
if (interactive() &&
    require("rgl", quietly = TRUE) &&
    require("sphereplot", quietly = TRUE) &&
    bru_safe_sp() &&
    require("sp")) {
  # Show the globe

  # Load pantropoical dolphin data
  data("mexdolphin", package = "inlabru")

  # Add mesh, ship transects and dolphin sightings stored
  # as inla.mesh, SpatialLines and SpatialPoints objects, respectively

  glplot(mexdolphin$mesh, alpha = 0.2)
  glplot(mexdolphin$samplers, lwd = 5)
  glplot(mexdolphin$points, size = 10)

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inlabru documentation built on July 2, 2024, 1:07 a.m.