
nlmLSODAcp <-
function (model, data, LogParms = TRUE, JAC = FALSE, SEQ = FALSE, 
    rtol = 1e-4, atol = 1e-4, tcrit = NULL, hmin = 0, hmax = Inf) 
    nameData <- attr(data, "formula")
    nameTime <- as.character(nameData[[3]][[2]])
    nameSubject <- as.character(nameData[[3]][[3]])
    if (length(nameSubject) > 1) {
        if ((length(as.character(model$ObsEq)) - length(grep("~0", 
            as.character(model$ObsEq)))) > 1) {
            nameType <- as.character(nameData[[3]][[3]][[3]])
            nameOccasion <- as.null(character())
        else {
            nameOccasion <- as.character(nameData[[3]][[3]][[3]])
            nameType <- as.null(character())
        nameSubject <- as.character(nameData[[3]][[3]][[2]])
    else {
        nameType <- as.null(character())
        nameOccasion <- as.null(character())
    NoS <- length(model$States)
    NoP <- length(model$Parms)
    if (regexpr("/", rev(as.character(model$ObsEq))[1]) != -1) {
        NoP <- NoP - 1
    ninit <- 0
    sinit <- logical(length(model$Init))
    InitParms <- logical(length(model$Parms))
    for (i in 1:length(model$Init)) {
        ninit <- ninit + as.numeric(model$Init[[i]] != 0)
        sinit[i] <- !is.numeric(model$Init[[i]])
        if (sinit[i]) {
            for (j in 1:length(model$Parms)) {
                parm <- regexpr(model$Parms[j], as.character(model$Init[[i]]))
                if (parm != -1) {
                  InitParms[j] <- TRUE
    if (is.null(data[, nameTime])) {
        stop(paste("The data does not contain a", nameTime, "column"))
    if (is.null(data[, nameSubject])) {
        stop(paste("The data does not contain a", nameSubject, 
    Info <- list()
    if (is.null(data$Dose)) {
        DoseInfo <- data.frame(unique(data[, nameSubject]), rep(1, 
            length(unique(data[, nameSubject]))))
        names(DoseInfo) <- c(nameSubject, "Ndose")
        Ucomp <- logical(length(model$States))
        for (i in as.character(unique(data[, nameSubject]))) {
            if (SEQ == TRUE) {
                InitVector <- rep(0, length(model$States) + NoS * 
            else {
                InitVector <- rep(0, length(model$States))
            DoseSubj <- DoseInfo[DoseInfo[, nameSubject] == i, 
            Info[[i]][["1"]] <- list(Init = InitVector, Tcrit = NULL)
    else {
        DoseInfo <- as.data.frame(data[data$Dose != 0, , drop = FALSE])
        FirstLine <- data[match(unique(data[, nameSubject]), 
            data[, nameSubject]), ]
        FirstLine <- FirstLine[FirstLine$Dose == 0, ]
        if (!is.null(FirstLine)) {
            DoseInfo <- rbind(FirstLine, DoseInfo)
        Ucomp <- logical(length(model$States))
        Ucomp[unique(DoseInfo$Cmt[DoseInfo$Rate != 0])] <- TRUE
        if (!is.null(DoseInfo$Rate)) {
            for (i in 1:length(DoseInfo$Rate)) {
                if (DoseInfo$Rate[i] <= 0) {
                  DoseInfo$Tcrit[i] <- DoseInfo$Rate[i]
                else {
                  DoseInfo$Tcrit[i] <- DoseInfo[i, nameTime] + 
            RatePlace <- grep("Rate", model$Parms)
            TcritPlace <- grep("Tcrit", model$Parms)
        if (is.null(DoseInfo$Rate) & dim(DoseInfo)[1] > length(unique(data[, 
            nameSubject]))) {
            DoseInfo$Tcrit <- DoseInfo[, nameTime]
        if (!is.null(nameOccasion)) {
            DoseInfo$Occ <- rep(NA, dim(DoseInfo)[1])
            DoseInfo$oldSubject <- DoseInfo$Subject
            for (i in as.character(unique(DoseInfo[, nameSubject]))) {
                DoseInfo$Occ[i == DoseInfo[, nameSubject]] <- 1:nrow(DoseInfo[i == 
                  DoseInfo[, nameSubject], ])
            for (i in 1:nrow(DoseInfo)) {
                DoseInfo$Subject[i] <- paste(DoseInfo$Subject[i], 
                  "/", DoseInfo[i, nameOccasion], sep = "")
        DoseInfo$Ndose <- rep(NA, dim(DoseInfo)[1])
        for (i in as.character(unique(DoseInfo[, nameSubject]))) {
            DoseInfo$Ndose[i == DoseInfo[, nameSubject]] <- dim(DoseInfo[i == 
                DoseInfo[, nameSubject], ])[1]
        for (i in as.character(unique(DoseInfo[, nameSubject]))) {
            if (SEQ == TRUE) {
                InitVector <- rep(0, length(model$States) + NoS * 
            else {
                InitVector <- rep(0, length(model$States))
                for (j in 1:length(model$Init)) {
                  if (is.numeric(model$Init[[j]])) {
                    InitVector[j] <- model$Init[[j]]
            DoseSubj <- DoseInfo[i == as.character(DoseInfo[, 
                nameSubject]), ]
            if (is.null(DoseInfo$Rate)) {
