
Defines functions iheatmap_argument_checks make_text_matrix setup_tooltip_options new_iheatmap new_colorbars new_axes new_plots

Documented in setup_tooltip_options

new_plots <- function(object,
  out <- new("IheatmapPlots")
  out[[name]] <- object

new_axes <- function(object,
                     axis = c("x","y")){
  out <- new("IheatmapAxes",
             axis = match.arg(axis))
  out[[name]] <- object

new_colorbars <- function(object, name){
  out <- new("IheatmapColorbars")
  out[[name]] <- object

new_iheatmap <- function(plot,
                         pname = "Signal",
                         xname = "x",
                         yname = "y",
                         orientation = c("horizontal","vertical"),
                         colorbar_grid = setup_colorbar_grid(),
                         colorbar = NULL,
                         colorbar_name = NULL,
                         source = source,
                         layout = list(),
  orientation <- match.arg(orientation)
  if (orientation == "horizontal"){
        plots = new_plots(plot, pname),
        xaxes = new_axes(xaxis, xname, axis = "x"),
        yaxes = new_axes(yaxis, yname, axis = "y"),
        colorbar_grid = colorbar_grid,
        current_xaxis = xname,
        current_yaxis = yname,
        colorbars = new_colorbars(colorbar, colorbar_name),
        source = source,
        layout = modifyList(list(hovermode = 'closest',
                                 margin = list(b = 50,
                                               t = 50,
                                               l = 50,
                                               r= 50),
                                 font = list()), 
  } else{
        plots = new_plots(plot, pname),
        xaxes = new_axes(xaxis, xname, axis = "x"),
        yaxes = new_axes(yaxis, yname, axis = "y"),
        colorbar_grid = colorbar_grid,
        current_xaxis = xname,
        current_yaxis = yname,
        colorbars = new_colorbars(colorbar, colorbar_name),
        source = source,
        layout = modifyList(list(hovermode = 'closest',
                                 margin = list(b = 50,
                                               t = 50,
                                               l = 50,
                                               r= 50),
                                 font = list()),

#' Tooltip Options
#' This function setups tooltip options for heatmap components of iheatmapr 
#' complex heatmaps.
#' @param row logical, include row name in tooltip?
#' @param col logical, include column name in tooltip?
#' @param value logical, include value in tooltip?
#' @param prepend_row text to prepend to row name
#' @param prepend_col text to prepend to column name
#' @param prepend_value text to prepend to value 
#' @return a HeatmapTooltipOptions object which stores these options and can be
#' passed to 'tooltip' argument to main_heatmap and other functions. 
#' @export
#' @examples 
#' mat <- matrix(rnorm(20), ncol = 5, nrow = 4)  
#' hm1 <- main_heatmap(mat, 
#'    tooltip = setup_tooltip_options(row = FALSE, col = FALSE,
#'                                    prepend_value = "Value is ")) 
#' # Print heatmap if interactive session 
#' if (interactive()) hm1 
setup_tooltip_options <- function(row = TRUE,
                                col = TRUE,
                                value = TRUE,
                                prepend_row = "Row: ",
                                prepend_col = "Col: ",
                                prepend_value = "Value: "){
      row = row,
      col = col,
      value = value,
      prepend_row = prepend_row,
      prepend_col = prepend_col,
      prepend_value = prepend_value)

