#' Semi-Parametric models for Interval Censored Data
#' @param formula regression formula. Response must be a \code{Surv} object of type \code{'interval2'}or \code{cbind}. See details.
#' @param data dataset
#' @param model What type of model to fit. Current choices are "\code{ph}" (Cox PH) or "\code{po}" (proportional odds)
#' @param weights Vector of case weights. Not standardized; see details
#' @param bs_samples Number of bootstrap samples used for estimation of standard errors
#' @param useMCores Should multiple cores be used for bootstrap sample? Does not register cluster (see example)
#' @param B Should intervals be open or closed? See details.
#' @param controls Advanced control options
#' @description Fits a semi-parametric model for interval censored data.
#' Can fit either a Cox-PH model or a proportional odds model.
#' The covariance matrix for the regression coefficients is estimated via bootstrapping.
#' For large datasets, this can become slow so parallel processing can be used to take advantage of multiple cores via the \code{foreach} package.
#' Response variable should either be of the form \code{cbind(l, u)} or
#' \code{Surv(l, u, type = 'interval2')}, where \code{l} and \code{u} are the lower
#' and upper ends of the interval known to contain the event of interest.
#' Uncensored data can be included by setting \code{l == u}, right censored data
#' can be included by setting \code{u == Inf} or \code{u == NA} and left censored
#' data can be included by setting \code{l == 0}.
#' The argument \code{B} determines whether the intervals should be open or closed,
#' i.e. \code{B = c(0,1)} implies that the event occurs within the interval \code{(l,u]}.
#' The exception is that if \code{l == u}, it is assumed that the event is uncensored,
#' regardless of \code{B}.
#' In regards to weights, they are not standardized.
#' This means that if weight[i] = 2, this is the equivalent to having two
#' observations with the same values as subject i.
#' The algorithm used is inspired by the extended ICM algorithm from Wei Pan 1999.
#' However, it uses a conditional Newton Raphson step (for the regression parameters)
#' and an ICM step (for the baseline survival parameters), rather than one single
#' ICM step (for both sets). In addition, a gradient ascent can also be used
#' to update the baseline parameters. This step is necessary if the
#' data contains many uncensored observations, very similar to how
#' the EM algorithm greatly accelerates the ICM algorithm for the NPMLE
#' (gradient ascent is used rather than the EM, as the M step is not
#' in closed form for semi-parametric models).
#' Earlier versions of icenReg used an active set algorithm, which was not
#' as fast for large datasets.
#' @examples
#' set.seed(1)
#' sim_data <- simIC_weib(n = 100, inspections = 5, inspectLength = 1)
#' ph_fit <- ic_sp(Surv(l, u, type = 'interval2') ~ x1 + x2,
#' data = sim_data)
#' # Default fits a Cox-PH model
#' summary(ph_fit)
#' # Regression estimates close to true 0.5 and -0.5 values
#' new_data <- data.frame(x1 = c(0,1), x2 = c(1, 1) )
#' rownames(new_data) <- c('group 1', 'group 2')
#' plot(ph_fit, new_data)
#' # plotting the estimated survival curves
#' po_fit <- ic_sp(Surv(l, u, type = 'interval2') ~ x1 + x2,
#' data = sim_data, model = 'po')
#' # fits a proportional odds model
#' summary(po_fit)
#' # Not run: how to set up multiple cores
#' # library(doParallel)
#' # myCluster <- makeCluster(2)
#' # registerDoParallel(myCluster)
#' # fit <- ic_sp(Surv(l, u, type = 'interval2') ~ x1 + x2,
#' # data = sim_data, useMCores = TRUE
#' # bs_samples = 500)
#' # stopCluster(myCluster)
#' @author Clifford Anderson-Bergman
#' @references