                for (j in 1:(dim(DoseSubj)[1])) {
                  if (j == 1) {
                    InitVector[DoseSubj$Cmt[j]] <- InitVector[DoseSubj$Cmt[j]] + 
                  else {
                    InitVector <- rep(0, length(model$States))
                    InitVector[DoseSubj$Cmt[j]] <- DoseSubj$Dose[j]
                  if (j < dim(DoseSubj)[1]) {
                    Info[[i]][[as.character(j)]] <- list(Init = InitVector, 
                      Tcrit = DoseSubj$Tcrit[j + 1], StartTime = DoseSubj[j, 
                  else {
                    Info[[i]][[as.character(j)]] <- list(Init = InitVector, 
                      Tcrit = rev(data[, nameTime][i == as.character(data[, 
                        nameSubject])])[1], StartTime = DoseSubj[j, 
            else {
                for (j in 1:(dim(DoseSubj)[1])) {
                  if (DoseSubj$Rate[j] == 0) 
                    InitVector[DoseSubj$Cmt[j]] <- InitVector[DoseSubj$Cmt[j]] + 
                  Info[[i]][[as.character(j)]] <- list(Init = InitVector, 
                    Tcrit = DoseSubj$Tcrit[j], Rate = DoseSubj$Rate[j], 
                    StartTime = DoseSubj[j, nameTime], Dose = DoseSubj$Dose[j])
    parmstate <- c(model$Parms, model$States)
    pmlength <- length(parmstate)
    JACfunc <-NULL
#     if (JAC == TRUE) {
#         jacobi <- list()
#         temp <- list()
#         index <- 1
#         for (i in 1:length(model$States)) {
#             temp[[i]] <- deparse(deriv(model$DiffEq[[i]], model$States))
#             number <- grep(".grad\\[,", temp[[i]])
#             w <- grep("   \\.expr[0-9]+", temp[[i]])
#             name <- as.null(character())
#             if (length(w) != 0) {
#                 name <- character(length(w))
#                 expression <- character(length(w))
#                 for (k in 1:length(w)) {
#                   p <- regexpr("<-", temp[[i]][[w[k]]])
#                   pp <- regexpr("\\.", temp[[i]][[w[k]]])
#                   name[k] <- substring(temp[[i]][[w[k]]], first = pp[1], 
#                     last = p[1] - 2)
#                   expression[k] <- substring(temp[[i]][[w[k]]], 
#                     first = p[1] + attr(p, "match.length"), last = nchar(temp[[i]][[w[k]]]))
#                 }
#                 for (dummy in 1:10) {
#                   for (j in number) {
#                     for (k in 1:length(w)) {
#                       temp[[i]][[j]] <- gsub(name[k], paste("(", 
#                         expression[k], ")", sep = ""), temp[[i]][[j]])
#                     }
#                   }
#                 }
#             }
#             for (j in 1:length(number)) {
#                 jacobi[[index]] <- temp[[i]][[number[j]]]
#                 p <- regexpr("<-", jacobi[[index]])
#                 jacobi[[index]] <- substring(jacobi[[index]], 
#                   first = p[1] + attr(p, "match.length") + 1, 
#                   last = nchar(jacobi[[index]]))
#                 index <- index + 1
#             }
#         }
#         jacobi <- unlist(jacobi)
#         JACseq <- jacobi
# JACfunc <- character()
# JACfunc[1] <- "JACfunc <- function(t, y, p) {"
# j <- 2
#             for (i in 1:length(parmstate)) { 
#             if (i <= length(model$Parms)) {
#                   if (LogParms == TRUE) {
#                     JACfunc[j] <- paste(parmstate[i], "<- exp(p[\"",parmstate[i], "\"])", sep = "")
#                     j <- j + 1
#                   }
#                   else {
#                     JACfunc[j] <- paste(parmstate[i], "<- p[\"",parmstate[i], "\"]", sep = "")
#                     j <- j + 1
#                   }
#                 }
#                 else {
#                   JACfunc[j] <- paste(parmstate[i], "<- y[", i - length(model$Parms), "]", sep = "")
#                   j <- j + 1
#                 }
#             }
#             JACfunc[j] <- paste("c(", paste(jacobi, collapse = ","),")")
#             j <- j + 1
#             JACfunc[j] <- "}"
#             JACfunc <- eval(parse(text=JACfunc))
#             #assign(".JACfunc",JACfunc, pos = .GlobalEnv)
#     }
#     else {
#         JACfunc <- NULL
#     }
#     if (SEQ == TRUE) {
#         dfdp <- list()
#         temp <- list()
#         index <- 1
#         for (i in 1:length(model$States)) {
#             temp[[i]] <- deparse(deriv(model$DiffEq[[i]], model$Parms))
#             number <- grep(".grad\\[,", temp[[i]])
#             w <- grep("   \\.expr[0-9]+", temp[[i]])
#             name <- as.null(character())
#             if (length(w) != 0) {