#' main_heatmap
#' Plots initial heatmap, creates Iheatmap object
#' @param data matrix
#' @param name name of colorbar
#' @param x x axis labels (by default rownames of data)
#' @param y y axis labels (by default colnames of data)
#' @param colors color palette or vector of colors
#' @param colorbar_grid colorbar grid parameters, should be result from 
#' \code{\link{setup_colorbar_grid}} 
#' @param colorbar_position colorbar placement, should be positive integer
#' @param zmin minimum for colorscale
#' @param zmax maximum for colorscale
#' @param zmid midpoint for colorscale
#' @param orientation should new main plots be added horizontally or vertically?
#' @param x_categorical is x categorical?  will guess if not provided
#' @param y_categorical is y categorical?  will guess if not provided
#' @param row_order row ordering for this heatmap-- will be used for all 
#' subsequent elements sharing y axis
#' @param col_order column ordering for this heatmap-- will be used for all 
#' subsequent elements sharing x axis
#' @param layout list of layout attributes to pass to plotly, 
#' eg. list(font = list(size = 15))
#' @param xname internal name for xaxis
#' @param yname internal name for yaxis
#' @param pname internal plot name
#' @param source source name for use with shiny
#' @param show_colorbar logical to indicate whether to show colorbar
#' @param text text of value to display for data
#' @param tooltip tooltip options, see \code{\link{setup_tooltip_options}}
#' @return \code{\link{Iheatmap-class}} object, which can be printed to generate 
#' an interactive graphic
#' @seealso \code{\link{add_iheatmap}}, \code{\link{to_widget}},  
#' \code{\link{iheatmap}}, \code{\link{Iheatmap-class}}
#' @export
#' @author Alicia Schep
#' @rdname main_heatmap
#' @name main_heatmap
#' @aliases main_heatmap,matrix-method
#' @examples 
#' mat <- matrix(rnorm(20), ncol = 5, nrow = 4)  
#' hm <- main_heatmap(mat) 
#' # Print heatmap if interactive session 
#' if (interactive()) hm 
setMethod(main_heatmap, "matrix",
                   name = "Signal",
                   x = default_x(data),
                   y = default_y(data),
                   colors = pick_continuous_colors(zmid, zmin, zmax),
                   colorbar_grid = setup_colorbar_grid(),
                   colorbar_position = 1,
                   zmid = 0,
                   zmin = min(data, na.rm = TRUE),
                   zmax = max(data, na.rm = TRUE),
                   orientation = c("horizontal", "vertical"),
                   x_categorical = NULL,
                   y_categorical = NULL,
                   row_order = seq_len(nrow(data)),
                   col_order = seq_len(ncol(data)),
                   text = signif(data, digits = 3),
                   tooltip = setup_tooltip_options(),
                   xname = "x",
                   yname = "y",
                   pname = name,
                   source = "iheatmapr",
                   show_colorbar = TRUE,
                   layout = list()){
            iheatmap_argument_checks(data, row_order, col_order, x, y)
            orientation <- match.arg(orientation)
            if (is.null(x_categorical)) 
              x_categorical <- is_categorical(x, col_order)
            if (is.null(y_categorical)) 
              y_categorical <- is_categorical(y, row_order)
            new_plot <- new("MainHeatmap",
                            xaxis = "x",
                            yaxis = "y",
                            colorbar = name,
                            show_colorbar = show_colorbar,
                            data = data,
                            text = text,
                            tooltip = tooltip)
            if (x_categorical){
              xrange <- c(0.5,length(col_order)+0.5)
            } else{
              x <- as.numeric(x)
              xdiff <- diff(sort(x))
              xrange <- c(min(x) - xdiff[1] * 0.5, 
                          max(x) + xdiff[length(xdiff)] * 0.5)
            new_x <- new("IheatmapMainX",
                         id = "x",
                         domain_start = 0,
                         domain_end = 1,
                         categorical = x_categorical,
                         order = col_order,
                         text = x,
                         anchor = "y",
                         layout = list(ticks = "",
                                       zeroline = FALSE,
                                       showline = FALSE,
                                       showgrid = FALSE,
                                       showticklabels = FALSE,
                                       range = xrange))
            if (y_categorical){
              yrange <- c(0.5,length(row_order)+0.5)
            } else{
              y <- as.numeric(y)
              ydiff <- diff(sort(y))
              yrange <- c(min(y) - (ydiff[1] * 0.5), 
                          max(y) + (ydiff[length(ydiff)] * 0.5))
            new_y <- new("IheatmapMainY",
                         id = "y",
                         domain_start = 0,
                         domain_end = 1,
                         categorical = y_categorical,
                         order = row_order,
                         text = y,
                         anchor = "x",
                         layout = list(ticks = "",
                                       zeroline = FALSE,
                                       showline = FALSE,
                                       showgrid = FALSE,
                                       showticklabels = FALSE,
                                       range = yrange))
            new_colorbar <- continuous_colorbar(name = name,
                       position = colorbar_position,
                       colors = colors,
                       zmid = zmid,
                       zmin = zmin,
                       zmax = zmax)

            p <- new_iheatmap(plot = new_plot,
                              xaxis = new_x,
                              yaxis = new_y,
                              xname = xname,
                              yname = yname,
                              pname = pname,
                              orientation = orientation,
                              colorbar_grid = colorbar_grid,
                              colorbar = new_colorbar,
                              colorbar_name = name,
                              source = source,
                              layout = layout)