#' Pan, W., (1999), Extending the iterative convex minorant algorithm to the Cox model for interval-censored data, \emph{Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics}, Vol 8(1), pp109-120
#' Wellner, J. A., and Zhan, Y. (1997) A hybrid algorithm for computation of the maximum likelihood estimator from censored data, \emph{Journal of the American Statistical Association}, Vol 92, pp945-959
#' Anderson-Bergman, C. (preprint) Revisiting the iterative convex minorant algorithm for interval censored survival regression models
#' @export
ic_sp <- function(formula, data, model = 'ph',
weights = NULL, bs_samples = 0, useMCores = F,
B = c(0,1),
controls = makeCtrls_icsp() ){
recenterCovars = TRUE
useFullHess = TRUE
# Information about orginal call to function. Useful for expanding X in predict(fit, newdata)
call_base = = FALSE)
call_info = readingCall(call_base)
if(missing(data)) data <- environment(formula)
reg_items = make_xy(formula, data)
yMat <- reg_items$y
x <- reg_items$x
xNames = reg_items$xNames
if(length(xNames) == 0 & bs_samples > 0){
cat('no covariates included, so bootstrapping is not useful. Setting bs_samples = 0')
bs_samples = 0
# For semi-parametric model, need to handle case when l == u
yMat <- adjustIntervals(B, yMat)
if(model == 'ph') callText = 'ic_ph'
else if(model == 'po') callText = 'ic_po'
else stop('invalid choice of model. Current optios are "ph" (cox ph) or "po" (proportional odds)')
weights <- checkWeights(weights, yMat)
if(length(x) == 0) recenterCovars = FALSE
if(!is.null(controls$regStart)) regStart <- controls$regStart
else regStart <- rep(0, length(xNames))
if(length(regStart) != length(xNames)){
stop("length of provided regression parameters wrong length")
other_info <- list(useGA = controls$useGA, maxIter = controls$maxIter,
baselineUpdates = controls$baseUpdates,
useFullHess = useFullHess,
updateCovars = controls$updateReg,
recenterCovars = recenterCovars,
regStart = regStart)
# Recentering covariates
covarOffset <- icColMeans(x)
x <- t(t(x) - covarOffset)
fitInfo <- fit_ICPH(yMat, x, callText, weights, other_info)
dataEnv <- list()
dataEnv[['x']] <- as.matrix(x, nrow = nrow(yMat))
if(ncol(dataEnv$x) == 1) colnames(dataEnv[['x']]) <- xNames
dataEnv[['y']] <- yMat
seeds = as.integer( runif(bs_samples, 0, 2^31) )
bsMat <- numeric()
if(useMCores) `%mydo%` <- `%dopar%`
else `%mydo%` <- `%do%`
i <- NULL #this is only to trick R CMD check,
#as it does not recognize the foreach syntax
if(bs_samples > 0){
bsMat <- foreach(i = seeds, .combine = 'rbind') %mydo%{
sampDataEnv <- bs_sampleData(dataEnv, weights)
ans <- getBS_coef(sampDataEnv, callText = callText,
other_info = other_info)
if(bs_samples > 0){
names(fitInfo$coefficients) <- xNames
colnames(bsMat) <- xNames
incompleteIndicator <-[,1])
numNA <- sum(incompleteIndicator)
if(numNA > 0){
if(numNA / length(incompleteIndicator) >= 0.1)
cat('warning: ', numNA,
' bootstrap samples (out of ', bs_samples,
') were dropped due to singular covariate matrix.',
'Likely due to very sparse covariate. Be wary of these results.\n', sep = '')
bsMat <- bsMat[!incompleteIndicator,,drop = F]
covar <- cov(bsMat)
bsMat <- NULL
covar <- NULL
names(fitInfo$coefficients) <- xNames
fitInfo$covarOffset <- matrix(covarOffset, nrow = 1)
fitInfo$bsMat <- bsMat
fitInfo$var <- covar
fitInfo$call = call_base
fitInfo$formula = formula
fitInfo$.dataEnv <- new.env()
if(!missing(data)){ fitInfo$.dataEnv$data = data }
fitInfo$par = 'semi-parametric'
fitInfo$model = model
fitInfo$reg_pars <- fitInfo$coefficients
fitInfo$terms <- call_info$mt
fitInfo$xlevels <- .getXlevels(call_info$mt, call_info$mf)
if(fitInfo$iterations == controls$maxIter){
warning('Maximum iterations reached in ic_sp.')