#                 name <- character(length(w))
#                 expression <- character(length(w))
#                 for (k in 1:length(w)) {
#                   p <- regexpr("<-", temp[[i]][[w[k]]])
#                   pp <- regexpr("\\.", temp[[i]][[w[k]]])
#                   name[k] <- substring(temp[[i]][[w[k]]], first = pp[1], 
#                     last = p[1] - 2)
#                   expression[k] <- substring(temp[[i]][[w[k]]], 
#                     first = p[1] + attr(p, "match.length"), last = nchar(temp[[i]][[w[k]]]))
#                 }
#                 for (dummy in 1:10) {
#                   for (j in number) {
#                     for (k in 1:length(w)) {
#                       temp[[i]][[j]] <- gsub(name[k], paste("(", 
#                         expression[k], ")", sep = ""), temp[[i]][[j]])
#                     }
#                   }
#                 }
#             }
#             for (j in 1:length(number)) {
#                 dfdp[[index]] <- temp[[i]][[number[j]]]
#                 p <- regexpr("<-", dfdp[[index]])
#                 dfdp[[index]] <- substring(dfdp[[index]], first = p[1] + 
#                   attr(p, "match.length") + 1, last = nchar(dfdp[[index]]))
#                 index <- index + 1
#             }
#         }
#         dfdp <- unlist(dfdp)
#         JACmat <- matrix(JACseq, nrow = length(model$States), 
#             byrow = TRUE)
#         dfdpmat <- matrix(dfdp, nrow = length(model$States), 
#             byrow = TRUE)
#         i <- 1
#         h <- 1
#         SensEq <- list()
#         for (N in 1:NoS) {
#             for (M in 1:NoP) {
#                 SE <- paste("yd", i + NoS, "<- ", sep = "")
#                 j <- 0
#                 for (K in 1:NoS) {
#                   SE <- paste(SE, JACmat[N, K], "*y", h + j + 
#                     NoS, "+", sep = "")
#                   if (j == 0) {
#                     j <- j + NoP
#                   }
#                   else {
#                     j <- j + 1
#                   }
#                 }
#                 SE <- paste(SE, dfdpmat[N, M], sep = "")
#                 SensEq[[i]] <- SE
#                 i <- i + 1
#                 h <- h + 1
#             }
#             h <- 1
#         }
#         for (i in 1:(NoS * NoP)) {
#             w <- regexpr("<-", SensEq[[i]])
#             SensEq[[i]] <- substring(SensEq[[i]], first = w[1] + 
#                 attr(w, "match.length") + 1, last = nchar(SensEq[[i]]))
#             model$DiffEq[[paste("SE", i, sep = "")]] <- eval(parse(text = paste("~", 
#                 unlist(SensEq[[i]]))))
#         }
#     }
#     if (JAC == TRUE & SEQ == TRUE) {
#         jacobi <- list()
#         temp <- list()
#         index <- 1
#         newStates <- model$States
#         for (i in 1:(NoS * NoP)) {
#             newStates[NoS + i] <- paste("y", NoS + i, sep = "")
#         }
#         for (i in 1:length(model$DiffEq)) {
#             temp[[i]] <- deparse(deriv(model$DiffEq[[i]], newStates))
#             number <- grep(".grad\\[,", temp[[i]])
#             w <- grep("   \\.expr[0-9]+", temp[[i]])
#             name <- as.null(character())
#             if (length(w) != 0) {
#                 name <- character(length(w))
#                 expression <- character(length(w))
#                 for (k in 1:length(w)) {
#                   p <- regexpr("<-", temp[[i]][[w[k]]])
#                   pp <- regexpr("\\.", temp[[i]][[w[k]]])
#                   name[k] <- substring(temp[[i]][[w[k]]], first = pp[1], 
#                     last = p[1] - 2)
#                   expression[k] <- substring(temp[[i]][[w[k]]], 
#                     first = p[1] + attr(p, "match.length"), last = nchar(temp[[i]][[w[k]]]))
#                 }
#             }
#             for (j in 1:length(number)) {
#                 jacobi[[index]] <- temp[[i]][[number[j]]]
#                 w <- -1
#                 k <- 0
#                 while (!is.null(name) & k < length(name) & w == 
#                   -1) {
#                   k <- k + 1
#                   w <- regexpr(name[k], jacobi[[index]])
#                 }
#                 if (!is.null(name) & w != -1) {
#                   jacobi[[index]] <- gsub(name[k], expression[k], 
#                     jacobi[[index]])
#                 }
#                 p <- regexpr("<-", jacobi[[index]])
#                 jacobi[[index]] <- substring(jacobi[[index]], 
#                   first = p[1] + attr(p, "match.length") + 1, 
#                   last = nchar(jacobi[[index]]))
#                 index <- index + 1
