intsvy.ben.pv <- function(pvnames, by, cutoff, data, atlevel = FALSE,
export=FALSE, name= "output", folder=getwd(), config) {
if (missing(cutoff)) {
cutoff = config$parameters$cutoffs
pv.ben.input <- function(pvnames, data, cutoff, config) {
# JK with weight variables
if (config$parameters$weights == "JK with weights") {
if (isTRUE(atlevel)) {
stop("Not implemented yet")
#pvnames <- paste0("^", config$variables$pvlabelpref, "*[0-9].*", pvnames)
#pvnames <- grep(pvnames, names(data), value = TRUE)
weights <- grep(paste0("^", config$variables$weightJK , ".*[0-9]+$"),
names(data), value = TRUE)
# remove missings in pvalues and weights
data <- data[complete.cases(data[, c(pvnames[1], weights[1], config$variables$weight)]), ]
# data is empty
if (sum([[pvnames[1]]])))==length(data[[pvnames[1]]])) {
result <- data.frame(NA, "Freq"=0, "Percentage"=NA, "Std.err."= NA)
names(result)[1] <- pvnames[1]
# Replicate weighted percentages PVs (sampling error)
tabpvr <- lapply(1:length(pvnames), function(m) sapply(1:length(cutoff), function(z)
sapply(1:length(weights), function(x)
100*weighted.mean(data[[pvnames[m]]]>=cutoff[z], w = data[[weights[x]]]))))
# Total weighted %s PVs
tabpv <- sapply(1:length(cutoff), function(z) sapply(pvnames, function(x)
100*weighted.mean(data[[x]]>=cutoff[z], w=data[[config$variables$weight]], na.rm=TRUE)))
# Sampling error within (PV1), between PV error, and total (se)
tabpvw <- apply(, lapply(1:length(pvnames), function(m)
sapply(1:length(cutoff), function(y)
sum(sapply(1:length(weights), function(x) (tabpvr[[m]][x,y]-tabpv[m,y])^2))))), 2, mean)
tabpvb <- (1+1/length(pvnames))*apply(tabpv, 2, var)
tabse <- round((tabpvw+tabpvb)^(1/2), 2)
# Total %
tabtot <- round(apply(tabpv, 2, mean), 2)
# Result
result <- data.frame("Benchmark"=paste(rep("At or above", length(cutoff)), cutoff),
"Percentage"=tabtot, "Std. err."= tabse, check.names=F)
# JK
if (config$parameters$weights == "JK") {
# jack knife
if (isTRUE(atlevel)) {
stop("Not implemented yet")
#pvnames <- grep(pvnames, names(data), value = TRUE)
# data is empty
if (sum([[pvnames[1]]])))==length(data[[pvnames[1]]])) {
result <- data.frame(NA, "Freq"=0, "Percentage"=NA, "Std.err."= NA)
names(result)[1] <- pvnames[1]
# Replicate weighted percentages PV1 (sampling error)
R.wt <- sapply(1:max(data[[config$variables$jackknifeZone]]), function(x)
ifelse(data[[config$variables$jackknifeZone]] == x,
2*data[[config$variables$weight]]*data[[config$variables$jackknifeRep]], data[[config$variables$weight]]))
if (isTRUE(config$parameters$varpv1)) {
tabpv1 <- sapply(1:length(cutoff), function(z) sapply(1:ncol(R.wt), function(x)
100*weighted.mean(data[[pvnames[1]]]>=cutoff[z], w = R.wt[,x])))
# Total weighted %s PVs
tabpv <- sapply(1:length(cutoff), function(z) sapply(pvnames, function(x)
100*weighted.mean(as.numeric(data[[x]]>=cutoff[z]), w=data[[config$variables$weight]], na.rm=TRUE)))
# Sampling error within (PV1), between PV error, and total (se)
tabpvw <- sapply(1:length(cutoff), function(y) sum(sapply(1:max(data[[config$variables$jackknifeZone]]), function(x)
tabpvb <- (1+1/length(pvnames))*apply(tabpv, 2, var)
tabse <- round((tabpvw+tabpvb)^(1/2), 2)
# Total %
tabtot <- round(apply(tabpv, 2, mean), 2)
# Result
result <- data.frame("Benchmark"=paste(rep("At or above", length(cutoff)), cutoff),
"Percentage"=tabtot, "Std. err."= tabse, check.names=F)
} else {
R.wt2 <- sapply(1:max(data[[config$variables$jackknifeZone]]), function(x)
ifelse(data[[config$variables$jackknifeZone]] == x,
