Man pages for inferCSN
Inferring Cell-Specific Gene Regulatory Network

as_matrixConvert dgCMatrix into a dense matrix
calculate_accCalculate accuracy value
calculate_aucCalculate AUPRC and AUROC values
calculate_gene_rankRank TFs and genes in network
check_sparsityCheck sparsity of matrix
coef.srmExtracts a specific solution in the regularization path
example_ground_truthExample ground truth data
example_matrixExample matrix data
example_meta_dataExample meta data
filter_sort_matrixFilter and sort matrix
fit_sparse_regressionFit a sparse regression model
inferCSN*infer*ring *C*ell-*S*pecific gene regulatory *N*etwork
inferCSN-package_*inferCSN*_: *infer*ring *C*ell-*S*pecific gene regulatory...
log_messagePrint diagnostic message
network_formatFormat network table
network_siftSifting network
normalizationNormalize numeric vector
parallelize_funParallelize a function
plot_contrast_networksPlot contrast networks
plot_dynamic_networksPlot dynamic networks
plot_embeddingPlot embedding
plot_network_heatmapPlot network heatmap
plot_scatterPlot expression data in a scatter plot
plot_static_networksPlot dynamic networks
plot_weight_distributionPlot weight distribution
predict.srmPredicts response for a given sample
print.srmPrints a summary of 'fit_sparse_regression'
r_squareR^2 (coefficient of determination)
single_networkConstruct network for single target gene
sparse_regressionSparse regression model
table_to_matrixSwitch network table to matrix
inferCSN documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 9:32 p.m.