#             }
#         }
#         jacobi <- unlist(jacobi)
#         JACfunc <- character()
#        JACfunc[1] <- "JACfunc <- function(t, y, p) {"
#        j <- 2
#             for (i in 1:length(parmstate)) {
#                 if (i <= length(model$Parms)) {
#                   if (LogParms == TRUE) {
#                     JACfunc[j] <- paste(parmstate[i], "<- exp(p[\"",parmstate[i], "\"])", sep = "")
#                     j <- j + 1
#                   }
#                   else {
#                     JACfunc[j] <- paste(parmstate[i], "<- p[\"",parmstate[i], "\"]", sep = "")
#                     j <- j + 1
#                   }
#                 }
#                 else {
#                   JACfunc[j] <- paste(parmstate[i], "<- y[",i - length(model$Parms), "]", sep = "")
#                   j <- j + 1
#                 }
#             }
#             JACfunc[j] <- paste("c(", paste(jacobi, collapse = ","),")")
#             j <- j + 1
#         JACfunc[j] <- "}"
#         JACfunc <- eval(parse(text=JACfunc))
#        #assign(".JACfunc",JACfunc, pos = .GlobalEnv)
#     }
#     if (SEQ == TRUE) {
#         for (i in 1:(NoS * NoP)) {
#             if ((NoS + i) > 9) {
#                 parmstate[pmlength + i] <- paste("y\\[1\\]", 
#                   NoS + i - 10, sep = "")
#             }
#             else {
#                 parmstate[pmlength + i] <- paste("y", NoS + i, 
#                   sep = "")
#             }
#         }
#     }
    BioState <- logical(NoS)
    BioParms <- logical(NoP)
    for (i in 1:length(model$Parms)) {
        if (length(grep(model$Parms[i], paste("F", 1:NoS, sep = ""))) > 
            0) {
            BioState[grep(model$Parms[i], paste("F", 1:NoS, sep = ""))] <- TRUE
            BioParms[grep(model$Parms[i], model$Parms)] <- TRUE
    for (i in 1:length(model$DiffEq)) {
        temp <- as.character(rev(model$DiffEq[[i]]))[[1]]
        if (!is.null(DoseInfo$Rate) & Ucomp[i]) {
            if (BioState[i]) {
                temp <- paste(temp, " + F", i, "*(t>=p[\"StartT\"])*Rate*(t<=Tcrit)", 
                  sep = "")
            else {
                temp <- paste(temp, " + (t>=p[\"StartT\"])*Rate*(t<=Tcrit)")
        model$DiffEq[[i]] <- eval(parse(text = paste("~", temp)))
    DiffParms <- logical(length(model$Parms))
    for (i in 1:length(DiffParms)) {
        if (length(grep(model$Parms[i], as.character(model$DiffEq))) > 
            0) {
            DiffParms[grep(model$Parms[i], model$Parms)] <- TRUE
    ObsEq <- as.character(model$ObsEq)
    Scales <- list()
    ScaleDiv <- list()
    ScaleMult <- list()
    ScaleParms <- list()
    for (i in 1:length(ObsEq)) {
        if (ObsEq[[i]] != "~0") {
            Scales[[i]] <- ObsEq[[i]]
            placeDiv <- regexpr("/", Scales[[i]])
            placeMult <- regexpr("\\*", Scales[[i]])
        else {
            placeDiv <- -1
            placeMult <- -1
        if (placeDiv != -1 | placeMult != -1) {
            if (placeDiv != -1) {
                if (placeMult != -1) {
                  if (placeDiv < placeMult) {
                    ScaleDiv[[i]] <- substring(Scales[[i]], first = placeDiv[1] + 
                      1, last = placeMult[1] - 2)
                    ScaleMult[[i]] <- substring(Scales[[i]], 
                      first = placeMult[1] + 2, last = nchar(Scales[[i]]))
                    ScaleParms[[i]] <- c(ScaleDiv[[i]], ScaleMult[[i]])
                  else {
                    ScaleDiv[[i]] <- substring(Scales[[i]], first = placeDiv[1] + 
                      1, last = nchar(Scales[[i]]))
                    ScaleMult[[i]] <- substring(Scales[[i]], 
                      first = placeMult[1] + 2, last = placeDiv[1] - 
                    ScaleParms[[i]] <- c(ScaleDiv[[i]], ScaleMult[[i]])
                else {
                  ScaleDiv[[i]] <- substring(Scales[[i]], first = placeDiv[1] + 
                    1, last = nchar(Scales[[i]]))
                  ScaleMult[[i]] <- as.null(ScaleDiv[[i]])
                  ScaleParms[[i]] <- c(ScaleDiv[[i]])
            else {
                ScaleMult[[i]] <- substring(Scales[[i]], first = placeMult[1] + 
                  2, last = nchar(Scales[[i]]))
                ScaleDiv[[i]] <- as.null(ScaleMult[[i]])
                ScaleParms[[i]] <- c(ScaleMult[[i]])
            ObsParms <- logical(length(model$Parms))
            for (j in 1:length(ObsParms)) {
                ObsParms[grep(ScaleParms[[i]][j], model$Parms)] <- TRUE
        else {
            Scales[[i]] <- as.null()
            ScaleMult[[i]] <- as.null()
