- switch(visit_class,
      "integer" = as.integer(rownames(mat)),
      "numeric" = as.numeric(rownames(mat)),
      "character" = as.character(rownames(mat))
    # TODO: don't convert uniq_visits to char, then convert back!
  } else {
    row_names <- rownames(mat)
  df_out <- cbind(row_names, as.data.frame(mat),
    stringsAsFactors = id_was_factor,
    row.names = NULL
  names(df_out)[1] <- id_name
  rownames(df_out) <- NULL

comorbid_common <- function(...,
                            icd_name) {
    id_name = visit_name,
    code_name = icd_name

# need to wrap just for validate default option
comorbid_mat_mul_wide <- function(data,
                                  validate = FALSE) {
    data = data,
    map = map,
    id_name = id_name,
    code_names = code_name,
    validate = validate

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icd documentation built on July 2, 2020, 4:07 a.m.