#' add_main_heatmap
#' Adds an additional main heatmap to an iheatmap object
#' @param p \code{\link{Iheatmap-class}} object
#' @param data matrix
#' @param name name of colorbar, will determine if colorbar is shared with 
#' existing plot
#' @param x x axis labels (by default rownames of data); only used if 
#' orientation is horizontal
#' @param y y axis labels (by default colnames of data); only used if 
#' orientation is vertical
#' @param colors color palette name or vector of colors
#' @param colorbar_position colorbar placement
#' @param show_colorbar display the colorbar?
#' @param zmin minimum for colorscale
#' @param zmax maximum for colorscale
#' @param zmid midpoint for scale
#' @param x_categorical is x categorical?  will guess if not provided
#' @param y_categorical is y categorical?  will guess if not provided
#' @param col_order column ordering for this heatmap; only used if orientation 
#' is horizontal
#' @param row_order row ordering for this heatmap; only used if orientation is 
#' vertical
#' @param side which side of the current plot to add this heatmap? 
#' @param size relative size of plot.  size relative to first heatmap
#' @param buffer amount of space to leave empty before this plot, relative to 
#' size of first heatmap
#' @param xname internal name for x axis
#' @param yname internal name for y axis
#' @param pname internal name for plot
#' @param text text of value to display for data
#' @param tooltip tooltip options, see \code{\link{setup_tooltip_options}}
#' @param ... additional arguments (ignored)
#' @seealso \code{\link{iheatmap}}, \code{\link{main_heatmap}}
#' @return \code{\link{Iheatmap-class}} object, which can be printed to generate 
#' an interactive graphic
#' @export
#' @author Alicia Schep
#' @rdname add_main_heatmap
#' @name add_main_heatmap
#' @aliases add_main_heatmap,IheatmapHorizontal,matrix-method 
#' add_main_heatmap,IheatmapVertical,matrix-method
#' @examples 
#' mat <- matrix(rnorm(20), ncol = 5, nrow = 4) 
#' mat2 <-  matrix(rnorm(24), ncol = 6, nrow = 4) 
#' hm <- iheatmap(mat) %>% add_main_heatmap(mat2)
#' # Print heatmap if interactive session 
#' if (interactive()) hm 
setMethod("add_main_heatmap", c(p = "IheatmapHorizontal", data = "matrix"),
                   name = "Signal",
                   x = default_x(data),
                   colors = pick_continuous_colors(zmid,zmin,zmax, p),
                   colorbar_position = get_colorbar_position(p),
                   show_colorbar = TRUE,
                   zmin = min(data, na.rm = TRUE),
                   zmax = max(data, na.rm = TRUE),
                   zmid = 0,
                   col_order = NULL,
                   x_categorical = NULL,
                   side = c("right","left"),
                   size = 1,
                   buffer = 0.04,
                   text = signif(data, digits = 3),
                   tooltip = setup_tooltip_options(),
                   xname = NULL,
                   pname = name,
            side <- match.arg(side)
            additional_ags <- list(...)
            if (is.null(col_order)) col_order <- seq_len(ncol(data))
            if (is.null(x_categorical)) 
              x_categorical <- is_categorical(x, col_order)
            if (x_categorical){
              xrange <- c(0.5,length(col_order)+0.5)
            } else{
              x <- as.numeric(x)
              xdiff <- diff(sort(x))
              xrange <- c(min(x) - (xdiff[1] * 0.5), 
                          max(x) + (xdiff[length(xdiff)] * 0.5))
            new_x <- 
                  id = paste0("x", length(xaxes(p)) + 1),
                  domain_start = 0,
                  domain_end = 1,
                  categorical = x_categorical,
                  order = as.integer(col_order),
                  text = x,
                  anchor = "y",
                  layout = list(ticks = "",
                                zeroline = FALSE,
                                showline = FALSE,
                                showgrid = FALSE,
                                showticklabels = FALSE,
                                range = xrange))
            if (is.null(xname)) xname <- id(new_x)
            current_xaxis(p) <- xname
            new_plot <- new("MainHeatmap",
                            xaxis = xname,
                            yaxis = "y",
                            colorbar = name,
                            show_colorbar = show_colorbar,
                            data = data,
                            text = text,
                            tooltip = tooltip)
            new_colorbar <- continuous_colorbar(name, colorbar_position, 
                                                colors, zmid, zmin, zmax)
            p <- add_axis(p, new_x, xname, size, buffer, side) 
            p <- add_plot(p, new_plot, pname)
            p <- add_colorbar(p, new_colorbar)