            ScaleDiv[[i]] <- as.null()
            ScaleParms[[i]] <- as.null()
    Scales[[length(ObsEq) + 1]] <- 0
    ScaleMult[[length(ObsEq) + 1]] <- 0
    ScaleDiv[[length(ObsEq) + 1]] <- 0
    ScaleParms[[length(ObsEq) + 1]] <- 0
    Scales <- Scales[-(length(ObsEq) + 1)]
    ScaleMult <- ScaleMult[-(length(ObsEq) + 1)]
    ScaleDiv <- ScaleDiv[-(length(ObsEq) + 1)]
    ScaleParms <- ScaleParms[-(length(ObsEq) + 1)]
    if (length(Scales) == 0) {
        Scales <- list(NULL)
    ObsStates <- logical(length(model$States))
    for (i in 1:length(ObsEq)) {
        ObsStates[i] <- regexpr(model$States[i], ObsEq[[i]]) != -1

pkmodel <- character()

pkmodel[1] <- "pkmodel <- function(t,y,p){"
j <- 2

for (i in 1:length(parmstate)) {
      if (i <= length(model$Parms)) {
              pkmodel[j] <- paste(parmstate[i], "<- exp(p[\"",parmstate[i], "\"])", sep = "")
              j <- j + 1
              pkmodel[j] <- paste(parmstate[i], "<- y[",i - length(model$Parms), "]", sep = "")
              j <- j + 1

      if (!is.null(DoseInfo$Rate)) {
            pkmodel[j] <- "Rate <- p[\"Rate\"]"
            j <- j + 1
            pkmodel[j] <- "Tcrit <- p[\"Tcrit\"]"
            j <- j + 1
            if (length(RatePlace) != 0 & LogParms == TRUE) 
                pkmodel[j] <- "Rate <- exp(p[\"Rate\"])"
                j <- j + 1
            if (length(TcritPlace) != 0 & LogParms == TRUE) 
                pkmodel[j] <- "Tcrit <- exp(p[\"Tcrit\"])"
                j <- j + 1
lsodaeq <- character(length(model$DiffEq))

for (i in 1:length(model$DiffEq)) {
            pkmodel[j] <- paste("yd", i, "<-", rev(as.character(model$DiffEq[[i]]))[[1]],sep = "")
            j <- j + 1
            lsodaeq[i] <- paste("yd", i, sep = "")
pkmodel[j] <- paste("list(c(", sep = "", paste(lsodaeq,collapse = ","), "))")
pkmodel[j+1] <- "}"

pkmodel <- eval(parse(text=pkmodel))
#assign(".pkmodel",pkmodel, pos = .GlobalEnv)

    function(...) {
        Input <- list(...)
        if (is.null(nameType) & is.null(nameOccasion)) {
            Parms <- Input[1:(length(Input) - 2)]
            Time <- Input[[(length(Input) - 1)]]
            Subject <- Input[[length(Input)]]
        else {
            if (is.null(nameOccasion)) {
                Parms <- Input[1:(length(Input) - 3)]
                Time <- Input[[(length(Input) - 2)]]
                Subject <- Input[[length(Input) - 1]]
                Type <- Input[[length(Input)]]
            else {
                Parms <- Input[1:(length(Input) - 3)]
                Time <- Input[[(length(Input) - 2)]]
                Subject <- paste(Input[[length(Input) - 1]], 
                  "/", Input[[length(Input)]], sep = "")
        Initial <- Parms[InitParms]
        parameters <- Parms[DiffParms]
        Scale <- list()
        for (i in 1:length(Scales)) {
            if (!is.null(Scales[[i]])) {
                if (!is.null(ScaleDiv[[i]])) {
                  if (!is.null(ScaleMult[[i]])) {
                    if (LogParms == TRUE) {
                      Scale[[i]] <- exp(unlist(Parms[grep(ScaleMult[[i]], 
                    else {
                      Scale[[i]] <- unlist(Parms[grep(ScaleMult[[i]], 
                  else {
                    if (LogParms == TRUE) {
                      Scale[[i]] <- 1/exp(unlist(Parms[grep(ScaleDiv[[i]], 
                    else {
                      Scale[[i]] <- 1/unlist(Parms[grep(ScaleDiv[[i]], 
                else {
                  if (LogParms == TRUE) {
                    Scale[[i]] <- exp(unlist(Parms[ObsParms]))
                  else {
                    Scale[[i]] <- unlist(Parms[ObsParms])
            else {
                Scale[[i]] <- rep(1, length(Subject))
        z <- rep(NA, length(Subject))
        if (SEQ == TRUE) {
            SEAll <- matrix(NA, nrow = length(Subject), ncol = NoP)
        for (subj in unique(as.character(Subject))) {
            if (ninit > 0) {
                if (SEQ == TRUE) {
                  InitVector <- Info[[subj]][[as.character(1)]]$Init
                  for (i in 1:(NoS * NoP)) {
                    model$Init[NoS + i] <- FALSE
                else {
                  InitVector <- Info[[subj]][[as.character(1)]]$Init
                if (LogParms == TRUE) {
                  for (i in 1:length(InitVector)) {
                    if (sinit[i]) {
                      nInitial <- 1
                      for (j in 1:length(InitParms)) {
                        if (InitParms[j]) {
                          eval(parse(text = paste(model$Parms[j], 