#' Control Parameters for ic_sp
#' @param useGA Should constrained gradient ascent step be used?
#' @param maxIter Maximum iterations
#' @param baseUpdates number of baseline updates (ICM + GA) per iteration
#' @param regStart Initial values for regression parameters
#' @description
#' Creates the control options for the \code{ic_sp} function.
#' Defaults not intended to be changed for use in standard analyses.
#' @details
#' The constrained gradient step, actived by \code{useGA = T},
#' is a step that was added to improve the convergence in a special case.
#' The option to turn it off is only in place to help demonstrate it's utility.
#' \code{regStart} also for seeding of initial value of regression parameters. Intended for use in ``warm start" for bootstrap samples
#' and providing fixed regression parameters when calculating fit in qq-plots.
#' @author Clifford Anderson-Bergman
#' @export
makeCtrls_icsp <- function(useGA = T, maxIter = 10000, baseUpdates = 5,
regStart = NULL){
ans <- list(useGA = useGA, maxIter = maxIter,
baseUpdates = baseUpdates,
regStart = regStart, updateReg = TRUE)
fit_ICPH <- function(obsMat, covars, callText = 'ic_ph', weights, other_info){
if(any(obsMat[,1] > obsMat[,2]))
stop("left side of response interval greater than right side. This is impossible.")
useGA <- other_info$useGA
maxIter <- other_info$maxIter
baselineUpdates <- other_info$baselineUpdates
useFullHess <- other_info$useFullHess
updateCovars <- other_info$updateCovars
regStart <- other_info$regStart
# recenterCovars = FALSE
# if(getNumCovars(covars) == 0) recenterCovars <- FALSE
mi_info <- findMaximalIntersections(obsMat[,1], obsMat[,2])
k = length(mi_info[['mi_l']])
covars <- as.matrix(covars)
if(callText == 'ic_ph'){fitType = as.integer(1)}
else if(callText == 'ic_po'){fitType = as.integer(2)}
else {stop('callText not recognized in fit_ICPH')}
# if(recenterCovars){
# pca_info <- prcomp(covars, scale. = TRUE)
# covars <- as.matrix(pca_info$x)
# regStart <- solve(pca_info$rotation, (regStart * pca_info$scale) )
# }
c_ans <- .Call('ic_sp_ch', mi_info$l_inds, mi_info$r_inds,
covars, fitType, as.numeric(weights), useGA,
as.integer(maxIter), as.integer(baselineUpdates),
as.logical(useFullHess), as.logical(updateCovars),
names(c_ans) <- c('p_hat', 'coefficients', 'llk', 'iterations', 'score')
myFit <- new(callText)
myFit$p_hat <- c_ans$p_hat
myFit$coefficients <- c_ans$coefficients
myFit$llk <- c_ans$llk
myFit$iterations <- c_ans$iterations
myFit$score <- c_ans$score
myFit[['T_bull_Intervals']] <- rbind(mi_info[['mi_l']], mi_info[['mi_r']])
myFit$p_hat <- myFit$p_hat / sum(myFit$p_hat)
# if(recenterCovars == TRUE){
# myFit$pca_coefs <- myFit$coefficients
# myFit$pca_info <- pca_info
# myFit$coefficients <- as.numeric( myFit$pca_info$rotation %*% myFit$coefficients) / myFit$pca_info$scale
# myFit$baseOffset = as.numeric(myFit$coefficients %*% myFit$pca_info$center)
# }
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