#' @rdname add_main_heatmap
#' @export
setMethod("add_main_heatmap", c(p = "IheatmapVertical", data = "matrix"),
                   name = "Signal",
                   y = default_y(data),
                   colors = pick_continuous_colors(zmid,zmin,zmax, p),
                   colorbar_position = get_colorbar_position(p),
                   show_colorbar = TRUE,
                   zmin = min(data, na.rm = TRUE),
                   zmax = max(data, na.rm = TRUE),
                   zmid = 0,
                   row_order = NULL,
                   y_categorical = NULL,
                   side = c("bottom","top"),
                   size = 1,
                   buffer = 0.04,
                   text = signif(data, digits = 3),
                   tooltip = setup_tooltip_options(),
                   yname = NULL,
                   pname = name,
            side <- match.arg(side)
            if (is.null(row_order)) row_order <- seq_len(nrow(data))
            if (is.null(y_categorical)) 
              y_categorical <- is_categorical(y, row_order)
            if (y_categorical){
              yrange <- c(0.5,length(row_order)+0.5)
            } else{
              y <- as.numeric(y)
              ydiff <- diff(sort(y))
              yrange <- c(min(y) - (ydiff[1] * 0.5), 
                          max(y) + (ydiff[length(ydiff)] * 0.5))
            new_y <- 
                  id = paste0("y", length(yaxes(p)) + 1),
                  domain_start = 0,
                  domain_end = 1,
                  categorical = y_categorical,
                  order = as.integer(row_order),
                  text = y,
                  anchor = "x",
                  layout = list(ticks = "",
                                zeroline = FALSE,
                                showline = FALSE,
                                showgrid = FALSE,
                                showticklabels = FALSE,
                                range = yrange))
            if (is.null(yname)) yname <- id(new_y)
            current_yaxis(p) <- yname
            new_plot <- new("MainHeatmap",
                            xaxis = "x",
                            yaxis = yname,
                            colorbar = name,
                            show_colorbar = show_colorbar,
                            data = data,
                            text = text,
                            tooltip = tooltip)
            new_colorbar <- continuous_colorbar(name, colorbar_position, 
                                                colors, zmid, zmin, zmax)
            p <- add_axis(p, new_y, yname, size, buffer, side)
            p <- add_plot(p, new_plot, pname)
            p <- add_colorbar(p, new_colorbar)

setMethod("make_trace", signature = c(x = "MainHeatmap"),
          function(x, xaxes, yaxes, colorbars, colorbar_grid, ...){
            cb <- colorbars[[x@colorbar]]
            xa <- xaxes[[xaxis_name(x)]]
            ya <- yaxes[[yaxis_name(x)]]
            txt <- make_text_matrix(x@text, axis_text(xa), axis_text(ya), 
                                    axis_order(ya), axis_order(xa), x@tooltip)
            colorscale <- colorscale(cb, get_data(x))
            out <- list(z = I(get_data(x)[axis_order(ya), 
                                        drop = FALSE]),
                        x = I(axis_values(xa)),
                        y = I(axis_values(ya)),
                        text = I(txt),
                        colorscale = colorscale,
                        xaxis = id(xa),
                        yaxis = id(ya),
                        zmin = cb@zmin,
                        zmax = cb@zmax,
                        hoverinfo = "text",
                        showscale = x@show_colorbar,
                        colorbar = make_colorbar(cb, colorbar_grid))


make_text_matrix <- function(mat, x, y, row_order, col_order, tooltip){
  if (tooltip@row & tooltip@col){
    txt <- outer(paste0(tooltip@prepend_row, y[row_order]),
                 paste0(tooltip@prepend_col, x[col_order]),
               FUN = paste, sep = "<br>")
  } else if (tooltip@row){
    txt <- outer(paste0(tooltip@prepend_row, y[row_order]),
                 rep("", length(col_order)),
                 FUN = paste0)
  } else if (tooltip@col){
    txt <- outer(rep("", length(row_order)),
                 paste0(tooltip@prepend_col, x[col_order]),
                 FUN = paste0)
  } else if (tooltip@value){
    txt <- matrix(paste0(tooltip@prepend_value, mat[row_order, col_order]),
                  nrow = length(row_order), ncol = length(col_order))
  } else{
    txt <- outer(rep("", length(row_order)),
                 rep("", length(col_order)),
                 FUN = paste0)
  if (tooltip@value){
    txt <- matrix(paste(txt, paste0(tooltip@prepend_value, mat[row_order, col_order]), 
                      sep = "<br>"),
                nrow = length(row_order), ncol = length(col_order))

iheatmap_argument_checks <- function(mat, row_order, col_order, x, y){
  if (!inherits(mat,"matrix")) stop("data must be a matrix!")
  if (any(row_order %ni% seq_len(nrow(mat)))) 
    stop("Row order contains invalid indices")
  if (any(col_order %ni% seq_len(ncol(mat)))) 
    stop("Col order contains invalid indices")
  if (length(y) != nrow(mat)) 
    stop("y does not match number of rows of matrix")
  if (length(x) != ncol(mat)) 
    stop("x does not match number of columns of matrix")

Try the iheatmapr package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

iheatmapr documentation built on May 29, 2024, 8:55 a.m.