                            "<-", exp(unlist(unique(Initial[[nInitial]][subj == 
                          nInitial <- nInitial + 1
                      InitVector[i] <- eval(parse(text = model$Init[[i]]))
                else {
                  for (i in 1:length(InitVector)) {
                    if (sinit[i]) {
                      nInitial <- 1
                      for (j in 1:length(InitParms)) {
                        if (InitParms[j]) {
                          eval(parse(text = paste(model$Parms[j], 
                            "<-", unlist(unique(Initial[[nInitial]][subj == 
                          nInitial <- nInitial + 1
                      InitVector[i] <- eval(parse(text = model$Init[[i]]))
                Info[[subj]][[as.character(1)]]$Init <- InitVector
            lsodaparms <- vector("numeric", length(parameters))
            for (i in 1:length(parameters)) {
                lsodaparms[i] <- paste(model$Parms[which(DiffParms)[i]], 
                  "=", unique(parameters[[i]][subj == Subject]), 
                  sep = "")
            BioComb <- rep("1", length(BioState))
            for (i in 1:length(BioState)) {
                if (BioState[i]) {
                  BioNo <- grep(paste("F", i, sep = ""), model$Parms)
                  if (LogParms) {
                    eval(parse(text = paste("F", i, "<-", exp(unique(Parms[[BioNo]][subj == 
                      Subject])), sep = "")))
                  else {
                    eval(parse(text = paste("F", i, "<-", unique(Parms[[BioNo]][subj == 
                      Subject]), sep = "")))
                  BioComb[i] <- paste("F", i, sep = "")
            eval(parse(text = paste("BioComb <- ", paste("c(", 
                paste(BioComb, sep = "", collapse = ","), ")", 
                sep = ""))))
            if (!is.null(DoseInfo$Tcrit) & max(DoseInfo$Ndose[DoseInfo[, 
                nameSubject] == subj]) > 1) {
                xhat <- list()
                SE <- list()
                for (i in 1:length(Info[[subj]])) {
                  if (!is.null(Info[[subj]][[as.character(i)]]$Rate)) {
                    if (Info[[subj]][[as.character(i)]]$Rate >= 
                      0 & Info[[subj]][[as.character(i)]]$StartTime >= 
                      0) {
                      lsodaparms[length(parameters) + 1] <- paste("Rate=", 
                      lsodaparms[length(parameters) + 2] <- paste("Tcrit=", 
                      lsodaparms[length(parameters) + 3] <- paste("StartT=", 
                    else {
                      if (Info[[subj]][[as.character(i)]]$Rate == 
                        0) {
                        if (length(RatePlace) > 0) {
                          lsodaparms[RatePlace] <- "Rate=0"
                          lsodaparms[length(parameters) + 1] <- "Tcrit=0"
                        if (length(TcritPlace) > 0) {
                          lsodaparms[TcritPlace] <- "Tcrit=0"
                          lsodaparms[length(parameters) + 1] <- "Rate=0"
                      if (Info[[subj]][[as.character(i)]]$Rate == 
                        -1) {
                        if (LogParms) {
                          Info[[subj]][[as.character(i)]]$Tcrit <- Info[[subj]][[as.character(i)]]$StartTime + 
                            Info[[subj]][[as.character(i)]]$Dose/exp(unique(Parms[[RatePlace]][subj == 
                        else {
                          Info[[subj]][[as.character(i)]]$Tcrit <- Info[[subj]][[as.character(i)]]$StartTime + 
                            Info[[subj]][[as.character(i)]]$Dose/unique(Parms[[RatePlace]][subj == 
                        lsodaparms[length(parameters) + 1] <- paste("Tcrit=", 
                        lsodaparms[length(parameters) + 2] <- paste("StartT=", 
                      if (Info[[subj]][[as.character(i)]]$Rate == 
                        -2) {
                        if (LogParms) {
                          Info[[subj]][[as.character(i)]]$Rate <- Info[[subj]][[as.character(i)]]$Dose/(exp(unique(Parms[[TcritPlace]][subj == 
                            Subject])) - Info[[subj]][[as.character(i)]]$StartTime)
                          Info[[subj]][[as.character(i)]]$Tcrit <- exp(unique(Parms[[TcritPlace]][subj == 
                        else {
                          Info[[subj]][[as.character(i)]]$Rate <- Info[[subj]][[as.character(i)]]$Dose/(unique(Parms[[TcritPlace]][subj == 
                            Subject]) - Info[[subj]][[as.character(i)]]$StartTime)
                          Info[[subj]][[as.character(i)]]$Tcrit <- unique(Parms[[TcritPlace]][subj == 