2*data[[config$variables$weight]]*ifelse(data[[config$variables$jackknifeRep]]==1,0,1), data[[config$variables$weight]]))
R.wt <- cbind(R.wt, R.wt2)
tabpv1 <- lapply(1:length(pvnames), function(m) sapply(1:length(cutoff), function(z)
sapply(1:ncol(R.wt), function(x)
100*weighted.mean(data[[pvnames[m]]]>=cutoff[z], w = R.wt[,x]))))
# Total weighted %s PVs
tabpv <- sapply(1:length(cutoff), function(z) sapply(pvnames, function(x)
100*weighted.mean(as.numeric(data[[x]]>=cutoff[z]), w=data[[config$variables$weight]], na.rm=TRUE)))
# Sampling error within (PV1), between PV error, and total (se)
tabpvw <- apply(, lapply(1:length(pvnames), function(m)
sapply(1:length(cutoff), function(y)
sum(sapply(1:ncol(R.wt), function(x) (tabpv1[[m]][x,y]-tabpv[m,y])^2))/2))), 2, mean)
tabpvb <- (1+1/length(pvnames))*apply(tabpv, 2, var)
tabse <- round((tabpvw+tabpvb)^(1/2), 2)
# Total %
tabtot <- round(apply(tabpv, 2, mean), 2)
# Result
result <- data.frame("Benchmark"=paste(rep("At or above", length(cutoff)), cutoff),
"Percentage"=tabtot, "Std. err."= tabse, check.names=F)
if (config$parameters$weights == "BRR") {
# balanced repeated replication
# Replicate weighted %s (sampling error)
#pvnames <- paste0(pvnames, ".*[0-9]|[0-9].*", pvnames)
#pvnames <- grep(pvnames, names(data), value = TRUE)
weights <- grep(paste0("^", config$variables$weightBRR , ".*[0-9]+$"),
names(data), value = TRUE)
# remove missings in pvalues and weights
data <- data[complete.cases(data[, c(pvnames[1], weights[1], config$variables$weightFinal)]), ]
# data is empty
if (sum([[pvnames[1]]])))==length(data[[pvnames[1]]])) {
result <- data.frame(NA, "Freq"=0, "Percentage"=NA, "Std.err."= NA)
names(result)[1] <- pvnames[1]
if (isTRUE(atlevel)) {
# First level indicator (1/0) for PVs
level1 <- lapply(pvnames, function(x) ifelse(data[[x]] <= cutoff[1], 1, 0))
# Levels in between indicators (1/0) for PVs <- lapply(pvnames, function(x) sapply(2:length(cutoff), function(z)
ifelse(data[[x]] > cutoff[z-1] & data[[x]] <= cutoff[z], 1, 0)))
# Last level indicator (1/0) for PVs
levell <- lapply(pvnames, function(x) ifelse(data[[x]] > cutoff[length(cutoff)], 1, 0))
# Recoded data for standard analysis <- lapply(1:length(pvnames), function(x) cbind(level1[[x]],[[x]], levell[[x]]))
# Percentages for replicates and pvs
tabpvrp <- lapply(1:length(pvnames), function(x)
sapply(1:length(weights), function(i)
100*apply([[x]], 2, weighted.mean,
w = data[[weights[i]]], na.rm= TRUE)))
# Total percentages for pvs
tabpvt <- sapply(1:length(pvnames), function(x)
100*apply([[x]], 2, weighted.mean,
w= data[[config$variables$weightFinal]], na.rm= TRUE))
# Mean of means (the one is reported)
tabtot <- apply(tabpvt, 1, mean)
# Sampling error, between PV error, and total (se)
cc = 1/(length(weights)*(1-0.5)^2)
varw <- apply(sapply(1:length(pvnames),
function(x) cc*apply(sapply(1:length(weights), function(i) (tabpvrp[[x]][, i] - tabpvt[ , x])^2), 1, sum)), 1, mean)
varb <- (1/(length(pvnames)-1))*apply(sapply(1:length(pvnames), function(x) (tabpvt[, x]-tabtot)^2), 1, sum)
tabse <-(varw+(1+1/length(pvnames))*varb)^(1/2)
# Result
result <- data.frame("Benchmarks"= c(paste0("<= ", cutoff[1]),
paste0(rep("(", length(cutoff) -1), cutoff[1:length(cutoff)-1],
", ", cutoff[2:length(cutoff)], "]"), paste0("> ", cutoff[length(cutoff)])),
"Percentage"=round(tabtot, 2), "Std. err."= round(tabse,2), check.names=F)
if (isFALSE(atlevel)) {
# variation across pvs and weights
tabpvrp <- lapply(1:length(pvnames), function(m) sapply(1:length(cutoff), function(z)
sapply(1:length(weights), function(i)
w = data[[weights[i]]], na.rm=TRUE))))