                        lsodaparms[length(parameters) + 1] <- paste("Rate=", 
                        lsodaparms[length(parameters) + 2] <- paste("StartT=", 
                  if (i == 1) {
                    if (is.null(nameType)) {
                      xhat[[i]] <- lsoda(Info[[subj]][[as.character(i)]]$Init * 
                        BioComb, Time[subj == Subject & Time <= 
                        Info[[subj]][[as.character(i + 1)]]$StartTime], 
                        pkmodel, tcrit = Info[[subj]][[as.character(i + 
                          1)]]$StartTime, parms = eval(parse(text = paste("c(", 
                          sep = "", paste(lsodaparms, collapse = ","), 
                          ")"))), rtol = rtol, atol = atol,
                        hmin = hmin, hmax = hmax)
                    else {
                      xhat[[i]] <- lsoda(Info[[subj]][[as.character(i)]]$Init * 
                        BioComb, Time[subj == Subject & Time <= 
                        Info[[subj]][[as.character(i + 1)]]$StartTime & 
                        Type == 1], pkmodel, tcrit = Info[[subj]][[as.character(i + 
                        1)]]$StartTime, parms = eval(parse(text = paste("c(", 
                        sep = "", paste(lsodaparms, collapse = ","), 
                        ")"))), rtol = rtol, atol = atol,
                        hmin = hmin, hmax = hmax)
                  else {
                    if (i != length(Info[[subj]])) {
                      if (is.null(nameType)) {
                        xhat[[i]] <- lsoda(xhat[[i - 1]][dim(xhat[[i - 
                          1]])[1], -1] + Info[[subj]][[as.character(i)]]$Init * 
                          BioComb, Time[subj == Subject & Time >= 
                          Info[[subj]][[as.character(i)]]$StartTime & 
                          Time <= Info[[subj]][[as.character(i + 
                            1)]]$StartTime], pkmodel, tcrit = Info[[subj]][[as.character(i + 
                          1)]]$StartTime, parms = eval(parse(text = paste("c(", 
                          sep = "", paste(lsodaparms, collapse = ","), 
                          ")"))), rtol = rtol, atol = atol,
                          hmin = hmin, hmax = hmax)
                      else {
                        xhat[[i]] <- lsoda(xhat[[i - 1]][dim(xhat[[i - 
                          1]])[1], -1] + Info[[subj]][[as.character(i)]]$Init * 
                          BioComb, Time[subj == Subject & Time >= 
                          Info[[subj]][[as.character(i)]]$StartTime & 
                          Time <= Info[[subj]][[as.character(i + 
                            1)]]$StartTime & Type == 1], pkmodel, 
                          tcrit = Info[[subj]][[as.character(i + 
                            1)]]$StartTime, parms = eval(parse(text = paste("c(", 
                            sep = "", paste(lsodaparms, collapse = ","), 
                            ")"))), rtol = rtol, atol = atol,  hmin = hmin, hmax = hmax)
                    else {
                      if (is.null(nameType)) {
                        xhat[[i]] <- lsoda(xhat[[i - 1]][dim(xhat[[i - 
                          1]])[1], -1] + Info[[subj]][[as.character(i)]]$Init * 
                          BioComb, Time[subj == Subject & Time >= 
                          pkmodel, parms = eval(parse(text = paste("c(", 
                            sep = "", paste(lsodaparms, collapse = ","), 
                            ")"))), rtol = rtol, atol = atol, hmin = hmin, hmax = hmax)
                      else {
                        xhat[[i]] <- lsoda(xhat[[i - 1]][dim(xhat[[i - 
                          1]])[1], -1] + Info[[subj]][[as.character(i)]]$Init * 
                          BioComb, Time[subj == Subject & Time >= 
                          Info[[subj]][[as.character(i)]]$StartTime & 
                          Type == 1], pkmodel, parms = eval(parse(text = paste("c(", 
                          sep = "", paste(lsodaparms, collapse = ","), 
                          ")"))), rtol = rtol, atol = atol, hmin = hmin, hmax = hmax)
                    TimeBefore <- rev(Time[subj == Subject & 
                      Time <= Info[[subj]][[as.character(i)]]$StartTime])[1]
                    if (i != length(Info[[subj]])) {
                      TimeNow <- Time[subj == Subject & Time >= 
                        Info[[subj]][[as.character(i)]]$StartTime & 
                        Time <= Info[[subj]][[as.character(i + 
                    else {
                      TimeNow <- Time[subj == Subject & Time >= 
                    if (length(parameters[[1]]) == length(data[, 
                      nameTime]) & TimeBefore == TimeNow) {
                      xhat[[i - 1]] <- xhat[[i - 1]][-dim(xhat[[i - 
                        1]])[1], , drop = FALSE]
                for (i in 1:length(Info[[subj]])) {
                  if (i == 1) {
                    if (SEQ == TRUE) {
                      SE[[i]] <- xhat[[i]][, c(FALSE, rep(FALSE, 
                        length(ObsStates)), rep(ObsStates, each = NoP)), 
                        drop = FALSE]
                      x <- xhat[[i]][, c(TRUE, rep(TRUE, length(ObsStates)), 
                        rep(FALSE, (NoS * NoP))), drop = FALSE]
                    else {
                      x <- xhat[[i]]
                  else {
                    if (SEQ == TRUE) {
                      SE[[i]] <- xhat[[i]][, c(FALSE, rep(FALSE, 
                        length(ObsStates)), rep(ObsStates, each = NoP)), 
                        drop = FALSE]
                      x <- rbind(x, xhat[[i]][, c(TRUE, rep(TRUE, 
                        length(ObsStates)), rep(FALSE, (NoS * 
                        NoP))), drop = FALSE])
                    else {
                      x <- rbind(x, xhat[[i]])
                if (SEQ == TRUE) {
                  SE <- unlist(SE)
                  SEAll[subj == Subject, ] <- SE
            else {
                if (!is.null(Info[[subj]][["1"]]$Rate)) {
                  if (Info[[subj]][["1"]]$Rate >= 0 & Info[[subj]][["1"]]$StartTime >= 
                    0) {
                    lsodaparms[length(parameters) + 1] <- paste("Rate=", 
                    lsodaparms[length(parameters) + 2] <- paste("Tcrit=", 
                    lsodaparms[length(parameters) + 3] <- paste("StartT=", 
                  else {
                    if (Info[[subj]][["1"]]$Rate == -1) {
                      Info[[subj]][["1"]]$Tcrit <- Info[[subj]][["1"]]$StartTime + 
                        Info[[subj]][["1"]]$Dose/exp(unique(parameters[[RatePlace]][subj == 
                      lsodaparms[length(parameters) + 1] <- paste("Tcrit=", 
                    if (Info[[subj]][["1"]]$Rate == -2) {
                      Info[[subj]][["1"]]$Rate <- Info[[subj]][["1"]]$Dose/(exp(unique(parameters[[TcritPlace]][subj == 
                        Subject])) - Info[[subj]][["1"]]$StartTime)
                      lsodaparms[length(parameters) + 1] <- paste("Rate=", 
                      Info[[subj]][["1"]]$Tcrit <- exp(unique(parameters[[TcritPlace]][subj == 
                if (is.null(nameType)) {
                  x <- lsoda(Info[[subj]][["1"]]$Init * BioComb, 
                    Time[subj == Subject], pkmodel, parms = eval(parse(text = paste("c(", 
                      sep = "", paste(lsodaparms, collapse = ","), 
                      ")"))), rtol = rtol, atol = atol, tcrit = tcrit, hmin = hmin, hmax = hmax)
                  if (SEQ == TRUE) {
                    SEAll[subj == Subject, ] <- x[, c(FALSE, 
                      rep(FALSE, length(ObsStates)), rep(ObsStates, 
                        each = NoP)), drop = FALSE]
                    x <- x[, c(TRUE, rep(TRUE, length(ObsStates)), 
                      rep(FALSE, (NoS * NoP))), drop = FALSE]
                else {
                  x <- lsoda(Info[[subj]][["1"]]$Init * BioComb, 
                    Time[subj == Subject & Type == 1], pkmodel, 
                    parms = eval(parse(text = paste("c(", sep = "", 
                      paste(lsodaparms, collapse = ","), ")"))), 
                    rtol = rtol, atol = atol, tcrit = tcrit, hmin = hmin, hmax = hmax)
            FirstTime <- TRUE

            for (i in 1:length(Scale)) {
                if (ObsStates[i]) {
                  if (FirstTime) {
                    yhat <- cbind(x[, 1], x[, i + 1] * unique(Scale[[i]][subj == 
                    FirstTime <- FALSE
                  else {
                    yhat <- rbind(yhat, cbind(x[, 1], x[, i + 
                      1] * unique(Scale[[i]][subj == Subject])))

            z[subj == Subject] <- yhat[order(yhat[, 1]), 2]


        if (SEQ == TRUE) {
            SEparms <- model$Parms
            .grad <- array(1, c(length(z), NoP), list(NULL, SEparms))
            .grad[, 1:NoP] <- SEAll
            if (ninit > 0) {
                .grad[, (NoP - ninit + 1):NoP] <- 1
            dimnames(.grad) <- list(NULL, SEparms)
            attr(z, "gradient") <- .grad


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insideRODE documentation built on May 1, 2019, 7:29 p.m.