# PV variation across total weight
tabpvt <- sapply(1:length(cutoff), function(z) sapply(pvnames, function(x)
w=data[[config$variables$weightFinal]], na.rm=TRUE)))
# Mean of means (the one is reported)
tabtot <- apply(tabpvt, 2, mean)
# Sampling error, between PV error, and total (se)
cc = 1/(length(weights)*(1-0.5)^2)
varw <- apply(sapply(1:length(cutoff),
function(cut) cc*apply(sapply(1:length(pvnames),
function(pv) sapply(1:length(weights), function(w)
(tabpvrp[[pv]][w, cut] - tabpvt[pv , cut])^2)), 2, sum)), 2, mean)
varb <- (1/(length(pvnames)-1))*apply(sapply(1:length(cutoff),
function(cut) sapply(1:length(pvnames), function(pv)
(tabpvt[pv, cut]-tabtot[cut])^2)), 2, sum)
tabse <-(varw+(1+1/length(pvnames))*varb)^(1/2)
# Result
result <- data.frame("Benchmark"=paste(rep("At or above", length(cutoff)), cutoff),
"Std. err."= round(tabse,2), check.names=F)
if (config$parameters$weights == "mixed_piaac") {
# mixed design, different for different countries
# data is empty
if (sum([[pvnames[1]]])))==length(data[[pvnames[1]]])) {
result <- data.frame(NA, "Freq"=0, "Percentage"=NA, "Std.err."= NA)
names(result)[1] <- pvnames[1]
# First level indicator (1/0) for 10 PVs
level1 <- lapply(pvnames, function(x) ifelse(data[[x]] <= cutoff[1], 1, 0))
# Levels in between indicators (1/0) for 10 PVs <- lapply(pvnames, function(x) sapply(2:length(cutoff), function(z)
ifelse(data[[x]] > cutoff[z-1] & data[[x]] <= cutoff[z], 1, 0)))
# special case for one row only - lost direction
if (nrow(data)==1) { <- lapply(, matrix, nrow=1)
# Last level indicator (1/0) for 10 PVs
levell <- lapply(pvnames, function(x) ifelse(data[[x]] > cutoff[length(cutoff)], 1, 0))
# Recoded data for standard analysis <- lapply(1:length(pvnames), function(x)
cbind(level1[[x]],[[x]], levell[[x]]))
# Percentages for replicates and pvs
tabpvrp <- lapply(1:length(pvnames), function(x)
sapply(1:config$parameters$BRRreps, function(i)
100*apply([[x]], 2, weighted.mean,
w= data[[paste(config$variables$weightBRR, i , sep="")]], na.rm= TRUE)))
# Total percentages for pvs
tabpvt <- sapply(1:length(pvnames), function(x)
100*apply([[x]], 2, weighted.mean,
w= data[[config$variables$weightFinal]], na.rm= TRUE))
# Mean of means (the one is reported)
tabtot <- apply(tabpvt, 1, mean)
# Sampling error, between PV error, and total (se)
cntName <- as.character(unique(data$CNTRYID))[1]
cc <- piaacReplicationScheme[cntName,"c"]
if ( cc <- 1
varw <- apply(sapply(1:length(pvnames), function(x)
cc*apply(sapply(1:config$parameters$BRRreps, function(i)
(tabpvrp[[x]][, i] - tabpvt[ , x])^2), 1, sum)), 1, mean)
varb <- (1/(length(pvnames)-1))*apply(sapply(1:length(pvnames),
function(x) (tabpvt[, x]-tabtot)^2), 1, sum)
tabse <-(varw+(1+1/length(pvnames))*varb)^(1/2)
# Result
result <- data.frame("Benchmarks"= c(paste("Below/equal to", cutoff[1]),
paste(rep("greater than", length(cutoff) -1), cutoff[1:length(cutoff)-1],
"to less/equal than", cutoff[2:length(cutoff)]), paste("Above", cutoff[length(cutoff)])),
"Percentage"=round(tabtot, 2), "Std. err."= round(tabse,2), check.names=F)
# If by not supplied, calculate for complete sample
if (missing(by)) {
output <- pv.ben.input(pvnames=pvnames, cutoff=cutoff, data=data, config=config)
} else {
for (i in by) {
data[[c(i)]] <- as.factor(data[[c(i)]])
output <- ddply(data, by, function(x) pv.ben.input(pvnames=pvnames, cutoff=cutoff, data=x, config=config))
if (export) {
write.csv(output, file=file.path(folder, paste(name, ".csv", sep="")))
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